L’Icann s’attaque à la racine de ses conflits d’intérêts -
Rod Beckstrom, président et CEO de l'Icann jusqu'en juillet 2012 (crédit : Icann)
A l'occasion de sa 43e réunion publique accueillie par le Costa Rica, l'Icann, régulateur technique d'Internet, cherche à régler les conflits d'intérêt qu'il reconnaît en son sein. Une équipe indépendante va examiner sa politique en la matière. Parmi les responsables de l'Icann figurent de fait des professionnels intéressés par le programme de gTLDs ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: March 2012
Tue 13th March 2012
Better.com Hits $50K on Flippa.com - The domain name Better.com is on sale on Flippa.com
As of publication the high bid has reached $50,000 but has not hit reserve.
So far there are 30 bids in the auction which ends in 26+ days.
As a disclaimer we are not the owner of the domain, nor do we represent or have any financial interest in the domain or the outcome of the auction.
Its certainly as nice name.
I remember that the domain name Best.com sold into the six figure within the last couple of years I think around $400K
When it comes ... read more ...
The state of .tel in 2012 -
It’s still there. Really.
.Tel has been quiet, at least in the domainer community, for quite some time. There are a couple good reasons for this: you can’t park .tel domains and no one is getting rich trying to resell them for a profit.
The company sent out its latest newsletter today and it has some interesting data.
The first thing that caught my eye was that you will soon be able to add video to your site. But it can only be done via API. I’ve long thought ... read more ...
OK, so maybe American Airlines hasn’t motionless who to combine with, registers Delta and United domains -
AMR to merge with U.S. Airways, United, or Delta?
Sunday evening I posted about how American Airlines or U.S. Airways registered a bunch of domain names related to a merger with U.S. Airways.
Today I have clarity that the company doing the registering is American Airlines. [Update: Apparently U.S. Airways claims responsibility. I find this interesting given that some of the domains are specific to American, and some of them don’t even if the U.S. Airways brand ... read more ...
ICANN: We’re relocating brazen with straight integration -
ICANN posts update on vertical integration.
ICANN just posted an update (pdf) to the issue of “vertical integration” between registries and registrars.
At issue is whether a registry, such as Afilias or VeriSign, can also own a domain registrar, such as GoDaddy.
ICANN has been fairly quiet on the issue despite the window for applying for new TLDs coming to a close next month.
But it just posted a letter in response to an inquiry from the GNSO Registry Stakeholder ... read more ...
Mon 12th March 2012
Cnet.com Just Covers .Co & Juan Calle: There Are 1.3 Million .Co Domains Registered - Cnet.com just published a story on the .Co registry and Its CEO Juan Calle.
The Story entitled: “CO Internet is a company cool enough for Brooklyn hipsters” was written by Paul Sloan who has written about the domain name industry before.
The article starts out:
“Suddenly, the outfit behind the .co domain is everywhere, even if many people barely notice. It’s all part of Juan Diego Calle’s shrewd strategy”.
“”If you haven’t heard of Juan Diego Calle’s company quite yet, consider ... read more ...
Report Says 1/2 Of All Rogue Online Pharmacy Domains Are Registered At Two Registrars & Internet.bs is #1 - A new report says that 1/2 of all rogue online pharmacy domain names are registered at two registrars.
According to LegitScript verification and monitoring service for online pharmacies, “at least one-third of all active rogue pharmacy sites are registered at Internet.bs,” and maybe responsible for up to “nearly 44 percent.”
The story first reported by krebsonsecurity.com interviewed the President of Internet.bs Marco Rinaudo, who said that “LegitScript’s report was bound to be “excellent ... read more ...
Beckstrom: 254 Registered Users In TAS For New gTLD’s - In his remarks from the opening ceremony of the ICANN conference, the CEO Rod Beckstrom said that as of last night there are now “254 registered users in the on-line application system.”
“Each user can submit multiple gtld applications, so when the registration period closes later this month on the 29th of March, in just 17 days, we will know the total number of users, but we will still have only a rough idea of how many applications we can expect by the 12th of April. we have an operational ... read more ...
Mexican Billonaire To Finace A New Internet Tv Network: Ora.tv - CNBC.com just reported that Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim is financing an internet TV network which will be called Ora.Tv
The network will feature on-demand content and will produce “a wide range of programs that transcend traditional formats,” the website said and a show with former television host Larry King.
“Slim’s America Movil, one of the world’s biggest telecommunications firms, will fund the station that will be led by Jon Housman, who was formerly the president of digital journalism ... read more ...
If Gus is Right Domain Names Maybe In Big Trouble As Google Moves To Location Based Search Results - In the course of the week we at Mostwanteddomains.com, receive 50-100 offers on and occasionally run into some interesting people.
Last week I had email conversation with a guy named Gus.
So according to Gus, who claims to have some inside knowledge about Google’s algorithm and plans for how it will rank sites in the future, domains are in big trouble.
According to Gus, Google will start ranking sites based on the location of the searcher, so that direct match domains will no longer have preference ... read more ...
SXSW 2012: .Co, .Net, new TLDs, and SEO.com -
Four connections to domain names at SXSW.
SXSW 2012 Interactive kicked off on Thursday in Austin, Texas, with lots of “domain” attractions.
.Co – .co was a big sponsor this year, hosting numerous parties and sponsoring panels and giveaways.
Friday night it sponsored the “Celebration of American Startups” event at Austin City Limits. Saturday night it sponsored TechCocktail. Steve Case made an appearance (below) at TechCocktail and told everyone in the ... read more ...
Sun 11th March 2012
He Once Had Over 1 Million Domains & Made $1.5 Million A Month, Now This Domainer is On The Verge Of Losing It All - One of the oldest (in terms of getting into domaining) and biggest domain portfolio owners of all time is on the verge of losing everything including all of his domain names according to a post on lawlessamerica.com.
The story is about Jeff Baron who you may or may not recognize, but the domains he registered back in the day were registered to Compana, LLC of Texas using the servers Compana.com which I and many domainers will certainly recognize.
He also owned a company called Ondova Limited.
According ... read more ...
American Airlines partnership with U.S. Airways is a go, advise domain registrations -
Company registers over a dozen domain names for airline merger.
[Update: Now domains related to an American Airlines and Delta or United merger have been registered.]
U.S. Airways has been rumored as a potential acquirer of American Airlines since the latter went into bankruptcy protection. Over two dozen recent domain registrations suggest that the acquisition is very likely, if not a done deal.
On Friday, the same day American parent company AMR asked for an extension ... read more ...
Sat 10th March 2012
Catching Up With NameJet.com Sales: WhiteRock.com $11K; EuroJet.com $7,600 + More - It’s been a couple of weeks since we wrote about the results of NameJet.com auctions so we thought we would catch up with some sales so far in March.
So far a Frank Schilling purchase leads the way
WhiteRock.com sold for $11,388 to Name Administration.
It probably won’t surprise you to find out that White Rock it a city in British Columbia Canada.
The 2nd highest sale that we have on our radar was autographed.com which sold for $8,700
EuroJet.com which sold for $7,600
VinylSigns.com was grabbed ... read more ...
Fri 9th March 2012
Das System der liberalisierten Top-Level-Domains auf einen Blick -
Die «ICANN» (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), die globale Verwaltungsstelle von Internetadressen, hat das System der so genannten «generischen» Top-Level-Domains (gTLDs) oder «Domain-Endungen» geöffnet. Zu den bestehenden generischen (z.B. .com, .net oder .info) und geografischen Domain-Endungen (z.B. .ch, .eu oder .fr) sollen neue sach- bzw. produktbezogene (z.B. .hotel, .pizza), geografische (z.B: .schweiz, .berlin), markenbezogene (z.B. .swiss, .apple, .yahoo) ... read more ...
Sedo.com Sells Sol.com For $130,000 To Sol Beer; Frank Schilling Sells SlotCity.com For $56K + More - Sedo.com is on fire this morning posting several sales
The domain name Sol.com just sold on Sedo.com for 98,000 Euro’s or around $130,000.
Of course Sol means Sun in Latin and some other languages.
The buyer of the domain is Sol Beer and the domain name is already being forwarded its official site at sol-beer.co.uk
Sol Beer is owned by Heineken.
The seller appears to have been a Riccardo Barbieri of Spain.
In another sale coming through this morning, Frank Schilling Name Administration sold the ... read more ...
Verisign Report May Indicate That The Number Of Parked Domains Looks To Be In Significant Decline - Verisign released its Domain Name Industry Brief yesterday for the 4th quarter of 2011.
At one time Verisign reported the number of parked domains but stopped that practice a few years back.
The last time Verisign reported the number or percentage of parked domains on a .com or a .net domain name that number totaled 7%.
In recent years Verisign has been lumping parked domains into a category with “One page websites” which “include under-construction, brochure-ware and parked pages in addition ... read more ...
Domain Name Wire turns 7 today -
Time flies when you’re having fun.
Seven years ago today I wrote the first post on Domain Name Wire.
When I started Domain Name Wire the domain industry media landscape was very different. The only online publication was Ron Jackson’s DNJournal. Ron focused (and still focuses) on profiles and sales reports rather than breaking news and analysis. Ron will tell you this was a conscious decision he made based on his years in the news business, because breaking and ... read more ...
UDRP panelist decides box notwithstanding tentative authorised action -
Panelist decides to render his opinion even though it will be ignored.
Earlier today I wrote about Nominet’s Dispute Resolution Service for .uk domain names, and how the registry wants it to be the “final say” on domain disputes for .uk domain names.
UDRP, the arbitration mechanism for a number of top level domain names including .com, is different. It’s meant to be a fast way to resolve clear cut cases of cybersquatting. When a domain is ordered transferred, ... read more ...
Unlike UDRP, Nominet doesn’t wish your .uk disputes to go to court -
Nominet says court decision validates its dispute resolution service.
Nominet is celebrating a decision by the High Court (a senior court in England) upholding a decision reached in its Dispute Resolution Service for the domain Emirates.co.uk.
In its opinion, the court ruled:
Looking at the scheme as a whole, it was apparently intended to create a self-contained dispute resolution mechanism which is closely regulated, cheap, quick and (apparently) efficient. To add ... read more ...
Thu 8th March 2012
Verisign Reports 2011 Closed With 225 Million Domain Registrations: .Com/Net Almost 114 Million - Verisign just published its Domain Name Industry Brief report for the 4th Quarter of 2011.
The fourth quarter of 2011 closed with a base of more than 225 million domain name registrations across all Top Level Domains (TLDs), which represents a 10 percent increase since the fourth quarter of 2010.
The .com and .net TLDs reached 113.8 million names combined at the end of the fourth quarter of 2011, which marks an 8 percent increase in the base over the same quarter in 2010.
New .com and .net registrations ... read more ...
Co.Com Hits The Sale Block With A “Multi Seven-Figure Price Tag” - According to a press release this morning the domain name Co.Com has been put up for sale.
The domain that is owned by Paul Goldstone is being co-brokered by DomainAdvisors and SellDomains.com.
The domain name received 4.5 million unique visitors and 14 million page views in 2011.
Tessa Holcomb, Founder CEO of DomainAdvisors. is quoted as saying:
“There are few names that command a multi seven-figure price tag and CO.com is one of the top domains in this small segment of the market. It’s not ... read more ...
Perth Based Telco iiNet Going After Its Own gTLD: “”Relatively Cheap Way To Secure A Part Of The Internet”, - A PERTH based Telcom company, iiNet announced plans to apply for the gTLD .iiNet
“iiNet’s operations manager Roger Yerramsetti is quoted saying:
The $200,000 cost for .iiNet was a ”relatively cheap way to secure a part of the internet”
The company apparently has selected ARI Registry Services which according to the articlediscussing the application, charges $50,000 for the application process.
While Mr. Yerramsetti boasts in the article that he is sure no one else will apply ... read more ...
Verisign says 225 million domains registered, discusses domain hijacking -
Domain name base keeps growing.
VeriSign has released its latest quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief. Here are the latest stats, according to VeriSign and Zooknic:
– Last year ended with over 225 million domains registered across all top level domains
– Registrations have grown by more than 20.4 million, or 10 percent, since the fourth quarter of 2010
– Country code domains are growing at an even faster clip, with 13.2 percent increase year over year
– The ... read more ...
ICANN releases checklist for domain seizures -
Non-profit releases paper explaining considerations and parties involved with domain seizures.
Citing increased domain seizures and take downs due to criminal activity, the ICANN Security Team has released a paper explaining the process and considerations for complainants when trying to take down a domain name.
The paper (pdf) is meant as a technical document as opposed to a legal document.
It explains that there are various players involved in maintaining a domain ... read more ...