We Told You .Com Was Rocking: Passes 114.5 Million Registered Domain Names -
Last week we told you that .Com is Rocking.
It continues to rock and now has passes the 114,500,0000 mark for the first time.
The actual number today is 114,540,697 according to Verisign the Registry for .Com domain names
On September 19th which is just 6 days ago the number of .Com domains was at 14,408,441
So around 130,000 .Com were added in that six day period.
We will let you know when the total number of .Com registrations top 115 Million domains.
Google+Michael ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLD
Thu 25th September 2014
Infibeam Launches Domain Registry – .OOO Extensions Available -
In an interesting turn, Indian e-commerce company Infibeam has announced launch of a new generic top level domain name dot-triple-O or .OOO. Offering a TLD for registrations is probably a first for any eCommerce company in world (as far as we know).
In a press release, Infibeam has said that they have become first technology company from India to launch a generic top level domain (GTLD). the domain will be made available for corporations and general public worldwide through global ... read more ...
1&1 pone a disposición el nuevo TLD.futbol -
Todos los seguidores del fútbol, están de enhorabuena, ya que pese a que termina la época estival, arranca uno de los mejores momentos del año: La liga. Vuelven numerosas copas y torneos que hacen las maravillas de seguidores de uno y otro equipo, y como no podía ser menos, el interés por los fichajes y las marchas de jugadores a ligas internacionales. Para aprovechar todo este movimiento y bullicio qué mejor que tener tu propia página web de noticias deportivas, tu propio club de fans ... read more ...
Wed 24th September 2014
ICANN vydražil nové TLD .buy, .tech a .vip za miliony dolarů -
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Tue 23rd September 2014
Accidente automovilístico en Juchitán provoca dos muertos -
Dos personas fallecieron la madrugada de este lunes al registrarse un accidente de tránsito en la carretera federal 190, tramo Juchitán–Tehuantepec, en el Istmo de Tehuantepec.
La Policía Federal informó que el percance ocurrió en el kilómetro 263, en el paraje conocido como ‘Pepe y Lolita’.
En ese lugar se impactó el vehículo Nissan Tiida con placas de circulación TLD-98-38 del Estado de Oaxaca en la parte posterior de la camioneta Nissan, con placas de circulación RW-96-969 del ... read more ...
TLD inaugure sa nouvelle usine à Sorigny -
L'usine a été livrée début juillet mais l'inauguration n'a eu lieu que vendredi, en présence de nombreux élus, des présidents des chambres consulaires, des dirigeants et du personnel de TLD. L'entreprise, spécialisée dans les équipements d'assistance aéroportuaire, a quitté ses locaux devenus trop petits de Montlouis pour rejoindre un bâtiment plus spacieux (6.400 m2 contre 2.500 à Montlouis), situé sur la zone d'activités Isoparc, à Sorigny. Une usine où son projet ... read more ...
Mon 22nd September 2014
Amazon acquista l’estensione .buy per 4.6 milioni - Il colosso del commercio elettronico capitanato da Jeff Bezos avrebbe recentemente acquistato la titolarità dell'estensione ".buy" per i TLD (Top-Level Domain); questa acquisizione sarebbe costata ben 4.6 milioni di dollari nonché il disappunto di Mountain View. L'acquisto di Amazon sarebbe avvenuto nel corso di un'apposita asta organizzata dall'ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), cioè l'ente che si occupa della gestione del sistema dei nomi a dominio di primo livello. ... read more ...
The Rooks Celebrate New Release at Mercury Lounge This Saturday – The Lo -
TLD contributor Flora Theden talks to RB/IndieSoul sextet The Rooks about their new EP, Beyoncé, and their upcoming show at Mercury Lounge.
If you’re looking for funky, vibrant, live music on the LES, you might want to check out The Rooks’ EP Release Show next Saturday night, where the sextet will play old favorites and debut songs from their upcoming EP, “Wires,” which they just finished recording.
It’s the NYC-based band’s first show at Mercury Lounge, but front man Garth Taylor ... read more ...
BUILD Internet Domain Registry Announces It is Now Accepting Bitcoin … -
San Francisco, CA - .Build, the new Top Level Domain (TLD) for internet domain names announced it will now accept Bitcoin as a payment method from its customers.
.BUILD, went live in April of 2014 is a part of the new expanded Internet made up of many new TLD’s beyond .com, .net and .org. By having a meaningful extension to a website or email .BUILD provides an opportunity for companies to improve their online identity and web presence with the power of an industry-specific domain name. ... read more ...
le Net appartient encore au monde occidental -
L’indépendance passe par le multilinguisme, le problème du net et sa dépendance au monde anglo-saxon reste entier. Le rapport Mondial 2014 sur le déploiement des noms de domaine internationalisés est édifiant
C’est seulement en poursuivant une stratégie axée sur le multilinguisme, au niveau de l’accès à la Toile, que nous donnerons effet à ... read more ...
TLDs unter dem Auktionshammer: Amazon holt sich .buy für 4,5 Millionen Dollar -
Bis zum kommenden März versteigert die private Netzverwaltung ICANN im Monatsrhytmus weitere 70 TLDs.
Mehr als 4,5 Millionen US-Dollar hat sich Amazon die Top Level Domain (TLD) .buy kosten lassen, 3 Millionen Dollar blätterte .bayern-Betreiber Minds and Machine für .vip hin und für .tech fiel der Auktionshammer sogar erst bei 6,7 Millionen Dollar. Das sind die Ergebnisse der September-Auktion der Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Bis zum kommenden ... read more ...
L’équipementier aéroportuaire TLD inaugure une usine de tracteurs … - Le numéro 1 mondial des échelles, passerelles et tracteurs d'aéroport TLD a inauguré une nouvelle usine vendredi à Sorigny, au sud de Tours (Indre-et-Loire) en présence de plusieurs élus locaux et nationaux, et de l'ensemble de ses 240 salariés français.8,5 millions d'euros ont été investis par la Société d'équipement de la Touraine (SET), contrôlée par les collectivités locales et la Caisse des dépôts, via une société d'aménagement qui intègre d'autres actionnaires, dont le ... read more ...
Sat 20th September 2014
Amazon shells out $4.6M for .buy domain -
Amazon has shelled out a hefty $4.6 million for the .buy generic top-level domain (TLD), outbidding rival Google and other tech companies in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) auction.
The Domain Name Wire reports that the .buy TLD was demanded by 4 applicants - Amazon, Bitter Sunset, LLC, Charleston Road Registry Inc. (Google’s registry service), dot Buy Limited, and the online retailer giant with a bid of $4,588,888 has won out. Notably, only 2 bidders out ... read more ...
Fri 19th September 2014
L’équipementier aéroportuaire TLD inaugure une usine de tracteurs … - Le numéro 1 mondial des échelles, passerelles et tracteurs d'aéroport TLD a inauguré une nouvelle usine vendredi à Sorigny, au sud de Tours (Indre-et-Loire) en présence de plusieurs élus locaux et nationaux, et de l'ensemble de ses 240 salariés français.8,5 millions d'euros ont été investis par la Société d'équipement de la Touraine (SET), contrôlée par les collectivités locales et la Caisse des dépôts, via une société d'aménagement qui intègre d'autres actionnaires, dont ... read more ...
Amazon: TLD ".buy" für 4,6 Mio. Dollar gekauft -
TLDs sind ein begehrtes Gut und gehen für Millionen Dollar weg.
Amazon hat Google die hochlukrative Top Level Domain (TLD) .buy vor der Nase weggeschnappt - offenbar haben sich die beiden eine Weile gegenseitig überboten, denn der Endpreis lag bei 4,6 Millionen Dollar, was die TLD zu einer der teuereren Internet-Adressen der Geschichte macht.
Wie das Fachmagazin Domain Name Wire unter Hinweis ... read more ...
.Com Is Rocking -
As someone who watches the numbers of domain name registrations across all TLD’s everyday I have to say .Com is rocking and seems to be getting stronger by the day.
Back on March 31, there were 113.2 Million .Com registered according to Verisign.
Today 5 1/2 months later .com has topped 114.4 Million registrations (14,408,441) with a net add of over 37,000 registrations yesterday and over 30K the day before according to RegistrarStats.com
It was just about a month ago that we ... read more ...
Amazon batte tutti e compra il dominio .buy -
Amazon batte la concorrenza, Google in primis, e si accaparra il nuovo dominio di primo livello .buy sborsando la cifra di circa 4,6 milioni di dollari. Ciò significa che se qualcuno vuole acquistare un dominio .buy dovrà farlo tramite Amazon, visto che ormai è di sua proprietà.
Tra i nuovi domini .buy figura sicuramente tra i più interessanti, visto che si riferisce prevalentemente a quelle strutture e piattaforme che vendono beni e servizi.
I 20 domini internet ... read more ...
Nuovi domini: Amazon acquista .buy e batte Google -
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Amazon | Top-Level Domain | .buy | ICANN | Asta | Google -
Amazon, re incontrastato dello shopping online, è riuscito a portarsi a casa un dominio di primo livello tra i più ambiti, .buy, con un’offerta record da 4,6 milioni di dollari che ha distrutto gli altri partecipanti all’asta organizzata dall’ICANN, l’organizzazione no profit che gestisce l’assegnazione dei Top-Level Domain (TLD) per il web.
Tra i partecipanti c’era anche Google, rimasta a bocca ... read more ...
Amazon schnappt Google die .buy-Domains weg -
"Preislich ist die Weste natürlich unwirtschaftlich, jedoch wollen meine Hühner sie nichtmehr hergeben. Verarbeitung gut, Gewicht und Passgenauigkeit bekommen 5 Sterne.
Seither ist keines meiner Hühnchen mehr überfahren worden und selbst wildes Getier vergreift sich nichtmehr. Bahnübergänge, Ampeln, Rollstuhlfahrer- Dies ist jetzt keine Gefahr mehr! Keine besorgten Nächte in denen man nochmals im Schuppen nachsieht, ob die Hühner vom Feiern zurück sind." (Kuchen)
[Bild und Quelle: link] ... read more ...
Thu 18th September 2014
.vlaanderen, .gent en .brussels vanaf 25 euro -
DNS Belgium gaat 20 euro vragen aan zijn agenten voor een domeinnaam eindigend op .vlaanderen of .brussels. De consument zal voor een startprijs van ongeveer 25 euro een exemplaar op de kop kunnen tikken. Voor een domeinnaam eindigend op .gent zal een gelijkaardige prijs worden gevraagd.De groothandelsprijs voor een jaarregistratie van een .vlaanderen of een .brussels domeinnaam bedraagt 20 euro. DNS Belgium, de beheerder van .be, .brussels ... read more ...
Amazon Outbids Google For .Buy TLD, Pays $4.6 Million - Amazon.com paid $4.6 million for the rights to use the .buy top-level domain (TLD) name, outbidding Google and several other smaller companies. The name didn't bring in the most money
for those in the auction. It was the second auction for the new TLDs managed by the Internet Corporation For Assigned Named and Numbers (ICANN). The 1,400 new top-level domains include .cheap
and .sexy. Some names have shown little demand, but .buy and .tech will take their place among the top-20 domains that are generating ... read more ...
Over 6500 .Website Domain Names Registered In The First 4 Hours Of Availability - According to a press release we just received from Radix, the new gTLD .WEBSITE, that went into General Availability today has already surpassed 6,500 domains in the first 4 hours
“We have been confident about .website right from the start and these numbers just reinforce the potential the TLD holds.” said Sandeep Ramchandani, Radix business head. Registrars such as OpenSRS, 1Api, 101domain, Key-Systems had expressed their buy-in in the TLD from start by giving it top billing on their homepages ... read more ...
Amazon vence o Google outra vez e arremata domínio .buy -
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18 de Setembro de 2014 - 16:0
Amazon vence o Google outra vez e arremata domínio .buy
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Depois de ter feito a maior oferta e arrematado o Twitch, a Amazon paga mais caro e vence outra vez o Google. A gigante varejista é a nova dona do Top-Level Domain (TLD) ... read more ...
Amazon vence o Google outra vez e arremata domínio .buy -
Depois de ter feito a maior oferta e arrematado o Twitch, a Amazon paga mais caro e vence outra vez o Google. A gigante varejista é a nova dona do Top-Level Domain (TLD) .buy.
O ICANN, serviço que regula e cria os domínios de alto nível da Internet, passou para a Amazon o controle da terminação .buy, após um leilão com quatro interessados. A Amazon fez o lance mais alto e levou o TLD por US$4,6 milhões. O segundo lance mais alto foi feito pelo Google.
A Amazon ainda não ... read more ...