Return Of a Typo’s: They are Selling Like Hotcakes On - I’ve been noticing a trend that has fairly recent on and its return of active auctions for typo domain names.
With PPC income declining over the last few years typo domain’s have not seen too much action at the drop auction houses, but just this week these typo domains have sold:
And these are still in auction and will closing over the next couple of day’s:
Of course those are just the auctions I’m tracking.
So what do you think?
Have you seen an increase in these number ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Wed 13th July 2011
Google Launches New Product “What Do You Love” Using Time, Inc. Owns & Isn’t Using it - In a post on Google’s blog today they rolled out a new product “What Do You Love” and launched as its site.
The exact match domain name for the new Google product, is under brand protection at Mark Monitor and belongs to another client of MarkMonitor, Time, Inc.
However seems to be for a dead product of Time, Inc and resolves to a “Page Not Found” on a Time, Inc. product.
The interesting part to me is that both clients use Mark Monitor ... read more ...
Hustler Comes Out Swinging Against ICM & .XXX - According to a story in, Hustler has come out swinging against. XXX and anyone who plans to registering or obtaining a .XXX domain name containing one of there trademarks.
In a statement sent to and, Hustler President Michael Klein said:
The ICM registry is “prohibited from registering or selling to a third party any .XXX domain names that contain the famous Hustler trademark or other Hustler-related trademarks.”
“It appears that the .XXX TLD will do nothing but drive ... read more ...
Go Daddy Explains Why UDRP Filings Have Gone Up -
Increased enforcement and ease of filing UDRPs are possible reasons for increased filings.
I’m very critical of commentary that suggests an increase in UDRP filings directly correlates to an increase in cybersquatting.
After all, the rate of UDRP filings compared to total registrations remains historically low.
When you have “new filers” suddenly filing over 100 cases in a single year, it leads me to believe that enforcement has increased more than anything ... read more ...
Children’s Book Author Loses Pinkalicious Domain Dispute -
Pinkalicious author is red in the face.
Victoria Kann, author of the popular children’s book series Pinkalicious, has lost a domain name dispute for
Kann filed the dispute last month with National Arbitration Forum.
There was a fatal flaw in her case: the domain name was registered well before she started publishing the book series.
Kann argued that she had rights in the “Pinkalicious” mark dating to 2004 when she entered into a contract to ... read more ...
Is Your Domain Broker Working for You or a Other Party? -
Marketplace brokers need to clearly state their interests.
A couple months ago the founder of a startup reached out to me for advice about getting the domain name that matched their company name. The founder wasn’t having any luck contacting the owner of the domain name but it was listed on a marketplace. He tried to negotiate through the marketplace but ultimately the domain owner was unresponsive.
I suggested he engage the marketplace’s brokers directly given ... read more ...
DomainTools Releases API -
New API makes it easier to access domain data databases.
DomainTools has released a new API that will make it easier for power users to access its data and will enable web site owners to integrate new tools into their sites.
The API encompasses almost all of the data currently available on DomainTools including whois history, reverse whois, nameserver reports, registrant alerts, and domain suggestions.
Here are some examples of how DomainTools says you can use the ... read more ...
Tue 12th July 2011 Sells $458k In Domains Led By For $16k - just released its sales for the week ending Sunday July 10th. All reportable domain sales $1k and over totalled $457,487. The top seller of the week was at $16,050 followed by at $7,600.
Here is the complete list of sales:
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ... Sells $764k In Domains Led By For $50k - just released its sales list for the week ending Monday July 11th. All reportable domain sales totalled $764,000. The top seller of the week was at $50,000 followed by at $45,000.
The complete list is below:
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
DinersClub Loses UDRP Bid for 4 Domain Names Containing The Word Diner & Card - Its rare you see a big name trademark holder lose a UDRP against one defendant for several similar domain names, but that’s just what happened to Diners Club when they filed a UDRP against Green Free who owned several .NL domain names having the words “diner” and “card” in them:,,, and
Here are the relevant facts and conclusions by the one person panel:
“The defendant denies that the DINERS Brands ... read more ...
BREAKING: Being Bought For $200 Million – $250 Million - According to TechCrunch, Citrix Systems is buying for between $200 million and $250 million.
TechCrunch says the deal should be announced within the hour.
Just a couple of months ago that the TechWorld took notice of sale of $4.5 million as being over the top.
And it was just back in February 2010 that my friend fellow domainer Larry Fischer wrote on his blog, that he inquired about the domain name and was told the owner was “considering cash ... read more ...
How Can & Let Sit Not Resolving? - Google Plus is the huge new product from Google launched just a couple of weeks ago to compete with and as TechCrunch pointed out has already added billions in market cap to Google.
So I was pretty surprised to see that the domain name, which is in fact owned by Google, Inc. and under management at the brand protection company, is simply not resolving
Not resolving to a page for Google Plus.
Not even just re-directed to
Just Not resolving.
Of ... read more ...
Australian Government and Other End User Domain Purchases This Week -
A look at Afternic sales for the week.
I didn’t find a lot of interesting end user domain purchases through Afternic this week. The amount of disclosed sales was lower than usual thanks to the holiday weekend and a number of domains are still pending transfer. But here’s a look at some of the more interesting sales:
Austrialia’s Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency spent $3,588 on
Medical company YGM Group, LLC ... read more ...
Latona’s Adds Expense Details to Latest Web Sites for Sale -
More web sites for sale, this time with hard costs data.
Rick Latona has released a new batch of developed web sites for sale. This time around he has added expense details so you can get an idea of how much it costs to operate the site.
Still, the expense details don’t seem to take into consideration how much time the site operators spend on the site. You’ll want to find that out before placing an offer.
Included are two insurance lead generation sites. One ... read more ...
Go Daddy Gets Gripe Site -
Go Daddy gets control of domain name. now owns, Kevin Murphy reports for The Register. was set up as a gripe site after the domain registrar suspended the registration of security mailing list
Since then it has been a gathering place for customers and ex-employees of the world’s largest domain name registrar. They aired their grievances there, often times sending traffic to Domain Name Wire articles ... read more ... Buys Domain Name -
Company gets domain name for its new music service.
When announced its music-anywhere service and corresponding Cloud Player a few months ago, it was missing a key ingredient — the domain name
It has belatedly fixed that problem.
On July 11 the whois record for transferred to Amazon. It hasn’t yet started forwarding the domain name to its product page, however.
Cloud Player is the application to access your Amazon ... read more ...
Branding Lesson: Was Much Better Than VMOps -
Domain name boosted VMops in the hot cloud market.
“Citrix Buys for more than $200 million”
That sounds much better than what the headline could have been:
“Citrix Buys VMOps” started its life as VMops. But when’s founder put up for auction, VMOps took notice. In February 2010 the company acquired the domain name on the heels of a $17 million funding round.
I caught up with VP of Business Development ... read more ...
Mon 11th July 2011
Wow Over The Weekend It Looks Like we Won The Award For The “Most Overpriced Domain Sale of 2011″ - Well over the weekend it looks like I won an award from DomainNameMojo for having the “Most Overpriced Sale Of 2011″”
Well thanks
Where can I pick up the award?
The blogger goes on (and on) to state:
“As you may already know, WWMI sold for $25,000 on Afternic.”
“The domain is far overpriced. ”
“Afternic evaluates the price of domains to protect the integrity of their domain name sales platform. In no way, shape or form is this domain even worth 10% of the sales ... read more ...
Two New TLD Conferences Coming Up -
Conferences in San Francisco and Munich are quickly approaching.
Now that the new top level domain name program is “approved”, it’s time to get down to business.
Two upcoming conferences will help applicants and service providers do just that.
Next month .nxt returns to San Francisco August 24-26. The event debuted earlier this year under the leadership of former ICANN staffer Kieren McCarthy. Conference passes are available for $695 and hotel rooms at the ... read more ...
How To Quickly Get Your Domain Names on Afternic Premium -
Here’s the simplest way to bulk upload domains to Afternic’s Premium level service.
Listing domain names on services that offer syndicated, instant-transfer listings can be a bit of work. It takes more than just uploading your domain names; at a minimum you need to set prices and often times add categories.
Today I updated my Afternic Premium Promotion list by adding a couple hundred more domains that were in my Moniker account. Some of these were in my Afternic ... read more ...
Cricket Communications Reaches Settlement Over -
Parties working on settlement documents to resolve trademark infringement lawsuit.
Cricket Communications and owner Global Cricket Ventures have reached a “settlement in principle” over the parties’ trademark infringement suit.
Cricket Communications filed the suit in February alleging that was charading as a cricket sport site but was no more than a site created to take advantage of the wireless carriers’ trademark. The company alleged ... read more ...
NameMedia Expands With London Office -
Company expands European footprint.
NameMedia is expanding its European footprint with a new office in London. The company will announce the expansion today.
The domain seller, which operates Afternic and BuyDomains, has hired Nadya Morozova as its European Business Development Manager. Morozova was previously Director of Community Outreach for the .tel registry.
Afternic is well known for its sales prowess through the U.S. registrar channel. But earlier this year ... read more ...
Sun 10th July 2011
Facebook Now Has A Higher Google Page Rank Than Well Even Google: How Accurate IS Google PR Anyway? - I’ve been looking at Google PR for various sites since Elliot wrote about Google updating their Page Ranks.
It looks like Google made their latest update on June 27th.
Honestly I was not happy that which had a Page rank of 6 for well over 1 1/2 years, dropped to a 5.
Then I started looking around various sites and saw that Google now only has a PR of 9 while Facebook has a PR of 10.
Actually according to there are only 10 sites in the world with a PR of 10.
So ... read more ...
Sat 9th July 2011
With Renewal Time Approaching .Co Registry Is Set To Roll Out Dropping Domain Backorder Reservation System - I have gotten a lot of questions from readers on how .Co dropping domains are going to be handled.
.CO’s first year anniversary is coming up on July 19th (expiration date for 1st day registered .Co domains) and domain names will be coming up for their 1st renewals.
So I reached out to the .Co registry who gave me the run down for the process they will be implementing to handle .Co domains that are not renewed by their current owners, otherwise known as dropping .Co domain names.
.CO once again ... read more ...
Missed The Backorder Deadline For Don’t Worry It’s A Public Auction So You Can Still Bid - has elected to make the auction for the domain name a public one.
Typically to participate in a domain auction you have to backorder the domain by a certain date and time, typically 11pm EST.
However and maybe as a sign of things to come for its “Premium” domain name auctions, has made the auction for, a public auction, meaning that even if you didn’t backorder the domain by the deadline which was yesterday at 11pm EST, you can still ... read more ...