ICM Registry: 900,000 Expressions of Interest For A .XXX Domain Name - According to a Press Release that the ICM Registry, the company behind .XXX, will announce tomorrow, they have received nearly 900,000 expressions of interest for .XXX domain names during its pre-reservation process.
I reached out to the ICM registry and asked how many of the 900K expressions of interests represented unique domains.
Stuart Lawley wrote back to tell me the 900,000 expressions of interest were for about 650,000 unique domain names.
At that level 650,000 domain names would net over ... read more ...
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Sun 17th July 2011
DomainTools.com Is The Buyer Of ScreenShots.com & Looks To Be A WayBack Machine Killer - DomainTools.com is the buyer of the domain name Screenshots.com which according to DN Journal sold back in February of this year for $32,500.
Screenshots.com is a perfect match for Domaintools.com which is a service which pulls histories of domain names.
Screenshots.com is now directing to DomainTools.com and with the database of information DomainTools.com already has, this promises to be a WayBack Machine killer.
Alexa.com’s WayBack Machine indexes how websites looked in past years and/or months.
For ... read more ...
Arbitration for Twitter Typo Twiter.com Terminated, Then Refiled -
Massive Twitter.com typo case terminated, then refiled.
An arbitration case at World Intellectual Property forum over the domain name Twiter.com has been terminated, only for the company to file a second case.
Cases are typically terminated when the domain owner agrees to hand the domain name over to the complainant. In this case it appears the case may have been terminated and then refiled after the domain name registrar disclosed the owner of the domain name.
The ... read more ...
Sat 16th July 2011
Therapy.org Sells For $18,766 On NameJet.com - Another nice sale on Namejet.com today as Therapy.org sold for $18,766.
The domain name drew 7 bidders of $5K or more.
Therapy.org was a drop domain meaning that the former owner elected or simply failed to renew it.
The domain has a Google Page Rank of 2 and an Alexa Rank of 2.7 Million.
Congrats to the buyer.
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Mike Mann Sells FatChance.com For $40K & Microsoft Says Sony Domains Are Just Defensive Registrations “Lets Move On” - According to his posting on Facebook Mike Mann has just sold a nice call to action domain name FatChance.com for $40K.
I think its a good price for the domain which I could see selling in that 25K-$50K price range.
These call to action domains or famous sayings or phrases are always in demand.
We own a ton of them as well and they provide a source of constant sales interest.
Congrats to Mike on another nice sale
There were quite a few stories in and out of the domain world yesterday about some ... read more ...
Fri 15th July 2011
FreeMusicDownload.com Sells For $45K On NameJet & Highlights Over $100K In Domain Auctions Today - The domain name FreeMusicDownload.com sold for $45K today leading over $100K in sales at Namejet.com
Here is what I had on my list from today that sold on Namejet
Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Frank Schilling Tells ComputerWorld.com That Cloud.com Is Worth Between $3M-$7M - Computerworld.com just published an article quoting Frank Schilling on the value of Cloud.com
“”Cayman Island-based Frank Schilling, widely regarded as one of the world’s most successful generic domain name investors with names such as Antarctica.com, said that cloud.com could fetch $3 million to $7 million if its new owner were to sell it.”
“Anything less would have been a very good value for the purchaser,” he wrote, in an email.
“Cloud computing is an extremely competitive and critical ... read more ...
Disney Was Wrong: It’s A Big World After All - With all due regards to Walt Disney, whose song I, and I would assume many of you grew up singing, “It’s a Small World After All”, is wrong.
In fact it’s a big world, with billions of people competing, in what has become a global marketplace, for their share of the pie.
It’s really not Mr. Disney’s fault.
Time’s have changed.
The song was written in the 1960′s and premiered at the New York World’s Fair in 1964.
Yes I’m from New York City.
I was born in 1958, and was 11 in ... read more ...
Warner Bros Wants HappyFeet2.com Domain Name For Its Upcoming Sequel -
Company files for arbitration to get domain name.
Warner Bros is planning a sequel to its 2006 hit Happy Feet, and this time around it wants a good domain name for its movie web site.
The company has filed a complaint with National Arbitration Forum against the owner of the HappyFeet2.com domain name. Domain arbitration cases usually take 1-2 months, so they should have the domain name in time for the November theatrical release.
The domain name was actually originally ... read more ...
Amazon May Be Working on MyHabit.com Apps -
Company registers domain names for apps related to its new MyHabit.com store.
Amazon.com’s new MyHabit store seems to be doing well since its launch a couple months ago based on how quickly some of its limited-time sales sell out.
Now the company appears to be working on MyHabit apps for your iPhone and perhaps Android devices: The company just registered MyHabitApp.com, MyHabitforiPhone.com, and MyHabitMobileApp.com according to whois records.
The company has ... read more ...
Thu 14th July 2011
Google Reports Earnings: Profits Up 36%, Revenue adult 32; Clicks Up 18%; Cost Per Click adult 12% - Googlereported earnings after the market closed today for the quarter ending June 30, 2011.
Second quarter net income rose to $2.51 billion, or $7.68 a share, from $1.84 billion, or $5.71 a share an increase of 36%.
Net revenue for the period ended June 30 was up 32% $6.92 billion. Excluding one-time items, Google said that earnings for the quarter were $8.74 a share.
Google said that its paid clicks, rose roughly 18% compared to the same period last year.
Google’s “cost per click,” rose ... read more ...
FoxBusiness Covered Sedo’s New Domain Pricing Index (IDNX): Can Domain Names Predict The Next Recession? - FoxBusiness.com just covered the new Domain Pricing Index (IDNX) Sedo.com released yesterday with economist Dr. Thies Lindenthal, in an article entitled “Can Domain Names Predict the Next Recession?”
FoxBusiness goes on to say:
“The index, called the IDNX, was calculated using data from SEDO, the world’s largest virtual marketplace for domain names, including more than 200,000 domain transactions over the last six years. Since it will be updated on a monthly basis, the index opens a new ... read more ...
Guest Post: There’s A Reason They’re Called Domain Names: The Perils of Selecting Generic Names For Your Online Company - This is a guest post written by Torin A. Dorros, Esq., who defended Advertise.com against a lawsuit for trademark infringement among other claims arising from AOL.com over its ownership of Advertising.com
The article is being published unedited and it’s an excellent article that all domainers should read, maybe twice as it quite relevant not only to this case but all generic domain names.
There’s A Reason They’re Called Domain “Names”
The Perils of Selecting Generic Names For Your Online ... read more ...
Looks Like Its John Zuccarini’s Domains That Are The Typo’s Being Auctioned Off On NameJet.com - I wrote a story yesterday about typo domain names being auctioned off on NameJet.com
Now thanks to a reader with a good memory (better than mine) it appears many of these domain used to belong to none other than John Zuccarini.
I even wrote about these domain back last year but it took a reader with a keen eye to spot them on the list of domain auctions.
Here is the post from last year on the domain names that were reportedly making almost $6,000 a month at the time.
If those numbers are even vaguely ... read more ...
QuickPoll: Which of These NameJet.com “Premium” No Reserve Domain Name Auctions Will Sell For The Most? - Namejet.com put out a press release yesterday talking about “a series of valuable domain names” which are starting as soon as July 15, “many of which have never seen the auction block.”
(of course we know that some like gocarts.com and trumpet.com seem to stay on the auction block, but I digress)
The NameJet.com PR goes on to state:
“This is an extraordinary opportunity for companies and individuals to secure a premium domain name that is perfect for their business.”
“Domains with no ... read more ...
Joe Higgins Long Time Oversee.net Employee is Latest To Leave The Company - We just got an email from Joe Higgins, a Sr. Account Manager for Oversee.net/DomainSponsor, who told us he was leaving the company:
“”I am writing to inform you today that after 6 ½ great years with DomainSponsor and Oversee.net, I have decided to move on to pursue other opportunities. I have enjoyed my time here and the opportunity to work with clients such as you. “”
Since our dealings with Oversee.net and DomainSponsor.com we have only had basically two representatives, Ron Sheridan ... read more ...
Epik Acquires Domain Name Registrar IntrustDomains -
Company acquires domain name registrar with a checkered reputation.
Epik has acquired domain name registrar IntrustDomains for an undisclosed account.
In a blog post, Epik founder Rob Monster explains that the acquisition will provide a number of services for managing your domain name assets. In addition to registering domain names, Epik customers will get access to a self-service backorder system. They will also be able to manage their domains at other registrars ... read more ...
.Com and .Net Price Increases Announced -
Here comes your yearly fee increase.
VeriSign has announced its almost-annual price increases for .com and .net domain names.
The wholesale cost from VeriSign for .com domain names will increase from $7.34 to $7.85 on January 15, 2012 and the registry fee for .net domain names will increase from $4.65 to $5.11.
The VeriSign fee doesn’t include ICANN’s 18 cent fee per year. So the wholesale cost of a .com domain name will be $8.03 and a .net will be $5.29.
VeriSign ... read more ...
WIPO Panel Censures Law Firm for Misleading Panel -
Panel blasts law firm for either trying to mislead panel or being “inexcusably careless”.
Last year a World Intellectual Property Organization panelist called a case represented by law firm Novagraaf Nederland a “flagrant abuse” of the UDRP. In that case, the law firm told the panel that its client had been in business from 1994 but didn’t disclose that it had just recently changed its name to reflect the domain name at issue. Novagraaf Nederland also ... read more ...
Law Firm Found Guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking After Filing “Astonishing” Case -
Law firm files “baseless” case to get four letter domain name.
I really hope a new law firm that seeks to “break with routine thinking in the legal industry” doesn’t have an intellectual property practice.
Denmark lawfirm IUNO Advokatpartnerselskab has lost a UDRP for the IUNO.com and has been found guilty of reverse domain name hijacking.
The domain name was registered in 2000; the law firm just opened its doors this year.
Panelist Tony Willoughby had ... read more ...
Another Day, Another New TLD Trademark Application: .Store -
Pair files three trademark applications for .store.
More people are trying to trademark potential top level domain names now that ICANN has approved the program.
The latest attempt is by Eric Doerr of Delaware and Greg Disler of Pennsylvania. The pair filed applications for three marks; two for .store and one for dotStore.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark office won’t issue trademarks for top level domain names, but that hasn’t stopped people from trying to slide ... read more ...
Demand Media Loses Another UDRP -
Company hit with third UDRP loss of the year despite offer to transfer domain name at no charge.
Demand Media has another UDRP loss, despite its best efforts to close the case without a decision.
The case was filed by Universal American Corp for the domain name todaysoption.com. If you follow UDRP cases closely, this might look familiar. The complainant won a UDRP for the exact same domain name in 2009. But it managed to let the domain name expire after gaining control ... read more ...
Minds+Machines and Right Of The Dot Hook Up -
Two new TLD consulting companies enter into referral agreement.
New top level domains consultancy and registry provider Minds+Machines has entered into a relationship with new TLD sales consulting group Right Of The Dot.
Right Of The Dot was founded by Moniker founder Monte Cahn and Michael Berkens (of TheDomains.com) to help new TLD applicants make the best use of their premium second level domain names and sales to domain investors.
There’s not a whole lot of ... read more ...
Wed 13th July 2011
Russell King Out as Chief Operating Officer of ICM (.XXX Registry Operator) - We have confirmed that Russel King who had been serving the ICM Registry the operator of the .XXX registry in the capacity of Chief Operating Officer of ICM, is no longer with the company.
It seems that Mr. King was terminated by ICM shortly after the Singapore ICANN meeting which he attended on ICM’s behalf in June.
Mr. King has been with ICM since 2010.
We Met Mr. King at several ICANN meetings and always found him to be smart, well spoken, highly likeable guy and we wish him the best of luck ... read more ...
Domainer Gregg Ostrick Survives a Dissenting Opinion & Wins A UDRP ON hmwn.com Represented by John Berryhill - Holy Mother World Networks of Toronto, Canada, brought A URDP against domainer Gregg Ostrick, of GNO, Inc. on the domain name HMWN.com who was represented by John Berryhill.
Holy Mother claimed that the 4 letter domain name represented their name which they had trademark rights to and that the domain holder showed bad faith by parking the domain and having a for Buydomains.com for sale link on it.
Holy Mother owned the .net version of the .com domain they brought the UDRP on
Here are the facts and ... read more ...