ICANN Issues Advice to IT Professionals on Name Collision Identification and … -
ICANN has today issued comprehensive advice to IT professionals worldwide on how to proactively identify and manage private name space leakage into the public Domain Name System (DNS) and thus, eliminate the causes of name collisions as new Top Level Domains (TLDs) are added to the DNS.
In a report titled Name Collision Identification and Mitigation for IT Professionals, ICANN explains the nature and causes of name collision and proposes a range of possible solutions.
Domain name collisions ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLDs
Wed 15th January 2014
Uniregistry Wants ICANN To Slow Down The Last Resort Auction Schedule -
Uniregistry, Corp. (“Uniregistry”), an applicant for 52 top-level domains has gone against many other new gTLD applicants in asking ICANN to slow down the new gTLD Last Resort Auction Schedule.
In its comments to ICANN on the new gTLD Last Resort ICANN auction rules Uniregistry says it “is disappointed that ICANN changed the “5-TLD-per-month” cap from its initial proposal.”
“On the current draft schedule, Uniregistry has three months in which it will have seven TLD applications ... read more ...
Mon 13th January 2014
Wake up and smell the sunrise: the new TLD era has arrived -
As we previously reported to you (click here to view the article), the internet is expanding to include hundreds of new top-level-domains (TLDs) (examples of TLDs as we know them today include .com, .net. and .org – i.e., the term that is to the right of the "dot"). While the only certainty at that time was that the launch was inevitable, like it or not, it's finally here.
Over 1,900 applications were received by ICANN (the internet's governing body) from entities who ... read more ...
.Berlin: TLD ab jetzt verfügbar - Seit dem Juni 2011 bietet die ICANN, welche sich um die Zulassung von Top Level Domains kümmert, sogenannte generische TLDs an. Berlin bewarb sich und bekam die Zusimmung.
Reichstag.berlin: Schon bald eine mögliche URL.
Unter der Internetadresse nic.berlin findet sich die erste deutsche Domain unter einer neuen TLD. Unter anderem hat auch die Stadt Wien sich die Rechte gesichert, die WWW-Adresse mit dem Namen der Stadt zu beenden. Die Anwendungsbereiche dabei sind vielfältig: lokale ... read more ...
Sun 5th January 2014
Neue Top-Level-Domains bis 2018 marktrelevant -
Die neuen generischen Top-Level-Domains (gTLD) werden bereits in fünf Jahren einen signifikanten Anteil am gesamten Domain-Markt einnehmen. Zu dieser Markteinschätzung gelangt der Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft (eco) http://eco.de in seiner neuesten Erhebung.
http://: Neue Domains etablieren sich (Foto: Markus Wegner / pixelio.de)
Demnach geht knapp ein Fünftel der Domain-Anbieter in Deutschland davon aus, dass der Anteil der neuen TLDs am Gesamtvolumen der ... read more ...
Thu 26th December 2013
Alejandro Martínez Ramos (Strato): "El hosting no nota la crisis" -
MADRID, 26 Dic. (Portaltic/EP) -
Strato es una de las mayores empresas de 'hosting' a nivel mundial. Su gama de productos comprende desde dominios, productos de correo, páginas web o disco duro online hasta tiendas online y servidores. Aloja cuatro millones de dominios en seis países y gestiona dos centros de datos certificados por el TÜV.
La compañía pertenece al grupo Deutsche Telekom y está apostando fuerte por España, especialmente con una relación calidad-precio muy competitiva. ... read more ...
Huit nouvelles TLDs déjà en "Sunrise" avant la fin de 2013 - Dans le cadre du lancement du programme des nouveaux gTLD, l'ICANN vient de mettre en période "sunrise" 8 nouvelles extensions de nom de domaine pour ce mois de décembre.
Les extensions en question sont .diamonds, .entreprises, .tips, .voyage,.photos, .careers, .recipes et .shoes.
Durant cette période, seuls les propriétaires de marques peuvent réserver les noms de domaine qui correspondent à leurs domaines déjà existants avec des anciennes extensions.
Vous êtes actifs dans le domaine ... read more ...
Wed 18th December 2013
ICANN orienta profissionais de TI a reduzir a “colisão” de domínios -
Base de clientes de TV por assinatura cresce 13% em um ano
Base de clientes de TV por assinatura cresce 13% em um ano
Número de assinantes saltou para 17,4 milhões entre setembro de 2012 a setembro de 2013.
Via: ipnews.com.br
Tue 17th December 2013
Icann orienta gestores de TI na proteção de domínios privados -
Relatório realizado pela entidade orienta como identificar e administrar vazamentos do espaço de nomes privado para DNS.
Da Redação
A Icann publicou um relatório com orientações para gestores de TI do mundo inteiro sobre como proativamente identificar e administrar vazamentos do espaço de nomes privado para o Sistema de Nomes de Domínios (DNS - Domain Name System). O documento também ajuda a eliminar as causas de colisões entre nomes com a inclusão de novos ... read more ...
Mon 16th December 2013
Centralnic Group PLC : An Interview With Ben Crawford, CEO of CentralNic – 4 -
CentralNic is one of the world's largest domain registries, currently distributing popular domain names such as .uk.com, .us.com and .cn.com. But their portfolio is rapidly expanding with 60 gTLDs coming soon, including .wiki, .bar and .xyz. To get some insight into this expansion, we reached out to Ben Crawford, CEO of CentralNic and asked a few questions.
iwmn: The elephant in the TLD room is obviously .com. As fun and creative as other TLDs are, people ... read more ...
Icann divulga orientações para reduzir a “colisão” de domínios -
Icann divulga orientações para reduzir a “colisão” de domínios
Publicado em Segunda, 16 Dezembro 2013 19:03
Relatório do órgão apresenta soluções de migração para FQDNs
A Icann divulga as orientações para profissionais de TI do mundo inteiro sobre como proativamente identificar e administrar vazamentos do espaço de nomes privado para o Sistema de Nomes de Domínios (DNS - Domain Name System), e eliminar as causas de colisões ... read more ...
Holy .cow!! - Sponsored ArticleThe deluge of new Top Level Domains (TLDs) has begun! Top level domains are the ones after the dot. Examples:- .com- .org- .travel- .netAlmost 2000 new applications for TLDs were filed in 2012/13 with ICANN. One of ICANN’s many duties is to ensure healthy competition in the Domain Name System (DNS) for registrars and the adequate meeting of the changing/growing needs of consumers as the internet continues to expand in size and importance. Certainly the huge ... read more ...
ICANN quer evitar ‘colisões’ de domínios na Internet -
ICANN quer evitar 'colisões' de domínios na Internet
:: Convergência Digital
Convergência Digital
:: 16/12/2013
A ICANN divulgou nesta segunda-feira, 16/12, as orientações para profissionais de Tecnologia da Informação do mundo inteiro sobre como proativamente identificar e administrar vazamentos do espaço de nomes privado para o Sistema de Nomes de Domínios (DNS - Domain Name System), e eliminar as causas de colisões entre nomes com a inclusão ... read more ...
Thu 12th December 2013
First Geographic NewgTLD, .RUHR, Now Delegated -
Each week ICANN has been delegating more new generic top-level domains (newgTLDs) and it's been somewhat entertaining to watch the list of delegated strings to see what new TLDs will enter the domain name space starting sometime in early 2014 when they become generally available for people to register new domains under. I haven't written about the new strings as I did in the past largely because this is now getting rather routine and those who really care can just watch that list of designated ... read more ...
Wed 11th December 2013
ICANN Issues Advice to IT Professionals on Name Collision Identification and … -
News Article
Dec 11 2013
more articles from
Middle East - 11 December 2013 - ICANN today issued comprehensive advice to IT professionals worldwide on how to proactively identify and manage private name space leakage into the public Domain Name System (DNS) and thus, eliminate the causes of name collisions as new Top Level Domains (TLDs) are added to the DNS. In a report titled Name Collision Identification and Mitigation for IT Professionals, ICANN ... read more ...
Mon 9th December 2013
What’s to the Right of Your Dot? Huge Domain Expansion Coming in 2014 -
Published Monday, December 9th, 2013, by Sue Saldibar.
TweetSharebarTweetThere is a major expansion of top level domains or “TLDs” coming in 2014 and business centers may be able to benefit.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers “ICANN” has been involved in an effort to identify hundreds of new domains. Some are brand associated, such as .Google, some are location sensitive, such as .nyc and .london, and some are even vertical industry-driven, such as .sports.
This ... read more ...
Sun 8th December 2013
ICANN Issues Advice to IT Professionals On Name Collision Identification … - ICANN has issued comprehensive advice to IT professionals worldwide on how to proactively identify and manage private name space leakage into the public Domain Name System (DNS) and thus, eliminate the causes of name collisions as new Top Level Domains (TLDs) are added to the DNS.
In a report titled Name Collision Identification and Mitigation for IT Professionals, ICANN explains the nature and causes of name collision and proposes a range of possible solutions.
Domain name collisions are not new. ... read more ...
Große Nachfrage nach neuen Webadressen -
von Alfred Krüger
Das Internet wird bunter. In den nächsten Monaten werden nach und nach 1.400 neue Domainendungen für alle Nutzer freigegeben. Die Nachfrage nach den neuen Domains ist jetzt schon groß. Besonders beliebt sind .shop und regionale Endungen wie .berlin.
Konkurrenz für .com, .de und .net: Im Laufe der nächsten Wochen und Monate gibt die Internetverwaltung
ICANN nach und nach 1.400 neue Domainendungen frei. Die ersten Top Level Domains (TLDs) gingen bereits ... read more ...
Fri 6th December 2013
CPS-Datensysteme GmbH ist bereit für das neue Netz - Vallendar, 02. Dezember 2013 – Die neuen TLDs stehen kurz vor dem Markteintritt. Adressen wie .BERLIN, .RUHR und .GMBH bereiten sich auf Ihren großen Auftritt in 2014 vor. Einige Registrierstellen haben Ihre Bewerberphase bereits erfolgreich abgeschlossen und die nötigen Verträge mit der ICANN besiegelt.
Mit den neuen TLDs erfindet sich das Internet nicht neu, es wird allerdings größer und bunter. Man könnte sagen, wer jetzt die besten Adressen vormerkt, ist seinem künftigen virtuellen Eigenheim ... read more ...
Thu 5th December 2013
Sedo, TLD Registry partner to launch Chinese character IDNs -
Thursday 5 December 2013 | 16:18 CET | News
Global domain marketplace and monetisation provider, Sedo has announced a key strategic partnership with TLD Registry, the organisation approved to run the first broadly applicable internationalised domain names (IDNs) in Chinese: Dot Chinese Online and Dot Chinese Website. As part of the partnership, Sedo ... read more ...
Sedo Partners With TLD Registry To Help Launch First Broadly Applicable … -
Leading Domain Marketplace Plans Launch Auctions and Premium Sales As a Key Strategic Partner for Introducing Linguistically Correct Chinese Domain Extensions .?? and .???CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – Sedo, the world’s largest domain marketplace and monetization provider, today announced a key strategic partnership with TLD Registry, the organization approved to run the first broadly applicable internationalized domain names (IDNs) in Chinese: Dot Chinese Online ... read more ...
Wed 4th December 2013
Want a luxurious URL? Try $800 a Year for a .Luxury URL -
As new gTLDs start to roll out, we've been following a couple of the latest ones in the first large batch of this year, for next year. Over the course of the next 2-3 years, we will see a lot of new TLDs being created enabling for new online businesses and domains. The truth is that we're starting to run out of domain names and the ICANN knows this, which is the point of the new TLDs (top level domains). We recently have used up all four letter domains ending in .com and will surely ... read more ...
Tue 3rd December 2013
Go-Live Schedule for Dot Chinese Online & Dot Chinese Website TLDs … -
Leading fully-Chinese internet domain name TLDs to launch in January 2014; spectacular live auction event to initiate "Landrush" phase of availability.
TLD Registry Ltd, the leading internet domain name registry for fully-Chinese domain names, today announced the go-live schedule for its Dot Chinese Online and Dot Chinese Website internationalized domain names (IDNs).
IDNs in the Dot Chinese Online (.在线) and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网) top level domains (TLDs) will be introduced ... read more ...
Thu 28th November 2013
Lokale, markenspezifische Top Level Domains sind im Kommen -
Wenn im Frühjahr 2014 schrittweise die ersten neuen Top Level Domains (TLDs) eingeführt werden, soll dies zu einem deutlich veränderten Surf- und Suchverhalten der Internetuser führen. Konnte male bisher davon ausgehen, dass die gesuchte Webseite in neun von zehn Fällen mit .de, .com, .info oder .org endete, so werden in basement nächsten Monaten mehrere hundert neue Endungen wählbar sein.
Via: adzine.de
Wed 27th November 2013
Sibername.com signs domain names agreement with Donuts -
Sibername Canadian Domain name Registration and Website Hosting and Builder
With this agreement, Sibername.com is able to take pre-registrations for Donuts domains, and in time provide all TLDs offered by the registry to its customers, giving businesses an opportunity to further develop their online branding.
... read more ...