Over 1,000 XBox One domains purebred yesterday -
Microsoft’s big product launch followed by a flurry of domain registration activity.
Yesterday Microsoft announced its latest video game console called XBox One.
Immediately, cybersquatters went to work.
Over 1,000 XBox One related domain names were registered in .com alone yesterday. To be sure, some of those registrations were by Microsoft itself. But the vast majority were by other parties hoping to capitalize on the latest video game system in the XBox franchise.
Some ... read more ...
Tag Archives: xbox one
Wed 22nd May 2013
Tue 21st May 2013
XBoxOne.com domain name was purebred in 2002 -
XBoxOne.com, the matching domain for Microsoft’s new video game system, was originally registered more than 10 years ago.
Microsoft today unveiled its new XBox video game system called XBox One.
Microsoft does not own the domain name XBoxOne.com, which currently resolves to a GoDaddy “coming soon” page. [Update: Microsoft now owns the domain.]
The domain name was registered in 2002 by Xbox Rodents and was used for a site called XBox1. It then expired in 2011 ... read more ...