dotCapeTown e-mail addresses causing headaches -
Owners of new .capetown top-level domains may have some trouble using e-mail addresses from their new space on the Internet.
This is because a number of online services still check to see that the top-level domain (TLD) portion of an e-mail address (such as .com, .net, or .za) is only a certain number of characters long.
Even well-established, widely used open source Internet software checks for TLD lengths as short as 6 or 7 characters, despite an old Internet Engineering Task ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLD
Mon 8th December 2014
CentralNic banks US$2.5mln from premiun domain sale - ---ADDS MORE DETAIL, BROKER COMMENT AND SHARE PRICE---
Internet platform business CentralNic (LON:CNIC) is set to meet full-year expectations and is progressing well with the diversification of its business.
The company, which listed on AIM just over a year ago, has been busy ploughing the money it raised in the flotation into diversifying its business.
The company came to the market as a player primarily focused on the sale of Internet domain names (i.e. a registry service provider), but it now ... read more ...
Thu 4th December 2014
Le Val de Loire, terre fertile pour les investissements étrangers -
Tablettes, tableaux interactifs, ordinateurs… Les nouvelles technologies font désormais partie de l’environnement scolaire pour certains élèves.
... read more ...
Ferrero kämpft um die Top-Level-Domain .kinder -
Von Stefan Winterbauer
Die ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) ist so etwas wie die Verwaltung des Internet. Die Organisation mit Hauptsitz in den USA kümmert sich um Zuweisung von Namen, Nummern und Endungen im weltweiten Datennetz. Um den Bedürfnissen von Firmen gerecht zu werden, lässt ICANN seit einiger Zeit auch Markennamen als Top Level Domains zu. So hat sich der Süßwaren-Multi Ferrero die Endungen .ferrero, .rocher und .kinder als Endungen für ... read more ...
Bulk Sunrise Period for Special Collision List Starts Next Week -
The first 12 domain registries have been scheduled for the first special Sunrise Period mandated by ICANN for trademarks on the blocked collision lists (see TLD list at end of article).
A total of 328 new domain extensions have launched so far in 2014. Each one of these has its own unique collision list of names that were found to be already in use on private computer networks. Some of these lists have over 100,000 names. All of these registries were required to block these names from being ... read more ...
Wed 3rd December 2014
"Chinese Domaining Masterclass" to be Presented at NamesCon Las Vegas in … -
The second annual NamesCon domain name conference, to be held in Las Vegas in January 2015, is proud to announce a major lecture series presented by TLD Registry, the world's leading Chinese domain name registry. TLD Registry is the exclusive owner/operator of the Dot Chinese Online (.在线 ) and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网 ) top level domains. TLD Registry's Chinese Domaining Masterclass will run over all four days of NamesCon, and will be taught by TLD Registry's Simon Cousins and ... read more ...
Internet atteint 280 millions de noms de domaine au cours du … - Menu Articles de la revue de presse : - l'ensemble [tous | francophone] - par mots clé [tous] - par site [tous] - le tagwall [voir] - Top bi-hebdo de la revue de presse [Voir]
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Internet atteint 280 millions de noms de domaine au cours du deuxième trimestre 2014Par Global Security Mag OnlineLe [2014-12-03] à 11:17:52Présentation : Verisign, Inc., annonce que quatre millions de noms de domaine ont été ajoutés à Internet au cours du deuxième ... read more ...
Internet atteint 280 millions de noms de domaine au cours du … - L’augmentation mondiale de quatre millions de noms de domaine représente un taux de croissance de 1,4 % par rapport au premier trimestre de 2014. Les enregistrements à l’échelle mondiale ont augmenté de 18,6 millions, soit 7,2 % sur une année glissante.
Les domaines de premier niveau (TLD) .com et .net ont connu une croissance groupée pendant le deuxième trimestre 2014, atteignant un total combiné d’environ 128,9 millions de noms de domaine dans la zone ajustée pour les .com et ... read more ...
Tue 2nd December 2014
December 1: updated status of sunrise periods and trademark claims notification … -
As we previously reported to you (click here to view April 29, 2013 TLD article), the internet is expanding to include hundreds of new top-level-domains (TLDs) (examples of TLDs as we know them today include .com, .net. and .org – i.e., the term that is to the right of the "dot"). While the only certainty at that time was that the launch was inevitable, like it or not, it's finally here (click here to view January 9, 2014 Sunrise article).
Frost Brown Todd will be sending out ... read more ...
TLD Registry to Present World’s First Masterclass on Booming Chinese Domain … -
co-producer Jothan
Frakes said “We
believe that the Chinese Domaining
Masterclass will be a huge asset
for NamesCon, in terms of delivering
something unique, educational, and
... read more ...
TLD Registry to Offer “Chinese Domaining Masterclass” -
I want to share some news I just received via press release that might interest NamesCon attendees. TLD Registry, the company that operates the website that you see advertised here and on other domain industry websites, will be hosting a “Chinese Domaining Masterclass” during NamesCon.
According to Mitch Watkins from TLD Registry, “Four unique Masterclass sessions will be held all throughout the week of NamesCon, and repeat sessions will be given so everyone can ... read more ...
Új webcímet kapott a Google -
2014. december 02., kedd, 09:01Utolsó frissítés: 9 órája
Egyelőre csak találgatás, de lehet, hogy elfelejthetjük ... read more ...
Mon 1st December 2014
Schutzraum oder Schokomarke? Neuer Streit über .kinder -
Die "Kinder"-Welt von Ferrero
(Bild: Ferrero)
.kinder als Markenendung im Netz? Das geht, meint die Internetverwaltung ICANN und hat vor kurzem einen Vertrag mit dem Süßwarenhersteller Ferrero geschlossen. Kinderschützer hingegen wollen die Ferrero-Endung noch verhindern.
Ist "Kinder" eine schutzfähige internationale Marke oder ausschließlich eine schützenswerte Bevölkerungsgruppe? ... read more ...
Sat 29th November 2014
SouthStar, Thomas Land & Development Partner on 145-Acre Mixed-Use Ovation -
November 29, 2014
By Eliza Theiss, Associate Editor
Ovation – western view of main street
Ovation, the transformative 145-acre project under development in Nashville’s Cool Springs submarket, is moving along at a dynamic pace. Just one month after breaking ground on the project’s 1.4 million-square-foot office component, SouthStar, LLC has now announced entering into a strategic partnership with Thomas Land Development (TLD) to develop the project’s retail, ... read more ...
Thu 27th November 2014
Dominios baratos en Internet, ¿es verdad que se pueden conseguir? -
He identificado que muchos de vosotros andáis buscando dominios baratos en Internet, y por ello hoy me lanzo a escribir este artículo para contarte más cositas acerca de los dominios y si realmente es posible encontrarlos baratos o es poco menos que un cuento chino.
Como el post va para largo y no quiero aburrirte, vamos al lío, a ver qué te parece (y sí, la foto es para DOMINARLOS a todos):
Antes de los dominios baratos, vamos a por los tipos de dominios para empezar
Antes de meternos ... read more ...
Wed 26th November 2014
ICANN, .nyc, and Multistakeholder Innovation (Video) -
Earlier in the week ICANN President and CEO, Fadi Chehadé was in NYC and, thanks to ICANN's Veni Markovski and Manhattan Borough President, Gale Brewer, we were able to have a brief meeting. The discussions were partly about NYC's own new TLD and partly about general ICANN issues.
One interesting factoid emerged — in the .nyc landrush auctions, the top bidding was for '' which went for circa $60k! Gale promised that we would soon see the promised public hearings on the TLD.
Later ... read more ...
Google turns on shiny new .google top-level domain – but WHY? -
Adaptable System Recovery (ASR) for Linux virtual machines
Google has turned on its namesake top-level domain (TLD) with the creation of '' representing the internet giant's entry into the domain name market.Currently the domain redirects to Google's registry page where it outlines the other internet extensions it has already won the rights to, including: .ads, .dad, .fly, .how, .new, .mov, .new, .rsvp and .zip.
In ... read more ...
Tue 25th November 2014
Frisco, Texas – November 25, 2014 – (RealEstateRama) — Work is progressing forward for Wade Park, the massive 175-acre, $1.6 billion, mixed-use destination project that broke ground this summer at the North Dallas Tollway and Lebanon Road – ideally located at the heart of Frisco’s “$5 Billion Mile.” With site grading in the works and vertical construction beginning in the spring, Atlanta-based developer Thomas Land Development (TLD) is unveiling new project designs, construction ... read more ...
Las segadoras acondicionadoras arrastradas de Kuhn, ahora … - Los nuevos modelos que propone Kuhn son FC 3160 y FC 3560, en versión con timón lateral (TLR y TLD) y en versión con timón central FC 3160, FC 3560 TCR y TCD. Se ofrecen, respectivamente, con anchuras de trabajo de 3,10 m y 3,50 m. Este tipo de acondicionador está pensado básicamente para acondicionar forrajes delicados como la alfalfa, pero también en algunos casos para el tratamiento de forrajes de tallo grueso, como la avena o el centeno inmaduro.
Existen dos tipos de rodillos entre los ... read more ...
Nvidia retire l’encodeur vidéo CUDA des drivers -
Si vous suivez l'actualité TLD et en particulier celle des GPU Nvidia, sans doute êtes-vous au courant que Nvidia propose désormais une nouvelle API nommée NVENC qui permet aux développeurs d'applications de tirer partie du moteur d'encodage matériel H.264 intégré dans les GPU Kepler et Maxwell.
Cette API NVENC est d'ailleurs supportée sous Windows depuis les drivers GeForce 334.67 sortis en tout début d'année et tout récemment sous Linux grâce aux drivers 346.16.
La précédente API ... read more ...
Mon 24th November 2014 Completes Rebranding of Its Industry Leading Podiatric … - Completes Rebranding of Its Industry Leading Podiatric Directory,
TAMPA, FL--(Marketwired - Nov 24, 2014) -, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: SEEK), an emerging leader in vertical and local search, today announced that it has completed the rebranding of its industry leading podiatric directory under the recently acquired generic, category specific TLD
Company founder and CEO Scott Gallagher commented on the ... read more ...
Sun 23rd November 2014
.bank is here! -
On September 25, 2014, the Internet Corporation for the Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) granted the application of fTLD Registry Services (FRS) to operate a new Top Level Domain (TLD) exclusively for the banking industry: .bank. When general registration for the new TLD opens next year, banks and other members of the banking community will be able to operate through custom websites such as, as opposed to the traditional To avoid the internet land rush ... read more ...
Fri 21st November 2014
NamesCon: Spotlight on ICANNWiki -
This article is part of a series of interviews with NamesCon exhibitors and sponsors. NamesCon 2015 will be held January 11-14, 2015 at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over 800 people are expected to attend this conference.
Today’s interview is with Ray King, of ICANNWiki. Ray is the founder of AboutUs, Director of ICANNWiki, Co-founded SnapNames and is the CEO of Top Level Design, LLC. And it all started with 4 Apple II computers in 1984 which Ray used to teach Visicalc and ... read more ...
Whether .Attorney or .Lawyer, What Happens To .com? -
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Thu 20th November 2014
White paper: .bank is here! -
A white paper from OBER/KALER describing what you need to know about .bank
Sunrise is on the horizon for .bank. A new Internet land rush begins mid-2015 for websites bearing the extension .bank, the financial world’s new .com. A thorough vetting process and heightened security requirements promise to make .bank websites the most secure and trustworthy places to conduct the online banking of the future. But allowing a .bank website bearing your bank’s name to fall into ... read more ...