Sanal Ordunuz Şimdiden Hazır! -
Üst seviye alan adlarında (TLD) yeni çılgınlık .army ile biten adresler. Peki alan adı ticaretinin bu boyutlara gelmesi, internetin karakteristiğini öldürüyor mu?
08.10.2014 / 11:00
Bilgisayar başında memleket kurtaranlar, Bordo Klavyeliler ve Mustafa Keser'in Askerleri! Yeni üst seviye alan adınız .army hazır ve ön siparişe açılmış bulunuyor. Birkaç yıl öncesine kadar sadece .com, .net ve ülkelere/resmi kurumlara özel .co, .ca, .ru, .edu, .gov gibi seçeneklerle ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLD
Wed 8th October 2014
MustafaKeser.Army -
Üst seviye alan adlarında (TLD) yeni çılgınlık .army ile biten adresler. Peki alan adı ticaretinin bu boyutlara gelmesi, internetin karakteristiğini öldürüyor mu?
08.10.2014 / 11:00
Bilgisayar başında memleket kurtaranlar, Bordo Klavyeliler ve Mustafa Keser'in Askerleri! Yeni üst seviye alan adınız .army hazır ve ön siparişe açılmış bulunuyor. Birkaç yıl öncesine kadar sadece .com, .net ve ülkelere/resmi kurumlara özel .co, .ca, .ru, .edu, .gov gibi seçeneklerle ... read more ...
Holaira führt in einer randomisierten Studie zur gezielten Lungendenervierung … -
Holaira führt in einer randomisierten Studie zur gezielten Lungendenervierung erstmals Behandlung von COPD-Patienten durch
Erste klinische Studie zur Lungendenervierung unter Einbeziehung einer Simulationsgruppe eingeleitet
(Mynewsdesk) MINNEAPOLIS, MI — (Marketwired) — 10/07/14 — Holaira, Inc., ein Entwickler von medizinischen Geräten zur Behandlung obstruktiver Lungenerkrankungen, kündigte heute den Beginn der Behandlung von Patienten im Rahmen der klinischen AIRFLOW-1-Studie ... read more ...
Tue 7th October 2014
Holaira : annonce le premier traitement destiné aux patients à … -
MINNEAPOLIS, MN--(Marketwired - Oct 7, 2014) -
Holaira, Inc., un développeur de dispositifs médicaux destinés au traitement des maladies pulmonaires obstructives, a annoncé aujourd'hui le lancement de traitements dans le cadre de l’étude clinique AIRFLOW-1 destinée aux patients atteints de bronchopneumopathies chroniques obstructives (BPCO) de degré modéré à sévère, à travers une procédure appelée Étude randomisée de la dénervation pulmonaire * (TLD - Targeted Lung Denervation). ... read more ...
Mon 6th October 2014
NAR beats out 3 other firms to manage .realestate top-level domain - The National Association of Realtors has bested three other applicants for the right to manage a new .realestate domain, marking the trade group’s first successful bid to control a top-level domain based on a generic term.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) had previously granted NAR the right to create and manage the .realtor top-level domain. Domains incorporating .realtor will be available to the trade group’s 1 million members on Oct. 23.Hypothetical .realestate ... read more ...
National Association of Realtors Wins Rights To The New gTLD .Realestate - The National Association of Realtors has won the rights to the new gTLD .Realestate
The three other applicants for .Realestate Donuts, Uniregistry and and Top Level Domain Holdings (Minds + Machines) have withdrawn their applications.
The remaining applicant is dotRealEstate LLC is in actuality the The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), which already owns the new gTLD .Realtor and has announced plans to give away to 500,000 .realtor new gTLD domains to realtors.
According to the application ... read more ...
Une bonne affaire pour le Sound Blaster Tactic3D Rage Wireless? -
Fin Septembre, Creative lançait deux nouvelles références dans son catalogue de casques pour gamers à savoir le Sound Blaster Tactic3D Rage USB V2.0 et le Sound Blaster Tactic3D Rage Wireless V2.0.
Contrairement à ce qu'on pourrait penser, il n'y a rien de bien neuf dans ces produits puisque d'un point de vue matériel, il s'agit strictement des mêmes produits que les Tactic3D Rage USB et Tactic3D Rage Wireless sortis fin 2013. Creative annonce par contre que ces révisions 2.0 supportent ... read more ...
Fri 3rd October 2014
Supercross: Darryn Durham To TLD/Lucas Oil/Red Bull/KTM Team -
Darryn Durham has joined the TLD/Lucas Oil/Red Bull/KTM Team. Photography courtesy TLD
Darryn Durham is the newest member of the TLD/Lucas Oil/Red Bull/KTM team. It was officially announced today that Durham will compete in the 2015 AMA Monster Energy West Coast Supercross and Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championships in the 250 class along side teammates and returning riders Jessy Nelson and Shane McElrath.
"I'm really excited to have Darryn aboard team TLD," said team manager Tyler Keefe. "I think ... read more ...
Amd reconnaît officiellement plusieurs bugs dans les Catalyst 14.9 -
Depuis la sortie des drivers Catalyst 14.9 WHQL en tout début de semaine, de nombreux utilisateurs, y compris sur le forum TLD, se sont plaints de divers problèmes avec cette mise à jour malgré une installation propre (désinstallation du pilote actuel, redémarrage puis installation).
Ne vous arrachez plus les cheveux puisque le problème ne vient, dans la majorité des cas, pas de votre PC mais bien de ces drivers 14.9 eux-mêmes. Amd vient en effet d'admettre officiellement sur son site ... read more ...
.dd-Ex = DDR: Die untergegangene Top-Level-Domain -
Heute vor 24 Jahren wurde die DDR Geschichte. Auch die Top-Level-Domain des realsozialistischen Staates verschwand damit sang- und klanglos. Und eigentlich hatte sie nie richtig existiert. Eine Geschichtsstunde aus Zeiten des Kalten Krieges.
Mitte der 80er Jahre: Jon Postel, Internet-Pionier an einer kalifornischen Universität, träumt von einem länderübergreifenden Kommunikationsnetz. Seine simple Idee: Mit Hilfe einer Länderliste der globalen Standardisierungs-Organisation ... read more ...
whois slaví 15 let -
Pan Jaroslav se netrefil, přitom stačilo napsat o zprávičku pod nebo nad.
Thu 2nd October 2014
Updated status of sunrise periods and trademark claims notification periods -
As we previously reported to you (click here to view April 29, 2013 TLD article), the internet is expanding to include hundreds of new top-level-domains (TLDs) (examples of TLDs as we know them today include .com, .net. and .org – i.e., the term that is to the right of the "dot"). While the only certainty at that time was that the launch was inevitable, like it or not, it's finally here (click here to view January 9, 2014 Sunrise article).
Frost Brown Todd will be sending out ... read more ...
Wed 1st October 2014
Infographic: Where in the World Do Chinese People Live? -
Nearly 23% of humanity is Chinese. Click to download a high-resolution PDF of TLD Registry’s “Where do Chinese people live?” infographic.There are approximately 50 million ethnic Chinese people living outside of China's mainland, which itself is home to nearly 1.4 billion Chinese. Ethnic Chinese people comprise 3.7% of the world's population beyond China's borders. Most of these consumers read, write and speak Chinese.
Densely populated Chinese communities outside of China, oftentimes ... read more ...
New Insurance CRM Delivers Sales Automation to Small and Mid Sized … -
More Related Stories
email article
September 30, 2014 --
Miami Florida (PRWEB) September 30, 2014 A new CRM system has just been released specifically for small and mid size insurance sales agencies giving them all the tools and automation of large and highly automated insurance companies. Total Lead Domination (TLD) CRM is a turn key system offering a full ... read more ...
Bayern Domain Weiß-blau over TCP/IP -
Bayern-Domain geht ans Netz
So richtig weiß-blau war das Web bislang nur unter der Adresse Dort finden sich Informationen zum Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof, zu Essen und Trinken und zu Wellness in Bayern. Die Site gehört der Bayern Tourismus Marketing GmbH. Ihre Adresse klingt gut, ist aber äußerst trickreich zustande gekommen. Denn die bajuwarisch anmutende Endung oder Top Level Domain (TLD) „.by“ soll eigentlich weißrussische Seiten kennzeichnen.
Es ... read more ...
First wave of .melbourne domain names go live tomorrow -
The first collection of second-level domains using the new .melboune top-level domain will be live on the Internet from tomorrow. The first .melbourne names include the new online home for the TLD,, and the home pages of a number of businesses that have been appointed 'ambassadors' for the domain, including the Bank of Melbourne, the Melbourne Festival and the Flower Drum restaurant.Until now, the site detailing the .melbourne ... read more ...
Tue 30th September 2014
Melbourne web address up and running -
Melbourne's well-known Flower Drum restaurant, the Melbourne Festival and Bank of Melbourne are among the first businesses to adopt a new web address from today: dot-melbourne.For example, the Melbourne Festival's new online address is is the first Australian city to have its own top-level domain name, or TLD.- AAP ... read more ...
Arts Watch: Edinburgh’s Forest Fringe Microfestival Comes to Abrons – The Lo -
This weekend an Edinburgh Festival Sensation, Forest Fringe, will be transforming the Abrons Arts Center into an experimental, building-wide microfestival for its New York debut. I recently caught up with one of the three co-founders, Andy Field.
TLD – Why did you see the need to create the Forest Fringe Festival?
AF – I love the International Festival and the Fringe and all of the other festivals in Edinburgh – it is extremely exciting to be there in the city during festival time. I love ... read more ...
Explore Global TLD chip market strategies and forecast to 2020 -
Explore Global TLD chip market strategies and forecast to 2020
WhaTech Channel: Industrial Market Research Reports
Published: Tuesday, 30 September 2014 17:31
Submitted by Sherry James WhaTech Premium Legacy
News from:
Radiant Insights - Market Research
Read: 22 times
The report include six parts, the first ... read more ...
".bayern" geht an den Start – Allgemeine Hotel- und Gastronomie -
© JanMiks/
Mehr Sichtbareit im Netz: Der DEHOGA Bayern begrüßt die neue Endung ".bayern"
Top Level Domains MÜNCHEN. Als eine der ersten Regionen hat sich Bayern eine der neuen Internetendungen gesichert. Diese Endungen, auch Top Level Domains (TLD) genannt, können künftig anstelle von „.de“ oder „.com“ stehen. Den offiziellen Start der Endung „.bayern“ verkündeten Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft ... read more ...
Mon 29th September 2014
„“ ist schon vergeben - München sz Man muss es wohl dazu sagen: Die Einführung der Internet-Domain „.bayern“ sei „kein Vorläufer eines Separatismus“, versicherte Bayerns Finanz- und Heimatminister Markus Söder (CSU) am Montag im Münchener Presseclub. Ab dem heutigen Dienstag können sich Interessierte die neue Internet-Wunschdomain sichern, wenn sie ihre bayerischen Wurzeln künftig auch über die Adresszeile nach außen tragen wollen.Zehn Jahre haben die Bayern an die ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned ... read more ...
Bayern-Domains: Eigenständige Identität, die ihre bajuwarischen Wurzeln zeigt - Am 30. September um 12 Uhr startet die Bayern-Domain. Wer sich jetzt noch eine gute Bayern-Domain sichern will, muß sich sputen...
Die Registrierungsstelle schreibt:"
Die neue Top-Level-Domain .BAYERN ermöglicht allen in Bayern - ob ansässiges Unternehmen, Ein-Mann-Betrieb, Start-Up, Großkonzern, gemeinnützige Organisation oder Privatperson - ihre Website regional zu färben, zum Beispiel"
Die Bayern-Domains, meint die Registrierungsstelle, sorge für Orientierung bei den Besuchern:
"Die ... read more ...
Neue Domain-Endung im Internet: Exklusiv für AZ-Leser: Die .bayern-Domain … - Söder hatte im April das US-Unternehmen Icann in Kalifornien besucht, das die Vergabe der Domains reguliert. "Regionen, Städte, Unternehmen, Vereine und Bürger können sich mit der Endung .bayern im Netz besser positionieren und ihre Verbindung zum Freistaat deutlich zum Ausdruck bringen", erklärte Söder. Eperten gehen auch davon aus, dass regionale TLDs, wie zum Beispiel .BAYERN in Suchmaschinen eine bessere Platzierung in den Trefferlisten erhalten. Das würde nicht zuletzt auch den regionalen ... read more ...
Nuovi domini TLD: disponibili le registrazioni di centinaia di estensioni -
Con l’avvento dei nuovi domini TLD di primo livello, che saranno man mano registrabili non appena le autorità competenti regolarizzeranno i registri appositi nei vari paesi, si intravedono nuove opportunità per tutti i professionisti e le aziende che intendono aprire una propria “finestra” sul web, con la creazione di siti internet, blog o portali e-commerce.
Mentre infatti la scelta dei domini web era prima ... read more ...
Fri 26th September 2014
Health Experts Issue Call To Prevent ICANN’s Commercialization Of New .health … -
Last month, we wrote about a troubling decision by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to give control over the new .pharmacy domain to big pharma -- thus allowing it to lock out sites around the world that threaten its generous profit margins. An article in the journal "Globalization and Health" warns that something similar could be about to happen in the realm of public health:
In just a few weeks, the Internet could be expanded to include a new .health generic top-level ... read more ...