Africa’s participation in ICANN worrying -
Africa's participation in ICANN worrying
Africa's participation in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN) is worrying with very few countries registering and adopting local domain names.
This is according to Pierre Dandjinou, the vice president of Stakeholder Engagement for ICANN in Africa, most countries average around 500 local domain registrations.
Kenya has an average of 40,000 .ke domains registered to date. Nigeria is said ... read more ...
Tag Archives: ccTLD
Mon 6th July 2015
Sun 5th July 2015
Los "milagros" que la visita del Papa provocó en Sudamérica -
... read more ...
Aplican evaluación docente para nivel medio superior -
Este domingo continúa la aplicación de las evaluaciones para el ingreso de maestros y promoción a cargos de director, supervisor y asesores técnicos pedagógicos en la educación media superior, indicó la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) .
A través de su cuenta de Twitter, @SEP_mx, la dependencia federal recordó que este 5 de julio concursan 21 mil 596 aspirantes en las evaluaciones para el ingreso y la promoción en el citado nivel educativo.
Detalló que en las evaluaciones ... read more ...
Potencial de lluvias en todo el país -
México, DF.- El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) advirtió que el potencial de lluvias de variada intensidad afectará este domingo a todo el país, debido a los efectos de dos ondas tropicales y tres canales de baja presión, en interacción con la entrada de humedad.
Pronostican precipitaciones muy fuertes acompañadas de tormentas eléctricas, posible caída de granizo y viento fuerte en Sonora y Chihuahua, fuertes en Sinaloa, Jalisco, ... read more ...
Guerrilleros atacan dos helicópteros civiles en Norte de Santander -
Indicadores económicos
¿Cómo se accede a la eutanasia en Colombia? – El Universal - El pasado viernes 3 de julio, a las 9:32 a.m., el fallecimiento del señor Ovidio González, padre del reconocido caricaturista Julio César González, ‘Matador’, se convirtió en el primer caso de muerte digna en Colombia, desde que se reglamentó la sentencia de la Corte Constitucional, con la resolución 1216 del 20 de abril del 2015, expedida por el Ministerio de Salud, que da luz verde a la eutanasia.
Las inconsistencias que se presentaron en el procedimiento de solicitud que realizó el ... read more ...
Sat 4th July 2015
Para malversar dinero perteneciente a Coahuila -
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Publicado: Julio 4, 2015Imprimir
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Para malversar dinero perteneciente a Coahuila
Además del ex gobernador Humberto Moreira, el empresario Rolando González reveló más nombres de ex funcionarios y empresarios que presuntamente estarían involucrados en una supuesta conspiración para comprar medios de comunicación y otras propiedades con dinero perteneciente al Estado de Coahuila. Entre ellos aparece el del también ... read more ...
Mon 29th June 2015
Govt determined to activate dot bangla domain - Prime minister Sheikh Hasina has asked officials to take necessary steps to activate dot bangla (.bangla) domain, the country code top level domain (CCTLD) of Bangladesh.A joint secretary of the post and telecommunications division has been assigned to take care of this issue, the division sources said.As the minister in charge of the post and telecommunications division, the prime minister held a meeting with senior officials of the division on Sunday.A senior official , who did not want his name ... read more ...
Thu 25th June 2015
LogicBoxes Helps .MN Registry Grow by 350% – Virtual -
LogicBoxes empowered the Registry to take complete control of its distribution network and Lexpand the .MN namespace.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 25, 2015 --( LogicBoxes, the business consulting and automation technology provider for ccTLD New gTLD Registries, Domain Registrars and Web Hosts, today announced the milestone achievement of completing 10 successful years of partnership with Datacom LLC, the .MN Registry.
The internet infrastructure in Mongolia was still in its ... read more ...
LogicBoxes Helps .MN Registry Grow by 350% -
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 25, 2015 --( LogicBoxes, the business consulting and automation technology provider for ccTLD New gTLD Registries, Domain Registrars and Web Hosts, today announced the milestone achievement of completing 10 successful years of partnership with Datacom LLC, the .MN Registry.The internet infrastructure in Mongolia was still in its nascent stages 10 years ago. With only 2 Registrars active in the region and about 3,300 domains in the namespace, the .MN ... read more ...
Tue 23rd June 2015
LogicBoxes Helps .MN Registry Grow by 350% - LogicBoxes, the business consulting and automation technology provider for ccTLD New gTLD Registries, Domain Registrars and Web Hosts, today announced the milestone achievement of completing 10 successful years of partnership with Datacom LLC, the .MN Registry.
.MN is the ccTLD for the country of Mongolia
LogicBoxes met Datacom’s requirement for a long-term partner that would help them achieve their business goals. It helped setup Datacom on OrderBox, including web email hosting, website builders ... read more ...
LogicBoxes Helps .MN Registry Grow by 350% – - LogicBoxes, the business consulting and automation technology provider for ccTLD New gTLD Registries, Domain Registrars and Web Hosts, today announced the milestone achievement of completing 10 successful years of partnership with Datacom LLC, the .MN Registry.
.MN is the ccTLD for the country of Mongolia
LogicBoxes met Datacom’s requirement for a long-term partner that would help them achieve their business goals. It helped setup Datacom on OrderBox, including web email hosting, website builders ... read more ...
LogicBoxes Helps .MN Registry Grow by 350% - LogicBoxes, the business consulting and automation technology provider for ccTLD New gTLD Registries, Domain Registrars and Web Hosts, today announced the milestone achievement of completing 10 successful years of partnership with Datacom LLC, the .MN Registry.
.MN is the ccTLD for the country of Mongolia
LogicBoxes met Datacom’s requirement for a long-term partner that would help them achieve their business goals. It helped setup Datacom on OrderBox, including web email hosting, website builders ... read more ...
Nominet (.UK) Release Domain Name Dispute Report For 2014 -
Nominet, the nonprofit that behind .UK, released its the annual summary of domain name disputes bought before its Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) which is similar to the UDRP system.
A total of 726 complaints were made, up 8% on 2013.
However, 2014 also saw a 51% increase in the number of cases where people were able to come to an agreement themselves and with the help of a Nominet mediator, without needing to appoint an expert to make the decision.
55% of cases resulted in the domain name being ... read more ...
Wed 17th June 2015
For ccTLD Registries: 4 Steps to Guaranteed Success -
The introduction of New gTLDs has increased the rate at which individuals and businesses are getting online today and we're already seeing mainstream adoption of New gTLDs. By going the extra mile to spread awareness about their extensions among the masses, New gTLD Registries are bringing attention to their value propositions and, more importantly, are sharing the idea of 'getting online' to audiences.
How Can Cctlds Leverage This?
If you're a ccTLD Registry, you've been steadily growing ... read more ...
Clifford deSouza -
For ccTLD Registries: 4 Steps to Guaranteed Success
The introduction of New gTLDs has increased the rate at which individuals and businesses are getting online today and we're already seeing mainstream adoption of New gTLDs. By going the extra mile to spread awareness about their extensions among the masses, New gTLD Registries are bringing attention to their value propositions and, more importantly, are sharing the idea of 'getting online' to audiences. more»
... read more ...
Thu 11th June 2015
Irish Businesses Will Soon Be Able to register dual minute .ie domains - The IEDR is the registry for .ie Internet domain names and maintains the database of .ie registered domain names.Today they announced that soon Irish businesses will be able to register two letter .ie for the first time.
From their blog:
Irish businesses will shortly be able to register two-letter .ie domain names for the first time, the IE Domain Registry (IEDR) announced today.
The move will allow for up to 676 possible two-letter domain name combinations, including,, and, ... read more ...
Tue 26th May 2015
How To Rank Websites With CcTLDs Well -
Do you have a website with ccTLD domain? Are you struggling with how to help it rise in Google rankings, then read on to find out how you can do that? The kind of domain your website possesses may influence its ranking in the Google PageRank. ccTLD domains are the indicators of the location of a website and are considered to be the best way of indicating to search engines and users, where it originates from. These domains are indicated by the use of ... read more ...
Mon 25th May 2015
DNS.PT apoia a Autoridade Geral de Regulação de São Tomé e Príncipe na … - O DNS.PT e a Autoridade Geral de Regulação de São Tomé e Príncipe – AGER assinaram um protocolo de cooperação que visa a redelegação junto da IANA, a transferência, a implementação do registo, a manutenção e a gestão do ccTLD .ST.A AGER pretende conseguir o resgate do .ST, o domínio de topo correspondente a São Tomé, junto da IANA – Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, garantindo simultaneamente a responsabilidade administrativa e técnica do domínio de topo de São Tomé na ... read more ...
DNS.PT apoia a Autoridade Geral de Regulação de São Tomé e Príncipe na redelegação do .ST - O DNS.PT e a Autoridade Geral de Regulação de São Tomé e Príncipe – AGER assinaram um protocolo de cooperação que visa a redelegação junto da IANA, a transferência, a implementação do registo, a manutenção e a gestão do ccTLD .ST.
A AGER pretende conseguir o resgate do .ST, o domínio de topo correspondente a São Tomé, junto da IANA – Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, garantindo simultaneamente a responsabilidade administrativa e técnica do domínio de topo de São Tomé ... read more ...
Sun 24th May 2015
Medien: Schweden gewinnt ESC, Deutschland null Punkte -
Wien (dpa) - Der schwedische Sänger Måns Zelmerlöw ist der strahlende Sieger beim Eurovision Song Contest 2015, die Deutsche Ann Sophie muss mit null Punkten heimfahren.
Bei der Fernsehshow in Wien siegte der Popsong "Heroes" deutlich vor Russland und Italien, er folgt damit auf die Ballade "Rise Like A Phoenix" der österreichischen Bart-Dragqueen Conchita Wurst.
Deutschland konnte mit dem Lied "Black Smoke" und Ann Sophie keine Punkte bei Zuschauern und Juroren aus 40 Ländern ... read more ...
Enfrentamiento en Mulchén dejó cinco carabineros y dos … -
Enfrentamiento en Mulchén dejó cinco carabineros y dos comuneros mapuche heridos
Los hechos se registraron en un predio de la Forestal Mininco.
Fri 22nd May 2015 apoia AGER na re-delegação de domínio “.st” -
As duas entidades assinaram um protocolo para a transferência, a implantação do registo, manutenção e gestão do ccTLD referente a São Tomé e PrÃncipe.
A associação assinou um protocolo de cooperação com a Autoridade Geral de Regulação de São Tomé e PrÃncipe (AGER), focado na acção junto da Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) para a re-delegação, transferência, ... read more ...
Thu 21st May 2015
Nouvelles règles d’enregistrement du .SO - Partager cet article :Il y a tout juste 5 ans, un nouveau registre du .SO s’était constitué avec des ambitions commerciales importantes. L’idée était à l’époque de proposer cette extensions en alternatives au .COM, pour les .SOciétés… C’était tiré par les cheveux, et nous en avions parlé à l’époque. En pratique, la gestion était faite en partenariat entre les autorités somaliennes et un acteur connu des noms de domaine, GMO Registry. Les choses vont évoluer dès ... read more ...
Tue 12th May 2015
Co. With 13K Employees, 2700+ Stores Found Guilty Of Reverse Domain Name … - Consolidated Artists B.V. of Rotterdam Netherlands was just found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) on the domain names and
Its only the 5th time in 13 years that a company has been found guilty of RDNH on a or .uk domain
It should be noted that this is not a UDRP decision.
Nominet the operator of the .uk ccTLD extension has a procedure which is similar to a UDRP but has its own get of rules called a DRS which is published on Nominet’s website at:
And ... read more ...