Monthly Archives: April 2014

Sun 6th April 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Uniregistry Reserved & Sunrise .Pics Domains You Won’t Be Able To Register - I went through the zone file for .Pics the next new gTLD of Frank Schilling’s Uniregistry that will go live on April 15th. The registry gets to reserve 100 domain for its own use in the operation and promotion of the registry so far Uniregistry has selected 64 of these which are: <![CDATA[]]>Sunrise registration for .Pics domain names closed on March 28th. Here are some of the more interesting domain registered during that period and will be not be available once general availability opens ... read more ...
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Viewpoints: For the Internet, it’s the next logical step - There’s a reason we all love to “reply” to emails we receive, while striving to avoid an inappropriate “reply all.” Internet addresses can be so messy, and even the tiniest error misdirects our communication. Soon the Internet addressing challenge will be even more difficult, as “Top Level Domains” (TLDs) mushroom from a handful of familiar ones (.com, .org, .gov, .uk) to a flock of hundreds, many written in unfamiliar alphabets.But typographical challenges are not what’s ... read more ...
Sat 5th April 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
USPTO Views The Glass Half Empty When it Comes to Google - There is a lot of buzz around Google and their attempt to trademark the word glass. The Huffington Post and The Daily Mail wrote articles on Google having trouble getting their trademark approved which for the most part they were sourcing the Wall Street Journal article who seemed to be the first to talk about the trouble Google was having with their trademark for glass. Jacob Gersham wrote on the Wall Street Journal: At least one company is opposing Google’s bid. In December, Border Stylo, LLC, ... read more ...
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Straight from Singapore #2: the beat goes on - The second day of ICANN49 was "visiting day" for the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO), with various ICANN staff and stakeholder groups meeting with the GNSO. Meanwhile, the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), ICANN’s mini-United Nations, huddled in another room, also receiving visitors from time to time. The GNSO was visited by Cyrus Namazi and others from the Generic Domains Division (GDD), the group within ICANN staff tasked with running the New gTLD Program and ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Ebay to Create A Place For Virtual Currencies - Ebay has created a new category for Virtual Currency. People will be able to list crpyto currencies for sale along with mining related activities. It looks like the listings for actual currencies must be done as a classified ad. CoinDesk wrote: eBay’s main US site has introduced a category for ‘Virtual Currency’, with listings for dozens of bitcoin and altcoin-related activities – including shares in mining operations. Although eBay is still not accepting bitcoin as an official payment, ... read more ...
Fri 4th April 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Who Said There Would be No CyberSquatting In New gTLDs?,, Anyone? - Who said there would be no cybersquatting in the new gTLD space? Plenty of Google Glass typos were registered on the 1st day of general availability. Interestingly all of the registrations are public not under privacy leading me to conclude that there are just a lot of new “domainers” who don’t know anything about the laws, rules and restrictions around domain names. The new gTLD domain name was registered by someone in Ohio who used his real name. The domains: Where ... read more ...
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After 1st Days After Registration The new gTLD Experience.Glass Is Suspended … - Just noticed that the domain name Experience.Glass which was just registered on April 2nd 2014 has already been suspended by the registry, Donuts for Spam or Abuse. The domain name’s whois record was updated yesterday to the name severs: Name Server: Name Server: If you didn’t know the new gTLD operators have a lot more control over their domain names than traditional TLD”s registries like .com have. Believe me if ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
After 1st Days After Registration The new gTLD Experience.Glass Is Suspended By The Registrar - Just noticed that the domain name Experience.Glass which was just registered on April 2nd 2014 under privacy has already been suspended. The registry, Donuts said that they did not suspend the domai,n so it must by the registrar which is in this case Godaddy. The domain name’s whois record was updated on April 3rd to the name severs: Name Server: Name Server: Believe me if your game is cybersquatting, phishing, spamming or ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: “People Just Are Not Educated On How To Use The Internet” - According to, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pegged problems with people being able to signup on, by saying people just “are not educated on how to use the Internet.” “We have hundreds of thousands of people who tried to sign up and they didn’t get through,” Reid said during a press conference, before describing the difficulties people have with the Internet in general. “There are some people who are not like my grandchildren who can handle everything so ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Heritage Auctions Runs Ad in New York Times - Heritage Auctions who is scheduled to run their second ever domain auction on April 9, took out an ad in the New York Times. Its nice to see Aron Meystedt and HA do the types of things that many domainers have wanted other auction houses to do for years. Spend some money and do mainstream advertising outside the domain industry. This is a nationwide circulation ad, which according to Wikipedia is 1,865,318 as of March 2013. Here is the ad: Actual look at the newspaper: ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
National Public Radio Covers The New gTLD’s - Several new gTLD applicants were interviewed for a National Public Radio (NPR) News piece out today that covers the new gTLD’s. NPR interviewed the applicant for .Wed as well as Daniel Negari from .XYZ Daniel is quoted as saying “.Com is pretty crowded.” “We end the alphabet ends with XYZ so it makes perfect sense that domain names should end in .XYZ as well. Donuts Dan Schindler was interviewed for the piece as well as Tom Brackey. You can listen to the Segment by clicking here Google+Michael ... read more ...
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April 3: updated status of sunrise periods and trademark claims notification periods - As we previously reported to you (click here to view April 29, 2013 TLD article), the internet is expanding to include hundreds of new top-level-domains (TLDs) (examples of TLDs as we know them today include .com, .net. and .org – i.e., the term that is to the right of the "dot"). While the only certainty at that time was that the launch was inevitable, like it or not, it's finally here (click here to view January 9, 2014 Sunrise article). Frost Brown Todd will be sending out ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Top 25 New gTLD By New Registration Yesterday - Here is a look at the top 25 new gTLD strings based on the number of new registrations yesterday as tracked by <![CDATA[]]> Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
National Public Radio Covers The New gTLD’s - Several new gTLD applicants were interviewed for a National Public Radio (NPR) News piece out today that covers the new gTLD’s. NPR interviewed the applicant for .Wed as well as Daniel Negari from .XYZ Daniel is quoted as saying “.Com is pretty crowded.” “We end the alphabet ends with XYZ so it makes perfect sense that domain names should end in .XYZ as well. Donuts Dan Schindler was interviewed for the piece as well as Tom Brackey. You can listen to the Segment by clicking here Google+Michael ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates von Afilias in den Vorstand der Domain Name … - Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates von Afilias in den Vorstand der Domain Name Association berufen Philipp Grabensee bringt umfassende Internet-Erfahrung mit in die DNA Dublin, 4. April 2014 – Afilias, Registrierungsstelle für die Top-Level-Domains (TLD) .INFO, .ORG, .AERO, .MOBI, .ASIA, .XXX, .PRO, .POST und globaler Anbieter von Registry-Services, gibt die Berufung von Philipp Grabensee, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates von Afilias, in den Vorstand der Domain Name Association (DNA) ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Mittal.CEO Suspended After URS; No Site Was Up & Registrants Name Wasn’t Mittal - Hello, I am the Andrew Davis mentioned in this case, whose Domain Name (Mittal.CEO) was suspended. I would like to say, that even if the end result of this case was that I was found in violation of Trademark laws, I have no problem in accepting such a decision. However, I feel that the reasoning used by the Examiner to come to this conclusion, was very one-sided, in favour of the Complainant (ArcelorMittal). As far as I’m aware: “The URS requires a heavier burden of proof by mandating ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
DPML – effizienter Schutz von Marken bei den Neuen Top Level Domains - Die Firma Donuts hat sich für 307 Domains beworben und wird voraussichtlich 200 neue Top Level Domains betreiben. Sie macht mit dem Angebot "DPML" ein besonderes Angebot für "Defensive Registrations". Der Unterschied zu dem Trademark Clearinghouse ist, daß die Registrierung von Marken als Domains durch Dritte tatsächlich verhindert wird. Was ist DPML und was ist ihr Zweck? DPML steht für Domains Protected Marks Liste. Markeninhaber können ihre Marke eintragen und keiner kann mehr in den Domains ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
DPML – effizienter Schutz von Marken bei den Neuen Top Level Domains - Die Firma Donuts hat sich für 307 Domains beworben und wird voraussichtlich 200 neue Top Level Domains betreiben. Sie macht mit dem Angebot “DPML” ein besonderes Angebot für “Defensive Registrations”. Der Unterschied zu dem Trademark Clearinghouse ist, daß die Registrierung von Marken als Domains durch Dritte tatsächlich verhindert wird. Was ist DPML und was ist ihr Zweck? DPML steht für Domains Protected Marks Liste. Markeninhaber können ihre Marke eintragen und keiner kann mehr ... read more ...
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The brave new generic (TLD) world - 04 April 2014   |   Peter Leung, Hong Kong Touting it as “the most generic TLD ever”, the operator of dot-xyz says that this alternative to .com will attract young and savvy internet users that brand owners want to target. ... read more ...
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ICANN eröffnet Bewerbungsphase für TLD - Ungeachtet der Kritik der US-Regierung soll die Vergabe neuer Internet-Domain-Endungen starten. Die Internet-Verwaltung ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names) nimmt nach einer langen Vorbereitungsphase seit kurzem erste Bewerbungen an. Unternehmen oder Städte können sich nun bis Mitte April um eine neue Adresse mit Endungen wie ».wien«, ».reise« oder ».hotel« bewerben. Bis November 2012 werden die Anträge auf sogenannte Generic Top Level Domains (gTLD) von der ICANN geprüft. ... read more ...
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.SAARLAND Internet-Endung wurde delegiert – Zeitplan zur Einführung von … - St. Ingbert (ots) - Ab 18. Juli können die ersten Webadressen mit der Endung .SAARLAND verbindlich registriert werden. Die Einführung der Internet-Endung (Top Level Domain, kurz TLD) .SAARLAND wird in vier Phasen unterteilt sein: die Sunrise-Phase für Markeninhaber (18. Juli - 15. September 2014), das Gründerprogramm für Firmen und Personen mit innovativen Nutzungskonzepten (18. Juli - 16. August 2014), die Landrush-Phase zur Sicherung von beliebten Domains (23. September ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.Wed, .XYZ and Donuts featured in NPR new TLD story - Planet Money features some of the people behind new TLD applications. NPR aired a story on Planet Money this morning about new top level domain names. I thought the story was well done. It features Adrienne McAdory of .Wed, Daniel Negari of .XYZ, Daniel Schindler of Donuts and domain attorney Thomas Brackey. It takes a good angle on the story by featuring some of the actual applicants and their story. It starts with Adrienne McAdory, who applied for .wed. (For her ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN
Top 5 domain news stories from March - 4chan and a registry acquisition were top reads last month. March was a very busy one for the domain name industry, punctuated by Neustar’s acquisition of .Co. Here’s a look back at the top five stories on Domain Name Wire last month: 1. 4chan demands domain name – this post took off after hitting the front page of Hacker News. 2. Neustar acquires .CO for $109 million – In a surprising announcement, Neustar said it paid $109 million for the .co ... read more ...
Thu 3rd April 2014
Written by in EN and tagged
.NYC Go Live Scheduled for October 8th, 2014 - The launch policies for .NYC domain registry were just published by ICANN and they are lengthy. The “Plan has been developed to describe the Launch Program for the .nyc Top Level Domain (“TLD”) by The City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology Telecommunications (“Registry Operator”). Launch Schedule: The following is a brief overview of each of the periods that will be implemented in launching the TLD. These periods are described in ... read more ...
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Tony Kirsch Announced As Head of Global Consulting of ARI Registry Services - Tony Kirsch appointed as head of ARI Registry Services' Global ConsultingARI Registry Services today announced the appointment of Tony Kirsch to the role of Head of Global Consulting in light of his significant contribution to the New Top-Level Domain (TLD) Program, and to signify the organisation's commitment to providing world-class consultancy services. In this new role, Mr Kirsch and his team of subject matter experts will continue to support new TLD applicants across the globe with ... read more ...