Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag .ruhr! -
Seit einiger Zeit schon tummeln sich im Internet die verschiedensten Regio-TLDs. Von .bayern über .saarland bis hin zu .hamburg werden viele Regionen Deutschlands abgedeckt und im Word-Wide-Web präsentiert. Auch das Ruhrgebiet hat mit .ruhr eine eigene nTLD gefunden. Und diese wird genau heute ein Jahr alt! [Anm.: Leider konnten wir diesen Artikel erst verspätet veröffentlichen. Der Geburtstag von .ruhr war der 27.03.]
Diesen Tag wollten wir uns zum Anlass nehmen, Ihnen die sympathische ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLDs
Wed 1st April 2015
Thu 26th March 2015
Afilias Supports the CrypTech Project – The Most Ambitious Hardware … -
DUBLIN--(Business Wire)--Global domain registry operator and Internet technology innovator Afilias has
pledged funding support to the
CrypTech Project. CrypTech is an industry effort to address the
increasingly challenging Internet security environment, especially as it
affects cryptographic algorithms in hardware. The CrypTech team of
experts is working to develop an open hardware cryptographic engine
design that will enable the highest levels of ... read more ...
Tue 24th March 2015
The race to secure .porn domains - On the defensive, a number of celebrities and brands have secured unsavory web domains all in an effort to keep others from destroying their public image. SiliconANGLE takes a look at a few of the more notable domains that were quickly usurped by wary Hollywood and Fortune 500 elite.
In 2011, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) — the entity responsible for top level domains — announced the expansion of generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs). This meant that aside from seeing ... read more ...
Taylor Swift Buys Adult Domain Names to Thwart Fraudsters - US songstress Taylor Swift has been defensively registering new adult-themed generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) in a bid to head off phishers, cybersquatters and the like.
The 25-year-old American singer-songwriter, or more likely her management team, made the proactive move of buying up TaylorSwift.porn and TaylorSwift.adult – two of the new gTLDs which go on public sale on 1 June, according to the BBC.
At $99 each, they’re not the most expensive new gTLDs around – with some apparently costing ... read more ...
Mon 23rd March 2015
Did Taylor Swift Really Just Buy A Bunch Of Porn Sites?! -
Posted on Mon Mar 23rd, 2015 1:21pm PDT By X17 Staff
In a word, yup!
Swift has purchased TaylorSwift.porn and TaylorSwift.adult, according to CNNMoney. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers has added .sucks, .porn and .adult to their long list of generic top-level domains, or gTLDs, and the country star was able to get in early and buy her own websites before anyone else can.
The TLDs will be available for purchase for the rest of us on June 1, but ... read more ...
Thu 19th March 2015
Restricting .doctor TLD to Physicians Unfair, Donuts Tells ICANN in … -
Restricting .doctor TLD to Physicians Unfair, Donuts Tells ICANN in Reconsideration Filing
By Joseph WrightMarch 16 — A newly required public interest commitment (PIC) would place the .doctor top-level domain in a unique, “ultra-highly sensitive” category in violation of ICANN's policy of nondiscrimination in the namespace, according to a reconsideration request filed by Donuts Inc. subsidiary Brice Trail March 12.The challenged ... read more ...
Wed 18th March 2015
Chris Owen :Investing in .Sucks Could Be the Best $2500 Companies Might Ever … -
It was announced this week that the sunrise period for the new top level domain (TLD) '.Sucks' will launch on March 30th, prompting marketing managers across the world to start firing off emails to their bosses to cough up the expected $2,500 needed to secure '[theirbrand].sucks'. And perhaps rightly so - short of ICANN, the outfit which controls TLDs, announcing swearword laden domain suffixes, '.sucks' has universal appeal to anyone wanting to ... read more ...
Who’s buying the new top-level domains? - In fact, the company has said that it will indeed begin operating as a registry and charging people to lease domain names under the various top-level domains that it has bought. So far it either owns, or is in the process of buying, domains including .PhD, .how, .meme and .new. But who else is buying-up top-level domain names? Amazon recently beat Google in the auction for the .buy domain, but it ended up costing them a reported $4.6m. Uniregistry bought the .mom domain and issued a statement ... read more ...
Tue 17th March 2015
New .sucks web domain offers new space, mischief -
LOS ANGELES, March 17 (UPI) -- The Internet is about to offer more digital real estate in the latest push to open up new space for the world's ever-growing web presence. And one of them really, truly sucks.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers has approved hundreds of new generic top-level domain (gTLD) expansions, and there could be nearly 1,500 new ones in ... read more ...
Sun 15th March 2015
Dot-com at 30: will the world’s best-known web domain soon be obsolete? - Meanwhile, the internet had rapidly evolved from an unknown phenomenon used primarily by academics and researchers to a global communication, commerce and information-sharing channel that few could imagine life without. Today, dot-com websites are accessed trillions of times each day. Millions of entrepreneurs have built their businesses online with dot-com, and the biggest names in business have branded their companies with dot-com addresses. Some believe that dot-com is now almost synonymous ... read more ...
Timeout, Time Lords: ICANN says there is only one kind of doctor -
Domain-name overseer ICANN has decided that only one kind of doctor may be allowed online – and that is a medical doctor.
In a decision made late last month but challenged on Friday by one of the companies vying for the rights to run the internet registry .doctor, ICANN will insist that all dot-doctor domains be verified as belonging to "legitimate medical practitioners."
The dot-doctor top-level ... read more ...
Dot-com at 30: will the world’s best-known net domain quickly be obsolete? -
Dot-com is the world’s most recognised net suffix, with over 115 million dot-com domains registered worldwide, representing about 42 per cent of all net addresses. But 30 years just after its inception, quite a few people are questioning regardless of whether it can continue to retain its dominance. Initially launched by the US Department of Defence – in the similar year as Live Aid and the release of the first Back to the Future film – dot-com was initially intended as an world-wide-web ... read more ...
Thu 12th March 2015
Verisign Report: There are Now 288 Million Registered Domains As Of … - VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), today announced that 4 million domain names were added to the Internet in the fourth quarter of 2014, bringing the total number of registered domain names to 288 million worldwide across all top-level domains (TLDs) as of Dec. 31, 2014 in the domain industry report.
The increase of four million domain names globally equates to a growth rate of 1.3 % over the third quarter of 2014. Worldwide registrations have grown by 16.9 million, or 6.2%, year over year.
The .com ... read more ...
Tue 10th March 2015
Adidas, Nike & Auditing hreflangs For Explosive SEO Results -
Fierce competitors Nike Adidas make for a compelling study of differing approaches to internationalizing your website… and salutary lessons in what can go wrong for even the biggest brands’ international SEO campaigns.
Fundamentally, there are two domain architectures to consider for your international brand: a single top-level domain (TLD) or multiple TLDs (e.g., .com, .co.uk, .fr, .de, etc.). In theory, both are equally valid options and can deliver exactly ... read more ...
The New Generation of Multi-Level Internet Real Estate -
2014 witnessed dramatic expansion in Internet Domain Names. Applicant’s ranging from entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 businesses were delegated the authority by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to operate registries for new top level dots. Once under contract with ICANN these new registry operators are licensed to sell through registrars, second level names to the left of new TLDs such as .photo, and .dance, as well as non-ASCII internationalized domain names (IDNs) ... read more ...
Mon 2nd March 2015
Google acquires .app web domain for $25 mn – domain -
Google hads acquired the website domain .app in an auction held by the organisation that oversees the running of the net, BBC reported. The search giant bid $25,001,000 which is said to be its highest so far. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) will roll out new customised web names and auction them off. Several other web address endings had also been sold including .baby, .tech, .salon and .VIP. The suffixes are called 'generic Top Level Domains' (gTLD). Charleston ... read more ...
Sun 1st March 2015
Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) has just paid $25 million to buy .app Top-Level Domain -
Now the .app top-level domain is completely bought and owned by Google Inc., the search engine giant bid for $25 million to buy the whole rights for the .app top-level domain.
The top level domains are similar to .com, .org and .net, they will be at the part of each and every URL under that TLD. Nowadays, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is creating a host of new set of top-level domains and auctioning those domains for a bigger sum.
Previously, Amazon has bought .buy ... read more ...
Sat 28th February 2015
Google Paid $25M to Buy the .app Web Domain -
Image Source: Whereverwriter
Google has paid $25 million for buying the .app top-level web domain. The company hasn’t announced specific plans for .app, but the purchase could provide a creative way to the company to promote apps. As per BusinessInsider report, Google won an ICANN (the organization that controls internet domains) auction for the top level domain (TLD).
The company currently owns ‘.how’, ‘.soy’, ‘.minna’, and ‘.foo’, and allows people register for its own ICANN-accredited ... read more ...
Fri 27th February 2015
Imagem do dia: .app -
A Google pagou 25 milhões de dólares pelo domÃnio de topo .app, o valor mais elevado de sempre na aquisição deste tipo de “propriedade” na Web, através da sua empresa Charleston Road Registry.
Em 2012, a Google candidatou-se a diferentes TLDs, como .docs, .android, .free, .fyi, .foo ou este .app, embora não tenha detalhado planos para o seu uso.
Numa lista recente dos domÃnios mais caros de sempre (não-TLD), o domÃnio VacationRentals.com ... read more ...
Für 25 Millionen Dollar Google kauft Top-Level-Domain .app – com -
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Via: com-magazin.de
Rekord: Google übernimmt Top-Level-Domain .app für 25 Millionen Dollar -
Mitte 2012 hat die ICANN bekannt gegeben, dass man viele neue TLDs auf den Markt bringen und diese in einem Auktions-System verkaufen möchte. Google hatte sich diese Liste ganz genau angesehen und für nicht weniger als 101 Domain-Endungen ein Gebot abgegeben. Bekommen hatte man allerdings nur 19 neue TLDs, die nicht unbedingt alle einen Sinn ergeben. Doch jetzt hat Google bei einer erneuten Auktion noch einmal zugeschlagen und sich .app für ganze 25 Millionen Dollar gesichert.
Böse Zungen ... read more ...
Google kauft Top-Level-Domain .app um 25 Millionen Dollar -
Der Suchmaschinenkonzern Google hat laut Business Insider einen Rekordpreis von 25 Millionen Dollar für die Top-Level-Domain (TLD) .app bezahlt. Ursprünglich hatte sich Google 2012 dafür beworben, nun hat man auch den Zuschlag bekommen. Gleichzeitig hat sich Google auch für andere TLDs wie .youtube, .chrome, .baby oder .web beworben. Seitdem versteigert die Domainverwaltungsbehörde ICANN die entsprechenden Adressen.
Google hat bislang den Zuschlag für .how, .soy und .minna erhalten ... read more ...
Wed 25th February 2015
Generic top-level domains – the evolution of trademark protection -
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Tue 24th February 2015
UPDATE – Minds + Machines revenues surge as new domains come online - Minds + Machines (LON:MMX), the top-level domains owner and operator, saw revenue surge from September when ten of its newly acquired Internet names became generally available.
Sales totalled £2.9mln in the six months to December, with £2.2mln generated in the last four months.
In that time, 107,000 domain names were registered for Minds + Machines' portfolio, of which 10% were sold through its own registrar businesses.
Minds + Machines (M+M) offers both registry and registrar services; a registrar ... read more ...
February 2015 Web Server Survey -
In the February 2015 survey we received responses from
883,419,935 sites and 5,135,229 web-facing
Microsoft showed the largest growth in terms of hostnames, with an additional
12 million sites taking its total up to 253 million. This has increased
Microsoft's market share to 28.7%, but Apache continues to lead with a 38.8%
share, despite a loss of 5.9 million sites.
Web-facing computer growth was fairly even across the board, with the top
three server vendors all showing ... read more ...