New TLDs: Time For a Do-Over on Plural Similarity – CircleID -
Mandarin is a tricky language, but ICANN may want to learn the expression chóngfù before leaving the Beijing meeting. Chóngfù means "do-over" and that's what ICANN needs to forestall an entirely preventable disaster in the delegation of new top-level domains (TLDs).
The issue of "string similarity" seems straightforward. Nobody inside ICANN or out there in the real world wants Internet users to be confused by new TLDs that are confusingly similar. Imagine hearing an ad offering low rates ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: April 2013
Thu 11th April 2013
New TLDs: Time For a Do-Over on Plural Similarity -
Mandarin is a tricky language, but ICANN may want to learn the expression chóngfù before leaving the Beijing meeting. Chóngfù means "do-over" and that's what ICANN needs to forestall an entirely preventable disaster in the delegation of new top-level domains (TLDs).
The issue of "string similarity" seems straightforward. Nobody inside ICANN or out there in the real world wants Internet users to be confused by new TLDs that are confusingly similar. Imagine hearing an ad offering low rates ... read more ...
Google Acquires YT.Be To Use As YouTube Shorterner -
“Presumably, Google will use the domain name for shortened links to YouTube videos. ”
“Today, the company uses another .be domain name to do that, namely, as you can tell from this totally randomly selected tweet:
I have it on good authority that Google acquired the domain name, which was originally registered back in May 2003, from a Belgian Internet entrepreneur, but didn’t make its identity known throughout the purchasing process. But you can see Google is the owner of the domain ... read more ...
Cloud Industry Forum maintains pressure over Google’s .CLOUD gTLD application - is your source for open zone IT record news and analysis. Covering a latest in Cloud computing, large data, common services, procurements, process and legislation, we yield a tip opinions and interviews with pivotal internal and executive supervision figures, CIOs, medical and preparation professionals, and process makers.
Dot-What? – The New GTLDs Are Coming And It’s Time To Understand The … -
Last year, ICANN received 1,917 applications for new Generic Top
Level Domains ("gTLDs") - everything from .app to .zip
and numerous branded and generic strings in between. (Of the 1,917
applications, 754 are currently in "contention sets" due
to similarities, and a few others have been abandoned, so the final
number of new strings will be materially lower than the original
figure.) To help alleviate the concerns of brand owners in
connection with the upcoming onslaught of new strings, ICANN has
proposed ... read more ...
CADNA Wants ACPA Amended To Increase Penalties & Cover PPC Providers & Parking Companies - The Collation Against Domain Abuse (CADNA) issued a paper last night calling for lawmaker to increase the penalties for Cybersquatters and to expand the parties that are held responsible for cybersquatting, not only the domain holder, but basically everyone in the monetization food chain, which would including parking and PPC companies presumable the upstream providers including Google by amending the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA).
“With much of the nation’s, and ... read more ...
The GAC Puts The Brakes on Hundreds of New gTLD Applications Including Closed Generics - The GAC issued Its Advice from the ICANN meeting in Beijing and its a long one.
The very long list effecting hundreds of applications which is going to push back the program for some time and may shut the door on all closed generic applications unless the company can show issuing the close generic to one company is in the “public good”.
We long ago said at that closed generics were one of the biggest policy mistakes ICANN made in the new gTLD program.
GAC does in fact have an ... read more ...
Neue Top Level Domains: Falsche Kundendaten und Missbrauch sensibler … -
Die Regierungen bei der Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) fordern erweiterte Monitoring-Verpflichtungen für neue Top Level Domains (TLD). Alle neuen TLD-Inhaber sollen ihre Datenbanken ständig auf falsche Angaben in den Daten zu den Inhabern von Adressen innerhalb der jeweiligen TLD überprüfen. Registrare sollen zu raschen Aktionen gegen Kunden mit Second Level Domains angehalten sein, die mit falschen Angaben arbeiten, forderten die Regierungen in ihrem ... read more ...
Google outlines its plans to use .search as a "dotless" top level domain - Google wants to control the .search top-level domain and turn it into a 'dotless' domain, according to a report by TechCrunch. Google had applied for the right to manage around a 100 top level domains including .blog, .search, .app and .cloud when ICANN(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) started the process of registering new generic top-level domain names, last year. Google had also applied for top level domains related to its brands and products like .google, .chrome, .android ... read more ...
Google plant .search als "Dotless Domain" -
http://: Google will Suche abkürzen (Foto: Wegner)
Mountain View (pte024/11.04.2013/13:40) -
Google plant, die neue Domain-Endung .search als "Dotless Domain" zu führen, die keinen Punkt bei der Adresseingabe erfordert. Das geht aus einem aktuellen Schreiben an die Domain-Verwaltung ICANN hervor, demzufolge die neue Top-Level-Domain (TLD) offenbar praktisch als Kürzel nicht nur für ... read more ...
Google plant .search als "Dotless Domain" – Pressetext -
http://: Google will Suche abkürzen (Foto: Wegner)
Mountain View (pte024/11.04.2013/13:40) -
Google plant, die neue Domain-Endung .search als "Dotless Domain" zu führen, die keinen Punkt bei der Adresseingabe erfordert. Das geht aus einem aktuellen Schreiben an die Domain-Verwaltung ICANN hervor, demzufolge die neue Top-Level-Domain (TLD) offenbar praktisch als Kürzel nicht nur für ... read more ...
Google plant Nutzung neuer Top-Level-Domains ohne Punkt -
Die „Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers“, kurz ICANN, beendete im Mai vergangenen Jahres die Anmeldungsphase für rund 2.000 neue Top-Level-Domains (TLDs). 731 Unternehmen beantragten Domains wie .mail, .movie oder .shop, die pro Jahr mindestens 25.000 US-Dollar kosten sollen. Google reichte insgesamt 101 Anträge ein, unter anderem für die beliebteste Domainendung „.app“. Jetzt sind erste Pläne des US-Unternehmens öffentlich geworden.
Google will ... read more ...
ICANN: le chinois dans les TLD pour cette année -
Fadi Chehade, le président de l’Icann, déclare en effet à The Wall Street Journal que cette possibilité est prévue pour le deuxième semestre de cette année.Aujourd’hui, l’on peut déjà utiliser des caractères non latins dans l’adresse web même. Il s’agit ici par exemple des ‘datanews’ dans Mais c’est à peine le cas pour les noms de domaine de premier niveau (.com, .net, .org,…).En 2010, l’Egypte, l’Arabie Saoudite et les Emirats Arabes Unis avaient ... read more ...
Top Level Domains Die neuen Adressen im Netz -
Top Level Domains Die neuen Adressen im Netz
Jürgen Kuri über die neuen Adressen im Internet
Neue Top Level Domains stehen zur Verfügung. ( | DRadio Wissen )
Mehr Freiheit bei der Wahl der Top Level Domain.
Die Top Level Domains sind die neuen Adressen im Internet. ... read more ...
gTLD : Google détaille ses ambitions pour .search, .app, .blog et .cloud – Clubic -
Google a envoyé un document à l'ICANN afin de détailler ses ambitions relatives à quatre candidatures pour l'obtention de gTLD, et principalement celles qui ne font pas l'unanimité.
Au mois de juin dernier, sous son nom de couverture « Charleston Road Registry », Google avait déposé une flopée de dossiers afin de récupérer une centaine d'extensions de noms de domaine. L'ICANN, l'organisme chargé de superviser la gestion des suffixes Internet, doit désormais entendre les arguments ... read more ...
gTLD : Google détaille ses ambitions pour .search, .app, .blog et .cloud -
Google a envoyé un document à l'ICANN afin de détailler ses ambitions relatives à quatre candidatures pour l'obtention de gTLD, et principalement celles qui ne font pas l'unanimité.
Au mois de juin dernier, sous son nom de couverture « Charleston Road Registry », Google avait déposé une flopée de dossiers afin de récupérer une centaine d'extensions de noms de domaine. L'ICANN, l'organisme chargé de superviser la gestion des suffixes Internet, doit désormais entendre les arguments ... read more ...
.search: Google plant offene Top-Level-Domains ohne Punkt -
Google hat sich bei ICANN für eine ganze Reihe von Top-Level-Domains beworben und möchte unter anderem .search, .app und .blog für sich haben. Noch hat Google den Zuschlag nicht bekommen, hat aber bereits interessante Pläne zur Nutzung der TLDs. Diese sollen “dotless” genutzt werden können.
Sollte Google den Zuschlag bekommen, würde man die TLDs nicht für sich allein beanspruchen sondern für andere Anbieter öffnen – dies hat Google bereits bei der Bewerbung angekündigt. Interessant ... read more ...
-New gTLD Trademark Clearing House By The Numbers: 323 TM Holders, 450 TM: $15K To Be An AgentAdd it to my favorites - There are some interesting numbers coming out of the Trademark Clearing House (TMCH) Session at the ICANN meeting today
To date there are 71 active trademark agents in TMCH
To dare there are 323 trademark holders that have successfully created an account with the Trademark Clearinghouse.
“There are about 140 trademark accounts that are in the pipeline, meaning they are — either they haven’t uploaded their contract or they haven’t wired their amount yet, and still about 100 trademark holders ... read more ...
The story behind .Vegas -
The story of how Dot Vegas, Inc. won the battle for .vegas and how it plans to bring the TLD to market.
I recently met Dustin Trevino, CFO of Dot Vegas, Inc., and learned more about the company’s plans for the .Vegas top level domain. In this interview, the company explains the effort it undertook to get city approval for the .vegas top level domain, and reveals that it quietly obtained the blessing of Nevada’s then-governor for its bid.
DNW: When did you start ... read more ...
How to learn some-more about your customer on Sedo -
Video explains how to learn more about who placed an offer on your domain at Sedo.
So you received an offer on Sedo, and you’d like to know who’s making the offer?
One of the benefits to buyers of using an exchange like Sedo is anonymity. But Sedo does provide some information about the buyer. In most cases you can figure out if the buyer is an end user or another domainer.
In this video, I’ll explain the four pieces of information Sedo providers to sellers ... read more ...
Wed 10th April 2013
2 More Objections Hit The ICC: .Rugby & .Insurance - A couple of more objection have hit the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) site today as part of ICANN new gTLD program
The International Rugby Board filed a Community Objection to .Rugby, and the American Insurance Association filed yet another objection to .Insurance.
The two are in addition to the 66 objections we noted that were posted on the ICC site 5 days ago.
Including this objection, there are at least 5 objections to .insurance filed with the ICC.
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Google Does the Right Thing Opening Several Closed Generic TLD Applications -
Over the last few months one of the areas of attention in the new TLD project has been "closed generics". I've written about this several times in the past and I've also raised the issue in as many fora as possible.
Yesterday ICANN published a letter they'd received from Google with respect to several of their new TLD applications.
Whereas Google had made it clear previously that they intended to operate domain extensions such as .blog, .cloud, .search and .app in a closed fashion or "walled ... read more ...
What brand owners need to do to cope with the new domain names -
Since our last report much has happened – the Trademark Clearinghouse is just opening and a service provider has been found for the URS, among other things. One of the most interesting developments has been the positive impact of ICANN’s new CEO. He started by admitting that the organization was facing a difficult situation getting ready to launch the new TLDS and that its people were at the edge. However, at the same time it was made clear that ICANN did not want to delay the program. His ... read more ... Bought In May 2012 Saved in UDRP: Godaddy Placeholder May Have Saved It - The Complainant is Puravankara Projects Limited of Bangalore, Karnataka, India, just lost a UDRP on the domain name which turns out to be a pretty interesting case with a long fact pattern.
The domain was orinally owned by the Complaintant who lost it many years ago do to non-renew it appears.
The domain was acquired by the domain holder in May 2012 auction and wound up going to a Godaddy placeholder around the time the UDRP was filed.
Compared to yesterday’s decision on ... read more ...
Shopsystem zur Registrierung von neuen Top-Level-Domains - Nach dem ICANN Meeting in Peking vom 7. bis zum 11. April 2013 sollen laut ICANN die ersten Verträge mit neuen Registries geschlossen werden. Bereits in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2013 wird erwartet, dass die ersten Domains unter neuen Top-Level-Domains (TLDs) wie z.B. .KOELN oder .RUHR registriert werden können.
Bei rund 1.400 Bewerbungen für neue Domain-Endungen wird es künftig eine große Vielfalt an TLDs geben. Für die Domain-Registrare ein nicht unerheblicher Kostenaufwand, die Vielzahl ... read more ...