GoDaddy Aftermarket with Paul Nicks – DNW Podcast #52 - Paul Nicks, who manages GoDaddy’s aftermarket, discusses the state of domain resales and the GoDaddy platform.
Paul Nicks runs the aftermarket for GoDaddy, which includes Afternic and GoDaddy auctions. Paul discusses the current state of the domain aftermarket, including which direction sales and sale prices are moving. He also discusses changes the company is making in the aftermarket and how they’re trying to remove friction from the domain selling and buying process. Paul also provides stats ... read more ...
Tag Archives: GoDaddy
Mon 28th September 2015
Wed 16th September 2015
GoDaddy says there's still upside for registrars and domain investors - Most very small businesses don’t have websites yet, but many plan to create one.
GoDaddy released results from a global survey today, showing that the vast majority of very small businesses (5 or fewer employees) still don’t have a website.
The survey included 4,000 businesses in Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Mexico, United Kingdom and the United States.
59% of businesses said they don’t have a website. The upside: 55% report they intend to create a website in the next two years.
The ... read more ...
Fri 11th September 2015
Huge feat for Domain Registrars and Parking companies in GoDaddy justice case - Case provides ammunition for domain name registrars and domain parking companies in cybersquatting claims.
A court has found in GoDaddy’s favor in a long running cybersquatting battle brought by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The 128-page decision (pdf) has lots of findings that will be cited in cybersquatting lawsuits for years to come.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) is responsible for The Oscars, formally known as the Academy Awards.
It sued GoDaddy in 2010 ... read more ...
Godaddy Wins 5 Year Case Against The Oscars (Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (AMPAS) -
According to, A federal judge ruled that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts Sciences (AMPAS) which owns and broadcast the The Oscars award failed to show that GoDaddy (GDDY) acted in “bad faith” with an intent to profit off of the Academy trademarks.
U.S. District Judge Andre Birotte Jr., in a 128-page opinion found that GoDaddy met its affirmative good faith safe harbor defense typically granted to registrars for domain name registered to customers
According to Variety “The Academy ... read more ...
Go Daddy Wins Court Case Most Thought They would lose - We have been tracking the battle between the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for a few years now. It was looking like Go Daddy was going to lose a case that could set a precedent for other ip holders. The Hollywood Reporter published an article tonight in which they deemed it a “surprising court loss” for the Academy.
This battle has been going on for five years.
From the article:
In a cybersquatting case that lasted more than five years, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and ... read more ...
Thu 3rd September 2015
GoDaddy Ranks No. 1 In .IN Domain Name Market Share For With 33% Of Registrar Market -, Godaddy the worlds largest domain name registrar has the highest market share for selling .IN domain names, according to the National Internet Exchange of India (NiXi).
.IN is India’s Country Code Top Level domain (ccTLD) on the Internet.
The domain name extension .IN, “is seeing significant uptake among individuals and businesses in India and worldwide, with over 1.7 million websites around the ... read more ...
Thu 27th August 2015
GoDaddy introduces dual cause authentication outward U.S. - Security tool expanded to 185 countries.
Non-U.S. customers of GoDaddy can now activate two-factor authentication to add security to their accounts.
The service has been available in the U.S. for several years, and international customers have been asking for it.
The SMS-based system sends a text message to customers after they enter their standard login credentials. They must enter a code from the text message before gaining access to their account.
In theory, this means someone would have to obtain ... read more ...
Mon 10th August 2015
GoDaddy adding 435 TLDs to domain name aftermarket - Registrar expanding number of domains that can be sold in its aftermarket.
GoDaddy is vastly expanding the number of top level domain names that can be sold on its aftermarket starting tomorrow.
The company will add the capability to sell domains under 435 top level domains. 230 will be gTLDs that were previously blocked from listing and the rest are country code domain names.
Customers will be able to list domains directly on GoDaddy Auctions or through Afternic. For now, Afternic syndication to ... read more ...
Fri 7th August 2015
GoDaddy business have purebred 850k new TLDs - GoDaddy leads the way for new domain names.
On GoDaddy’s investor conference call this week, the company disclosed that its customers have registered 850,000 names in new top level domains. That’s over the course of about 18 months of availability.
GoDaddy customers have registered more new top level domain names with it than at any competing registrar, which shouldn’t come as a surprise for two reasons.
First, GoDaddy registers the most domains overall. You’d expect it to be number one.
Second, ... read more ...
Wed 5th August 2015
GoDaddy reports 16.5% YoY income growth - GoDaddy’s topline growth continues.
GoDaddy reported earnings after the bell today.
The company posted 16.5% earnings growth in Q2 2015 compared to the same quarter a year ago. That’s a slight decline from the 17.5% year over year number it turned in last quarter.
Revenue was up 5% in Q2 2015 compared to Q1.
GoDaddy reported a heavier net loss of $(71.3) million, but $51.1 million of the loss was due to one time costs associated with the IPO and early termination of debt.
GoDaddy, the largest ... read more ...
Sat 1st August 2015
Go Daddy Founder Bob Parson's Son Arrested on Domestic Violence - In what is a very disturbing story the son of Go Daddy founder Bob Parsons was arrested on domestic violence charges.
Fox10Phoenix reported:
The son of GoDaddy founder Bob Parsons is being accused of strangling and hitting his girlfriend in his Scottsdale home.
Robert Sean Parsons turned himself into police and has been charged with felony assault charges.
Robert lives on the same property as his father, it’s where the alleged domestic violence incident took place.
Police say Robert surrendered ... read more ...
Wed 29th July 2015
GoDaddy loses initial UDRP from Marchex portfolio acquisition - No one responded to the dispute.
GoDaddy has lost its first UDRP from the portfolio it acquired from Marchex in April.
The company didn’t respond to a UDRP filed by Dairyland Midwest, Inc. d/b/a AgVision for the domain name
When the UDRP was filed last month, World Intellectual Property Organization sent a notice of the dispute to all contacts on the domain name. That included an email address as well as Although the latter email address appears to ... read more ...
Tue 28th July 2015
Afternic domain offered Hangout is today - Learn how to sell your domain names with Afternic in a Hangout today.
GoDaddy is hosting a Hangout today to explain how Afternic works with GoDaddy. The hangout takes places at 11 am PDT (2 PM EDT).
GoDaddy will discuss how Afternic works and integrates with GoDaddy. Representatives will also explain domain listing best practices.
If you are willing to sell domain names with fixed prices, Afternic is one of the best ways to get exposure for your domain names. If someone searches for your domain name ... read more ...
Wed 22nd July 2015
GoDaddy contrast "Ad" nomination in hunt results - Search results that are bumped up through marketing agreements get a new label.
GoDaddy is testing the use of an “ad” designation in its domain name search results.
Search results that have their locations influenced by a registry paying to bump up the result are sometimes labeled with the designation. The label is similar to the “premium” label placed next to aftermarket domains listed by sellers.
Here’s an example:
GoDaddy has been testing the label for several months.
With hundreds of ... read more ...
Mon 13th July 2015
Former GoDaddy employees contend they're due overtime - Plaintiffs say they shouldn’t have been categorized as exempt and are owed overtime.
Three former* GoDaddy employees have sued the company, saying they should be paid overtime for work in excess of 40 hours per week.
Sal Careaga, Joshua Berry and Amanda Collins each worked in the Website Design Department, which designs websites for GoDaddy customers. The plaintiffs claim they worked more than 40 hours in some workweeks, but were not paid time-and-a-half.
According to the suit (pdf), GoDaddy classified ... read more ...
Mon 6th July 2015
Latest .com Winners & Losers - Here’s how registrars fared with .com in March.
ICANN has published the latest Verisign .com monthly report, containing data from March.
Let’s start by reviewing which registrars added the most new .com domain name registrations:
1. GoDaddy* 1,001,339
2. eNom** 227,918
3. HiChina 165,567
4. PublicDomainRegistry 127,377
5. Tucows 118,454
When it comes to companies that won the transfer game, here are the top five registrars with retail operations for March. These numbers are the net gains after ... read more ...
Mon 15th June 2015
GoDaddy vs. Uniregistry – a Great Debate - Uniregistry is increasingly competing with GoDaddy, and stronger competition is good for everybody.
Increasingly competing with each other for domain investors’ business.Last week Doron Vermaat, a domain investor who writes the blog DNGeek, wrote a post explaining why he was moving his 600 domain names from GoDaddy to Uniregistry.
His post sparked a lot of comments, including from representatives of the two registrars.
That many of the “which registrar is best?” conversations now mention the ... read more ...
Sun 14th June 2015
GoDaddy: Alleged discriminatory email not authentic - GoDaddy says it didn’t send email calling job applicant an obese Christian.
GoDaddy has formally denied allegations that it sent an email to a job applicant explaining that it wouldn’t hire him because he was an obese Christian. The denial included detailed steps the company took to determine the email wasn’t authentic.
Keith Connolly applied for a job with GoDaddy. He later received a rejection email. In addition to the form rejection email he received, he said the bottom included a forwarded ... read more ...
Fri 12th June 2015
Godaddy's Ad For .Show Might Lead To A Lot Of Cybersquatting -
Godaddy has a webpage dedicated to the upcoming new gTLD .show
Here is what Godaddy has to say about the extension:
Everything from feature films to television shows to theater performances use the term “show.” If your site relates to any of those, register .show domain names for instant recognition and to distinguish yours from all the other sites flooding the web.”
Well if you’re a movie or television studio, producer or owner of the TV show, movie or ... read more ...
Mon 1st June 2015
VIP Programs Court Domainers - Discounts and priority service are added perks for domain name investors.
Last week, domain name registrar DirectNic unveiled its new VIP program, and domainers could be forgiven for having flashbacks to last decade at registrar Fabulous.
That’s because Mike Robertson, who made a name for himself in the domain name business by playing point man for many large domainers with portfolios at Fabulous, is now at DirectNic and is spearheading its VIP program.
The program includes discounted pricing, ... read more ...
Sun 24th May 2015
Is Go Daddy Too Expensive to buy ? -
GoDaddy negatives
1) Valuation and Debt – I think that GoDaddy can be an attractive investment but at a much lower price. The company’s stock price has jumped by more than 30%, since it did its IPO at $20. The company is not making a profit, though it is generating a free cash flow of more than $100 million. The valuation at more than $4 billion is a bit too high for a company that’s operating at moderate margins and does not have a great growth profile either. The company’s underwriters ... read more ...
Fri 22nd May 2015
After It's Disastrous Super Bowl Commercial Godaddy Maybe Looking For New Ad Agency - GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE: GDDY) seems to be looking for a new advertising agency in wake of the disastrous Super Bowl Commercial and the less than impressive, at least in my opinion, of its Claude Van Dam commercials
Godaddy has put out a global brand agency request for proposal (RFP) to help promote and personalize the GoDaddy brand globally.
Chief Marketing Officer Phil Bienert is quoted as saying; “This next phase in GoDaddy’s marketing strategy will fuel brand messaging globally while leveraging ... read more ...
Fri 15th May 2015
Had your eyes on a domain during Marchex? Might wish to give GoDaddy a call - GoDaddy pricing the domain names at a more reasonable level.
One of the reasons GoDaddy acquired Marchex’s domain name portfolio (which was recently being sold under the Archeo brand) was that Marchex had steep prices on the domain names.
A friend tried to buy a domain name last year. He was initially told it would cost something like $30,000. Marchex later offered to sell it for something like $10,000, but my friend had moved on to a different domain.
GoDaddy said it would attach prices to many ... read more ...
GoDaddy Sells Domain Name - According to whois records, GoDaddy’s newly acquired domain name which it acquired with the $28 Million purchase of Marchex domain name portfolio has been sold! Update: GoDaddy has confirmed the sale (see below)
The domain has changed registrants this morning to a Ivy Wong at eName Technology Co.,Ltd
Beijing is the capital of China with a population of over 21 million people. sold for a confirmed “seven figure deal” in 2012. sold for $5 Million ... read more ...
Tue 12th May 2015
GoDaddy finds it harder to grow tip line - Revenue growth slowed in first quarter.
GoDaddy’s headline revenue number in Q1 was up 17.5% year-over-year, but the quarter-over-quarter number isn’t as pretty.
Here’s GoDaddy’s revenue growth each quarter-over-quarter, going back as far as its S-1 filed with the SEC discloses:
Q1 2015 was up just 1.2% compared to Q4 2014. Q4 2014 wasn’t a a huge quarter, either. In Q1, revenue increased about $5 million compared to the previous quarter. The lowest gross change in any quarter over the ... read more ...