Monthly Archives: June 2010

Wed 2nd June 2010
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Geo Web Sites Show News Doesn’t Pay - Recent examples show that making local news profitable is still a challenge. The newspapers are dying. The model of paying lots of reporters to write news stories and then delivering it via paper to readers just won’t work anymore. It’s true, and it has been the driving force behind a lot of geo domain activity over the past few years — the building out of city and local domain names. But in the process, it seems that perhaps geo domain owners tried to emulate ... read more ...
Tue 1st June 2010
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Our Picks From The iGaming SnapNames Auction Which Ends Today - The igaming show was held last week in Prague and is holding an online auction for some gambling and gaming domains (with some misc domains thrown in) The auction which has been running since last week closes today at 3:15PM EST according to the normal closing procedures on We have gome through the list and have picked out what we believe are the most interesting domains from the auction. A couple of notes. The domain which is at zero reserve is ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Warning: This NPR Story About Domain Names Might Enrage You - Story labels domainers cybersquatters, and then some. Don’t click through to this NPR Marketplace story if you’re agitated today. It will only flip you off the edge. In a story today titled “Biz model for domain names to change”, things don’t start off well: Ever wonder why the address for the photo-sharing website Flickr doesn’t have an E in it? It’s because — and this is a true story — the founder liked the name “flicker” — E, R — but ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
$100k Go Daddy Commercial Winner Pulled Ad Together in 19 Days - Team pulls together winning TV commercial in 19 days. 19 days. That’s how much time the winners of Go Daddy’s TV commercial contest had to pull it all together once they heard about the domain name registrar’s contest. But for producer Jessie Ottolini, director Francis De La Torre, and writer Lisa Waugh, it was worth the stress — they’re now a hundred thousand dollars richer and have been pushed onto the national television commercial stage almost overnight. I ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
No Country Names in New TLD Round - So much for .zimbabwe. The latest version of the draft applicant guidebook for new top level domain names prohibits country names (e.g. .mexico) from being registered. It’s a good thing, really. It eliminates another conflict ICANN would have to deal with: ruthless dictators hoping to spend more of their ill-gotten gains on a new top level domain name might not pass the background check. The background check will cover a number of items, including -Corruption ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
ICANN Should Create Filter Before Opening Comments on New TLDs - Advocacy groups will have open season on new top level domain name applications. On page 1-6 of the fourth draft applicant guidebook for new top level domain names, ICANN has moved its language regarding a comment periods. I hadn’t really paid attention to it before. Essentially, once applications for new top level domains (such as .sport or .nyc) are posted, anyone will be able to submit a comment that will be considered by the application evaluation team: In ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
ICANN Opens Floodgates Over Holiday Weekend - Information overload hits over Memorial Day weekend. Maybe it was because this weekend was the end of the month. Or perhaps it was to meet deadlines for the upcoming ICANN conference. Regardless, ICANN chose a U.S. holiday weekend to release a number of very important documents. The big kahuna is the fourth draft applicant guidebook for new TLDs. This may be the last “draft” of the guidebook. It will take a while for me to go through it and I’ll report back ... read more ...
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
BodogBrand Announces it is Buyer - Popular online poker brand is buyer of Bodog Brand, owner and licensor of the Bodog gambling brand, has announced that it was the mystery buyer of last month, and that it paid a bit more than previously reported. In a press release, the company announced that it paid GBP 4,000,000 for the domain, which equates to about $5.8 million USD a today’s exchange rates. Calvin Ayre, founder of the Bodog brand, stated: “The internet really has changed ... read more ...