WHITE PAPER: .bank is here! -
A white paper from OBER/KALER describing what you need to know about .bank
Sunrise is on the horizon for .bank. A new Internet land rush begins mid-2015 for websites bearing the extension .bank, the financial world’s new .com. A thorough vetting process and heightened security requirements promise to make .bank websites the most secure and trustworthy places to conduct the online banking of the future. But allowing a .bank website bearing your bank’s name to fall into the wrong hands could ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLD
Wed 19th November 2014
November 2014 Web Server Survey -
In the November 2014 survey we received responses from 947,029,805 sites and 4,994,577 web-facing computers.
Despite the dramatic loss of almost 82 million sites since October, the number of web-facing computers increased by over 23 thousand (+0.47%) this month. Automatically generated content and wildcard sites are often used for activities such as domain holding and search-engine results manipulation, where the majority of the sites will not receive human visitors and therefore the resources ... read more ...
NamesCon: Spotlight on RightOfTheDot -
This article is part of a series of interviews with NamesCon exhibitors and sponsors. NamesCon is the largest commercial domain name conference and is held every January in Las Vegas. The NamesCon 2015 dates are January 11-14, 2015 at the Tropicana Hotel on the famous Las Vegas strip.
Today’s interview is with Monte Cahn, President of RightOfTheDot, LLC.
Q. Can you tell us about your company and how long you have been there?
RightOfTheDot, LLC is an Internet consulting and advertising firm ... read more ...
La NABP comenzará el periodo de registro de marcas Sunrise para … -
La NABP comenzará el periodo de registro de marcas Sunrise para sitios web .pharmacy La NABP comenzará el periodo de registro de marcas Sunrise para sitios web .pharmacy PR Newswire MOUNT PROSPECT, Illinois, 19 de noviembre de 2014 MOUNT PROSPECT, Illinois, 19 de noviembre de 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- La National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) pronto aceptará solicitudes para los nombres de dominio .pharmacy de los poseedores de marcas comerciales que estén ... read more ...
NABP startet gestaffelte Registrierungsphase von Handelsmarken fuuml;r … -
Die Polizei berichtet zu diesem Thema:Mount Prospect, Illinois (ots/PRNewswire) - Die National Association of Boards of Pharmacy(®) (NABP(®)) wird in naher Zukunft Anträge für .pharmacy Domänennamen von Markeninhabern akzeptieren, die im Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) registriert sind. Die gestaffelte Registrierungsphase (Sunrise Period) für Anträge startet am 19. Dezember 2014 sowie geht der Sunrise TMCH Registrierungsperiode ... read more ...
Tue 18th November 2014
La NABP comenzara el periodo preferente de inscripcion de marcas … -
La NABP comenzará el período preferente de inscripción de marcas comerciales para sitios web .pharmacy La NABP comenzará el período preferente de inscripción de marcas comerciales para sitios web .pharmacy PR Newswire MOUNT PROSPECT, Illinois, 18 de noviembre de 2014 MOUNT PROSPECT, Illinois, 18 de noviembre de 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- La National Association of Boards of Pharmacy®, NABP® (Asociación Nacional de Juntas de Farmacia) pronto aceptará solicitudes para ... read more ...
La NABP comenzará el período preferente de inscripción de marcas … -
MOUNT PROSPECT, Illinois, 18 de noviembre de 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- La National Association of Boards of Pharmacy®, NABP® (Asociación Nacional de Juntas de Farmacia) pronto aceptará solicitudes para nombres de dominio .pharmacy de titulares de marcas comerciales que estén registrados en la Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), base de datos de la Internet Corporation for Assigned ... read more ...
NABP beginnt gestaffelte Registrierungsphase von Handelsmarken für … -
Mount Prospect, Illinois (ots/PRNewswire) – Die National Association of Boards of Pharmacy(®) (NABP(®)) wird in naher Zukunft Anträge für .pharmacy Domänennamen von Markeninhabern akzeptieren, die im Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) registriert sind. Die gestaffelte Registrierungsphase (Sunrise Period) für Anträge beginnt am 19. Dezember 2014 und geht der Sunrise TMCH Registrierungsperiode voraus, die vom 15. Januar bis 16. März ... read more ...
NABP beginnt gestaffelte Registrierungsphase von Handelsmarken für … -
Mount Prospect, Illinois (ots/PRNewswire) - Die National Association of Boards of Pharmacy(®) (NABP(®)) wird in naher Zukunft Anträge für .pharmacy Domänennamen von Markeninhabern akzeptieren, die im Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) registriert sind. Die gestaffelte Registrierungsphase (Sunrise Period) für Anträge beginnt am 19. Dezember 2014 und ... read more ...
NABP to Begin Sunrise Trademark Registration Period for Pharmacy Websites -
More Related Stories
email article
November 17, 2014 --
MOUNT PROSPECT, Ill., Nov. 17, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) will soon be accepting applications for .pharmacy domain names from trademark holders who are registered in the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). The ... read more ...
Mon 17th November 2014
TLD met au point un système anticollision pour les aéroports -
Les manoeuvres sur les pistes peuvent entraîner des chocs entre les avions et les passerelles, escaliers et autres matériels aéroportuaires. Sur les avions ayant une carlingue métallique, les déformations sont visibles et réparées. Mais les matériaux composites à mémoire de forme, utilisés sur l'A350 ou le Boeing 787, reprennent leur forme initiale, même si la structure est abîmée derrière. Pour pallier ce problème, qui peut avoir des incidences graves, TLD vient de sortir un système ... read more ...
Sat 15th November 2014
nTLDs im Ranking! -
(PresseBox) (Bonn, 15.11.2014)
Wieder einmal ist ein Monat vorbei und die GERWAN Redaktion möchte Ihnen einen Blick darauf bieten, wie sich die Registrierungszahlen der neuen Domainendungen entwickelt haben. Wir können Ihnen versprechen, es hat sich viel getan in den letzten 30 Tagen. Einige Neueinstige haben sich bereits letzten Monat angekündigt, eine TLD, die erst am 23.10.2014 in die allgemeine Verfügbarkeit ging, hat dabei ... read more ...
Amazon.book and the New Top-Level Domain Names -
Amazon’s purchase of the .book generic top-level domain has prompted speculation about how the e-tailer plans to use it. Amazon bought the TLD for a reported $10 million last week, allowing it to sell domain names with the .book suffix.Amazon declined to comment on its plans for the TLD, but Raymond King, CEO of Top Level Design, owner of the generic TLD .ink, said he expects Amazon to offer .book domain names for sale to the public as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ... read more ...
Fri 14th November 2014
Nuovi domini di primo livello: le battaglie del terzo millennio - Negli ultimi due anni, più precisamente dal 12 Gennaio 2012, le più grandi imprese del web hanno cominciato a darsi battaglia su un nuovo campo, ovvero quello dei domini di primo livello. A partire da questa data è stato liberalizzato il mercato dei domini di primo livello, in altre parole è stata data libertà di utilizzo dei domini di primo livello personalizzati come indirizzo per il proprio sito web.
Un indirizzo web, ovvero un dominio è costituito di norma da 3 parti divise da un punto: ... read more ...
Aruba si prende il cloud un tld ambito -
E’ stata l’azienda italiana Aruba ad aggiudicarsi l’estensione molto interessante e ricercata, si tratta del .cloud.
L’estensione .cloud era molto ricercata in proiezione futura ma già attuale, visti i servizi cloud che si stanno moltiplicando sul web, c’è da dire che sul tld erano piombate anche Amazon, Symantec e nientemeno che Google.
L’azienda italiana però è riuscita a spuntarla e ha rivoluzionato il mercato, inserendo appunto un’azienda italiana come Aruba, ai vertici ... read more ...
Ad Aruba l’estensione .cloud -
Aruba S.p.A. si è aggiudicata l’estensione .cloud concretizzando le sue prospettive di operatore globale su questo mercato. Per diventare Registro Ufficiale per la registrazione dei domini .cloud avevano fatto domanda sei società oltre ad Aruba, tra cui Amazon, Charleston Road Registry (Google) e Symantec. Il dominio in questione è un’estensione molto
ambita, non solo perchè di grande rilevanza per tutti gli attori del mercato desiderosi di ... read more ...
Thu 13th November 2014
Il Cloud è italiano, l’ha vinto Aruba -
di Celia GuimaraesMilano
13 novembre 2014Al Registro Ufficiale per la registrazione dei domini '.cloud' avevano fatto domanda sei società: Amazon, CloudNames, Charleston Road Registry (Google), Dash Cedar, Symantec e Top Level Domain Holdings. Oltre, naturalmente, ad Aruba, società per azioni italiana di servizi di data center, web hosting, e-mail, posta elettronica certificata e registrazione domini.
Cloud, termine diventato popolare e abrangente, è un’estensione molto ambita. Il grande ... read more ...
Aruba dominio .cloud | Battute Google e Amazon -
Non c'è davvero bisogno di spiegare perché il dominio .cloud sia stato uno dei più ambiti, nell'assegnazione effettuata dall’ICANN, l’organizzazione no profit che gestisce l’assegnazione dei Top-Level Domain (TLD) per il web.
A concorrere per aggiudicarsi la nuova estensione ci sono infatti state tante aziende tecnologiche tra le più famose, tra le quali troviamo Amazon (già in possesso del dominio ... read more ...
Aruba si aggiudica l’estensione .cloud -
si è aggiudicata l’estensione .cloud, concretizzando le sue prospettive di operatore globale su questo mercato. Oltre all’italiana specializzata in servizi di web hosting e cloud provider, avevano fatto domanda per diventare Registro Ufficiale per la registrazione dei domini .cloud sei società, tra cui Amazon, Charleston Road Registry (Google) e Symantec.
Il dominio in questione è un’estensione molto ambita, non solo perchè di grande rilevanza per tutti gli attori del ... read more ...
Domini di primo livello: Aruba si aggiudica il .cloud -
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Amazon wins Online Auction for .Book Domain – Good E -
ICANN has been running a series of auctions over the course of the last year for a new series of custom domain names. Amazon has been battling it out against rival publishing and self-publishing companies in an effort to attain the lucrative .book TLD. Amazon has just won the auction despite a filing by the Association of American Publishers in 2013 that opposed its bid, and described the possible control of the .book TLD by the retailer, or by any private company, to be counter to the ... read more ...
Domain Name Abuse Is a 4 Letter Word -
There has been a lot of back and forth recently in the ICANN world on what constitutes domain abuse; how it should be identified and reported AND how it should be addressed. On one side of the camp, we have people advocating for taking down a domain that has any hint of misbehaviour about it, and on the other side we have those that still feel Registries and Registrars have no responsibility towards a clean domain space. (Although that side of the camp is in steady decline and moving toward ... read more ...
Wed 12th November 2014
Premier pilote Windows 10 référencé sur TLD -
Nous vous parlions il y a quelques minutes des projets d'Intel concernant ses drivers graphiques pour Windows 10 (NT 6.4).
Il est désormais temps pour nous de référencer sur TLD le tout premier pilote officiellement compatible avec ce système d'exploitation et plus exactement avec la Technical Preview (build 9860) sortie fin Septembre.
La société Displaylink est la première à dégainer avec son pilote DisplayLink Graphics 7.8 (7.8.58480) qui est toutefois qualifié pour le moment de version ... read more ...
Amazon Wins Auction for .Book Domain -
Amazon.com has won the right to operate the .book top-level domain name in a private auction, according to reports from a number of technology news sites.Amazon’s winning bid will give it the right to sell Internet domain names that end in the suffix .book. While the prices paid in private generic top-level domain (TLD) auctions are generally not revealed, Amazon is reported to have made a winning bid of about $10 million. Amazon won the right to operate the .book TLD in an auction that at ... read more ...
Une coquille technico-administrative retarde la réservation du … -
La décision de l’ICANN, (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) l’organisme international, de droit californien, qui gère pour tout l’internet mondial les TLD (Top level Domain) de nos chers domaines comme le .com .fr,) d’offrir la possibilité, aux plus fortunés, d’ouvrir leur propre TLD à leur nom, permettant ainsi, par exemple, à la ville de Paris de créer et de mettre à disposition, selon certaines conditions, son propre domaine en “domaine.paris“ au ... read more ...