DRS Completes Design Review for ‘Mojave’ TLDS Precision Targeting Tool -
DRS Technologies moved closer to contracting its Target Location Designation System with the recent conclusion of the product’s critical design review.
The milestone finalizes the engineering and production processes of the TLDS, dubbed the Mojave, designed to speed up and refine target engagement in battlefield operations, DRS said Tuesday.
“[The DRS team] is actively working toward testing the current production model of the Mojave system as they move into the next phase of the program,” ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLDs
Fri 5th September 2014
Monte Cahn Of RightoftheDot.com Featured In HuffingtonPost Article On New … - The HuffingtonPost.com just published an article on the new gTLD space domain name aftermarket Entitled “Is It Time for Me to Sell Blunders.com?”
“Remember 1997? It was the height of the dot-com bubble. And everyone was registering domain names with unrealistic hopes and dreams of developing profitable, pure-play internet businesses.
I, too, drank the Kool-Aid and registered blunders.com, and many others. No business plan. No strategy. Just $8.95/domain name and unrealistic, stupid thinking.”
“It ... read more ...
Independent Endorsement of Dot Chinese Online & Dot Chinese Website by by … -
TLD Registry's Dot Chinese Online (.在线) and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网) are garnering more attention in the blogosphere, as demonstrated by a flattering new FairWinds Partners blog post today.
FairWinds' Founding Partner, Phil Lodico, mentions several business, social and cultural benefits that registrants enjoy with fully-Chinese domain names.
One of the benefits raised by Mr. Lodico includes the fact that businesses will be exposed to the massive Chinese internet user population ... read more ...
.com, .net. und .org sind die beliebtesten generischen Domainendungen - Wenn es ein Trio an Domainendungen gibt, das für Erfolg und Beliebtheit steht, so sind es sicherlich die TLDs .com, .net und .org. Alle drei gehören mit zu den ältesten generischen Top-Level-Domains (gTLDs) [1], also Domainendungen, die nicht geographisch sondern rein inhaltlich oder thematisch voneinander abgegrenzt werden. Weitere Beispiele für gTLDs sind .info, .biz, .edu oder .gov. Die Anzahl der registrierten .com- und .org-Domains hat sich in den letzten zehn Jahren fast vervierfacht; die ... read more ...
.koeln, Alaaf – Klüngel bei der stadteigenen Top-Level-Domain? -
Nach Berlin und Hamburg schaltet heute auch die dritte und letzte deutsche Stadt eine eigene Internet-Endung frei. Statt einer gibt es jedoch gleich zwei neue TLDs: .koeln und .cologne. Und der Betreiber ist eine Tochter der Stadt.
Stilecht um 11 Uhr 11 gehen in der Karnevalsstadt .koeln und .cologne an den Start. Zuvor konnten sich nur Markeninhaber Domains sichern sowie Kölner Vereine und NGOs. Vorgeschaltet war zudem eine "Landrush“-Phase. In einem Zeitraum ... read more ...
Thu 4th September 2014
DRS completes critical design review of US Army’s Mojave programme -
DRS Technologies has successfully completed critical design review (CDR) for the US Army's target location designation system (TLDS).Carried out at the company's US facility in Dallas, Texas, the review moves TLDS, also known as the Mojave programme, towards contractor and government testing.The Finmeccanica subsidiary is using employees from both Dallas and Melbourne, Australia, to execute the engineering, manufacturing and development process and production for the Mojave ... read more ...
Thu 28th August 2014
New Domain Registry, dotHIV, Collects Clicks to Combat HIV/AIDS - Carolin Silbernagl, co-founder of dotHIV and CEO of the TLD dotHIV RegistryWe all know that HIV is a virus. But now, it's also a top level domain (TLD) on the Internet -- a technological and fundraising innovation that its sponsors hope will generate new resources and interest in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
For years, a small and finite list of TLDs has been the most familiar: suffixes like .com, .org and .gov have been used for every website and email address.
Over 300 new TLDs -- from .associates ... read more ...
.Bharat domain name: Why did it take three years to be made public? -
by Peter Griffin
For the absolute beginner, some background first. Please note that these are simplified, and in some cases, simplistic explanations, meant to give you an overview, not a deep technical understanding.
Every computer connected to the Internet—in fact every device connected to the Internet, including your smartphone, or your smart refrigerator—has a unique address, an IP or Internet Protocol address. This is a number, something like this: 1234.5.67.890 ... read more ...
India’s new Dot Bharat domain name: What took it three years to go public? -
by Peter Griffin
For the absolute beginner, some background first. Please note that these are simplified, and in some cases, simplistic explanations, meant to give you an overview, not a deep technical understanding.
Every computer connected to the Internet—in fact every device connected to the Internet, including your smartphone, or your smart refrigerator—has a unique address, an IP or Internet Protocol address. This is a number, something like this: 1234.5.67.890 ... read more ...
Sat 16th August 2014
How people are using the web’s newest corners -
It’s been half a year since the web’s first new top-level domains (gTLDs) went live, a moment Quartz called “the biggest land rush in history.” The web is in the process of moving from fewer than two dozen TLDs (such as the .com in qz.com) to over a thousand. Nearly 200 have already gone live.
Now that the dust has settled, it is possible to look back over the past few months and see what effect these new TLDs are really having on the web. Verisign, the company that administers ... read more ...
Fri 15th August 2014
ICANN offers fix for domain name collisions -
I recently got a call from a friend whose business was having problems with an internal network whose web server had a URL that included .guru. One day, their staff had trouble reaching it. They'd made no changes and you could still reach the server using its IPv4 address; it was a mystery. It took me hours — and you still owe me guys! —but I finally discovered that there was a public internet website with a .guru top-level domain name that was conflicting with their private ... read more ...
Certificate Authority Security Council backs SSL server rules taking effect Nov. 1 -
Bill Gates ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video
Cisco cutting 6,000 jobs
Androids gain in enterprise
Security nightmares
Resources/White Papers
network world
... read more ...
Thu 14th August 2014
Study reveals new gTLD usage patterns, but treat figures with caution -
New research from Verisign has revealed that only 3% of the second-level domains registered in new gTLDs contain business websites, with pay-per-click (PPC) usage dwarfing that level. However, there are some caveats to consider.
In previous blogs we have looked at overall registration levels in the new gTLD space (1,875,612 at time of writing) but haven’t drilled down to look at how these sites are being used. Verisign’s study analysed all second-level domains registered in new gTLDs ... read more ...
Wed 13th August 2014
5 mn domain names added to internet in Q1CY14 -
Five mn domain names were added to the Internet in the first quarter of 2014, bringing the total number of registered domain names to 276 mn globally all top-level domains (TLDs) as of March 31, 2014, Verisign, domain names and internet security solutions provider, said.
Worldwide registrations have grown by 19.3 mn, or 7.5 percent, year-over-year and the rise of five mn domain names globally equates to 1.7 percent growth over the fourth quarter of 2013.
The .com and .net ... read more ...
Tue 12th August 2014
Domain Names Rise To A New High Of 276 Mln In Q1 : VeriSign - With zillions of people already on the Internet, a new report from VeriSign showed that the total number of top level domains registered on the World Wide Web grew to 276 million in the first quarter, representing a 7.5 percent increase year-over-year.Five million domain names have been added to the Internet during the quarter, VeriSign said in a statement. The .com and .net TLDs grew to 128.5 million domain names.These domains grew 4 percent on a year on year basis. Out of the total .com sites, ... read more ...
Mon 11th August 2014
Global Domain Name Registrations Reach 276 Million, Increase of Over 19M … -
Five million domain names were added to the Internet in the first quarter of 2014, bringing the total number of registered domain names to 276 million worldwide across all top-level domains (TLDs) as of March 31, 2014, according to the latest Domain Name Industry Brief from Verisign.
The increase of five million domain names globally equates to a growth rate of 1.7 percent over the fourth quarter of 2013. Worldwide registrations have grown by 19.3 million, or 7.5 percent, year over year.
Related ... read more ...
Wed 6th August 2014
Marketer sind gegen die neuen Top Level Domains -
© C. Rietsch - Fotolia.com
Die 1.000 neuen TLDs sorgen für Verwirrtheit im Netz. Online Marketer befürchten, dass sie das World Wide Web unübersichtlicher machen werden.
Die neuen Domainendungen sind da! Diese Nachricht erfreute in den vergangenen Wochen viele Onliner. Doch gemäß eines aktuellen Berichtes von Sedo, dem Marketführer im Domainhandel, teilen nicht alle diese Freude. 74 Prozent der US-Marketer sagten, dass die 1.000 neuen Domainendungen ... read more ...
Mon 4th August 2014
Kaffee.de ist für 100.000 Euro die teuerste .de-Domain /// Vorsicht: Fahrverbote … - Themen heute: Kaffee.de ist für 100.000 Euro die teuerste .de-Domain /// Vorsicht: Fahrverbote in vielen italienischen Innenstädten 1.Die Sedo GmbH, Betreiber der weltweit größten Online-Handelsplattform für Premium Domains, hat ihren Domainreport für das erste Halbjahr 2014 veröffentlicht. Insgesamt wurden im Zeitraum Januar bis Juli 2014 auf der Plattform Sedo.com 16.216 Transaktionen im Gegenwert von rund 35,9 Mio. US-Dollar durchgeführt. Der Durchschnittspreis für alle ... read more ...
Neue Top Level Domains: ICANN, Communities und der Kampf um die Netz … -
Geht bei den neuen Top-Level-Domains alles so fair zu, wie es das Multistakeholder-Modell der ICANN verspricht? Olivier Crépin-Leblond von der Nutzer-Vertretung ALAC bei der Internet-Verwaltung kritisiert im Interview mit heise online das omnipräsente Auktionsmodell.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond
Bild: Sandra Lettenbichler
Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Vorsitzender des At-Large ... read more ...
Fri 1st August 2014
Domain Prices Set Record As New TLDs Begin Trading, According To Sedo’s … -
.Com Domains Reach an All-time Average High as Buy Now Sales Continue to ClimbBoston, Mass. – Sedo, the world’s largest premium domain marketplace and monetization provider, today announced the results of its First Half 2014 Domain Market Study, revealing domain industry trends and changes based on transactions in its marketplace. An infographic depicting findings from the study is available at http://bit.ly/1rMCO82. During the first six months of ... read more ...
Thu 31st July 2014
Sedo Halbjahres-Domainreport 2014: 24 Prozent aller weltweit gehandelten Top … - Insgesamt wurden in den vergangenen sechs Monaten Internetadressen mit 161 unterschiedlichen Top-Level-Domains (TLDs) gehandelt. Mit der Einführung von bisher über 300 neuen Endungen wie beispielsweise ".bio", ".club". oder ".ruhr", beträgt der Anteil dieser TLDs auf dem Domainhandelsplatz 24 Prozent am Gesamtvolumen. Den bisher höchsten Preis bei einem öffentlichen Verkauf von Domains unter den neuen TLDs erlöste die Adresse "eat.club" mit 20.000 US-Dollar. Bei einem nicht öffentlichen Verkauf ... read more ...
ICANN: Top-Level-Domains kann man nicht beschlagnahmen -
Die Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) informiert in einer Pressemeldung über ihre Argumentation in einem Gerichtsverfahren. Terrorismusopfer fordern demnach im Rahmen eines Prozesses, die Länderdomains des Iran, Syriens und Nordkoreas zu beschlagnahmen, da diese Länder Terrorismus unterstützten.
Die ICANN erklärte dem zuständigen US-Bundesbezirksgericht für den District of Columbia, die Domains .ir für Iran, .sy für Syrien und .kp für Nordkorea seien “Teil ... read more ...
New ‘dot brand’ domains to increase customer loyalty -
Written by Roland LaPlante, CMO of Affilias
Over the coming year, the Internet will experience its biggest makeover ever. More than 1,000 new top-level domains (TLDs) will join “heritage” domains such as .COM, .INFO, and .ORG. These new TLDs, covering brands, geography and generic concepts — like .DELMONTE, .VEGAS and .YACHTS — are designed to increase innovation on the Web. They will also open up massive opportunities for brands and retailers who want to make it easier and ... read more ...
Sedo Halbjahres-Domainreport 2014: 24 Prozent aller weltweit gehandelten Top … - Die Sedo GmbH, Betreiber der weltweit größten Online-Handelsplattform für Premium Domains, veröffentlicht heute ihren Domainreport für das erste Halbjahr 2014. Im Zeitraum Januar bis Juli 2014 wurden auf der Plattform Sedo.com insgesamt 16.216 Transaktionen im Gegenwert von rund 35,9 Mio. US-Dollar durchgeführt. Der Durchschnittspreis für alle Verkäufe lag bei 2.214 US-Dollar (2013: 1.893 US-Dollar) und der Median-Preis bei 616 US-Dollar (2013: 577 US-Dollar). Dies entspricht einem Anstieg ... read more ...
Mon 28th July 2014
Independent Endorsement of Dot Chinese Online & Dot Chinese Website -
TLD Registry's Dot Chinese Online (.在线) and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网) are garnering more attention in the blogosphere, as demonstrated by a flattering new FairWinds Partners blog post.
FairWinds' Founding Partner, Phil Lodico, mentions several business, social and cultural benefits that registrants enjoy with fully-Chinese domain names.
One of the benefits raised by Mr. Lodico includes the fact that businesses will be exposed to the massive Chinese internet user population ... read more ...