Best of TechRadar Pro: Tech politics, a braver Microsoft, ICANN’s TLDs and … -
Why tech is on the verge of changing the political process foreverIt's a bleak time to be young. The 30-something-and-below generation is facing huge debts, long hours, low pay and an ever-disappearing retirement age.The cost of higher education in 2014 would've been enough to buy a three bedroom house 30 years ago. When a graduate enters the workforce, they can either look forward to being used as a political football, or a punching bag when one of the three main parties' PR machines needs "tough ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLDs
Sat 26th July 2014
Thu 24th July 2014
Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth | .media is The Message -
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What do ICANN’s new top level domains mean for business? -
In September 2013, internet registration outfit ICANN introduced a slew of new Top Level Domains (TLDs), far expanding the options beyond .com, and a multitude of other aging suffixes.Many of the new entries - including .technology and .photography - touched down with an obvious purpose, which can't be said for decidedly less conventional ones - such as .barefoot, .whoswho. and .zulu. In France, the new TLDs have even sparked protest among the country's wine vendors. They reckon that the ... read more ...
Mon 21st July 2014
Icann: Top-Level-Domains als Riesengeschäft -
Insgesamt etwa 1.930 Bewerbungen um neue Internetendungen sind im Jahr 2012 bei der globalen Internetbehörde Icann eingegangen; in diesem Jahr werden sie vergeben. In 675 Fällen geht es um Markenendungen wie .audi oder .lidl, auf die Markeninhaber exklusiv Zugriff haben. Es bleiben 1.255 Bewerbungen um öffentlich zugängliche Top-Level-Domains (TLDs). Mehr als die Hälfte stammen von sechs Massenbewerbern. Die klassischen im Netz dominanten Konzerne Google und Amazon zählen dazu, die neuen ... read more ...
Sat 19th July 2014
Who’s Who in the New Dot Brandscape – And Why Should You Care? -
Let's go to the scoreboard. There are 1751 applications for new top-level domains. Nearly 1/3 (635) are brands. The rest are generics (e.g. .Buzz) and geographies (e.g .NYC).
So, brands are definitely interested in new TLDs — and a handful of major industries have jumped into the lead. If you're in any of those verticals, it's time to pay attention. Your competitors may be giving your customers new ways to reach out, learn and buy from them.
Major players are investing in .brands.
Industry ... read more ...
Mon 14th July 2014
Conflict Over .wine Ferments Between Trade Groups, France, ICANN -
By Ernie Smith / Jul 14, 2014
The forthcoming launch of an array of new top-level domains includes both .wine and .vin—something winemakers are worried could dilute their regionally focused brands. And with France involved, the situation is threatening to turn into something of an international trade crisis.
It’s no secret that winemakers (like their fellow artisans, cheesemakers) are protective of their names, ... read more ...
Fri 11th July 2014
Inscrivez-vous au prochain webinar : Tout savoir sur les nouvelles extensions de … -
La plupart des nouvelles extensions sont des termes beaucoup plus descriptifs et destinés au grand public. Parmi eux vous pouvez trouver : .VOYAGE, .MAISON, .BOUTIQUE, et .IMMO.
En outre, les utilisateurs finaux pourront acheter et utiliser des noms dans les catégories suivantes :
• Régions géographiques (ex : .PARIS, .LONDON, .BERLIN)
• Communautés et groupes d’intérêts (ex : .ECO, .NGO)
• Langues (ex : .arabic, .chinese, .russian) ... read more ...
Thu 10th July 2014
Google Enters Domain Market with .home, .blog and .hotel -
Domains are being reborn into a marketer's dream come true. Having exhausted many of the best ones that end in .com, companies will now be able to explore new top level domains such as .guru, .wiki or .apple. And this market now has a new entrant — the 800-million pound gorilla known as Google.Before looking at the impact Google might have on this new domain market, let's review the new landscape of Generic Top Level Domains, or gTLDs.
Dramatic Expansion Up to 1400 ... read more ...
Wed 9th July 2014
Want to register Now’s your chance -
The new top-level domain land-grab rolls on this month, with Bellevue-based domain registrar Donuts announcing that it will launch 29 new TLDs this month, including .services, .toys and (my personal favorite) .wtf.
The domains come in two separate groups: those that are generally available for anyone to register, and those that are in “sunrise” registration for trademark holders. The latter category is designed to make it possible for major companies and other intellectual property ... read more ...
Mon 7th July 2014
TLD’s: drukke dagen voor hosting providers -
Peter Jonkers, Manager Business Relations bij D-Hosting
De nieuwe namen in domeinland geven nieuwe bedrijven die vaak moeten kiezen voor langere domeinnamen in de bekende extensies de kans nu ook een mooie naam te claimen. Voor reclamebureau’s geven al deze nieuwe extensies weer ruimte voor de creatieve geest en extensies als .guru doen het goed bij ZZP’ers.
Veel van de populaire gTLD’s zijn, niet geheel onverwacht, de extensies waarmee nog iets duidelijker kan worden gemaakt ... read more ...
Mon 30th June 2014
Google, the latest gTLD registrar, attempts to revive interest in the named Web -
The Web namespace was alive and well at last week's Google I/O conference in San Francisco, where the company worked to drum up interest among attendees in adopting domain names in its forthcoming address space just because they can.
"Of the almost 460,000 four-letter .com domain names that are possible, there are none that are available," stated Ben Fried, Google's chief information officer, during a Google I/O session. When ICANN created some 15 new TLDs some years back, Fried argued, ... read more ...
Fri 27th June 2014
June 25: updated status of sunrise periods and trademark claims notification … -
As we previously reported to you (click here to view April 29, 2013 TLD article), the internet is expanding to include hundreds of new top-level-domains (TLDs) (examples of TLDs as we know them today include .com, .net. and .org – i.e., the term that is to the right of the "dot"). While the only certainty at that time was that the launch was inevitable, like it or not, it's finally here (click here to view January 9, 2014 Sunrise article).
Frost Brown Todd will be sending out ... read more ...
Wed 25th June 2014
Google to launch its own domain registration service - Google is reportedly set to launch its own domain registration service which will make it possible to register new domains or transfer existing ones. The service is still in private beta although you can request for the Google Domains invite.Google’s foray into domain registration comes after new Top Level Domains (TLDs) were introduced recently. This would explain unusual domains like .photography being available on the market now. Google reportedly invested $18 million in a request for 101 TLDs ... read more ...
Tue 24th June 2014
Google launches invite-only domain registration service -
Tech savvy firms urged to switch to .uk as Stephen Fry leads the charge
New top-level domains now available - but some aren't without controversy
book and search web domain suffixes coming by May 2013?
With the launch of thousands of new top-level domains (TLDs), domains are a hot topic right now, and Google isn't prepared to miss out on the action. The search giant has launched an invite-only domain registration service called Google Domains, which it hopes will be the place that businesses pick ... read more ...
Research on New Internet Domain Names Shows US and Europe Lag Behind … -
(Ping! Zine Web Tech Magazine) - Sedo, the world’s largest domain marketplace and monetization provider, today announced the findings of a survey that queried more than 1,150 individuals from the United States, United Kingdom, China and Germany about their perception and awareness of new Top-Level Domains (TLDs). The survey, conducted in May 2014, revealed a number of insights into the global domain name market, including data showing that China is much more advanced ... read more ...
UK market mostly unaware of new top-level domains - The UK market is falling behind when it comes to awareness of new top-level domains (TLDs). Sedo, the world’s largest domain marketplace, surveyed more than 1,150 individuals from the UK, US, China and Germany about their perception and awareness of new Top-Level Domains (TLDs). New TLDs became available earlier this year, joining traditional extensions such as .com, .net and .org. These extensions include .Nike ... read more ...
Brits confused by new TLDs, survey indicates -
Ravi Mandalia
On June 24, 2014
According to a survey carried out by domain marketplace Sedo, nearly half of all Brits are unaware about new Top-Level Domains (TLDs) making UK the second most unaware country as far as TLDs is concerned.
Out of the 1,150 individuals who were surveyed from the UK, US, China ... read more ...
Mon 23rd June 2014
Research on New Internet Domain Names Shows U.S. and Europe Lag Behind … -
the world's largest domain marketplace and monetization provider, today
announced the findings of a survey that queried more than 1,150
individuals from the United States, United Kingdom, China and Germany
about their perception and awareness of new Top-Level Domains (TLDs).
The survey, conducted in May 2014, revealed a number of insights into
the global domain name market, including data showing that China is much
more advanced than the other countries when it comes to awareness of new
top-level ... read more ...
Hotellerie setzt sich gegen Wettbewerber durch und erhält von ICANN den … -
(Berlin) – Wie die Internetverwaltungsorganisation ICANN auf ihrer Homepage mitteilt, erhält die von den Hotelverbänden weltweit unterstützte Firma Hotel Top-Level-Domain S.à.r.l. im Kampf um die begehrte Top-Level-Domain (TLD) “.hotel” den Zuschlag. Das in Luxemburg ansässige mittelständische Unternehmen erhielt damit im langjährigen Bewerbungsverfahren den Zuschlag gegen starke Konkurrenz. “Zum ersten Mal überhaupt wurde von ICANN der begehrte Community-Status an einen Bewerber ... read more ...
Wed 18th June 2014
CentralNic snaps up top 30 registrar - ---ADDS BROKER COMMENT---
Internet domain name seller CentralNic (LON:CNIC) is to acquire Internet.BS, a leading retailer of domain names.
CentralNic will pay a maximum of US$7.5mln for the Bahamas-registered business, of which US$5.2mln will be paid upfront, comprising US$2.7mln in cash with the rest to be satisfied through the issue of CentralNic shares.
Internet.BS is one of the world's top thirty domain name retailers and serves a global customer base from 199 countries. As a registrar - a company ... read more ...
Tue 17th June 2014
Neue Domains und ihr Einfluss auf SEO - Jun 17 2014 • Internet • Keine KommentareDas Internet ist groß, sehr groß – aber wohl nicht groß genug. Aus diesem Grund hat die ICANN, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, die oberste Instanz, wenn es um die Vergabe von einmaligen Namen und Adressen im World Wide Web geht, reagiert. Neue Domains, wie zum Beispiel .shop, .web, .gmbh und .berlin sorgen seit Februar diesen Jahres für neuen Platz in der (Internet-) Welt. Doch ist ein guter Domainname gleichbedeutend mit einer ... read more ...
Mon 16th June 2014
cloud world ag komplettiert seine Top-Domains im DACH-Raum um -
Website Promotion
Über die cloud world ag
Die cloud world schafft mit ihrem globalen, ganzheitlichen und innovativen Cloud Marktplatz auf den Top-Domains /.ch /.at Transparenz und Neutralität. Cloudaffine Kunden bekommen ... read more ...
Fri 13th June 2014
ICANN recognises ‘.brand’ registry TLDs -
* theme to availability
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Tue 10th June 2014
Travel and tourism companies now have more choices for online branding -
( BOSTON, Massachusetts - Today, EnCirca ( ) is proud to offer the travel and tourism industry the opportunity to register its trademarks and brand names in several new industry-specific TLDs. Let`s take a jaunt to discover the new generic travel-related TLDs. The following extensions are now available for registration:
• .agency
• .cruises
• .events
• .flights
• .holiday
• .international
• .rentals
• .travel • .vacations
• .viajes
• ... read more ...
Wed 4th June 2014
Strato pone a la venta desde este miércoles el dominio ‘.futbol’ -
La empresa de 'hosting' Strato ha puesto a la venta desde este miércoles dos de los nuevas terminaciones de dominio que más aceptación van a tener durante los próximos mesesm, '.futbol' y '.tienda.', según informa en un comunicado.
Según datos del Ministerio de Industria, en España existen casi 3,5 millones de dominios registrados, de los que casi el 50% son .es y otro 36% .com. Pero ahora se pueden disponer de nuevos dominios (TLDs), intuitivos ... read more ...