Google Webmaster Tools Now Provides Broader & More Diverse Link Data -
Google announced today that the link data within Google Webmaster Tools is much broader, more diverse cross-section of links.
What does that mean?
Well, instead of showing you links in alphabetical order, exported in “lexicographical order” – Google is now showing you sample links “uniformly from the full spectrum of backlinks rather than alphabetically.” Google says this means you links will be more diverse, showing you links from different top-level domains (TLDs) as well as ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLDs
Thu 12th September 2013
Wed 11th September 2013
Security concerns emerge with the new gTLDs -
Security concerns emerge with the new gTLDs
By Jonathan French
The new gTLDs (generic top-level domains) that are being implemented have a few security concerns already. One of the major concerns is ‘name collision’, which results from a single domain name being used in different places.
An example of this would be a company that uses .corp in an internal domain name. Under the new gTLD processes, the .corp gTLD could be bought by a different company for their ... read more ...
Tue 10th September 2013
Top-Level-Domains: 1&1 profiliert sich mit Kampagne als Adresslieferant -
Das Spießer Alfons-Thema der Woche:
Wer die Wahl hat, shawl die Qual der Plakate
Finnish Prime Minister and TLD Registry Chairman announce successful … -
TLD Registry chairman Taneli Tikka announces the successful launch of Dot Chinese Online and Dot Chinese Website internet top level domains at an official ceremony in Beijing in the presence of Finland’s prime minister Jyrki Katainen and …
BEIJING, Sept. 10, 2013 /NEWS.GNOM.ES/ — Finnish entrepreneurs today announced the imminent worldwide availability of fully-Chinese internet domain names in the Chinese equivalents of “.online” and “.Chinese language website” in coming ... read more ...
Mon 9th September 2013
Internet: Mehr als 1.400 neue Top-Level-Domains -
News - CHIP Business 12.04.2012
Letzte Frist: Anmeldeschluss für neue Domains
.mueller, .meier und .schulze sind sicher schon weg: Wer eine eigene Top Level Domain haben will, hat sich bestimmt rechtzeitig bei der ICANN registriert. Wenn nicht, dann nicht. Heute ist aber die absolute Deadline.
... read more ...
Keep an eye on top level domain name chancers -
Did you know that 50% of SMEs still don’t have a web presence? And of the other half, most of
them have a site that’s effectively useless, as it’s a static affair that’s little more than an
online brochure.
I’m indebted to hosting giants 11 for this information. The organisation has just launched
a range of new initiatives to get more businesses online and to help the channel to take care of
the day to day running of their customers’ web presence.
11’s UK division, Fasthosts,
is ... read more ...
Internet – Riesige Erweiterung der Domain-Endungen steht bevor -
Internet - Riesige Erweiterung der Domain-Endungen steht bevor
Das Internet wird um mehr als 1.400 Top-Level-Domains erweitert und mehr als 700 davon stehen auch der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung.
Georg Wieselsberger
08:26 Uhr
Das Internet wird um über 1.400 Top-Level-Domains erweitert.
Die Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) wird gegen Ende Oktober damit beginnen, die ersten neuen Top-Level-Domains für das Internet freizuschalten. ... read more ...
Wed 4th September 2013
1&1 Now Registrar for New Top Level Domains -
(Ping! Zine Web Tech Magazine) - 11 Internet, Inc.,, a global leader among Web hosting providers, has signed the ICANN’s Registrar Accreditation Agreement. The organization is responsible for the global Internet address allocation of new Top Level Domains. As a result, 11 will be able to offer more than 700 new endings as Internet addresses in the future.
From October, the new domains will offer companies and individuals alike new ways to be found more easily ... read more ...
Tue 3rd September 2013
CentralNic Begins Trading Its Shares on The London Stock Exchange’s AIM … -
CentralNic’s clients include leading media and entertainment businesses The Guardian and William Morris Endeavor, global 1000 companies Saudi Telecom, Etisalat, Qatar Telecom, and Kuwait Finance House, as well as entrepreneurs in the USA, Latin American, Europe and Asia. CentralNic’s clients are also contenders for additional TLDs including .app, .art, .blog, .design, .gay, .golf, hotel, .law, .llc, .love, .mail, .now, .school and .style, among many others.Commenting on the Company’s ... read more ...
CentralNic Begins Trading Its Shares on The London Stock Exchange’s AIM … -
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CentralNic Group PLC, the internet registry service provider which
derives revenues from the distribution and sale of internet domain
names, successfully began trading its shares on the London Stock
Exchange’s AIM Market yesterday. A leading innovator in the domain name
industry, CentralNic has exclusive global contracts to supply retailers
such as GoDaddy and with domains using 30 different endings
(“extensions’’), ... read more ...
CentralNic set to use AIM as launch pad for emerging market growth -
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CentralNic raises £7m in float on Alternative Investment Market - INTERNET domain name provider CentralNic Group began trading on the junior stock market yesterday after raising £7m.
The firm, which sells premium domains with endings such as and, hopes to cash in on rising demand for personalised web addresses.
“The response from investors to the IPO has reaffirmed our belief that CentralNic is a very attractive investment proposition, and the company now has the funds in place to take advantage of additional opportunities to win new TLD [top ... read more ...
First Four TLDs Pass Pre-Delegation Testing -
The first four new Top Level Domains (TLDs) have passed pre-delegation testing. Historically, it has taken most companies about 9 months after the Registry Agreement is signed before domain names go on sale to the general public. The four TLDs signed Registry agreements in April 2013. These TLDs may begin to sell domain names to the public as early as December 2013 or January 2014. Applicants have a maximum of one year after the Registry Agreement is signed to begin selling domain names to the ... read more ...
Wed 28th August 2013
Besuchen Sie Key-Systems auf der dmexco 2013 - Die Key-Systems GmbH, ein international tätiges IT-Unternehmen, wird auf der Marketing-Messe dmexco (18./19. September 2013 in Köln) mit ihrem Corporate Domain-Portal BrandShelter vertreten sein. BrandShelter unterstützt seine Kunden beim Schutz ihrer Firmennamen, Marken und Warenzeichen im Internet. Das Team wird über die richtige Strategie im Umgang mit den neuen Internet-Endungen (Top Level Domains, TLDs) informieren, die ab Herbst 2013 schrittweise verfügbar werden. Schwerpunkte des diesjährigen ... read more ...
Tue 27th August 2013
Ataque DDoS en China muestra que no todos los servidores TLD son seguros -
distribuir ataques de denegación de servicio (DDoS), que provocaron la caída de una parte de la Internet en China durante el fin de semana demuestra que la fuerza de la red global es muy variable entre dominios.
servidores que ejecutan
dominio de nivel superior (TLD). cn de China fueron atacados el domingo. El Centro de Información de Internet de China Network, responsable del funcionamiento de los servidores de dominio de nivel superior, confirmó el ataque y pidió disculpas a los usuarios ... read more ...
Ataque DDoS na China mostra que nem todos os servidores TLD estão seguros -
O ataque distribuído de negação de serviço (DDoS) que derrubou uma parte da Internet na China no final de semana demonstra que a força da rede global varia muito entre os domínios.
Os servidores que executam o Top Level Domain (TLD) .cn na China foram atacados no domingo. O China Internet Network Information Center, responsável por rodar os servidores TLD, confirmou o ataque e pediu desculpas aos usuários afetados.
A organização disse que estava trabalhando para "melhorar as capacidades ... read more ...
CentralNic hopes to strike a chord on Aim - Internet registry services firm CentralNic, which derives revenues from the sale of internet domain names, made profits of £1.7million last year.Its 24 premium domain names include websites ending, which has been chosen for web addresses by the likes of Pineapple Dance Studios and rock band Radiohead.It has also been awarded exclusive distribution contracts for 60 new top level domains (TLDs), 25 of which are already confirmed to launch through CentralNic including .wiki .college for global ... read more ...
Wed 21st August 2013
All you want to know about .net - One of the most visible and venerable parts of the Internet domain space – .net – recently hit a major milestone when its zone surpassed 15 million .net domains registered globally, making it one of the most popular domain extensions on the Internet today. Supported by the same infrastructure and expertise that has powered .com for more than 15 years, .net is recognised around the world as an established and credible place to interact online. To mark this momentous occasion, we pulled together ... read more ...
Mon 19th August 2013
ICANN: Dotless Domains a Bad Idea -
August 19th, 2013 By: THN News
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(The Hosting News) – You probably weren’t aware that the concept existed in the first place, but internet authority ICANN has moved against what it calls “dotless domains.”
The organization has labeled them “harmful,” noting they “will not work as intended by ... read more ...
Sun 18th August 2013
ICANN Denies Google’s Request For Dotless Domains - redOrbit Staff Wire Reports – Your Universe Online
A resolution passed by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on Tuesday has effectively thwarted Google’s attempt to introduce and operate dotless domains.
According to Andrew Allemann of Domain Name Wire, the applicant guidebook for new top-level domain names (TLDs) had already required individuals to obtain ICANN’s permission if they wish to operate a dotless domain.
“The committee’s resolution reconfirms that ... read more ...
Fri 16th August 2013
Should Marketers Reserve Brands in Category-Related TLDs? -
There continues to be much speculation about the success or failure of the new gTLDs, scheduled to begin launching this October. The internationalized domain names will go first, but it's quite likely by early 2014, we will see the new generic top-level domains start to launch and be available to the public.
For marketers, this poses an important question: "Will there be a land rush and grab for domains like there was in the ... read more ...
Thu 15th August 2013
15 Facts About .net to Celebrate 15 Million Registrations -
Recently, .net hit a major milestone when its zone surpassed 15 million .net domains registered globally, making it one of the most popular domain extensions on the Internet today. Supported by the same infrastructure and expertise that has powered .com for more than 15 years, .net is recognized around the world as an established and credible place to interact online. To mark this momentous occasion, we pulled together 15 facts about .net. How many .net facts do you already know?
15 Facts ... read more ...
Wed 14th August 2013
14. August 2013 – Bitcoins werden heiß diskutiert -
14. August 2013 – Bitcoins werden heiß diskutiert
Heute im News-Preview: Aktuelle Zahlen zu Domains und den neuen generischen Top Level Domains. Außerdem feiert ein Online-Shop sein zehnjähriges Bestehen und Bitcoins werden heute wieder kontrovers in Köln diskutiert.
Heute ... read more ...
Tue 13th August 2013
CentralNic Formely Announces September IPO -
CentralNic and SLD’s … You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig; and a pig subject to US Law
15 USC § 1125 – False designations of origin, false descriptions, and dilution forbidden
(a) Civil action
(1) Any person who, on or in connection with any goods or services, or any container for goods, uses in commerce any word, term, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof, or any false designation of origin, false or misleading description ... read more ...
Sedo’s 2Q Domain Report: 9589 Transactions; 53% of Sales $500 Or Under -
Sedo, issued its domain market study for the second quarter of 2013 today.
Sedo reported that domain name sales below $500, accounted for 53% of sales.
Domains priced between $501 and $2,500 accounted for 35% of sales and only 7% were in the $2,501-$5,000 price range.
So basically 95% of all sales where $5,000 or under.
During the quarter, Sedo powered 9,589 transactions with a mean average price of $1,830 across all sales and a median price of $551 and a total sales volume of $17.5 Million ... read more ...