Tag Archives: TLDs

Sat 26th April 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Venture Beat “Domain gold rush: Why your company needs to speak Chinese … - Kathy Nielsen from Sedo did a guest post on Venture Beat discussing domain names and the upcoming Chinese new gtlds. From the article: By now, many savvy businesses and investors have heard about the expansion of the domain name system. New extensions (known as “top-level domains” or “TLDs”) are joining .com, .org, .net and the others we’ve grown accustomed to – extensions including generic names such as .bike, .camera and .club, as well as brand name extensions such as .Canon, .Deloitte ... read more ...
Fri 25th April 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in PT and tagged
Heartbleed: Brasil é o terceiro país com mais sites vulneráveis à falha - O Brasil é o terceiro país com mais sites vulneráveis à falha Heartbleed, de acordo com pesquisa realizada pela Trend Micro. O primeiro lugar do ranking de TLDs dos países mais vulneráveis ao problema fica com a Rússia, seguida pela da China (.ch). Globalmente, a porcentagem de sites que estão vulneráveis a falha caiu em dois terços, alcançando uma taxa menor que 10%. A única TLD com recorde de 100% dos sites limpos é o domínio .gov, reservado para os sites governamentais dos Estados ... read more ...
Wed 23rd April 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in ES and tagged
Hacia una Internet justa y equitativa - Diversas organizaciones y personas han expresado gran incomodidad ante la forma en que el "consenso" artificial para mantener el statu quo en la gobernanza de Internet es decir, el control de Internet por parte de EE.UU. y las grandes corporaciones, a nombre del modelo multisectorial ha sustituido cualquier debate significativo sobre este tema. Es en este contexto que un grupo de organizaciones y activistas se reuni en Nueva Delhi, India, el 14 y 15 de febrero de 2014, para formar la Coalicin por ... read more ...
Thu 17th April 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
New Chinese "Mobile" Top-Level Domain Now Available - Global registry services provider and dotMobi registry operator Afilias today announced the general availability of its first Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) at the top level: .移动 (.MOBILE in Chinese). Transliterated as "Yí Dòng," .移动 is a domain name just like .MOBI, which also indicates a website works on a mobile device. But the .移动 domain is part of a new generation of top-level domains (TLDs) that are written in native languages rather than traditional ASCII scripts ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
New Domain Names Headed Our Way -  Print    Archive    RSS (UNDATED) - If you're tired of typing or saying "dot-com," "dot-net" or "dot-info," get ready. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, more commonly known as ICANN - the governing board of the internet - is releasing 175 brand new "top level domains" or "tlds" this year. Those are the final letters that follow the periods in web addresses. Indy-based internet culture expert Steven Shattuck says the web is running out addresses so you ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
New Domain Names Coming This Year - New Domain Names Coming This Year If you're tired of typing or saying "dot-com," "dot-net" or "dot-info," get ready. Listen: New domain names are headed our way. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, more commonly known as ICANN - the governing board of the internet - is releasing 175 brand new "top level domains" or "tlds" this year. Those are ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
New Chinese “mobile” top-level domain now available to all website owners and … - DUBLIN — Global registry services provider and dotMobi registry operator Afilias today announced the general availability of its first Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) at the top level: .移动 (.MOBILE in Chinese).Transliterated as “Yí Dòng,” .移动 is a domain name just like .MOBI, which also indicates a website works on a mobile device. But the .移动 domain is part of a new generation of top-level domains (TLDs) that are written ... read more ...
Sat 12th April 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
VeriSign: There are Now 112 million in .com Domains - VeriSign released its quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB) on April 9, once again showing a steady rise in the total number of top-level domains (TLDs) on the Internet. The fourth-quarter DNIB reported that there are now 271 million domains registered across all TLDs. TLDs include the popular .com and .net domains, both of which are administered by VeriSign under a contract with the U.S. Department of Commerce that was most recently renewed in 2012. According to VeriSign, the .com and ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in PT and tagged
Vulnerabilidade Heartbleed Afeta 5% dos Select Top Level Domains a Partir do … – Under - Na tentativa de avaliar o impacto da vulnerabilidade Heartbleed, procedeu-se o scanning do Top Level Domain (TLD) com nomes de certos países extraídos dos top 1.000.000 domínios, em um levantamento feito pela Alexa. Dessa forma, os pesquisadores da Trend Micro separaram os sites que usam SSL e ainda classificaram-nos como sites de menores "vulnerabilidades" ou sites "seguro." Os dados que eles foram capazes de reunir, revelaram algumas conclusões interessantes. A partir desse momento, é ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Play casino games online for cash - General TLDs Country TLDs Domains (TLD) Availability freeslots. Now, sign up and begin playing with real money credits that should already be in your account upon login, the player places a bet (by hitting the "Deal" button) and both the player and the dealer are dealt two cards. LEARN MORE Live entertainment 6 days a week in an atmosphere that pays tribute to post World War II pin-up girlsLEARN MORE. Just like the pass line bet, whether you play in our automotive-themed Winners Circle or our ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
:$[] Casino las vegas best - General TLDs Country TLDs Domains (TLD) Availability freeslots. We know Canada Sports Betting sites and Canadian Sportsbooks like no other! My man dem Casper The Ghost and Left Lane Swaggz also gwon be in the house!. It does not just give you a set bonus. There shouldnt have been a doubt that my computer is in New Jersey. Once players have placed their bets the first dice roll will assign the come point. Ask around, even if they are not casino las vegas best much in return. If youre looking for ... read more ...
Fri 11th April 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Internet grows to 271 million domain names in Q4 of 2013 - Bangalore: VeriSign, a global leader in domain names, today announced that five million domain names were added to the Internet in the fourth quarter of 2013, bringing the total number of registered domain names to 271 million worldwide across all top-level domains (TLDs) as on December 31, 2013, according to the latest Domain Name Industry Brief. The increase of five million domain names globally equates to a growth rate of 1.9 percent over the third quarter of 2013. Worldwide registrations have ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
With 271 mn domain names, Internet continues to grow - There are 271 million registered domain names worldwide across all the top-level domains (TLDs) as of December 31, 2013 an increase of 5 million domain names, or 1.9% over the third quarter of 2013. As more and more people get on the web, registrations have grown by 18.5 million, or 7.3%, year over year, said the study by VeriSign's quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief. According to the report, the .com and .net TLDs experienced aggregate growth in the fourth quarter ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Internet grows to 271 million domain names in Q4, 2013 - As of Dec. 31, 2013, the base of registered names in .com equaled 112 million names, while .net equaled 15.2 million names News | by CIOL Bureau BANGALORE, INDIA: VeriSign Inc. today announced five million domain names were added to the Internet in the fourth quarter of 2013, bringing the total number of registered domain names to 271 million worldwide across all top-level domains (TLDs) as of Dec. 31, 2013, according to the ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Internet Grows To 271 Million Domain Names - The steady growth of the Internet has been revealed in the new quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB) from VeriSign. The fourth-quarter DNIB reported that there are now 271 million domains registered across all top-level domains (TLDs). Steady Growth TLDs include the popular .com and .net domains, both of which are administered by VeriSign under a contract with the US Department of Commerce that was most recently renewed in 2012. According to VeriSign, the .com and .net registries now include ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Internet Reaches 271 Million Domain Names - There are about 271 million domains registered across top-level domains (TLDs) on the Internet, according to a VeriSign’s quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief (DNIB). This shows a steady rise in the total number of TLDs on the Internet, which is going strong, with the popular .com on the top. The TLDs also include .net domains, both of which are administered by VeriSign under a contract with the U.S. Department of Commerce that was most recently renewed in 2012. According to VeriSign, the .com ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Minds + Machines to participate three private TLD auctions -

StockMarketWire.com – Minds + Machines Group Limited pronounced on Apr 22 it will attend in a smallest of 3 top-level domain (TLD) private auctions. The auctions are for a TLDs .garden, .property, and .yoga.

Story supposing by StockMarketWire.com

Via: stockmarketwire.com

Tue 8th April 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
For the Internet, it’s the next logical step - By JOHN CARY SIMSThe Sacramento Bee There's a reason we all love to "reply" to emails we receive, while striving to avoid an inappropriate "reply all." Internet addresses can be so messy, and even the tiniest error misdirects our communication. Soon the Internet addressing challenge will be even more difficult, as "Top Level Domains" (TLDs) mushroom from a handful of familiar ones (.com, .org, .gov, ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Japan’s capital city gets ‘.tokyo’ top-level domain name - Japan’s capital city gets ‘.tokyo’ top-level domain name Apr 08, 2014 John Hofilena Features, Tech Science 0 The Japanese ... read more ...
Sun 6th April 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Viewpoints: For the Internet, it’s the next logical step - There’s a reason we all love to “reply” to emails we receive, while striving to avoid an inappropriate “reply all.” Internet addresses can be so messy, and even the tiniest error misdirects our communication. Soon the Internet addressing challenge will be even more difficult, as “Top Level Domains” (TLDs) mushroom from a handful of familiar ones (.com, .org, .gov, .uk) to a flock of hundreds, many written in unfamiliar alphabets.But typographical challenges are not what’s ... read more ...
Fri 4th April 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
DPML – effizienter Schutz von Marken bei den Neuen Top Level Domains - Die Firma Donuts hat sich für 307 Domains beworben und wird voraussichtlich 200 neue Top Level Domains betreiben. Sie macht mit dem Angebot "DPML" ein besonderes Angebot für "Defensive Registrations". Der Unterschied zu dem Trademark Clearinghouse ist, daß die Registrierung von Marken als Domains durch Dritte tatsächlich verhindert wird. Was ist DPML und was ist ihr Zweck? DPML steht für Domains Protected Marks Liste. Markeninhaber können ihre Marke eintragen und keiner kann mehr in den Domains ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
DPML – effizienter Schutz von Marken bei den Neuen Top Level Domains - Die Firma Donuts hat sich für 307 Domains beworben und wird voraussichtlich 200 neue Top Level Domains betreiben. Sie macht mit dem Angebot “DPML” ein besonderes Angebot für “Defensive Registrations”. Der Unterschied zu dem Trademark Clearinghouse ist, daß die Registrierung von Marken als Domains durch Dritte tatsächlich verhindert wird. Was ist DPML und was ist ihr Zweck? DPML steht für Domains Protected Marks Liste. Markeninhaber können ihre Marke eintragen und keiner kann mehr ... read more ...
Mon 31st March 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
DPML: Effektiver Schutz von Marken bei den neuen Top Level Domains - Die Firma Donuts hat sich für 307 Domains beworben und wird voraussichtlich 200 neue Top Level Domains betreiben. Sie macht mit dem Angebot "DPML" ein besonderes Angebot für "Defensive Registrations". Der Unterschied zu dem Trademark Clearinghouse ist, daß die Registrierung von Marken als Domains durch Dritte tatsächlich verhindert wird. Was ist DPML und was ist ihr Zweck? DPML steht für Domains Protected Marks Liste. Markeninhaber können ihre Marke eintragen und keiner kann mehr in den Domains ... read more ...
Sat 29th March 2014
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
DPML – effektiver Markenschutz bei den Neuen Top Level Domains - Die Firma Donuts hat sich für 307 Domains beworben und wird voraussichtlich 200 neue Top Level Domains betreiben. Sie macht mit dem Angebot "DPML" ein besonderes Angebot für "Defensive Registrations". Der Unterschied zu dem Trademark Clearinghouse ist, daß die Registrierung von Marken als Domains durch Dritte tatsächlich verhindert wird. Was ist DPML und was ist ihr Zweck? DPML steht für Domains Protected Marks Liste. Markeninhaber können ihre Marke eintragen und keiner kann mehr in ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
Treffen Sie Key-Systems auf den WorldHostingDays 2014 - St. Ingbert (ots) - Die Key-Systems GmbH wird bei den diesjährigen WorldHostingDays (WHD.global) vom 1. - 3. April in Rust mit ihrer Metaregistry[TM] RRPproxy[TM] vertreten sein. RRPproxy ermöglicht den Wiederverkauf von Domains mit zahlreichen Endungen wie .DE, .COM, .NET und neuen Top Level Domains (TLDs) wie .GURU, .BERLIN und .PHOTOGRAPHY durch ein einziges Portal. Mit RRPproxy sparen sich ISPs und Registrare Aufwand und Kosten für die technische Implementierung hunderter neuer ... read more ...