Gastbeitrag von Tobias Flaitz (sedo)Mit der richtigen Domainstrategie zum … – deutsche -
Ein Start-up, das im Internet erfolgreich sein will, braucht die bestmögliche Domain. Neben Werbung und Kommunikation, ist die Domainstrategie ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor im Onlinemarketing.
Im Laufe des Jahres werden hunderte neuer Top-Level-Domains (TLDs) wie .bio, .hotel, .hamburg oder .shop freigeschaltet. Endungen, über die man als Start-up-Unternehmen informiert sein und wissen sollte, welchen Einfluss sie auf die eigene Webpräsenz haben können. Zu den knapp 1.000 neuen Adresskennungen, ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLDs
Thu 30th January 2014
Nomi di domini Internet: un’occasione per le PMI italiane? -
numero di _Febbraio2014
I nomi dei siti internet sono da sempre determinanti per il successo di un’iniziativa, ma qualcosa sta cambiando. Infatti, da qualche tempo è stata ammessa la possibilità di ampliare il numero di domini disponibili e per le imprese, aziende, negozi e professionisti lo scenario sarà completamente differente rispetto al passato. “Lo scorso anno è stato annunciato che più di 700 nuovi domini di primo ... read more ...
Wed 29th January 2014
".bike", ".camera", ".guru" ICANN schaltet neue Internet-Adressen frei – T -
".bike", ".camera", ".guru"ICANN schaltet neue Internet-Adressen frei
29.01.2014, 19:10 Uhr
| dpa
Erste neue Adressendungen im Internet gehen an den Start. (Quelle: Arnulf Hettrich/imago) Die Internet-Verwaltung ICANN hat den Internet-Adressraum um zahlreiche neue Domains erweitert. Ab dem 5. Februar können die ersten neuen Internet-Adressendungen registriert werden. Darunter unter anderem ".bike", ".camera" oder ".guru".
Die Erweiterung des Adressraums im Internet wird ... read more ...
Vergabestart erster neuer Domain-Endungen in Deutschland / Bestellstart am 3 … - Am 3. Februar ist Bestellstart bei STRATO: Dann können alle Internetnutzer die ersten neuen Top-Level-Domains (nTLDs) verbindlich bestellen - ab 0,99 Euro pro Monat* unter Mehr als 20 neue Adress-Endungen sind verfügbar: Dazu gehören zum Beispiel .bike, .singles, .photography, .today und .company. Die Adressen für die ersten sieben nTLDs werden bereits zwei Tage später - ab 5. Februar - von der Vergabestelle Donuts zugeteilt. Wöchentlich werden ... read more ...
Jetzt kommen .bike, .guru und .camera -
Die Internet-Verwaltung ICANN hatte die Erweiterung des Adressraums 2011 beschlossen. Foto: dpa
<!-- -->Berlin. Die Erweiterung des Adressraums im Internet geht am kommenden Mittwoch an den Start. Die ersten Adressen mit neuen Endungen wie .bike, .camera, .land, .guru oder .technology werden vom 5. Februar an zur Verfügung stehen. Es werde aber eher eine Evolution als eine Revolution zu erwarten sein, sagte Christian ... read more ...
Erste neue Top-Level-Domains ab Montag verfügbar -
Die Erweiterung des Adressraums im Internet geht am kommenden Mittwoch an den Start. Die ersten Adressen mit neuen Endungen wie .bike, .camera, .land und .technology werden vom 5. Februar an zur Verfügung stehen. Es werde aber eher eine Evolution als eine Revolution zu erwarten sein, sagte Christian Böing, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Strato AG, am Mittwoch in Berlin.
2011 beschlossen
Der zur Deutschen Telekom gehörende Internet-Dienstleister nimmt erste Bestellungen ab kommendem Montag ... read more ...
Studie: München ist Deutschlands Internet-Hauptstadt -
(PresseBox) (Montabaur, 29.01.2014)
München ist Deutschlands Internet-Hauptstadt. Im Verhältnis zur Einwohnerzahl gibt es hierzulande nirgendwo sonst so viele privat oder geschäftlich genutzte Domains. Wie eine aktuelle Studie des Anbieters 11 zeigt, haben 14 von 100 Einwohnern in der bayerischen Metropole eine Web-Präsenz. Hinter dem Sieger komplettieren Karlsruhe (13 von 100) und Düsseldorf (12 von 100) das Spitzentrio. Berücksichtigt ... read more ...
Mon 27th January 2014
New TLDs on 2014 SXSW Agenda -
The South by Southwest (SXSW) event held annually in Austin, Texas is a mixture of technology and music. This year’s SXSW agenda features a brief session about the new TLDs that will be available later on this year. The Future15 15 minute session will be led by Jeremiah Johnston, General Counsel at Sedo.
The session / panel is called “The Discussion’s Over: New Domains Are Here,” and it will be held on Monday, March 10 from 12:30 – 12:45 in Ballroom E of the Austin Convention Center. ... read more ...
So schützen Sie Ihre Marke bei den Neuen Top Level Domains - Ein heißes Eisen bei der Einführung der neuen TLDs ist die mögliche Verletzung von Markenrechten.
Marken und Domains sind kein neues Thema. Die Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy von ICANN schützt die Rechte von Markeninhabern bei allen von ICANN verwalteten generischen Top Level Domains. Die Markenrechte beziehen sich auf die Inhalte links vom "." einer Domain.
Mit der Einführung neuer TLDs stellen sich aber ganz andere Probleme. Es geht jetzt auch um den Markenschutz bei Domains rechts vom ... read more ...
Presse-Event am 29.01.2014 in Berlin – Die neuen Top-Level-Domains starten … - Einladung zum Presse-Event am 29.01.2014 - Die neuen Top-Level-Domains starten: Hype oder Revolution?
Die ersten neuen Top-Level-Domains (TLDs) werden ab 5. Februar 2014 vergeben. Es ist der Startschuss für über 500 frei registrierbare Endungen wie .berlin, .ruhr und .shop. Sind die neuen Adress-Endungen nur ein Hype oder doch eine Revolution?
Auf unserem Presse-Event erfahren Sie alles über die neuen Adress-Endungen: Welche neuen Top-Level-Domains setzen sich durch? Wie verändert ... read more ...
Sat 25th January 2014
So können Markeninhaber ihre Marken bei den Neuen Top Level Domains … - Ein heißes Eisen bei der Einführung der neuen TLDs ist die mögliche Verletzung von Markenrechten.
Marken und Domains sind kein neues Thema. Die Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy von ICANN schützt die Rechte von Markeninhabern bei allen von ICANN verwalteten generischen Top Level Domains. Die Markenrechte beziehen sich auf die Inhalte links vom "." einer Domain.
Mit der Einführung neuer TLDs stellen sich aber ganz andere Probleme. Es geht jetzt auch um den Markenschutz bei Domains rechts vom ... read more ...
Fri 24th January 2014
Half the internet lacks DNS security extensions - January 24, 2014
Failure to use domain name system security extensions opens up those TLD users to spoofing
Half the internet lacks DNS security extensions
Just over half of the internet (51 percent) remains insecure insofar as many top level domains (TLDs) have failed to sign up to use domain name system security extensions (DNSSEC), including intensive internet using countries such as Italy (.it), Spain ... read more ...
Why Did Google Spend $18.7M to Apply for 101 New Top Level Domains like … – Android Headlines - Google may be gearing up to sell top level domains (TLDs) like GoDaddy and Hover. In a blog post last year, Google listed the 101 new domains that it applied for when ICANN opened up registrations. Google paid $185,000 just to apply for each domain name, bringing the grand total to about $18.7 million to try to get these TLDs. That didn’t guarantee that the Mountain View company would actually be awarded those domains, so why did they shell out the cash to do it? The official Google response is ... read more ...
Ultra AEP warns of on-going danger of ‘dirty domains’ – SYS -
Only 53 per cent of global top level domains 'secure'Loudwater, UK, 23rd January 2014: Over three years after the world's first top level domains (TLDs) (such as .org, .com and .net) were signed with domain name system security extensions (DNSSEC), nearly half (47 per cent)[1] remain open to malicious tampering. This is potentially leaving millions of the world's internet users open to malicious redirect to fake websites, warns FTSE 250 cyber security company Ultra ... read more ...
Thu 23rd January 2014
Why Google Wants to Give You 101 Alternatives to .Com -
Leo Mirani is on a roll he wrote an excellent piece yesterday on the new gtlds with co author David Yanofsky
He is out today with a piece entitled, “Why Google wants to give you 101 alternatives to .com” Mike has spoken in the past that Google is a big wildcard with regards to what extensions they end up with and how they distribute them. Google giving away domains for free could be something that impacts existing extensions and new gtlds alike.
Mirani delves into why Google wants to do ... read more ...
Ultra AEP warns of on-going danger of ‘dirty domains’ - Ultra AEP warns of on-going danger of 'dirty domains'Only 53 per cent of global top level domains 'secure'Jan 23, 2014 (Menafn - M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) --Over three years after the world's first top level domains (TLDs) (such as .org, .com and .net) were signed with domain name system security extensions (DNSSEC), nearly half (47 per cent)[1] remain open to malicious tampering. This is potentially leaving millions of the world's internet users open to malicious redirect to fake websites, warns ... read more ...
Africa covered in 100 new generic TLDs - ';
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Tue 21st January 2014
USGPS LLC Announces the Sale of – PR -
USGPS LLC has announced that the domain name is up for sale for $17,000 negotiable. is a premium ".com" domain in the Fashion/Lifestyle industry.Dot "com" domains are in general considered superior to other Top Level Domains (TLDs) and are continuing to hold their value in spite of the ongoing introduction of other TLDs.Currently this domain is appraised for $87,000 by Estibot.comAcquiring a domain name is an important first step in building a successful online ... read more ...
Mon 20th January 2014
Monash University first to get its own domain name -
See your ad here
Monash University has become the first ''brand'' in the world to secure its own top-level domain on the internet.
The global governing body for domain names, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, has been evaluating new TLDs, which are joining the likes of .com, .net and .au on the internet.
New TLDs that have already been approved to go ''live'' on the internet include domains in non-Roman script, such as Arabic and Chinese, and generic domains such ... read more ...
How to Keep Track of the New Generic Top-Level Domains (newgTLDs) Now … -
How do you keep track of what new generic top-level domains (newgTLDs) are now available? Particularly when there seem to be new ones being announced weekly? Because I've written about newgTLDs here previously, someone recently asked me those questions, and my response was simply that I look at ICANN's web page of delegated strings:
Now, these are the newgTLDs that have been delegated by ICANN, meaning that they now appear in ... read more ...
Monash University gets world first Top-Level Domain -
Monash University has become the first globally recognised organisation to be delegated a brand Top-Level Domain (TLD) by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
The internet's global governing body received over 1900 applications for new TLDs and the coming year should see the around 1000 new domains to the web in one of the largest changes to the internet since its dissemination.
Latest news and slideshows on Apple
The TLD program was developed to ... read more ...
Monash Uni first to get own domain name -
Updated: 23:35, Monday January 20, 2014
Melbourne's Monash University has become the first 'brand' in the world to secure its own top-level domain (TLD) on the internet.The global governing body for domain names, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), has been evaluating new TLDs, which are joining the likes of .com, .net and .au on the internet.New TLDs that have already been given the go-ahead to go 'live' on the internet include domains in non-Roman script, ... read more ...
Sun 19th January 2014
Number of Internet Domain Names Continues to Grow, Reaching 184 Million -
Web Hosting Reviews – Mountain View, CA – Domain names continue to show growth across the Internet, according to the second quarter 2009 Domain Name Industry Brief published by VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world.
The second quarter of 2009 ended with a total base of 184 million domain name registrations across all of the Top Level Domains (TLDs). This represents a one percent increase over the first quarter ... read more ...
Fri 17th January 2014
Sunrise Begins for Dot Chinese Online & Dot Chinese Website -
Today, January 17, 2014, is the sunrise of a new era on the Chinese internet.
The clear leaders in new Chinese TLDs, Dot Chinese Online (.在线) and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网) are now open for registrations.
Our ICANN-mandated Sunrise period begins today. Trademark owners which are registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse may reserve fully Chinese domain names in Dot Chinese Online and Dot Chinese Website.
The opening of our Sunrise period coincides with an auspicious day in ... read more ...
Juan Diego Calle of .CO: Want to Control Your Brand Experience? Look to Top … -
Jan 17, 2014 - Ronald Barba for the National Edition
With the gradual release of new top-level domains (TLDs), 2014 is going to be a big year for the Internet. It’s all very exciting for Juan Diego Calle, the CEO of .CO, who believes that access to new TLDs will bring about new business innovation and improve control of a business’ brand experience.
Beginning in 2012, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) has ... read more ...