VeriSign Offers Tools to Secure Domain Names -
Two tools from VeriSign help keep your domain names secure.
With a couple recent high profile domain thefts, and the recent hijacking of Baidu’s nameserver settings, I reached out to VeriSign Chief Technology Officer Ken Silva to learn what VeriSign offers to help domain owners protect themselves.
“Over the next 12 months, we’re working so that from the time a person registers a domain name and creates an account to when it gets resolved, almost every single ... read more ...
Tag Archives: domain security
Wed 7th April 2010
Tue 20th October 2009
Domain Registrars Often Blamed for Customers’ Mistakes -
Critical customer mistakes often blamed on domain registrars.
When online backup service went down earlier this month, the company was quick to blame its domain name registrar GoDaddy. Code 42 Software, which runs the service, tweeted about how GoDaddy “mistakenly removed our root nameserver entry”, “inappropriately took over our DNS”, and did a DNS “hijack”.
What Code 42 Software never tweeted was that it had mistakenly ... read more ...