Monthly Archives: March 2014

Fri 14th March 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Dana.Holdings Gets Suspended in URS Decision - The public company, Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) just won a URS it filed on the domain name The domain name was suspended based on the URS decision Findings of Fact: Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is a publicly traded Fortune 500 company based in Maumee, Ohio; Dana Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dana Holding Corporation. Dana Limited is the owner of the federally registered trademark DANA (U.S. Registration Numbers 4459800, 1190470, 856983, and 1200853) for ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Namecheap Loses UDRP In a Attempt to Get a Domain - Namecheap, Inc, just lost a UDRP on its attempt to get the domain name The domain holder defended the registration of the domain which was just registered in 2013 by saying it was a term in and of itself “Name Chap” Interesting case. Here are the relevant facts and findings by the one member panel who found the domain name was NOT confusing or similar to the trademark holder Name Cheap. Complainant was launched in 2000, and is now one of the most prominent domain name registrars ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN
WSJ: GoDaddy prepping for Initial Public Offering - WSJ reports that GoDaddy is interviewing bankers. It’s no secret that the next step for domain name registrar and webhosting company GoDaddy is an initial public offering. But now we have a bit more concrete understanding of where the company is the process. The Wall Street Journal reported this afternoon that GoDaddy is in the process of interviewing bankers to take it public. This may be a controlled leak to pique interest by bankers, although I imagine they’ve ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
This time it’s real: U.S. prepared to give adult control over pivotal internet functions - Government ready to relinquish control over IANA contract. In 2009 the U.S Government agreed to the “Affirmation of Commitments” with ICANN to set if free from U.S. control. The press ate it up, assuming that it meant the U.S. had given up control of the internet. It hadn’t. The key contract that the U.S. government controls for the internet’s naming system is actually the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) contract, which includes managing the root ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
16 some-more new tip turn domain names accessible subsequent week - 16 domain names enter landrush or general availability next week. 16 more new top level domain names will hit the market next week in one form or another. Monday, March 17 .CEO kicks off its landrush on Monday. It will last for one week. .Menu opens general availability. Tuesday, March 18 The .berlin domain name is available starting Tuesday. Another geo TLD, .kiwi, enters its “Early Bird” phase. This is just a more marketing friendly name for “Landrush”. Wednesday, ... read more ...
Thu 13th March 2014
Written by in EN and tagged
Proposed online neighbourhood for web addresses ‘sucks’, says US senator -  BlueBox System Info: file: 134 - /var/www/ bb_debug_backtrace() file: 566 - /var/www/ databaseInstance-SQLquery() file: 19 - /var/www/ getDatabaseTables() file: 40 - /var/www/ fileSystem-getAllFiles() file: 113 - /var/www/ ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
The case for Web sites ending in ‘.sucks’ - Sen. Jay Rockefeller (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File) Should people be banned from registering domain names that end in ".sucks"? It's easy to see how this could get out of hand. A politician might take out his opponent's name and put .sucks at the end. Cyberbullies might use the suffix to torment teens and young children. In the wrong hands, a .sucks domain could do real damage. But maybe clamping down isn't the best move. Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W. Va.) is the latest to claim that .sucks, ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Senator Rockefeller Voices His Displeasure Over .Sucks Top Level Domain - Peter Suciu for – Your Universe Online Senator John (Jay) Rockefeller (D-W.V) on Wednesday urged Internet regulators not to move forward with a proposed online neighborhood for website addresses ending in “.sucks.” The senior senator from West Virginia, who is the great-grandson of oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller and who announced in January that he won’t seek reelection later this year, made it clear that he is no fan of .sucks. In a sharply worded letter the chairman of the ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
Afilias bringt die Endungen .ONL und .RICH ins Internet - Afilias, Die Registrierungsstelle für die Top-Level-Domains (TLD) .INFO, .ORG, .AERO, .MOBI, .ASIA, .XXX, .PRO, .POST und globaler Anbieter von Registry-Services, gibt den Abschluss der technischen Vorbereitungen für die Aktivierung der neuen generischen Top-Level-Domains (gTLD) .ONL und .RICH im Internet bekannt.Mit den gTLDs .ONL und .RICH bietet die Berliner I-REGISTRY Ltd. Registraren interessante Vorteile. Durch die .ONL-Domain können Nutzer schnell die Botschaft „Ich bin online“ vermitteln. ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Senator Thinks Proposed Domain Name .sucks - Making a website to mock something you don't like and calling it "" isn't new, but the opening of new domain names by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers means you could soon make your website "" instead. Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) wrote a letter to the ICANN to tell them that that idea .sucks. The generic top-level domain (gTLD) system has been opened up by ICANN, who are accepting applications from corporations, political groups and ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Facebook Launches Video Ads - Today Facebook rolled out video ads, these ads will be autoplay ads which I am sure will quickly have some ranting and raving to do away with it. With the sheer size of Facebook this could turn out to be a huge number of video ads playing on a monthly basis. ReelSEO wrote, O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! The Jabberwock is, er, Facebook video ads are here! Our news feeds will now be inundated with autoplay video ads. Yippee? Well, it’s a big step forward for the world’s largest social network ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Senator Is Unamused with .Sucks Web Site Addresses - Senator Jay Rockefeller came out forcefully against the idea of Internet U.R.L.s ending in “.sucks” in a stern letter to the group tasked with overseeing the creation and maintenance of domain names on the Web. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is aggressively increasing the number of “generic top-level domains” (gTLDs). It has already approved more than 100 new gTLDs, including .vote, .fish, and .mango. If ICANN moves forward and adds .sucks to the Internet, ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Apple, Nvidia and Ericsson beat squatters to .wiki web domains - Numerous companies including Apple, Nvidia, Ericsson, Hallmark, The Weather Channel, Chanel and Old Mutual have rushed to buy their new top-level .wiki domains, following concerns that internet trolls may attempt to hijack control of them. CentralNic Group, the company that handles the new .wiki domains, confirmed that the companies were among the first to buy the domains. The .wiki top-level ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
The Late IGal/Mrs Jello Hit With UDRP On - A domain name registered to Mrs. Jello, LLC which was the company formed by  the late Igal Lichtman  has been hit with a UDRP. A UDRP has been filed by the Milly LLC on the domain name According to Business Week, Milly LLC is a private company which “designs apparel for women worldwide. It offers dresses, tops, bottoms, outerwear, swimwear, handbags, fashion jewelry, and accessories, as well as clothing for children. The company also provides products for cocktails and offices, as ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
17 Year Old Hit With UDRP - Egton Medical Information Systems Limited has filed a UDRP with the World Intellectual  Property Organization (WIPO) against the domain name The domain name is owned by  Health Axis Group of Tampa, Florida but has a Network Solutions placeholder. Health Axis seems to have acquired the domain in June of 2012. The domain name has according to domain tools an original registration date of 1997. According to Screenshots prior to Health Axis acquisition of the domain it was parked ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Mercedes Benz Launches MB4.Me To Sell Cars & As Its New Umbrella Brand - Under this new umbrella brand, the Stuttgart-based premium automotive manufacturer is bundling all existing and future service offers, making them easily accessible at any time on a digital platform that is scheduled to go online in Summer 2014. “Mercedes me” is broken down into five areas – “move me”, “connect me”, “assist me”, “finance me” and “inspire me” – and takes into account all product-relevant areas such as the purchasing, financing and servicing of vehicles, ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Senator Rockefeller opposes .sucks domains - Shane McGlaun ICANN, or the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, is the agency that gets to decide what top-level domains are added to the web. Those top level domains are things like .com, .gov, and .net for instance. In 2012, ICANN approved a bunch of new TLDs for the web including the controversial .xxx for pornographic sites. More new TLDs are being considered by ICANN and one of them ... read more ...
Written by in FR and tagged
gTLD : aux Etats-Unis, un sénateur veut bloquer le .sucks - Un sénateur américain ne veut pas que des adresses de sites Web puissent se terminer en « .sucks ». Aux Etats-Unis, il a donc demandé à l'Icann de bloquer l'utilisation de ces extensions de noms de domaines. Plusieurs nouveaux noms de domaines sont régulièrement crées et mis sur le marché par l'Icann. Par exemple, ce mercredi l'organisme a autorisé l'utilisation de l'extension « monde » en caractères chinois. D'autres domaines ne font pas forcément l'unanimité. Aux Etats-Unis, le ... read more ...
Written by in DE and tagged
.BERLIN bis .RUHR – .ACADEMY bis .UNO: 22 neue TLDs starten im März in die … - (PresseBox) (Regensburg, 13.03.2014) Für 22 neue Domain-Endungen beginnt im März 2014 die General Availability. Nach dem Start von 26 neuen Top-Level-Domains im Februar haben Internetnutzer damit die Wahl zwischen 48 neuen Endungen. Aus deutscher Sicht sind besonders die regionalen TLDs .RUHR und .BERLIN interessant. Während .BERLIN nach nur einer vierwöchigen Sunrise-Phase am 18. März direkt in die General Availability ... read more ...
Written by in NL and tagged
Amerikaanse senator hekelt plan voor ‘.sucks’-domeinnamen - Foto:  Thinkstock ICANN is bezig met het uitrollen van zogenoemde 'generieke topleveldomeinen' (GTLD's), die het aantal mogelijke webadressen fors zullen uitbreiden. Waar er nu slechts een beperkt aantal GTLD's beschikbaar is, zoals .com en .info, komen er daar naar verwachting ruim duizend bij. Meer dan honderd nieuwe GTLD's zijn al goedgekeurd door ICANN. Onder meer .wiki, .bargains en .email zijn al verkocht ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Seeks Up to a $7.6 Billion Valuation - the maker of Candy Crush Saga could be looking at as much as a $7.6 billion valuation in their I.P.O. The Wall Street Journal reported today that the valuation would put King in the big leagues with a valuation rivaling the top video game companies on the market. Of course has had some negative publicity lately with their attempts to trademark Candy and Saga. Smaller game makers and gamers alike have expressed their displeasure with the company. From the Wall Street Journal: King ... read more ...
Written by in NL and tagged
Senator eist blokkade chantagedomein - De voorzitter van de Handelscommissie in de Amerikaanse senaat haalt uit naar topleveldomein .sucks die is geregistreerd in de gTLD-loterij van vorig jaar. Hij vreest dat partijen dit domein alleen maar zullen gebruiken om bedrijven geld uit de zak te kloppen. "Betaal ons, of gaat viral." "Zou je het toestaan dat een partij registreert?" vraagt senator John D. Rockefeller zich af. Hij haalt ter illustratie een Canadees bedrijf aan dat nu al betalingen accepteert voor ... read more ...
Written by in EN and tagged
Senator Jay Rockefeller Opposes the ‘.sucks’ Domain - Jay Rockefeller, the Democratic Senator from West Virginia, came out strongly this week against the ‘.sucks’ top-level domain, which he described as “little more than a predatory shakedown scheme.” Some background: generic top-level domains (gTLDs) are the endings of URLs, such as .com, .edu, .gov, and of course, .biz. ICANN, the international group that administers the domain name system, is currently in the process of considering and distributing hundreds of new top-level domains. These ... read more ...