ICANN house resuscitates .Hospital tip turn domain name - Objection decision will be heard by new panel.
ICANN’s board has approved a resolution that breathes new life into Donuts’ application to run the .hospital top level domain name.
Back in 2013, an International Chamber of Commerce panel agreed with the Independent Objectors’ limited public interest objection to the .hospital top level domain name. It was a flawed decision that was inconsistent with similar objection decisions.
Two members of the panel came up with their own rules for determining ... read more ...
Tag Archives: ICANN
Mon 8th February 2016
ICANN cans Panama discussion over Zika fears - Mosquitos force relocation of June meeting.
Late Friday, ICANN announced that it is moving this summer’s meeting scheduled for Panama City due to fears over the Zika virus.
The non-profit posted a notice on its meetings page:
ICANN56, scheduled to be held in Panama in June 2016, will be moved to another location due to the severity of the Zika Virus outbreak in the Latin America region. A search is currently underway to identify an alternate location where the Zika Virus is not a concern. We look ... read more ...
Wed 3rd February 2016
.Gay domain name applicant denied again - ICANN Board Governance Committee denies one .gay applicant’s request for reconsideration.
dotgay LLC has lost again in its attempt to get community status for its .Gay top level domain name application.
The company lost its first bid for community status, and then got a second crack at the Community Priority Evaluation process because of a procedural technicality. It lost that bid as well.
It then filed a request for reconsideration. ICANN’s Board Governance Committee just denied the request.
Unfortunately ... read more ...
41,5 miliona za domenę najwyższego poziomu. Trochę nie mieści mi się to w głowie -
Mówią, że rzeczy są warte tyle, ile ktoś jest w stanie za nie zapłacić. I patrząc na to, jaka suma została wyłożona na stół przez japońskie GMO (nie, nie chodzi o „to” GMO) otrzymuję kolejne potwierdzenie dla tej tezy. Zagłębiając się w informacje z rynku domen dowiedziałem się, że najwyższą ofertą (poza GMO) jaką złożono na licytacji było ... read more ...
Sat 30th January 2016
Artık ‘istanbul’ ve ‘ist’ de internet adresi uzantısı - Ülkelere verilen yerel alan adları ve diğer alan adları aşağıdadır. Alan adları IANA olarak bilinen uluslararası bir kuruluş tarafından yönetilmektedir.
İnternet Ülke Alan Kodu, (İngilizce ccTLD: country-code Top Level Domain) İnternet adreslerinde ülkeyi belirten iki harflik en son uzantı. Örnegin www.aso.com.tr alan adında “.tr” Türkiye için İnternet Ülke Alan Kodunu gösterir. Bu kod Rusya için “.ru”, İtalya için “.it”dir.
Ülke alan adları için kayıt ... read more ...
Wed 27th January 2016
¿Cómo hizo la Unión Soviética para enviar a su primer hombre a … - El Espectador / A primera vista, hablar del " internet soviético " parece paradójico y anacrónico. Sin embargo, realmente existió. Esto explica por qué hoy en día aún se encuentra disponible el dominio de nivel superior ".su" ( Unión Soviética ) en el mercado de dominios, más allá de que la ICANN (Corporación de Internet para la Asignación de Nombres y Números) haya pedido que lo eliminaran.Los investigadores del internet soviético generalmente coinciden en que su desarrollo comenzó ... read more ...
¿Cómo hizo la Unión Soviética para enviar a su primer hombre a internet? - El Espectador / A primera vista, hablar del " internet soviético " parece paradójico y anacrónico. Sin embargo, realmente existió. Esto explica por qué hoy en día aún se encuentra disponible el dominio de nivel superior ".su" ( Unión Soviética ) en el mercado de dominios, más allá de que la ICANN (Corporación de Internet para la Asignación de Nombres y Números) haya pedido que lo eliminaran.Los investigadores del internet soviético generalmente coinciden en que su desarrollo comenzó ... read more ...
Tue 26th January 2016
Így regisztráljon .CLOUD felső szintű domaint -
Anyavállaltunk, az Aruba S.p.A 2014-ben megnyerte az ICANN által meghirdetett pályázatot, ezáltal kizárólagos jogosultságot szerzett a .CLOUD felső szintű domain név (Top Level Domain) regisztrációjára.
Miért jó .CLOUD domain név?
– Mert a CLOUD az internet jövője.
– Mert gyorsan növekvő piac.
– Mert minden felhős megoldást képvisel.
– Mert biztosítja a legjobb megjelenést a piaci versenyben.
– Mert alkalmazkodik a különböző igényekhez és felhasználáshoz.
– ... read more ...
Tue 19th January 2016
ICANN Plans to Track gTLD Marketplace Health - How are top level domain names doing? We might soon have a way to track them.
ICANN has formed a working group to create metrics designed to assess the overall health of the marketplace for gTLDs. Preliminary documents indicate that the scope may include all gTLDs rather than just the ones commonly referred to as “new gTLDs.”
Could this be the first step toward a tool that allows ICANN to forecast future revenue? Or for ICANN to use in deciding when to open the next round of gTLD applications?
ICANN ... read more ...
Sun 10th January 2016
The ICA Is Having a Coming Out Party At Namescon; Come Join US -
Michael Berkens, Esq. is a owner and Editor-in-Chief of TheDomains.com. Michael is also a co-founder of Worldwide Media Inc. that sole around 70K domain to Godaddy.com in Dec 2015 and now owns around 5K domain names . Michael is also a Director of RightoftheDot.com that is a consultant in a new gTLD space and a attorney of super reward domains. Michael was also one of a 5 Judges comparison for a a Verisign 30th Anniversary .Com competition this year.
Via: thedomains.com
Tue 5th January 2016
Los nuevos dominios, una alternativa para atraer a potenciales clientes - ');eIFD.close();
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Los nuevos dominios, una alternativa para atraer a potenciales … - ');eIFD.close();
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Wed 16th December 2015
Congresso americano continua a tentar impedir perda de controlo da Internet - Os Republicanos aprovaram medidas de contenção orçamental para 2016 e entre elas está uma que impede a National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), a entidade que gere o ICANN, que por sua vez gere a IANA, de gastar qualquer verba com a transferência de responsabilidades nas funções relacionadas com o sistema de nomes de domínio Internet. Ao que indica o The Verge, contudo, os Republicanos esqueceram-se de todo o tempo que ainda vai ser necessário para o governo avaliar ... read more ...
Tue 15th December 2015
Sete domínios do Pirate Bay foram suspensos -
Mais domínios do popular site de torrents The Pirate Bay foram suspensos. Os problemas, que estão relacionados com o sistema de verificação do ICANN, já afetam pelo menos sete domínios, incluindo o ThePirateBay.com e o navegador anticensura Pirate Browser. Na semana passada, o The Pirate Bay teve um problema sério com um dos seus domínios-chave, quando o ThePirateBay.org original foi suspenso pelo seu registrador, o EuroDNS, devido a um problema na verificação da Corporação da Internet ... read more ...
Fri 11th December 2015
Globális támadás érte az internetet -
Két alkalommal is túlterheléses támadás ért a névfeloldásért felelős DNS root szervereket (DDoS) – számolt be róla az IT Café. A november 30-án és december 1-jén észlelt támadásokról a globális internetforgalom biztosításáért felelős Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) részlege, az Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) tájékoztatott jelentésében december 4-én. A támadások egyes szervereknél problémát okoztak, de a globális ... read more ...
Thu 10th December 2015
Észrevette? Csuklott egyet az internet -
+36 1 436 2000
Terjesztés HVG Kiadó Zrt.:
+36 1 436 2045[email protected]
E-mail címünk:
A hvg.hu szerkesztősége:[email protected]
A HVG Hetilap szerkesztősége:[email protected]
... read more ...
Donuts: We are not Going To Delete New gTLD Extensions - Donuts has responded to last Friday’s cybersecurity consulting firm Internet Identity (IID) report predicting “the eventual demise of any number of new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and the websites populated within them—primarily due to financial underperformance”.
Donuts has responded strongly to debunk the report saying as the largest new gTLD operator they will not be closing down any new gTLD strings.
Here is the statement Donuts gave to thedomains.com exclusively about the “report”
“”One ... read more ...
Tue 8th December 2015
Domínio .org do Pirate Bay está suspenso -
Visitantes do site "thepiratebay.org" estão sendo recebidos com a mensagem "Este nome de domínio está pendente de verificação no ICANN e foi suspenso. Se você for o proprietário deste domínio, pode reativá-lo entrando em sua conta". Mesmo que este não seja mais o principal nome de domínio para o site, ele ainda estava sendo utilizado por muitas pessoas como um redirecionamento para os novos endereços do Pirate Bay. Conforme explica a mensagem no site, o domínio parou de funcionar ... read more ...
Fri 6th November 2015
Former VP of ICANN Hired By Facebook For "New Domain Name System Strategy & Management Team" - Denise Michel who was formerly with ICANN as VP of Strategic Initiatives and Advisor to the President, has been hired by Facebook to work on Facebook’s new “Domain Name System Strategy and Management Team” which she says “will help improve the global framework for domain names, IP addresses, numbers and related elements.”
Denise “will be working across Facebook departments and collaborating widely with a range of stakeholders to help increase the opportunities and mitigate the risks ... read more ...
Wed 4th November 2015
Godaddy May Be The World's Largest Domain Registrar But Not For New gTLD's - Godaddy.com, which is the world’s largest domain name registrar (having the most domain names under management) is no longer the number 1 domain name registrar for new gTLD domains.
According to ntldstats.com, Godaddy.com has fallen into the 2nd position worldwide when it comes to domain registered with new domain extensions, known as new gTLD’s.
A China based domain registrar, Chengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd. whose website is West.cn has passed Godaddy when it comes to domain ... read more ...
.XYZ Did Not Block 12K Domains on Request of China; Liberty.xyz is Owned & We Have His email - Its been an interesting couple of weeks for the .XYZ registry.
It all started when Domainincite.com published a post on October 12th, talking about that .XYZ might block almost 40,000 domain names at the registry level on the request of China. That number of 40,000 words and phrases seemed to be reduced down to 12K in a Twitter post that now seems to have been deleted.
Since the Domainincite post, several publications and organizations jumped on .XYZ for seemly to agree to ban domain names at the ... read more ...
3 Applicants For New gTLD .Radio File For Independent Review Process - According to a press release out today, BRS Media, has filed, in conjunction with two other applicants, an Independent Review Process in accordance with Article IV, section 3 of the ICANN Bylaws re: The .RADIO gTLD and .RADIO Community Priority Evaluation Results.
Although not mentioned in the press release the other two applicants are Afilias and Donuts.
“”On Sept. 10, 2014 ICANN announced that the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Community Priority Evaluation (CPE) Results “Prevailed” ... read more ...
Fri 30th October 2015
Lanzan el dominio “.srl” en la Argentina -
La multiplicidad de dominios “.com” hace que diferenciarse en la web y proteger el nombre de una marca o compañía en la red sea cada vez más difícil. Por esa razón, la alemana InterNetX Corp sumó el “.srl” a la oferta de dominios disponibles en la Argentina. A través de una alianza con la empresa local DonWeb, la extensión destinada a sociedades de responsabilidad limitada ya se encuentra disponible por $ 549 anuales.
Para Guillermo Tornatore, CEO y fundador de la ... read more ...
Mon 26th October 2015
Paul Vixie, Member Internet Hall of Fame: "New gTLD module is a Money Grab & Mistake" - Dr Paul Vixie, a member of the Internet Hall of Fame has called the new gTLD program a money grab and a mistake and called out ICANN for allowing it to happen saying it “indicates corruption.”
ZDNet.com, published a post about Dr. Vixie remarks from the Ruxcon information security conference in Melbourne on Sunday.
According to Wikipedia.org, Dr. Vixie is “an Internet pioneer, the author of several RFCs and some Unix software. After he left Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1994, ... read more ...
Sat 24th October 2015
Here Are The 1st Domains In The New Domain Extension .NRA: ColdDeadHands.NRA -
The National Rifle Association, which applied to operate the new domain extension .NRA, registered its 1st domain names and we have the list for you.
According to their application to ICANN to operate the new gTLD .NRA, “All domains under this TLD will be managed by the NRA, so they will only be made available to organizations and individuals that have been personally approved and are known to intend to use a domain to promote the work of the NRA.”
Some of the domains are very logical and ... read more ...