Tag Archives: escrow services

Tue 1st December 2015
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Dear Freelancer.com, don't disaster adult Escrow.com - Escrow.com has a bright future ahead of it, as long as new ownership makes the right moves. Dear Freelancer.com, Congratulations on your acquisition of Escrow.com. It is a great company that just about everyone in the domain name industry uses, and uses often. When you bought Escrow.com for $7.5 million, I knew you didn’t have a goal of merely milking the cash cow. As your CEO Matt Barrie told me on the Domain Name Wire Podcast, you want more. You want to grow the company. That makes sense. But ... read more ...
Thu 23rd June 2011
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
New Service Hopes to Make Seller-Financed Domain Transactions Easier - Service manages seller financed domain sales. A new service called Zenscrow hopes to bring more liquidity to the domain name market by making seller financed domain sales easier. Companies such as Escrow.com and Moniker already offer payment plan escrow services, but Zenscrow takes it a step further. There are two benefits I see to Zenscrow compared to typical payment plan services. First, Zenscrow provides a domain sale or lease agreement. Second, the company monitors ... read more ...