Tag Archives: ccTLD

Fri 21st November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
LogicBoxes Announces Automation Solutions for ccTLD Registries – Virtual - LogicBoxes to hold an informative webinar to share details on the solution and highlight how ccTLDs can further grow their namespace and increase ARPUs. Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 21, 2014 --(PR.com)-- LogicBoxes, the business consulting and automation technology provider for Registries, Registrars and Web Hosts, today announced the launch of its Automation Solution for ccTLDs. This new offering is aimed at helping ccTLD Registries further grow their namespace by giving them ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
LogicBoxes Announces Automation Solutions for ccTLD Registries - Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 21, 2014 --(PR.com)-- LogicBoxes, the business consulting and automation technology provider for Registries, Registrars and Web Hosts, today announced the launch of its Automation Solution for ccTLDs. This new offering is aimed at helping ccTLD Registries further grow their namespace by giving them a dedicated retail storefront and a complete end-to-end automation platform to seamlessly run their business.The number of internet users across the world has increased ... read more ...
Thu 20th November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Norid and SIDN consider making ‘.bv’ available to Dutch companies -

Norid and SIDN, respectively a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) registry operators for a Norwegian and Dutch domain name spaces, have announced that they are in discussions about a probability of creation a ‘.bv’ domain name prolongation accessible to a Dutch market.

As good as being obliged for a ‘.no’ domain name extension, Norid is also responsible…

Via: worldtrademarkreview.com

Wed 19th November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
LogicBoxes Announces Automation Solutions for ccTLD - LogicBoxes to hold an informative webinar to share details on the solution and highlight how ccTLDs can further grow their namespace and increase ARPUs. LogicBoxes, the business consulting and automation technology provider for Registries, Registrars and Web Hosts, today announced the launch of its Automation Solution for ccTLDs. This new offering is aimed at helping ccTLD Registries further grow their namespace by giving them a dedicated retail storefront and a complete end-to-end ... read more ...
Tue 18th November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
One and two-character domain names to become available under ‘.fr’ -

AFNIC, a organization obliged for handling a ‘.fr’ country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) for France, has announced that it will make accessible a registration of one and two-character domain names underneath ‘.fr’ from Dec 8 2014 in both numerical and alphabetical characters, or a multiple of a two.

The recover of a one and two-character domain…

Via: worldtrademarkreview.com

Mon 17th November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Mobile.co.com & Movil.co.com Sell for $32K - The co.com LLC announced today that the premium domains names mobile.co.com and movil.co.com have been sold to the freelancing and mobile “micro jobbing” company, Mobile Inc. for $32K. Mobile.co.com was sold for $25K and Movil.co.com for $7K. Igloo.com represented co.com Registry as the broker on this sale. “We are very pleased to have an innovative company like Mobile Corporation acquire these domains names. Their interest in securing these premium .co.com domains, further validates the value ... read more ...
Fri 14th November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
DNS Policy Notes for Nov. 14, 2014 (Hiatus Edition) - DNS POLICY NOTES FOR NOV. 14, 2014 (HIATUS EDITION) Collected news and opinion about the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the domain name business, Internet governance, and miscellaneous other cyberlaw topics for Nov. 14, 2014.DNS Apparently Safe From TPPI spent the better part of today learning about the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. Here's what I learned:#1. The text of the TPP's Intellectual Property ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
US judge rules Iran’s top-level domain cannot be seized - A global diplomatic crisis seems to have been averted after a Washington DC judge ruled that it’s unlawful to seize a country’s Internet domain registry. Lawyers working on behalf of nine American citizens who were inured during an Iranian-sponsored bombing in Jerusalem back in 1997 had attempted to seize the top level “.IR” domain in order to recoup some of the millions of dollars in compensation they’re owed. Unfortunately for the plaintiffs, Judge Royce Lamberth sided with the Internet ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Judge Rules That Even if Iran Owes You Money, You Can’t Just Take Its Top … - Nothing else has panned out, though, so the plaintiffs decided to go after Iran’s top ccTLDs and, weirdly, Syria’s and North Korea’s, too. According to InTheCapital, the suit now stands more broadly for terrorist victims in all three countries. But the plaintiffs aren’t going to be able to seize the ccTLDs, .ir for Iran, .kp for North Korea, or .sy for Syria. ... read more ...
Thu 13th November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Judge: Terror bomb victims CAN’T seize Iran’s domain name as compensation - Adaptable System Recovery (ASR) for Linux virtual machines A judge in Washington DC has ruled that a country's entire internet registry cannot be seized, averting a global diplomatic crisis.In a ruling [PDF] made earlier this week but released late last night, Judge Royce Lamberth focused in on a single argument presented by DNS overseer ICANN that country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) are not "attachable property" because they "exist only as they are made operational ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Judge Rules Terror Victims Can’t Take Over Country Domain Names - Image via Paul Matthew Photography / Shutterstock Terrorist victims from Iran, North Korea and Syria cannot gain control of the Internet domain names of those countries according to a judge in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Judge Royce Lamberth ruled that country level domain names, in this case .ir, .sy and .kp, are not actually property and thus a court can't seize them during legal proceedings. It's a big win for the nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
No, you can’t seize country TLDs, US court rules - Trending: Got Lollipop? 10 cool things to try with Android 5.0 IT Careers Broadband Resources/White Papers computerworld Cloud Computing All Cloud Computing ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
No, you can’t seize country TLDs, US court rules - In a landmark ruling that signals a win for the current system of Internet governance, a U.S. court has quashed an attempt to seize Iran’s, Syria’s and North Korea’s domains as part of a lawsuit against those countries’ governments. Four mindblowing Ted Talks for techies TED talks make that possible to do in a single sitting. Here are four talks that in just over an hour READ NOW The plaintiffs in the case wanted to seize the country’s ccTLDs (country code top-level ... read more ...
Tue 11th November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in ES and tagged
261.978 nuevos dominios ‘.es’ en España, frente a las nuevas 64.696 empresas - Entre los datos que más destacan de la infografía #DominiosyEmpresas realizada por Hostalia, se revela que entre enero y agosto de 2014 se han dado de alta en España cuatro nuevos dominios “.es” por cada nueva empresa creada. Se dieron de alta 261.978 nuevos dominios “.es” en España, casi cuatro veces más que las 64.696 nuevas empresas creadas en el mismo periodo del año, según datos estadísticos de Red.es y del INE.   El primer trimestre del año es el que más actividad ... read more ...
Mon 10th November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Terrorist attacks victims attempt to recuperate ccTLDs -

In new years, a victims of a series of militant attacks have successfully performed US sovereign justice judgments amounting to some-more than a billion dollars opposite a Iranian, Syrian and North Korean governments on a basement that these governments allegedly contributed to a appropriation of a militant acts in question. As a result, a victims have given sought to redeem certain assets…

Via: worldtrademarkreview.com

Tue 4th November 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
.DE – die erfolgreichste Länderdomain - Wenn man die Länderendung für den Pazifik-Staat Tokelau (.tk) abzieht (immerhin kann man diese kostenlos registrieren), ist .de die erfolgreichste ccTLD der Welt! Die Domainendung aus Deutschland ist das Zeichen dafür, dass das Volk der Dichter und Denker letztendlich auch im Internet angekommen ist; aus ihm ist ein Volk der Blogger und Online-Shopper geworden. Knapp 16.000.000 Registrierungen sprechen eine eindeutige Sprache. Eine Sprache, die jeder Deutsche bestätigen wird. Das Kürzel ".de" ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
.DE – die erfolgreichste Länderdomain - (PresseBox) (Bonn, 04.11.2014) Wenn man die Länderendung für den Pazifik-Staat Tokelau (.tk) abzieht (immerhin kann man diese kostenlos registrieren), ist .de die erfolgreichste ccTLD der Welt! Die Domainendung aus Deutschland ist das Zeichen dafür, dass das Volk der Dichter und Denker letztendlich auch im Internet angekommen ist; aus ihm ist ein Volk der Blogger und Online-Shopper geworden. Knapp 16.000.000 Registrierungen sprechen ... read more ...
Fri 31st October 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Research suggests consumers are ready to embrace new gTLDs - Trevor Little A global survey of internet users, conducted on behalf of the Domain Name Association (DNA), has revealed a receptiveness to the addition of new domain name extensions – findings that have a number of trademark takeaways. The survey, conducted by Research Now, polled self-identified internet users in seven countries (Australia, China, ... read more ...
Thu 30th October 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
Länderspezifische und generische Domainendungen im Vergleich - (PresseBox) (Bonn, 30.10.2014) In letzter Zeit sind die neuen Domainendungen in aller Munde, wöchentlich berichten wir über aktuellen Neuigkeiten oder interessante nTLD-Konzepte. Auch Statistiken über die bekanntesten und beliebtesten neuen Endungen sind ein beliebtes Thema im Blog. Doch wie steht es eigentlich um die länderspezifischen (ccTLDs) und ursprünglichen generischen Top-Level-Domains (gTLDs)? ccTLDs - stetiges ... read more ...
Wed 29th October 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Find a Domain Buyer via Google ccTLD - I like to do my own research to find prospective buyers for some of my domain names, and I thought of a way that might be useful to find new leads. Typically, I use Google.com to search for companies that use the keywords of the domain name I am selling. I thought perhaps using a ccTLD where Google operates could bring additional prospective buyer leads. Google operates many localized search engines using its ccTLD domain names. Google.co.uk, Google.com.do, Google.ca, and Google.ie are all ... read more ...
Wed 22nd October 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
VeriSign Q3FY14 Preview: Company Strives To Regain Growth In The Face Of … - VeriSign (NASDAQ:VRSN), the leader in the Domain Name System (DNS) market with a 47% market share, is set to release its third quarter earnings for the financial year 2014 on October 23rd. VeriSign is the authoritative registry service provider for all .com and .net gTLDs (Generic Top-Level Domains), as well as the sole registry service provider for gTLDs like .cc, .tv, .gov, .jobs, .edu and .name. The company registered a 5% increase in sales in the first half of 2014, with revenues ... read more ...
Tue 21st October 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
AusRegistry Issues the First in a Series of Quarterly Reports Analyzing … - The report – titled “Behind the Dot, The State of the .au Domain” – offers statistical insights that have never before been released to the public. The highlights are also available in ... read more ...
Tue 14th October 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sweden to auction off 349 formerly blocked .SE Domain Names - Sweden to hold an auction of 349 previously blocked .se names. The auction started Monday and will run for the next 12 days. Some of the names include: USA.se, HR.se, cd.se, Jamaica.se and bahamas.se. Swedish Wire reported on the auction: Through a unique auction during the autumn/winter of 2014, .SE will be releasing .se domain names that have never before been possible to register. It’s about country codes, for example cd.se, hr.se and it.se, as well as other countries’ names – for example ... read more ...
Mon 13th October 2014