Companies Have Fiduciary Responsibility to Lock Down Domain Names -
A simple, cheap method to lock down domains exists. Public company CTOs need to get on the ball.
CheckFree is warning 5 million customers about its domain name mishap last month where its nameservers were changed to forward its web site.
All the perpetrators did was get a password to CheckFree’s account at Network Solutions, log in, and change the nameservers to point to another server.
This same thing could happen to other companies, and public company executives ... read more ...
Tag Archives: checkfree
Wed 7th January 2009
Fri 12th December 2008
Moniker MaxLock Gets Maxed Out -
New Portfolio MaxLock covers more and costs less.
In September I wrote about MaxLock, a new product from Moniker that improved the security of domain names by making it harder to transfer domains out.
Just recently had its domain hijacked when someone logged in to’s Network Solutions account and changed the nameservers. Fabulous has a free product called Executive Lock that would have prevented this hijacking.
Now Moniker has put ... read more ...
Thu 11th December 2008
Fabulous’ Executive Lock Would Have Saved -
Service prevents nameserver changes without multiple levels of confirmation.
In light of the nameserver “theft” last week, I opined that registrars must offer added security for important domain names. Specifically, important domain names should require more than just a username and password in order to change the nameservers.
It turns out at least one registrar has an official product offering to do just that: Fabulous offers Executive Lock. ... read more ...