Sells $1.4MM In Domains Led By for $75,000 - just announced its weekly sales data ending June 25th, 2012. In all over $1.4MM of domains were sold. The top seller was at $75K.
Other domains topping the list of public sales were for €16,900 for $15,000.
In all 891 domains were sold. 41% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.
Below is the entire list of publicly reportable sales in their respective currencies:
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: June 2012
Tue 26th June 2012
An Inside Look during a Technology Driving DomainPower’s Performance - is releasing a press release this morning entitled “An Inside Look at the Technology Driving DomainPower’s Revenues” whcih contains some example of increased performance on monetization.
Here you go:
We released DomainPower’s Monetization Decision Engine (MDE) in January of 2012, and since then have continued to implement a series of improvements that has positioned it as one of the industry’ fastest growing parking solutions.
Recently, we published a PDF that ... read more ...
Proč jsou domény nejvyššího řádu tak drahé -
„Fadi Chehadé je člověk, který se v komunitě kolem ICANN nikdy nepohyboval a téměř nikdo jej nezná,“ komentuje zvolení nového šéfa výkonný ředitel CZ.NIC Ondřej Filip. Podle jeho slov bude Chehadé potřebovat čas na seznámení s celou institucí. „Času ale příliš mít nebude, protože vstupuje do ICANNu v období, kdy je v plném běhu jeho historicky největší projekt, tedy vznik nových domén nejvyšší úrovně.“
„V ... read more ...
MediaPost: Advertisers To Spend 15% More On Paid Search This Year With Mobile Driving Growth - According to Media Post, citing an “Advertising Expenditure Forecast for June 2012 by Publicis Groupe company ZenithOptimedia, advertisers will spend about 15% more in 2012 on paid-search marketing, up 15% in 2013, and 13% in 2014.”
“The report points to three growth drivers: new opportunities to create custom experiences, integration of four screens, and an uptick in mobile.”
“Mobile paid-search spend sits at 15% of all paid-search spend, up from 5% in April 2011″
“Today, mobile ... read more ...
Go Daddy says ask to pierce not about politics -
Company says campaign committee and politics not at play in request to change web hosts.
Last Friday sent a notice to the owner of informing him that he needed to find a new home for his domain name and web site.
Douglas J. Hagmann, founder of the site, tells his story here. He claims that one of the Obama campaign’s “truth teams” asked Go Daddy to give the site the boot.
But Ben Butler, Network Abuse Director at Go Daddy, ... read more ...
ICANN sends crack notice to Tucows -
Organization sends notice of breach to third largest domain name registrar.
ICANN has sent a notice of breach to Tucows, the third largest domain name registrar.
This breach notice is unusual in that it seems to stem from a dispute over a particular domain name.
According to the letter, Tucows is in breach of its registrar accreditation agreement for two reasons:
1. Tucows’ failure to maintain registration data and records pursuant to Section 3.4 of the RAA; and
2. ... read more ...
Intriguing domain name associated heading filings -
From “Domain Sales” to .YT, some interesting filings.
I checked in to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office site this morning to see if there were any interesting domain name related trademark applications. Indeed, I’d say so.
First off is an application from Kikabink Pty Ltd in Australia for the mark “Domain Sales”. The applicant is the creator of this iPhone app. I’ve got to think it would be difficult to trademark such a generic and descriptive term.
Next ... read more ...
If we play a ICANN game, design to get burned -
More wasted money and resources. Get used to it.
It’s never pretty seeing the sausage get made.
It hasn’t been pretty seeing the new TLD program launch.
A handful of companies invested a lot of money early on as they worked to help form ICANN’s new top level domain program. As the program creation process dragged on they spent money on salaries, office space, etc. As it became clear that the process was going to take longer than expected they ended up laying ... read more ...
Mon 25th June 2012
Beckstrom: “I Took ICANN From $57 Million Under Management To $444 Million” - Rod Beckstrom in the opening ceremony at the ICANN conference this morning gave what I guess would be fair to call his farewell address as CEO of ICANN.
In pointing out the accomplishments of ICANN while Mr. Beckstrom has been CEO he said:
“When I came, ICANN had $57 million of funds under management.
Today, $444 million.
“We have seen real growth.”
Now last time I looked ICANN was a non-profit corporation whose mission was not to grow “funds under management”, but to serve the public interest.
The ... read more ...
New ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade Impresses In Opening Session: “The Internet is a Greatest Public Gift” - The new CEO of ICANN gave an motivating and impressive speech in the ICANN opening Session.
Here are some of the more memorable quotes from Mr. Chehade:
“The Internet is the Greatest Public Gift”
“I will be extra transparent”
“I will make all my decisions for the public interest”
“I care much more about getting things done than about figuring out who should get the credit. we will focus on getting things done, and this is what we need to do today”
“I am all about inclusion, and ... read more ...
ICANN Board Approves Renewal Of Verisign Contract To Run .Com for Another 6 Years - The ICANN board just issued a resolution renewing the Contract with Verisign to run the .com registry for another six years.
Under the contract Verisign has the right to increase the wholesale price of .com 7% in any 4 of the six years of the contract.
I appears the Board of ICANN did not adopt any of the suggestions made during the comment period
Here is the resolution:
“Whereas, the current .COM Registry Agreement is due to expire on 30 November 2012.
“Whereas, Section 4.2 of the current .COM ... read more ...
ICANN Officially Names Beijing, China For ICANN Meeting #46 From Apr 7th-12th 2013 - The ICANN Board has named Beijing, China as host for ICANN meeting number 46 which will be held from April 7th-12th 2013.
Here is the resolution:
“Whereas, ICANN intends to hold its first Meeting for 2013 in the Asia Pacific region as per its process for rotation of meetings among ICANN’s geographic regions.
“Whereas, the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the Internet Society of China (ISC) and the China Organizational Name Administration Center (CONAC), together submitted ... read more ...
The Domain Is Lost In A UDRP - A three member UDRP panel, has awarded the domain name to the complainant the “Military Order of the Purple Heart Service Foundation, Inc.”
The organization has 4 trademarks on the term in the US, and the oldest one is dated 1998.
The organization also has 8 trademarks in the US for the term “Military Order of the Purple Heart” or variations thereof.
The domain holder is listed as , WhoIs Privacy Services Pty Ltd / Robert Capps
A Purple Heart is a military honor, awarded ... read more ...
.Art and .Church heading a competition for open comments on tip turn domain applications -
Public comments on new TLD applications range from boring to misinformed.
Anyone with an email address (and I do mean anyone) can comment on any one of the nearly 2,000 top level domain applications.
As of right now there are 161 submitted comments, mostly covering just a handful of proposed top level domains.
Many of the comments are predictable. As we saw with .xxx, religious folk do a good job with email blast campaigns. So there’s plenty of “support” for ... read more ...
Lance Armstrong Foundation’s engaging skeleton for a .LiveStrong domain -
An opportunity wasted and a couple hundred grand down the drain.
I posted this tweet on the eve of the new top level domain reveal day:
Offering a .livestrong domain seems like a good idea to me. Think of the millions of Lance Armstrong Foundation fans supporting the cause and wearing their yellow wristbands. Why not give each of them a name.livestrong domain name? They can use it to raise money, post about their battles with cancer, etc. Much of this functionality ... read more ...
What domains Major League Baseball and NBC bought final week -
MLB, NBC, and 14 other end users recently purchased.
I just got back from vacation in San Francisco. Since I only have one whitelisted IP address to hit Go Daddy’s servers for whois request (and that would be at my office), I’m a bit late on last week’s end user list.
Notable on this week’s list: MLB picked up a domain for $1,500 and NBC Universal got one for only $1,000.
First Rate, which provides investment results reporting solutions, bought ... read more ...
Sun 24th June 2012
30%-50% Of All Domain Registrations Are Through Resellers & Enom Has 8,000 of Them - A few interesting facts coming out of the afternoon ICANN session entitled; “Briefing for GAC on Domain Name Marketplace”
Jeff Eckhaus of Demand Media which owns, speaking to the Governmental Advisory Council, (GAC) said that Enom has 8,000 resellers itself and he thought that on a volume of registrations, the percentage of domain names registered by resellers was “somewhere between 30 and 50%”
I was pretty surprised with the numbers and so was the GAC, who was less than happy.
As ... read more ...
Replacement For Digital Archery: How About Carnival Games? - Now that ICANN has suspended the Digital Archery program, to batch applications, the question becomes what other alternatives can ICANN use to batch applications.
The issue is that ICANN believes that a random drawing could constituent a lottery in some jurisdictions especially since you have to pay to enter and in this case $185,000.
To avoid being called a lottery you can run a game of skill, which gave birth to Digital Archery.
Now that Digital Archery seems to be pushed off the table, ICANN needs ... read more ...
New Study Shows 18% Of Business That Have The Word “Me” In Its Name, Use a .Me Address -,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BoardRoom.Me, BoaSaude.Me,, Born2B.Me,,,,, CampusRadio.ME,,,, CheckInOn.Me,,,,,,,, DesksNear.Me, Disguises.Me,,, Domain.ME,, DURK.ME (Do ... read more ...
ICANN: Batching to Be Done in 3 Batches of 5 Months Each Or In One Batch Which Will Take A Year - Out of the ICANN Session this morning on the issue of batching, ICANN is now saying they will either go with 3 batches each taking 5 months or a total of 15 months, or they will go with just one batch which will take 1 year.
Of course the issue of batching is now back to square one and the Digital Archery program which was going to determine batching was suspended the other day by ICANN.
“This is all about quality and getting it right” said Kurt Pritz the interim head of the new gTLD program.
Google+Michael ... read more ...
ICANN: Trademark Clearinghouse To Cost Each Registry $7K-$10K & Will Launch In Oct 2012 - ICANN has laid out for the first time, a timeline for the Trademark Clearing House (TMCH)
In a session today ICANN stated the cost to each registry would be between $7,000-$10,000
It seems unclear based on questions from the crowd whether that $7K-$10K fee would be per registry or per TLD.
Despite the question being asked, there was no answer.
For those applicants which applied for multiple new gTLD’s that one factor could make a HUGE difference in cost.
Take Donuts, Inc, for example which applied ... read more ...
ICANN: “URS $300-$500 Price Target For URS May Not Be Met” - In a morning session at the ICANN Conference, in what was called an update to the Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) system “implementation work indicates that the $300-$500 cost target any not be met.”
To remind you the URS is suppose to be a quicker faster and cheaper version of the UDRP of “clear cut cases of abuse” a repaid take down of sites.
“How can we refashion the URS to get closer to our cost goals and still keep the protection rights for registrants?
It has become clear that none ... read more ...
Another Lawsuit Against Google Over Selling Trademark Adwords Filed By Cybersitter - According to, another company has filed suit against Google for alleged trademark infringement on AdWords by allowing a competitor Net Nanny to by ads for show users who search for “Cybersitter” on Google.
Cybersitter, a company that sells software to block adult content
“Cybersitter argues that Google’s decision to allow the company’s name to trigger search ads infringes trademark. Cybersitter also says its trademark was infringed by the ad copy for Net Nanny, which sometimes ... read more ...
Company sues over stolen domains after losing UDRP -
Austin Rare Coins asks court to hand over allegedly stolen domain names.
An Austin company has filed an in rem cybersquatting lawsuit in an effort to get control over eight domain names it says were stolen from its possession.
Austin Rare Coins, Inc. first turned to National Arbitration Forum with a UDRP filing to try to get the domain names back. The panel awarded it one domain but not the others, saying it didn’t prove any trademark rights to most of the domain ... read more ...
Sat 23rd June 2012
Newest UDRP Complaints;, and - Another day another bunch of UDRP filings including on the domain name, the famous Bob Marley song which has been used by the Jamaican Tourist Bureau for a number of years in its television commercials was hit with a UDRP a few days ago so although the complainant is unknown at this time, it appears they are going after both domains. is parked and has a link to Bob Marley so it could be his estate filing the complaint. is going to a Godaddy Placeholder.
The ... read more ...