Sedo Revamps Q2 2013 Domain Market Study with Infographic as Market … – Virtual -
the world’s largest premium domain marketplace and monetization
provider, today issued its domain market study for the second quarter of
2013, revealing domain industry trends and changes based on transactions
in its marketplace. During the quarter, Sedo powered 9,589 transactions
with a mean average price of $1,830 across all sales and a median price
of $551.
Trends emerging from the second quarter data reveal that ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLDs
Tue 13th August 2013
EMCORE Introduces Multiplexed North Finder/Tracker Fiber Optic Gyro for … -
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Mon 12th August 2013
EMCORE CORPORATION : EMCORE Launches MUXed North Finder/Tracker … – 4 -
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Aug. 12, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EMCORE Corporation (Nasdaq:EMKR), a leading provider of compound semiconductor-based components and subsystems for the fiber optics and space solar power markets, announced today the launch of the Multiplexed (MUXed) North Finder/Tracker Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG) designed for the next generation of Precision Azimuth Vertical Angle Modules (PAVAMs) used in man-portable and tripod target locator systems. The EMCORE MUXed North Finder/Tracker ... read more ...
Thu 8th August 2013
What Types of New TLDs Are Being Released? -
(Ping! Zine Web Tech Magazine) - With the introduction of new Top Level Domains (TLDs) later this year, the internet will have many new domain possibilities, which can be divided into four larger groups. Next to generic TLDs, there will be geographic TLDs, domains for different communities, and domains that can be used for special brands and organizations. With new TLDs, you can find new domains for your project or company that can easily be recognized.
Generic TLDs: These ... read more ...
Wed 7th August 2013
Die neuen Top Level Domains stehen vor der Tür – domaindiscount24 zeigt … - Mit einem animierten Clip stellt domaindiscount24 Internet-Nutzern die Chancen der neuen Endungen für Webadressen wie .berlin, .shoes, .shop oder .rodeo vor. Im Video zeigen Ben und Mia ganz praktisch, wofür sie die neuen Top Level Domains (TLDs) im Berufsleben und in ihrer Freizeit nutzen. Bereits im Herbst werden die ersten internationalen TLDs wie die arabische Schreibweise für .netz verfügbar. Erfahren Sie mehr über die neuen TLDs und sehen Sie selbst, welche neuen Möglichkeiten sie bieten. ... read more ...
Die neuen Top Level Domains stehen vor der Tür – domaindiscount24 zeigt … - St. Ingbert (ots) – Mit einem animierten Clip stellt domaindiscount24 Internet-Nutzern die Chancen der neuen Endungen für Webadressen wie .berlin, .shoes, .shop oder .rodeo vor. Im Video zeigen Ben und Mia ganz praktisch, wofür sie die neuen Top Level Domains (TLDs) im Berufsleben und in ihrer Freizeit nutzen. Bereits im Herbst werden die ersten internationalen TLDs wie die arabische Schreibweise für .netz verfügbar. Erfahren Sie mehr über die neuen TLDs und sehen Sie selbst, welche neuen ... read more ...
Addressing the Consequences of Name Collisions – ICANN – ag-IP - MARINA DEL REY, CA - As directed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Board of Directors on May 18, 2013, ICANN commissioned and released on August 5, 2013 the results of a study that considers the likelihood and impact of name space collisions between applied-for new gTLD strings and non-delegated TLDs. According to ICANN, the study also reviewed the possibility of collisions arising from the use of X.509 digital certificates.
In a study published in January 2013, ICANN's ... read more ...
Fri 2nd August 2013
Governments Disagree On GI Protection At TLD Level -
Governments met recently to try to decide: Should special protection be provided online for geographical indications, in addition to trademark rights, geographical names and names of international organisations?
Governments gathered at the 14-18 July Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN) 47 meeting in Durban, South Africa were unable to agree on how to proceed in that regard, with a battle developing between the European Union and the United States and Australia.
US and ... read more ...
Thu 1st August 2013
Der Handel mit den neuen Webadressen - Die vielleicht größte Namensraumerweiterung des Internet steht bevor. Die Inbetriebnahme der ersten neuen generischen Top Level Domains (newgTLDs) war eigentlich für Mitte 2013 geplant, wird inzwischen aber auf Mitte 2014 angepeilt. TLDs sind die Endungen einer Webadresse, etwa „.de“, „.net“ oder auch die kaum genutze „.biz“. Bislang gab es neben den über 200 Ländercode TLDs (ccTLDs) nur 20 generische TLDs, von denen nur wenige frei verfügbar waren. Jetzt soll der Markt geöffnet ... read more ...
Tue 30th July 2013
Internationalized domain name gTLDs pose challenge for owners of multlingual … -
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”) devised the new generic Top-Level Domain (“gTLD”) program to open up new top level domains, as popular domains such as “.com” become increasingly crowded. Although domain names displayed in non-ASCII scripts, known as internationalized domain names (“IDNs”), are currently available as second- and lower-level domains, the new gTLD program will also allow IDN TLDs. ICANN received 116 applications for IDN TLDs in languages ... read more ...
The NameSentry Report: Benchmarking Abuse Levels in the Domain Name … -
On July 10th Architelos released the first NameSentry Report, benchmarking abuse levels in the domain name industry. For some time now, a debate has raged about the potential impact of new gTLDs on Internet safety and security, namely abusive registrations such as phishing, spam, malware, and so on. However, without benchmarking the current state, how can we realistically evaluate if new gTLDs have made any measureable difference in the level of abuse?
The goal of the report was to establish ... read more ...
URS ‘goes live’ as gTLD objections fall like dominos -
This week the ‘.pw’ registry became the first TLD to adopt the Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) system. Meanwhile, WIPO has rejected a new batch of legal rights objections filed against gTLD applications. For brand owners, these developments will have a direct impact both short and long-term.
Commenting after the ‘.pw’ registry made its announcement, Sandeep Ramchandani, business head of the ‘.pw’ registry, noted that the move “offers brand owners a highly effective, quick and ... read more ...
Matt Cutts: Generische ccTLDs und ihre Bedeutung für Geotargeting -
Googles Head of Webspam im Video zu länderspezifischen Top-Level-Domains und generischer Verwendung.
Attraktive .COM – Domains werden immer seltener und teurer. Daher weichen viele Unternehmen, vor allem Startups, auf alternative TLDs aus wie die Länderkennungen .IM (Isle of Man) und .IO. Letzteres kennzeichnet das Britische Territorium im Indischen Ozean, ein Archipel ohne zivile Bevölkerung und einem entsprechenden Mangel an für dieses Gebiet ... read more ...
Google bietet neue Top-Level-Domains (TLDs) an -
Knapp ein Jahr nach der ICANN-Bewerbungsphase geht Google in puncto TLDs in die Offensive.
Während wir hier im Büro und im Freien in der Hitze schwitzen, ist man bei der ICANN mit ganz anderen Dingen beschäftigt. Hier befindet man sich nämlich gerade in der Prüf- und Vergabephase für neue Top-Level-Domains. Es ist bekannt, dass Google sich für eine Vielzahl von TLDs beworben hatte. Der Suchmaschinen-Gigant hat deswegen ein Tochterunternehmen gegründet, ... read more ...
Fri 26th July 2013
Trade mark owners beware: new generic top level domains are coming! -
ICANN is expected to announce the first set of successful applications and list of new generic top level domains later this summer. Before the new generic top level domains can be delegated, the applications need to go through an initial evaluation phase and any objections against those applications need to be addressed. In fact, the first decisions on legal rights objections to applications for new generic top level domains were only recently published by WIPO. The generic top level domain applications ... read more ...
Wed 24th July 2013
When ccTLDs Can Make a Difference in the Overall SEO Campaign -
In a recent column I examined the merits of two techniques for international SEO. Here we look more carefully at some elements of one of them, country code top-level domains (ccTLDs). Enterprise companies like Google or Amazon utilize ccTLDs and have one specific website for each different country; for example, for France or for United Kingdom. There are other enterprise companies that don't use different domains ... read more ...
Tue 23rd July 2013
2Q-2013 Domain Sales Data Shows Improving Market – New Developments at … -
capital infusion comes from
another source - Jonathan
Wechsler, owner of Boom
Entertainment and a Scottsdale,
Arizona based businessman with
interests in healthcare, night
... read more ...
Balancing Opportunity And Risk With The New TLDs - A Beginner’s Guide to the Internet’s New World, Slightly Right of the DotIn 2013, we are witnessing a resetting of the Internet clock, making it possible to purchase a tract of virtual real estate to the right of the dot, as in .chevy, .samsung or .dell. We saw early signs of it this past February, in some of the Superbowl advertising. Remember how ended its spot with a saucily intoned, “Booking dot yeah”? This was one of the first widely publicized hints of the new world that’s ... read more ...
Chrysler’s .Ram might just offend a billion people -
The internet is changing. Last week, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a non-profit entity that runs the web’s naming system, approved four new top-level domain names (TLDs) (the bit after the final dot, such as .com): онлайн and сайт (Russia for “online” and “site”), شبكة (Arabic for “web”) and 游戏 (Chinese for “game”).
So far, uncontroversial. But among the 1,410 TLDs for which nearly 2,000 companies applied are generic names ... read more ...
Sedo and CentralNIC Partner to Add Thirty Domain Extensions to the SedoMLS … - Reduce Network Provisioning From Days to Minutes * Automated network resource provisioning, asset management, peering and control * IP addresses, DNS zones, DNSSEC signatures, DHCP pools, VLANs * 80% faster than manual and legacy provisioning. Faster time to new services* Most accurate and dynamic provisioning from single control plane * Reduce network complexity errors that crash networks* Customers include GoDaddy, ILand, and iNetU* Flexible pricing plans for small and large deployments * Demo ... read more ...
On Its 3rd Birthday, .CO Plans to Launch New Domains - Kira M. Newman Jul 23, 2013 Tweet Our partner .CO Internet made a few announcements on its third birthday this week, including a plan to launch new top-level domains in 2014.“From a strategic standpoint, we think it’s important for us to broaden our product offering,” wrote CEO Juan Diego Calle in a blog post. “.CO will certainly continue to be our flagship brand, but we recognize that there are niche markets out there where other domain extensions may be equally, if not more, ... read more ...
Mon 22nd July 2013
Navigating the internet’s domain big bang – Campaign Asia -
With the launch of hundreds of new top-level domains (TLDs), there is a great opportunity for brands to take advantage of the expanded domain-name universe.
The expansion is significant and includes branded, generic, and geographic domain spaces such as .microsoft, .beauty and .nyc, all ...
... read more ...
Sat 20th July 2013
Four New Generic Top Level Domains -
At its meeting in Durban, ICANN signed contracts with the applicants for four new top level domains. The new domains are شبكة, which means "web" in Arabic, онлайн and сайт, which mean "online" and "site" in Russian, and 游戏, which means "game" in Chinese. They should give us an interesting hint about the future of the new TLDs, because all four are utterly, totally, generic.
If you read the applications, you will find that after you skip over the blather about innovation and ... read more ...
Fri 19th July 2013
ICANN Awards First Agreements for New Top Level Domains -
It’s a big day in the world of domaining. ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) just took the next step in changing the way we navigate around the world wide web when they signed the first four registry agreements on new top level domains.
Top level domains are those words we type after the “dot” – com, net, edu, org. But now that the internet is getting crowded, ICANN decided it was time to create new living quarters to house everyone so they created 2,000 new ... read more ...
What’s In A Name? ICANN Rejects Amazon’s Request For Top-Level Domain … - As the Internet evolves, so too has the domain name. For years, everything was a .com, .net, .org, .edu, and so on, but now the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has enabled a greater variety of top-level domains (TLDs).
Amazon, which has been accused of hoarding the new TLDs, was obviously hoping to snag .amazon, but it won’t be so; according to the New York Times, a group of Latin American countries including Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay has succeeded ... read more ...