Tag Archives: Google

Fri 4th July 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google’s Matt Cutt to take a break - Head of Google web spam Matt Cutts said that he is taking a break and going on leave. Matt certainly does take a lot of abuse defending the Panda and the Penguin and while I am sure he has made a lot of money at Google, it must be a stressful job. Maybe Sergey and Larry could make it easier on him by allowing Google to be a little more transparent and accountable for their actions. Danny Sullivan wrote on Search Engine Land: It will be the longest break Cutts has ever taken from Google since he ... read more ...
Thu 3rd July 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Adult Ad Ban Now In Effect - CNBC is reporting that the Google Advertising Ban on Adult domain names is now in effect. We reported earlier this month that Google was going to impose new restrictions on adult advertising, which some believed amounted almost to a ban on advertising. Today CNBC is reporting that “Google is getting out of the porn advertising business”. The changes, which went into effect late Monday, prohibit any promotion of most sexually themed sites, specifically those that feature “graphic sexual acts ... read more ...
Tue 1st July 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
You Tube Around The World - Wonder of Tech posted an interesting look at You Tube around the world. YouTube is the third most popular site in the world, including everything from TED Talks that educate to stupid human tricks that make you wonder about the future of civilization. But did you know how different YouTube is in countries across the globe? This infographic illustrates the popularity of YouTube in various countries. While you might assume that the US, home of YouTube, would be the source of most of the traffic to ... read more ...
Thu 26th June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
IPOFinancial: “No Way Godaddy’s IPO Can Move Forward As Is With Google Entering The Market” - I chatted with David Menlow, who is the founder IPOfinancial.com yesterday about Godaddy’s planned IPO and Google’s announcement this week  that they were entering the domain name registrar business “I don’t see how  GoDaddy’s IPO could “move forward.” “If  it does, the valuations of this deal has to be radically” “Whatever valuation models were being thrown around had to be completely redone” IPOfinancial.com  “has been serving the investment community with information ... read more ...
Wed 25th June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
If Google Domains Is Going To Be About New gTLD’s, Google.Domains Should Be Resolving -     The domain name world is still chatting about this weeks announcement that Google is getting into the domain registrar business. The “official site” right now for Google Domains is a subdomain  of Google.com: domains.google.com If you type in GoogleDomains.com into your browser you will be re-directed to the subdomain. However if you type in the domain name Google.Domains into your browser well the domain doesn’t resolve. Google owns the domain name Google.Domains. The domain is registered ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Releases Data to Help With Adwords Confusion - Google has released a couple pieces of data over the last two days that are worth reviewing for those who use the Google Adwords product. Google released a white paper to try to dispel some myths when it comes to the subject of quality score. As Ginny Marvin pointed out on Search Engine Land, There has always been a healthy amount of debate over the importance of Quality Score as an indicator of Google AdWords success and the amount of focus that should be devoted to it. Today, Google issued a whitepaper ... read more ...
Tue 24th June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
InfoWorld: “Privacy concerns dawn over ‘new’ Google domain registration service” - InfoWorld has concerns about Google and their new domain registration service. Google’s invitation-only Domains name registration service works a lot like the old one but raises new questions about privacy and ad scraping The big unanswered question: What about privacy of data stored on the domain? If Google is your registrar, can Google reach in and finger all of the data associated with the domain, in pursuit of better-honed advertising? I turned to the Google Apps Administrator security and ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Web.com and Endurance shares pummeled in arise of Google’s registrar play - Web.com and Endurance get hit in wake of Google registrar announcement. Some publicly traded domain name registrars have seen their stock prices hammered this morning after Google announced its entry into the retail registrar market yesterday. Shares of Web.com (WWWW) are down about 18% with at least one analyst lowering its outlook for the stock due to Google’s move. Endurance International (EIGI), which is generally considered the second largest domain name registrar ... read more ...
Mon 23rd June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
TechCrunch Covers The New Google Domains Registrar & Google Talks About New gTLD’s - TechCrunch.com just covered the new Google Domains name registrar. The only surprise for TechCrunch is that its taken Google so long to get into the business: “The move makes enough sense that it’s actually kind if surprising that it’s taken Google this long. ” “While domains aren’t generally considered a massive-margin business, they’ve always seemed like a glaring omission in Google’s offerings; a missing puzzle piece, almost. Need email for your domain? Google does that. Need ... read more ...
Fri 20th June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Canadian Court Rules Google Must Remove Websites Worldwide - We wrote previously about a ruling by the European Union with regards to the “right to be forgotten”. Now a Canadian court has ordered Google to remove sites worldwide. Amy Gesenhues covered the story on Search Engine Land, from the article: On the heels of Europe’s “Right to Be Forgotten” ruling, a British Columbia court in Canada has ruled Google must block a group of websites worldwide. The case was opened by industrial networking devices manufacturer Equustek Solutions, Inc. to block ... read more ...
Tue 10th June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Basically Shutting Down Adwords On Adult Starting Later This Month - Xbiz.com is reporting that Google has sent out letters to adult content marketers warning that they are greatly limiting their ability to advertise on Google AdWords. Starting later this month they are basically shutting down Adwords advertising for adult sites. “Beginning in the coming weeks, we’ll no longer accept ads that promote graphic depictions of sexual acts including, but not limited to, hardcore pornography; graphic sexual acts including sex acts such as masturbation; genital, anal, ... read more ...
Mon 9th June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Ad Impersonation Is The New Click Fraud - Lori Weiman wrote an interesting piece on Search Engine Land a few hours ago, the article focused on a different type of click fraud.  PPC Ad impersonation occurs when an impostor advertiser takes a well known website address, and uses it as the display URL of their own advertisement. From the article: When you first hear about PPC fraud rings, you tend to think of click fraud where an automated system, not a real person, is generating fake clicks on an advertiser’s ad. However, PPC impersonation ... read more ...
Sun 8th June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Looking To Create Satellite Network - Tim Beyers at Motley Fool wrote a piece on Google looking to blanket the entire world with some form of broadband. The company is looking to spend upwards of $3billion to develop and launch Google satellites in orbit. From the article: According to The Wall Street Journal, Google CEO Larry Page is authorizing between $1 billion and $3 billion for developing and launching 180 small Google satellites into low-Earth orbit. The idea is to supply Internet access via craft similar to (but smaller than) ... read more ...
Fri 6th June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Says Keywords In Domain Are Not Needed To Be Successful - Barry Schwartz on SERoundtable.com put up a quick blurb about a comment from Google’s John Mueller. Mueller was apparently responding to a Google Webmaster help question on whether the user needed the keyword in their domain. You don’t need your keywords in your domain name. Websites without them in there rank just fine. Instead of focusing on that specific keyword, I’d recommend spending the time to make your site the absolute best of its kind. Schwartz points out that Mueller has expressed ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
eBay: Search Ads Have No Measurable Benefit - eBay study warns search ads have ‘no measurable benefit The Guardian did a story on the efficacy of paid search based on a study conducted by eBay From the article: Customers are just as likely to click on natural search results as paid ads, a US study has found, raising questions about the efficacy of the multi-billion dollar search advertising market. The researchers found that most search adverts on most search terms had very little affect on sales at all – and warn that the medium may be ... read more ...
Sun 1st June 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Counterfeiters Using Google Adwords is a Big Problem - Randy Pickard made a guest post on Search Engine Land that took a look at all the counterfeiters buying ads on Google that trick consumers into buying knock off goods. The article looked at a few categories, one being prom dresses. From the article: Among the websites buying AdWords sponsored ads for [prom dress] related terms, approximately half of these websites are filled with copyright-infringing photos of designer dresses. The prom and special-occasion dress product categories are target rich ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Yahoo Set To Launch Their Answer To You Tube - AdAge did an article on the launch of the Yahoo answer to You Tube. One of the selling points to publishers seems to be a revenue split higher than what Google offers You Tube publishers. Exclusivity will also not be required so content creators can be utilizing both sites. One point of contention centered on content ownership. In contracts presented to creators, Yahoo stipulated that Yahoo would be given a perpetual license to any videos that were shared to Tumblr. That would effectively transfer ... read more ...
Fri 30th May 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Scroogle.org Closes during $17,100 on Go Daddy Auctions, 2 Years After Website Closed - Scroogle.org closed today on Go Daddy Auctions at $17,100. The site and its owner Daniel Brandt had not seen eye to eye with the search engine giant. He closed the site in 2012 due to Google throttling the site and ddos attacks. The site had a lot of press back in the day. It will be interesting to see who bought the domain. Tech Republic covered the site back in 2011 with the headline, “Scroogle: Adding privacy to Google Search” Michael Kassner did a very thorough article on the site. From the ... read more ...
Thu 29th May 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
How one Google Algorithm Change Can Damage A Business - There was an article over at Motley Fool yesterday by Adam Levy that took a look at how one Google algorithm changed can ruin a business. The article discussed the recent Panda change and the effect on RetailMeNot. From the article: Last week, shares of RetailMeNot (NASDAQ: SALE  ) slid over 20% over the course of two days after a report from SearchMetrics found that the website’s visibility had fallen 33% on Google’s search engine. The decline came after Google released an update to its search ... read more ...
Fri 23rd May 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
RetailMeNot Sees it Stock Get Whacked By Google Algorithm Update - RetailMeNot is see its stock get hit hard by the recent Google algorithm change. Barry Schwartz wrote on Search Engine Land: On Tuesday, Google pushed out their revised Panda Algorithm code-named Panda 4.0. Panda is designed to remove low-quality content from Google’s search results. Yesterday, we published an early Winners Losers report on which large sites were impacted the most both in a positive and negative way. RetailMeNot was one of the larger sites on the losers list, where Searchmetrics ... read more ...
Sun 18th May 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
You Tube to Buy Videogame Streaming Company Twitch for $1Billion - You Tube Looking to Acquire Twitch In an article out just 21 minutes ago on Variety it looks like You Tube has reached an agreement to purchase Twitch. From the article: Google’s YouTube has reached a deal to buy Twitch, a popular videogame-streaming company, for more than $1 billion, according to sources familiar with the pact. The deal, in an all-cash offer, is expected to be announced imminently, sources said. If completed the acquisition would be the most significant in the history of YouTube, ... read more ...
Fri 16th May 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Adsense Conspiracy a Fake ? - At the end of April we did a post about an ex Google employee and their claims that Google was cheating publishers. Jim Edwards of Business Insider is out with an article on the Google denial and why the conspiracy theory has one giant flaw. From the article: Google recently denied, vehemently, a gossipy conspiracy theory that suggested the search engine was stealing money from web publishers to fatten its own profit margins. The theory is fake — we’ll explain why below — but three sources ... read more ...
Thu 15th May 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Guest Post By Michael Castello On Google: “Block The Bullies” - This is a guest post by Michael Castello who is the CEO and President of Castello Cities Internet Network, Inc. who is solely responsibly for its contents CCIN owns, manages and develops some of the most recognized Geo and Generic domain name brands in the world including PalmSprings.com, Nashville.com, Manicure.com and Traveler.com. He is also the owner of Daycare.com which he and his wife Sheri founded in 1997. In 2014 Michael sold Whisky.com for $3.1 million which is the 24th largest domain name ... read more ...
Tue 13th May 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
People Have A Right to be Forgotten - In a landmark case that is being covered by every news outlet around the world, a European Court has said ordinary people can request to have their info pulled from the search results. This will certainly open the door to a multitude of scenarios, first this is a European ruling, will North American courts demand the same rights for their citizens ? The ruling does not give any open and shut method for removing the info and of course Google is likely to fight this and appeal the ruling. AMSTERDAN ... read more ...
Fri 9th May 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google Possibly Preparing for Major Algorithm Update - Barry Schwartz wrote on Search Engine Roundtable that Google may be prepping for a large update to their search algorithm. From the article: I mentioned there was some chatter about a Google update on May 2nd but now we are seeing even more chatter and signs of flux in the Google search results on May 7th. These signs of shifts in rankings, spikes in crawl rates, often, but not always, are early warning signs of a major Google update happening in the near future. Here are flux/volatility charts ... read more ...