Tag Archives: ICA

Sun 9th March 2008
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
It’s Time To Write to Your Senator About The Snowe Bill - It is of vitial importance that anyone who owns even one domain, write to their Senator expressing your opposition to the Snowe Bill. The ICA prepared a form letter to help guide you draft your letter, but as they point out, make the letter your own, including your own circumstances and how the Bill would effect your assets. The ICA published the following on their website this weekend: “”” It is very important that every U.S.-resident ICA member as well as other domainers write to their U.S. ... read more ...
Tue 4th March 2008
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Enom takes divided “Cuba” domain names: What it Means to You in light of a Snowe Bill - In an article published today in the New York Times, it was reviled that Enom.com shut down around 80 domains owned by a non-US citizen and resident, Steve Marshall. It is important to note that, Mr. Marshall is a British national, lives in Spain where he operates a travel agency selling trips to Europeans who want to travel to Cuba and his servers are located in the Bahamas. The only tie he had to the U.S. is that his domains were registered at a U.S. based registrar, Enom.com According to the Times, ... read more ...
Sat 1st March 2008
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Elliot’s Auction to Raise Money for a ICA - Elliot announced on his blog  the he is auctioning off the domain PuertoRicanVacation.com and giving 100% of the proceeds to the ICA.  The auction closes Wednesday. It is a no reserve auction. Elliots whole posts reads: I am auctioning PuertoRicanVacation.com on my blog with ALL funds going to the ICA. Highest bid submitted to my blog by this coming Wednesday, March 5th at 3pm EST will get the name. Bidding will start at $1.00 and there will be $10 increments. Buyer will send payment to me and ... read more ...
Thu 28th February 2008
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
ICA Responds to a Anti-Phishing Consumer Protection Act of 2008 - The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) has posted their position on the  Anti-Phishing Consumer Protection Act of 2008, proposed in congress on Monday. The following is from the ICA:   Snowe Bill Threatens Domain Name Registrants with “Infringement” Enforcement That is More Expansive and Punitive Than the UDRP or Trademark Law   On February 25, 2008 U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe introduced S. 2661, the “Anti-Phishing Consumer Protection Act of 2008” (APCPA). The bill was also cosponsored ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Direct Navigation: Take on a Domain Stealing Bill - We know the bill is properly known as The Anti-Phishing Consumer Protection Act of 2008, but to the extent that creates civil and criminal offenses for owning domains having nothing to do with Phishing scams, we are calling it the Domain Stealing Bill. To this end Mr. Larry Fischer, a brilliant guy and good friend, blogged on the issue yesterday, pointing out cnet.com objection to the bill. In an article cited by directnavigation.com, cnet.com objected to the bill based on the fact that other legislation ... read more ...
Tue 26th February 2008
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
BILL PROPOSED TO TAKE AWAY YOUR DOMAINS - Yesterday Senator Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) with support of Senator, Bill Nelson (D-Florida) and Senator, Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), introduced, a bill entitled “The Anti-Phishing Consumer Protection Act of 2008″ The stated purpose of the bill is to stop the practice of phishing e-mails and websites. A Phishing is a scam whereby people receive e-mails or instant messages directing them to go to websites which are usually set up to look identical to the site that the internet user has an account ... read more ...