.Travel Domain Name Featured in Magazine Ad -
.Travel shows up in a print ad.
Here’s something I haven’t seen before: a magazine ad with a .travel domain name.
Admittedly, I don’t read travel magazines. But while flipping through the latest issue of American Express’ Departures magazine, I came across a tourism ad for Egypt. The URL? www.Egypt.travel. (See the full ad a pdf here).
Egypt.travel is run by Egyptian Tourist Authority. The other URL in the ad is EgyptianTravelSpecialist.com, a web site ... read more ...
Tag Archives: .travel
Wed 24th February 2010
Fri 22nd February 2008
Theglobe.com To Sell .Travel Domain Name Registry -
Company enters into letter of intent to sell subsidiary.
Theglobe.com (TGLO.ob) has signed a letter of intent to sell its Tralliance subsidiary. Tralliance is the registry for .travel domain names. Sounds simple enough, but this incestuous deal is complicated enough to make your head spin.
The .travel registry almost went bankrupt last year before it was bailed out by majority shareholder Michael Egan. But then Egan was involved in a number of insider dealings ... read more ...