New Tool Lets You Scan Web Pages for Available Domain Names -
URL2Domain scans text and looks for corresponding domain names available for registration.
Whenever I hear or read a new term I haven’t heard of, I add it to a list of possible domain names to register. A new tool call URL2Domain now makes that process easy: it will scan entire web pages to find words that aren’t registered in .com.
All you do is copy the URL you want scanned, paste it into the box at, and it starts scanning. It shows you the ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: March 2010
Wed 3rd March 2010
Tue 2nd March 2010
TRAFFIC Releases Early Bird Specials For Milan & Dublin - Targeted TRAFFIC is gearing up for its first 2010 European show, which will be held on April 27th-29th 2010 in Milan, Italy. Milan is the largest metropolitan area in Italy with an estimated population of 7.4 million.
The conference will be held at The Milan Marriott which is adjacent to the Milan City Fairgrounds and a short distance from the city centre.
Targeted TRAFFIC will conduct business as usual starting April 27th 2010 with their networking activities, panel sessions, exhibitor area and ... read more ...
First Names, Last Names & Geo Gems, The .Me Auction Is Going To Be Huge - The .ME Registry and NameJet announced the that it would be auctioning off 300 “personal” domain names reserved by the registry, starting in just over a month on April 5th.
When it comes to .me I think I know the extension well as I’m the guy who bought the most expensive .me sold by the registry to date, well it was that I bought to go with meet.met and
Take my word for it.
When its comes to .me the extension is valuable.
After these natural sayings and phrases that go bang ... read more ...
DOMAINfest Announces European Show -
Second DOMAINfest conference to take place in Prague.
We now have the details about the second DOMAINfest conference for 2010, something the company foreshadowed back in July. announced today that it will hold the second conference in Prague, Czech Republic. It will be a two day event, October 6 and 7, 2010 at Hotel Intercontinental. Conference details will be released in June. Registration is not yet open, but hotel reservations are available for 159 ... read more ...
$15M Seller Gets Into Domaining -
Johns Wu has a new favorite past time — domaining.
Here’s an interesting story about Johns Wu, who founded the Bankaholic blog and sold it for about $15 million to Bankrate. He’s investing in high quality domain names — part of his “Grand Slam” strategy:
Thankfully, the cash from the Bankaholic sale has enabled me to become a player in the domaining space at a time when domain valuations have corrected as speculative capital has dried up and parking revenues ... read more ... Leads Sedo Charts during $165,000 - and sell for solid money.
Sedo has finalized the sale of for $165,000, leading the company’s sales chart for the past week. The whois record for the buyer is protected by whois privacy, and the domain name is currently parked at Go Daddy.
The company made another big sale this week with going for $60,000. The domain name’s whois record is protected by Moniker’s whois privacy.
Two other notable sales this ... read more ...
Are Defensive Domain Name Registrations a Myth? -
Study sheds light on how many brand managers register domain names defensively.
Minds + Machines, which offers services to new top level domain name applicants, has released a new study showing how brands register their domain names in newer top level domain names.
The report’s authors certainly have a motivation to push new TLDs forward, but so far this is the most conclusive and detailed report I’ve seen on the subject of defensive registrations. I’d welcome ... read more ...
Registration for TRAFFIC Milan Conference Opens -
First European TRAFFIC show of the year coming next month.
Registration for the next TRAFFIC domain name conference, taking place April 27-29 in Milan, is now available.
Early bird pricing for TRAFFIC Milan is 499 EUR, and there’s an added special for people planning to attend the Dublin conference in August: 749 EUR to attend both events.
The preliminary schedule for the Milan conference shows that the event will focus on country code domain names. The show will ... read more ... Starts New Auction - begins its second domain name auction. has kicked off a new auction titled 4 Days – 40 Names. The auction runs through Thursday.
The auction actually has 41 names in .com, .net, and .org. Like the last auction run by, many of the domain names have high search volumes and/or frequency.
I like the smaller number of domain names in this auction, as it assures none will be overlooked.
The most expensive domain name ... read more ...
Domainers Begin Mount Kilimanjaro Climb -
Kili2010 kicks off to support clean water in Africa.
About two dozen domainers have begun their ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro in an effort to raise awareness and money for The Water School, a charity.
The group, organized by Rick Latona and Gregg McNair, is attempting to reach the summit which peaks at 19,340 feet. Each climber was tasked with raising $1 CAD per foot, or $19,340 for The Water School. You can see each climber’s personal page and fundraising progress ... read more ...
Mon 1st March 2010
RootOrange Announces Launches First Geographic “Domain Splitting” Technology Using - Root Orange, today announced the official launch of its domain-splitting technology service with what they call, “the number one legal domain name in the world”
“”Root Orange is the first and only company that allows multiple people or businesses to exclusively operate the same domain name in different geographic markets””
“We’re excited to launch our game-changing technology so small businesses can finally stand out from the crowded online marketplace and boost the ... read more ... Sells For $17K On - A nice three letter .com, sold today on for $ 17,001.
The domain definitely has some traffic according to Alexa but its the highest sale I’ve seen on is quite a while.
A pretty interesting domain for our industry also sold today on for $1,500,
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Chrome Up To Over 5.5% Market Share - According to Net Applications Google’s Chrome browser has jumped to a market share of 5.61%, or up almost 1% this year.
Here is the current market share and percentage change since the beginning of the year.
Internet Explorer 61.5% down .50% since January
Firefox 24.25% down .20% since January
Safari 4.45% down .08% since January
Opera 2.35%
Net Applications measures operating system usage by tracking computers that visit the 40,000 sites monitored for clients, which represents a pool of ... read more ... $6,600 Says NameJet - The domain name sold this weekend on for $6,600. Sounds like a low price for an immeditely recognizable domain.
Here were some other notable sales from in the last few days:
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Kentucky Passes Tax On Online Wagers: Is This The Motive Behind The Domain Seizures? - As you know we are still waiting the decision of the Kentucky Supreme Court on the seize of the 141 domain names, but now we might be seeing additional motives behind the move.
On Friday the Kentucky’s House passed Bill which places a tax on online and phone betting, by an 85-8 margin.
Now, the measure will head to the Kentucky Senate.
This bill if passed would effect sites like, which is owned by the parent company of the Churchill Downs racetrack, which allow residents to wager ... read more ...
ICANN Bonuses Not Tied to Long Term Revenue, New TLDs -
Bonuses mostly based on short term milestones.
When ICANN released its compensation ideology and information about the top five salaries last month, I wasn’t all that taken aback by the salaries. What got me curious was the bonus structure. Bonuses drive behavior, and bonuses tied to poor goals drive poor behavior. I have a patent related to goal alignment, so it’s something I’m familiar with.
During an exchange at ICANN’s Cairo meeting between Michael ... read more ...
Will New Domain Names Take a Step Forward Next Week? -
It’s time to approve Expressions of Interest for new top level domain names.
Next week is the highly anticipated ICANN meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. Err, Washington D.C. And New York. And everywhere else people have decided to participate remotely for fear of their safety.
The big topic next week will be new top level domain names. Specifically on the table next week will be the “Expressions of Interest” idea for new TLDs. You can read about it many places. ... read more ...
Baby Products Company Loses Battle Against Bisexual Web Site -
Baby products company loses fight with bisexual dating site.
UPDATED: Lamprecht AG, which owns the bibi brand of childrens products, has lost its attempt to get the domain name What makes this even more interesting is that the domain name was originally registered for a bisexual dating site.
The owner of the domain name stated that she registered the domain name because “‘bibibaby is in fact a word play in English referring both to bisexuality ... read more ...
Geodomain Expo Early Bird Special Ends Today -
Prices for Geodomain Expo increase tomorrow.
Early bird registration rates for next month’s GeoDomain Expo in New Orleans are available through the end of today. The $795 discounted rate was supposed to expire yesterday, but was extended until the end of the day March 1.
This year’s event for the geo domain name industry will take place at the Roosevelt Waldorf Astoria in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is timed to run during JazzFest. David Litman, who co-founded ... read more ... Dispute Resolved Amicably -
Goodwill gets in “amicable” resolution to domain name dispute.
In December, Domain Name Wire wrote about non-profit Goodwill Industries filing a complaint over the domain name The domain name was won on NameJet for $55,000 just days before the complaint was filed and then parked.
The next month Goodwill ended up dropping the case against Cyber2Media, which had purchased the domain name in the expired domain name auction.
Cyber2Media ... read more ...