Industry-Specific CRM Solutions Remain the Go-to Choice for Some Businesses -
It's been an active week for vertical-focused CRM solutions, as indicated by releases from two industry-specific service suppliers. In the automotive sphere, AutoStar Solutions, a company that provides management software to independent auto sales reps, has integrated its Fusion dealer management system (DMS) with DealerSocket CRM, a CRM provider for automotive sales professionals, to improve dealers' daily operations. Meanwhile, ... read more ...
Tag Archives: TLD
Wed 31st December 2014
TLD CRM: New email Marketing Module from TLD CRM brings Enterprise Level … -
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email article
December 30, 2014 --
Miami, Florida (PRWEB) December 30, 2014 Total Lead Domination (TLD) CRM has just released its new email marketing module which is integrated into the TLD CRM system. The new email module automatically sends emails based on customer date and status changes in the CRM such as renewals, payment issues, reminders, and welcome letters. The system is designed for ... read more ...
Fri 26th December 2014
NamesCon Session: “All About Chinese Numeric Domains” -
I have not sold many numeric domain names, but I have witnessed the rise in values of numeric domain names during the last few years. I believe much of the rise in value of these domain names has been fueled by Chinese investment in that sector.
Mitch Watkins from TLD Registry emailed me this afternoon to share some information about the Chinese Domaining Masterclass that is being offered at NamesCon. One of the sessions that was just announced is called All About Chinese Numeric Domains, ... read more ...
Tue 23rd December 2014
Addition of a top-level domain can make a trademark distinctive - FactsDecisionComment
In an October 14 2014 decision, the Paris Court of Appeal ruled that while the term 'SeLoger' on its own was descriptive in relation to real estate, it was distinctive when combined with the top-level domain (TLD) '.com'.
The claimant, Pressimmo On Line and SA Se, was a group of companies operating the website, the first French property website. The defendant, Janny B, was an estate agent based in the Paris suburbs.
The claimant registered ... read more ...
Sat 20th December 2014
Young New Yorker Invests In First Kuhn Mower Conditioner – Agri -
Chad Carpenter is 31 years old and just bought his first Kuhn product this spring, a Kuhn FC 3560 TLD side-pull disc mower conditioner, an exciting milestone in this young farmer’s life.“I’ve only been farming two years,” says Carpenter, a Boonville, N.Y. native. He rents his uncle’s barn to milk 50 cows and grows a variety of crops on 200 tillable acres, which he leases from his father, John, and other family members.Eventually, he will relocate the entire ... read more ...
Die Top 10 der neuen Domainendungen -
Das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende, und die GERWAN Redaktion möchte Ihnen ein letztes Mal einen Blick darauf bieten, wie sich die Registrierungszahlen der neuen Domainendungen im Jahr 2014 entwickelt haben. Wir können Ihnen versprechen, es hat sich auch dieses Mal viel getan in den letzten 30 Tagen. Viele Positionen wurden getauscht, einige Neueinstiege haben die Top-Ten durcheinander gebracht. Als kleinen Bonus bieten wir Ihnen heute zusätzlich die Registrierungszahlen der Top-20 und der beliebtesten ... read more ...
Fri 19th December 2014
Des victimes d’un attentat à Jérusam exigent le .ir de l’Iran -
Il y a un an, le 27 novembre 2013, la justice américaine avait reconnu l'Iran responsable d'un attentat-suicide commis en 1997 au marché Mahané Yehouda de Jérusalem, et condamné le pays à verser 9 millions de dollars d'indemnités à cinq familles de victimes. L'explosion du kamizaze qui avait fait 14 victimes civiles avait été revendiquée par le Hamas, cependant le centre de droit israélien Shurat HaDin qui a monté les actions judiciaires en responsabilité avait pu démontrer le ... read more ...
Le suffixe .baby adjugé à une société pharmaceutique pour 3 … -
Depuis 2011, la création de suffixes personnalisés pour les adresses web est autorisée par la société pour l'attribution des noms de domaine et des numéros sur Internet (ICANN). Plusieurs domaines de premier niveau (TLD) sont alors apparus, comme .buy, .book, .kid, .shop, .music, .cloud, .game, .mail ou encore .shop, en plus des extensions plus classiques comme .com, .net ou .org.
Pour les entreprises, ces suffixes peuvent avoir une valeur économique considérable dans le secteur où ... read more ...
Thu 18th December 2014
Google swears no search leg up for new dot-word sites: We drill into claims -
Google has reiterated its claim that there is no inherent advantage to new top-level domains – such as .london or .book – when it comes to topping search rankings.
The position, posted on Google+ by the web giant's trends analyst John Mueller, more or less restates what Google SEO head honcho Matt Cutts insisted more than a couple of years ago.
... read more ...
Server der Internetverwaltung ICANN angegriffen -
Unbekannte Hacker haben sich Zutritt zu zentralen Systemen der ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) verschafft, jener Behörde, die die Verwaltung von IP-Adressen und DNS-System überwacht. Mittels "Spear Fishing" haben sich die Angreifer in einen zentralen Server gehackt, wie heise berichtet. Dabei wurden einzelne Angestellte mit manipulierten E-Mails ins Visier genommen, die aussahen, als kämen sie von anderen ICANN-Stellen selber. Über die E-Mail-Accounts haben ... read more ...
Digitale inbraak bij ICANN, TLD-gegevens ontvreemd -
De ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is het slachtoffer geworden van een digitale inbraak. ICANN, verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van toplevel domeinnamen (TLD’s) zoals .com en .org, stelt dat er bij een hack van het netwerk gebruikersgegevens gestolen zijn. Ook hebben de hackers toegang gekregen tot een aantal systemen van de organisatie.
ICANN bevestigde woensdag 17 november de inbraak die eerder deze maand plaatsvond. De digitale inbraak vond plaats via een ... read more ...
Wed 17th December 2014
Would confectionery industry benefit from a .CANDY? -
I have to admit that I’m a bit skeptical of the whole changing .COM into .OTHERTHINGS, like .ORGANIC, .NFL, or .XXX.
I mean, yes, it could help us better sort through the world wide web, which is, after all, worldwide, but there’s a deeply rooted part of my soul that has a hard time letting go of the simplicity of .COM.
Crystal Lindell
Ya, ya, I know, we’ve always had .GOV, .EDU, and the dated sounding .NET, so adding a few more shouldn’t be such a ... read more ...
iOS 8: Falsch adressierte E-Mails vermeiden (Tipp) -
iPhone und iPad: Falsch adressierte E-Mails vermeiden
Oha, das ist ärgerlich: Die interne Firmen-Mail wurde versehentlich an einen völlig Unbeteiligten geschickt, weil sein Name so ähnlich war wie der des eigentlich gemeinten Empfängers. Dagegen ist auch iOS machtlos, aber es kann Ihnen helfen, solche peinlichen Pannen in Zukunft zu vermeiden:
Wählen Sie Einstellungen – Mail, Kontakte, Kalender.
Tippen Sie im Abschnitt Mail auf Adressen markieren.
Geben Sie nun die Mail-Domain Ihrer Firma ... read more ...
John Mueller : Non, les nouvelles extensions n’amélioreront pas … - Après Matt Cutts en 2012, John Mueller enfonce à nouveau le clou (après en avoir déjà parlé au premier semestre) : non, les nouvelles extensions (.paris, .bzh, .store, etc.) ne vont pas vous aider à gagner des places dans les résultats des moteurs de recherche...
Après Matt Cutts il y a quelques mois, c'est au tour de John Mueller d'en remettre une couche sur Google+ au sujet des nouvelles extensions (.paris, .bzh, .alsace, .web, .search, etc.) en insistant une nouvelle fois sur le ... read more ...
Tue 16th December 2014
New TLDs Don’t Necessarily Provide SEO Advantage: Google -
New TLDs do not receive any search rankings advantage compared to traditional TLDs like .com. Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller reiterated a comment from Google webspam team head Matt Cutts in 2012, rebutting a specific online post stating that the new TLDs were automatically favored by Google.
“They can perform well in search, just like any other TLD can perform well in search,” Mueller said in a public Google+ post last week. “They give you an opportunity to pick a name that ... read more ...
Nom de domaine : pas de bonus SEO pour les nouveaux TLD d … -
Le Googler John Mueller a rappelé qu'"il n'y a pas d'avantage SEO pour les sites qui choisiront les nouvelles extensions".
De très nombreuses nouvelles extensions arrivent pour les noms de domaines : les .paris, .bzh, .hotel, .music, .expert... Ces nouveaux TLD ("Top-Level Domains") vont-ils doper le SEO des sites qui les choisissent ? Non, a affirmé clairement John ... read more ...
Sat 13th December 2014 (Jobs) Beats out Monster, Inc. (High End Audio Co.) For The gTLD … -, (NYSE:MWW), the job site has beaten out Monster, Inc. the company that makes high end audio cables and other equipment for the new gTLD .Monster.
The contension set was scheuled to do to the ICANN last resort auction next week but Monster, Inc who is best know for high end audio cables just withdrew its application to operate the new gTLD .Monster leaving which is the job board company as the remaining applicant.
According to its application plans to operate ... read more ...
ICANN Gears Up for Second Round of gTLD Applications Even as First Round … -
The most significant development in the Internet space in recent years is the ongoing generic top-level domain (gTLD) expansion. (As a reminder, a TLD is what appears to the right of the "dot" in a domain name (i.e., .COM, .ORG, .GOV).) The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) embarked on an aggressive plan to expand the Internet from just 23 gTLDs to more than a thousand gTLDs, culminating in an application process in 2012 that allowed any organization with an interest ... read more ...
Fri 12th December 2014
Agriculture is not a collection of relics -
Agriculture is not a collection of relics
Bill Palladino
Posted: ... read more ...
Thu 11th December 2014
The latest on everything you need to know about domain names - We continue with the series on domain names and the important things to know and remember when securing a domain name and creating a web presence.Structure of domain namesA domain name is composed of different parts separated by “dots” and each part represents a hierarchy in the domain name structure and this hierarchy descent from the right to the left part of the domain name.At the highest level of the hierarchy is the Top Level Domain which is the right most part of the domain name. For example ... read more ...
Wanna buy a dot-word? If you want a .pizza the action, now’s a chance -
Adaptable System Recovery (ASR) for Linux virtual machines
Roundup Everyone loves pizza. Even though the industry is responsible for cluttering millions of people's mailboxes with flyers, you'll still take a look and think about ordering one.Well, expect to see one minor change in those flyers from now on – the addition of new .pizza domain names – thanks to the launch of the internet registry earlier on Wednesday. According to one registrar, it is the top selling ... read more ...
Wed 10th December 2014
DNN Podcast Interview with Antony Van Couvering -
Antony Van Couvering, founder and CEO of of Minds + Machines was recently interviewed by DNN's Andrew Allemann's, where they discuss new Top-Level Domains. Andrew writes: "We discuss registry pricing of premium domains, niche TLDs, domain name registration channels and more. It’s an enlightening discussion with the founder of one of the largest new TLD companies." You can listen to the podcast here.
About Minds + Machines
Minds + Machines (LSE:MMX) is a leading owner ... read more ...
TLD Registry and Right of the Dot Establish a Domain Name Industry "Dream … -
TLD Registry Ltd, the world's leading Internationalized Domain Name "New gTLD" registry, announced a partnership agreement with the influential Internet advising and consulting firm, Right of the Dot, LLC (ROTD).
ROTD is led by successful veteran domain name industry experts, Monte Cahn and Michael Berkens, who will work with TLD Registry as it continues to market and sell its two IDNs, Dot Chinese Online (.在线 ), and Dot Chinese Website (.中文网). Dot Chinese Online and Dot Chinese ... read more ...
Mon 8th December 2014
Which Domains Stand the Strongest Against Phishing Attacks? -
Highlights from the latest research published by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG)
Criminals behind phishing attacks are constantly looking for new vulnerabilities.
The latest Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) Global Phishing Survey, which analyzed over 100,000 phishing attacks in the first half of 2014, examines the progress that top level domains (TLDs) are making in responding to phishing attacks that use their TLDs.
The report finds the .INFO domain has the lowest average phishing ... read more ...
CentralNic Sells $2.5 Million in Premium Domains: Sounds Like Non-New gTLD … - CentralNic (LON:CNIC) announced on Monday it has sold premium domain names for US$2.5mln.
Sounds like those domain names were not of the gTLD variety.
On the gTLD front CentralNic said they to be the exclusive registry service provider to at least 35 new TLD’s over the next 2-3 years.
The group has also been confirmed as the exclusive global distributor and billing agent for the following new TLDs to be launched from 2015: .site, .design, .tickets.
Other CentralNic new TLDs still to be launched ... read more ...