Tag Archives: bit.ly

Wed 11th May 2011
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
HootSuite Adds .Li Shorteners But Defends Use of .Ly - Service adds back up URLs but says people need not worry about .ly. That’s wrong. Social networking platform HootSuite has added alternatives to shorteners that use Libya’s country code domain name .ly after users expressed concerns about relying on the Libyan .ly domain name. In addition to Ow.ly and Ht.ly, users can now use Owl.li and Htl.li. .Li is the country code domain name for Liechtenstein. At the same time the company defended the stability of .ly, ... read more ...
Fri 18th February 2011
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Is Bit.ly Toast if Libya Shuts Down a Internet? - It’s possible. One of my tweeps just sent me a link to an article questioning what would happen to .ly domain names if Libya decided to “shut down” the internet. It’s a very good question. One of the most popular URL shortening services, bit.ly, uses Libya’s .ly domain name. We can rewind a bit and note that this isn’t the first time this question has been asked, and look at what happened in Egypt for the answer. First things first, it doesn’t take ... read more ...