Les nouveaux tld, terre d asile des malwares - Menu Articles de la revue de presse : - l'ensemble [tous | francophone] - par mots clé [tous] - par site [tous] - le tagwall [voir] - Top bi-hebdo de la revue de presse [Voir]
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Les nouveaux tld, terre d asile des malwaresPar CNIS magLe [2015-09-10] à 09:18:44Présentation : Bluecoat qui a eu mauvaise presse il y a peu multiplie aujourd hui les articles sur les activités des black hats. Le dernier en date s intitule DO NOT ENTER Blue Coat ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLD
Thu 10th September 2015
TLD Podcast #20: Floyd Mayweather-Andre Berto - Floyd Mayweather–Andre Berto is a major topic of discussion on this week’s podcast. We also preview the rest of the plethora of boxing action on tap for the coming weekend, and recap fights involving Austin Trout and Anthony Dirrell. — September top-10 pound-for-pound rankings — In this episode, Diego and I break down Floyd Mayweather’s “farewell” fight, which is disappointingly coming against Andre Berto. We debate Mayweather’s legacy and a consider a slew of “what ... read more ...
Wed 9th September 2015
PR Newswire – Virtual -
HONG KONG, Sept. 9, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- "DotWorld_IDN" Registry, operated by Stable Tone Limited, today announced the launch of a Special Sunrise for the "DotWorld_IDN" new top-level-domain in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. This Special Sunrise application period will last more than 60 days, starting from September 8th and ending on November 10th, 2015.
The two-character domain extension, pronounced "Shijie" in Chinese; "Seikai" in Japanese and "Segye" in Korean means the "world" across Chinese, ... read more ...
"DotWorld_IDN" TLD in Chinese, Japanese and Korean Language Launches Special … – SYS -
]]>HONG KONG, Sept. 9, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- "DotWorld_IDN" Registry, operated by Stable Tone Limited, today announced the launch of a Special Sunrise for the "DotWorld_IDN" new top-level-domain in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. This Special Sunrise application period will last more than 60 days, starting from September 8th and ending on November 10th, 2015.The two-character domain extension, pronounced "Shijie" in ... read more ...
Tue 8th September 2015
New .LOVE TLD Tops 10000 Domain Sales Due To Strong Sales in Asia -
Beijing, China – The new .LOVE TLD [Top Level Domain] has successfully launched on the Internet (more details available at www.get.love) and is rapidly selling web domain names to couples, individuals, and businesses. "We are delighted with the growth of our .LOVE web domain sales, especially in the past two weeks. Beginning with the Qixi Festival on August 20 (Double Sevens on the Chinese calendar), .LOVE has seen phenomenal growth and has increased its overall number of domains by over 30% ... read more ...
Domínios personalizados podem esconder sites perigosos; entenda - Domínios de Internet personalizados podem esconder sites suspeitos de práticas nocivas aos usuários. Muitos desses espaços ocultam sistemas para distribuição de spam, malwares, botnet e ataques phishing. Todos os dias são criados 20 mil novos sites, que só duram três mesesDomínios de topo (TLDs) são a parte final do endereço dos sites. No TechTudo, por exemplo, ".com.br" é o TLD. Domínios de topo personalizados substituem esse trecho por termos mais complexos, como ".review", ".science", ... read more ...
Mon 7th September 2015
Les nouveaux TLD : des zones très dangereuses – CIO -
Franck Salien, -->Le 08 Septembre 2015
Le modle conomique des registres les pousse au laxisme.
La politique trs laxiste des registres des nouveaux TLD rend potentiellement trs dangereux les sites utilisant ces TLD selon une tude Blue Coat.
99,98% des sites utilisant l'un des nouveaux gTLD [generic Top Level Domain] agrs par l'ICANN, le .country, sont dangereux. C'est le rsultat d'une tude mene par Blue Coat, ... read more ...
Dziesięć najbardziej niebezpiecznych domen -
Firma Blue Coat przeprowadziła badanie, które sugeruje, że witryny rozpowszechniające szkodliwe treści należałoby umieścić w jednej domenie TLD, nadając jej na przykład nazwę .evil, tak aby internauci wiedzieli co im grozi?
Okazuje się, że najgroźniejsze są domeny .zip i .review. 100% zarejestrowanych w nich witryn zawiera szkodliwe treści. Raport został opracowany przez firmę Blue Coat, po przeanalizowaniu kilkudziesięciu milionów witryn, z usług których korzystało ... read more ...
Dziesięć najbardziej niebezpiecznych domen TLD -
Firma Blue Coat przeprowadziła badanie, które sugeruje, że witryny rozpowszechniające szkodliwe treści należałoby umieścić w jednej domenie TLD, nadając jej na przykład nazwę .evil, tak aby internauci wiedzieli co im grozi?
Okazuje się, że najgroźniejsze są domeny .zip i .review. 100% zarejestrowanych w nich witryn zawiera szkodliwe treści. Raport został opracowany przez firmę Blue Coat, po przeanalizowaniu kilkudziesięciu milionów witryn, z usług których korzystało ... read more ...
Cómo minimizar el riesgo de dominios inseguros -
Con la explosión de los nuevos TLD (Dominios de Nivel Superior), se incrementan las oportunidades con las que cuentan los atacantes para conseguir víctimas, al menos así lo aseguró una reciente investigación de Blue Coat. Aquí le damos algunos consejos sobre cómo minimizar el riesgo que entrañan las zonas inseguras de la web.
El proveedor también alertaba sobre los TLD turbios, mismos que aún son suelo fértil para la actividad maliciosa, ya que la mayoría de estos ... read more ...
Gefährliche, neue Top Level Domains? -
"Wer soll die eigentlich alle nutzen?" fragen Kritiker der neuen Top Level Domains gerne. Die Studie eines IT-Sicherheitsunternehmens meint: Einige der Endungen wurden vor allem von Spammern und Internet-Ganoven entdeckt.
Etwa 750 neue Top-Level-Domains wurden seit Ende 2013 von der Internetverwaltung ICANN freigeschaltet, mit bisher rund 7 Millionen Adressen. Das US-amerikanische IT-Sicherheitsunternehmens Blue Coat hat untersucht, welche Endungen wie stark für unschöne Zwecke ... read more ...
Las zonas más turbias de la Web - Blue Coat reveló su nueva investigación que muestra las “zonas” o dominios de nivel superior (TLD) que tienen mayor relación con sitios web sospechosos. Uno de los hallazgos clave que presenta el informe es que más del 95 por ciento de los sitios web de 10 TLD diferentes se clasifican como sospechosos y que ese porcentaje llega al 100 por ciento para los TLD de los dos primeros puestos: .zip y .review.
La empresa analizó cientos de millones de solicitudes web provenientes de más de 15.000 ... read more ...
Sun 6th September 2015
The Web’s Most Dangerous Domains -
Earlier this week, security firm Blue Coat Systems Inc released a list of the 10 most dangerous web domains. Although the list has drawn some high-profile objections, Blue Coat claims that more than 95 percent of the sites on these 10 Top Level Domains (TLDs) are suspicious.
What Is A TLD?
TLDs are the highest level ... read more ...
¿Cuáles son las zonas más turbias de la web? -
Blue Coat reveló la nueva investigación para consumidores y empresas, que muestra las “zonas” o dominios de nivel superior (TLD) que tienen mayor relación con sitios web sospechosos.
Uno de los hallazgos clave que presenta el informe es que más del 95% de los sitios web de 10 TLD diferentes se clasifican como sospechosos y que ese porcentaje llega al 100% para los TLD de los dos primeros puestos: .zip y .review.
Se analizaron cientos de millones de solicitudes web provenientes de más de ... read more ...
100% of Websites in These Two Top-Level Domains Are ‘Shady’ -
domains like.FR (France), and.JP (Japan). As the number of TLDs has increased, so have the opportunities for attackers.
Based on data just published (PDF) by the network security and deep packet inspection tool vendor Blue Coat, that’s exactly what happened: some of the new “neighborhoods” open for name registration have become nearly exclusively the domain of people setting up hosts for spam e-mailing, scams, shady software downloads, malware distribution, botnet operations and “phishing” ... read more ...
Sat 5th September 2015
New Web addresses a cybercrime playground – Lid Time -
The listed TLDs have more than 95% of their sites with shady ratings in its main database.
The recent expansion of top-level domains (TLDs) has created fertile ground for cyber scammers, according to a study published on Tuesday by security company Blue Coat.
These two are followed by the.country domain (99.97%),.kim (99.74%),.cricket (99.57%),.science (99.35%),.work (98.20%),.party (98.07%),.gq (Equatorial Guinea) (97.68%), and.link (96.98%). “In order to build a better security posture, ... read more ...
100% of Websites in These Two Top-Level Domains Are ‘Shady’ -
That’s the discovering of a brand new report from enterprise safety agency.
“What makes the zip TLD interesting is that it really only has one live domain as of today: nic.zip, which is Google’s pre-registration page”, Chris Larsen wrote in a post. And Blue Coat found that more than 95% of websites in the 10 newest TLDs are suspicious. The opposite eight, together with.nation, .kim, .cricket, .science, .work, .celebration, .gq (Equatorial Guinea) and.hyperlink, weren’t a lot ... read more ...
Google’s ‘.zip’ domain not dangerous: Study -
Google does a flattering good pursuit of operative out what you’re looking for, though a some-more specific we are a improved your formula will be.
Using operators does only that, so for instance enclosing a word in selection outlines — “like this” — searches for that specific phrase, adding a reduction pointer excludes that word (salsa recipe — tomatoes) and regulating OR gives Google a choice, eg. World Cup plcae 2014 or 2022.
Fri 4th September 2015
Blue Coat Puts Google’s .Zip TLD On Bad Neighbor List - The Security analyst blog Blue Coat defended why one of Google's new domain names, .zip, made it to the top of its "shady Web neighborhoods" list after Google and others questioned the move.
Google's .zip top-level domain name is one of more than 1,000 new TLDs that surfaced since ICANN freed a multitude of Web addresses, adding to .com and .org. "What makes
the .zip TLD interesting is that it really only has one live domain as of today: nic.zip, which is Google's pre-registration page," wrote ... read more ...
Thu 3rd September 2015
Un estudio revela los dominios más peligrosos de Internet -
Seguridad en Internet
México.- Blue Coat acaba de hacer público un nuevo estudio sobre consumidores ... read more ...
Blue Coat dévoile les noms de domaines les plus dangereux du Web – Publi -
Copyright Publi-News
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Via: publi-news.fr
Almost all .science malicious, .cricket rigged, boffins find -
Almost every one of the hundreds of thousands of websites in 10 top level domains including all under .review and .zip are malicious, according to research.
More than 95 percent of the hundreds of thousands websites in each of ten top level domains (TLDs) including .country, cricket, .science, and .party are flogging spam, malware, or adware.
The shocking findings published by security firm Blue Coat ... read more ...
A warning about the “shadiest neighborhoods” on the web -
If you wish to keep out of hassle on the internet, you had higher keep away from web sites ending in .zip and .evaluation in addition to a number of others which are bastions of .
That’s the discovering of a brand new report from enterprise safety agency . It got here up with the 10 top-level domains (TLDs), the top a part of an internet handle, that have been most related to suspicious web sites.
The report discovered that 100 % of the web sites in Blue Coat’s database with the top-level ... read more ...
Challenges for .brands – Launching Your .brand -
This is the sixth in a series of blog posts discussing the strategic and operational challenges faced by .brand TLD owners and the processes involved in getting them ready for use. Previously I discussed how to transition your agreed strategy into an implementation plan, which you can read here.
One of the consistent themes of this blog series is that despite similarities across .brand TLDs, no two brands will settle on the exact same strategy and process for moving their TLD to launch.
As ... read more ...
Wed 2nd September 2015
Blue Coat dévoile les noms de domaines les plus dangereux du Web - Menu Articles de la revue de presse : - l'ensemble [tous | francophone] - par mots clé [tous] - par site [tous] - le tagwall [voir] - Top bi-hebdo de la revue de presse [Voir]
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Blue Coat dévoile les noms de domaines les plus dangereux du Web Par Global Security Mag OnlineLe [2015-09-02] à 18:10:48Présentation : Blue Coat Systems, Inc. présente sa nouvelle étude destinée aux consommateurs et aux entreprises, qui dévoile les noms de domaines ... read more ...