World now has 280 million registered domain names: Verisign -
There are now 280 million registered domain names across the world.
Global domain names and Internet security company VeriSign, Inc has announced in its latest Domain Name Industry Brief that four million domain names were added to the Internet in the second quarter of 2014, pushing the total to 280 million worldwide across all top-level domains (TLDs) as of June 30, 2014.
“The increase of four million domain names globally equates to a growth rate of 1.4 percent over the first quarter ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLDs
Wed 3rd December 2014
Global registered domain names reach 280 mln in Q2 -
The internet recorded the addition of 4 million domain names in the second quarter, up 1.4 percent from the first quarter, according to VeriSign’s latest Domain Name Industry Brief. The additions brought the total number of registered domain names at end June to 280 million worldwide across all top-level domains (TLDs). Worldwide registrations grew by 18.6 million, or 7.2 percent, year over year.
The .com and .net TLDs reached a combined total of 128.9 million domain names, up 3.7 percent ... read more ...
Tue 2nd December 2014
FIBA Wins .Basketball Beating Donuts & Famous Four - The Fédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA) has won the new gTLD .Basketball.
The two other applicants Donuts and Famous Four Media have withdrawn their applications with ICANN.
.Basketball was scheduled to go to the ICANN last resort auction in December.
Minds + Machines is the backend provider.
This is from FIBA site:
“FIBA, the International Basketball Federation, is the world governing body for basketball.
Founded in 1932, we bring together 214 National Basketball Federations from ... read more ...
Tue 25th November 2014
Lexsynergy’s Webinar Series Shifts Focus to Geographic Domain Name … -
Global domain name management and online brand protection specialists Lexsynergy Limited today announced the second installment in their monthly webinar series designed to inform and update brand owners on new domain name extensions.The webinar, "Geographic Extensions and the Relevance of City TLDs," will explore the impact and relevance of geographically oriented domain name extensions as well as their prospects in the evolving domain name marketplace."Since our first webinar on 3 November to ... read more ...
Sun 23rd November 2014
Whether .Attorney or .Lawyer, What Happens To .Com? -
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Sat 22nd November 2014
SEO-For-Lawyers on the importance of .attorney names for marketing - Luke Ciciliano did a post for on why he thinks .attorney and .lawyer will hold significance for lawyers in their marketing efforts. In the article he references a Dallas related name being used and showing in the search results, he also mentioned some lawyers he spoke with did not see the point of the new law related domains and did not want to bother with them, until they started showing in the search results.
Luke has written a series of articles on why these new tlds will help ... read more ...
Thu 20th November 2014
Treffen Sie Key-Systems auf der IP Service World -
St. Ingbert (ots) - Die Key-Systems GmbH wird bei der IP Service World in München (24./25. November 2014) ihr Corporate Domain-Portal BrandShelter vorstellen. BrandShelter hilft Kunden beim Schutz ihrer Firmennamen, Marken und Warenzeichen im Internet und entwickelt kundenspezifische Strategien zum richtigen Umgang mit den neuen Internet-Endungen (Top Level Domains, TLDs). Neben den neuen TLDs werden das Trademark ... read more ...
Wed 19th November 2014
November 17: updated status of sunrise periods and trademark claims … -
As we previously reported to you (click here to view April 29, 2013 TLD article), the internet is expanding to include hundreds of new top-level-domains (TLDs) (examples of TLDs as we know them today include .com, .net. and .org – i.e., the term that is to the right of the "dot"). While the only certainty at that time was that the launch was inevitable, like it or not, it's finally here (click here to view January 9, 2014 Sunrise article).
Frost Brown Todd will be sending out ... read more ...
Hier bekommen Sie die neuen .koeln-Domains - Neue Möglichkeiten für alle, die sich eine neue Webseite aufbauen wollen oder einfach nur eine ausgefallene Mailadresse suchen: Seit diesem Herbst sind die neuen Internet-Domains .koeln und .cologne verfügbar.
Im Web wird’s bei den Endungen von Internet-Adressen – den sogenannten
Top Level Domains, kurz: TLDs – zunehmend bunter: Hatte man
früher hierzulande nur die Wahl zwischen wenigen Endungen wie .de und .com, sind inzwischen viele neue
TLDs dazugekommen. Während aber viele ... read more ...
Fri 14th November 2014
One Degree World disrupts Online Travel industry with its use of emerging top … - Technology One Degree World disrupts Online Travel industry with its use of emerging top-level domains Vicky Karantzavelou - 14 November 2014, 12:17 Company to launch the largest portfolio of global travel and entertainment sites on new top-level domains partnering with .BUZZ, .NINJA and .VEGAS, among others. <!--
Lorel ipsum
. Philippe Chereque, Amadeus, .
. 41 ... read more ...
Thu 13th November 2014
Não se podem apreender TLDs de países -
Uma boa notÃcia para os que se preocupam com o poder que o governo dos EUA tem na Internet.
Numa decisão histórica, que sinaliza uma vitória para o actual sistema de governança da Internet, um tribunal dos Estados Unidos anulou uma tentativa de apreensão dos domÃnios do Irão, SÃria e da Coreia do Norte, como parte de um processo contra os governos desses paÃses.
Os queixosos no caso queriam ficar ... read more ...
ccTLDs Might Be Property -
The long-running saga of victims who are pursuing 'state sponsors of terrorism' via ICANN has taken yet another turn.
Some time back the Plaintiffs in Rubin ors -v- Islamic Republic of Iran ors managed to obtain Writs of Attachment in the Federal court district in Washington (D.C.) courts ordering that the ccTLDs of those respective countries be seized in part-payment of the damages they are owed.
ICANN, fairly predictably, became involved at this point.
It went to Court in DC asking ... read more ...
DC Court rules that Top-Level Domain not subject to seizure - As I mentioned several months ago, a group of plaintiffs, having obtained judgments in US courts against the government of Iran, has been seeking to satisfy those judgments via writs of attachment – court-ordered seizures – of property belonging to the Iranian government. This can be a relatively straightforward process when applied to bank accounts, real estate, or tangible personal property – the usual targets of seizure orders. But the plaintiffs here sought to seize the .ir top-level ... read more ...
Amazon’s Surprising Domain Name Move -
Amazon has won the right to create domain names ending in .Pay, according to domain-tracking newsletter The Domains.
The E-commerce giant, which applied for the .Pay top-level domain (TLD) rights in 2012, became the last bidder standing after Swiss company DotPay SA dropped out just days before .Pay was scheduled to be auctioned off. That means Amazon can proceed through a now-mostly-bureaucratic process of officially being assigned rights to the TLD, including signing a contract that requires ... read more ...
ICANN gewinnt Rechtsstreit um die Pfändung von Länderdomains .ir, .sy und .kp -
Logo der ICANN
Die country code Top-Level Domains der Länder des Irans, Syriens und Nordkoreas sind nach Ansicht eines US-amerikanischen Gerichts nicht pfändbar.
Das US-Gericht District Court of Columbia hat eine Pfändung der Länderadressen des Irans (.ir), Syriens (.sy) und Nordkoreas (.kp) abgewiesen. Die country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) der Länder sind nach Ansicht des Gerichts ... read more ...
ICANN gewinnt Rechtsstreit um die Pfändung von Länderdomains .ir, .sy und .nk -
Logo der ICANN
Die country code Top-Level Domains der Länder des Irans, Syriens und Nordkoreas sind nach Ansicht eines US-amerikanischen Gerichts nicht pfändbar.
Das US-Gericht District Court of Columbia hat eine Pfändung der Länderadressen des Irans (.ir), Syriens (.sy) und Nordkoreas (.kp) abgewiesen. Die country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) der Länder sind nach Ansicht des Gerichts ... read more ...
Tue 11th November 2014
.swiss: das müssen Sie wissen -
Bleiben Sie informiert mit unserem täglichen IT-Newsletter.
Was ist der Zweck der neuen Top-Level-Domains?
Top-Level-Domains (TLDs) bezeichnen den letzten Teil einer Internetdomain. Beim Beispiel wäre dies «.ch». Weil nur eine begrenzte Anzahl solcher TLDs bereitsteht (zB .com, .de, .web) und es immer weniger freie Kombinationen gibt, hat die dafür zuständige Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) im Juni 2011 beschlossen, die ... read more ...
Fri 7th November 2014
.XXX Registry Announces .Porn & .Adult Domain Matching Program Starts On … -
ICM registry which operates the .XXX registry, announced today that the Sunrise period for .PORN and .ADULT will be made available for a thirty day (30) period to trademark holders who are registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), as required under ICANN’s Rights Protection Mechanism starting March 1, 2015
After Sunrise has closed, the next phase of the .PORN and .ADULT launch will be a thirty (30) day Limited Registration Period, referred to as the Domain Matching Program.
The Domain ... read more ...
Thu 6th November 2014
November 4: updated status of sunrise periods and trademark claims notification … -
As we previously reported to you (click here to view April 29, 2013 TLD article), the internet is expanding to include hundreds of new top-level-domains (TLDs) (examples of TLDs as we know them today include .com, .net. and .org – i.e., the term that is to the right of the "dot"). While the only certainty at that time was that the launch was inevitable, like it or not, it's finally here (click here to view January 9, 2014 Sunrise article).
Frost Brown Todd will be sending out ... read more ...
The first .capetown, .joburg, and .durban domains registered -
The ZA Central Registry (ZACR) announced on Tuesday, 4 November 2014, that the new ZADotCities domains (.capetown, .joburg, and .durban) had become available to the general public.
This followed parallel “sunrise” and “landrush” periods, which the ZACR said were designed to give intellectual property rights owners and other interested parties the opportunity to the apply for their city top-level domains (TLDs).
With the launch of the ZADotCities general availability phase, ... read more ...
Thu 30th October 2014
A New Online Weapon for Trademark Owners -
Brian C. Roche and Gerald C. Pia Jr. are partners during Roche Pia in Shelton, a cyberlaw organisation representing clients in Internet piracy, domain name disputes, mechanism crimes, trade secrets and noncompetes, egghead property, Internet business consulting, party law and litigation.
Wed 29th October 2014
Braucht die Welt die neuen Domainendungen? -
Die Meinungen über die neuen Domainendungen und ihre Sinnhaftigkeit gehen weit auseinander. Dabei ist es wichtig, dass man den Hintergrund der Menschen, die man befragt, im Auge behält. Ein Angehöriger der Domain-Branche wird selbstverständlich eine andere Meinung zu dem Thema vertreten als Andere.
"Das Netz ist groß genug für manchen Unfug"
Gerade in den großen deutschen Printmedien häuft sich die Meinung, dass es bei den nTLDs nicht um die Interessen der Nutzer oder der Internet-Branche ... read more ...
Tue 28th October 2014
TLD Registry Appoints First China General Manager, Mr Jin Wang -
Mr. Jin Wang appointed as TLD Registry's China General ManagerTLD Registry Ltd, the world's leading Internationalized Domain Name "New gTLD" registry, today announced the appointment of the company's first ever China General Manager. Mr. Jin Wang has joined the TLD Registry team, contributing a wealth of knowledge and expertise of the internet and domain name industries in China.
"Our eight month search for the perfect China GM has been resolved with the best possible outcome," said Arto ... read more ...
TLD Registry Opens China Headquarters in "China’s Silicon Valley" -
TLD Registry opens China headquarters in "China's Silicon Valley" – A gallery of photographs from the ceremony and festivities can be seen here.On the afternoon of Friday 24th October, the world leader in Chinese domain names, TLD Registry opened its new China headquarters in Beijing's Zhongguancun, also known as "China's Silicon Valley".
Home to an overwhelming majority of domestic and international tech and internet industry leaders, Zhongguancun is a thriving high tech district and ... read more ...
Mon 27th October 2014
Afnic Reporting About Impact of New TLDs on Traditional TLDs -
The October 2014 edition of the Afnic Industry Report on Domain Names is out with focus on the impact of the hundreds of new TLDs on "traditional" players. The October 2014 issue shows that gTLDs (.com, .biz., etc.) are impacted by the massive influx of new TLDs on the market whereas ccTLDs (.fr, .re, ...) are better resisting the newcomers.
Contributions to the combined monthly net balance in 2014Source: Afnic
The histogram above highlights the fact that the contribution of ccTLDs, ... read more ...