Tag Archives: TLD

Thu 5th March 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
.SO Registry Bans More “KickassTorrents” Domains - With millions of unique visitors per day KickassTorrents has become a prime target for copyright holders, many of whom would like to see the site taken offline. Among other tactics, copyright holders ask domain name registries to suspend pirate site domain names. For a long time the Somalian .so TLD appeared to be a relatively safe haven, but this changed last month when the Kickass.so domain was “banned.” Initially the action appeared to be an isolated incident, but the .SO registry wasn’t ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in FR and tagged
La Somalie n’aime pas KickAss - KickAss a du faire face à une série de coups durs le mois dernier. Après s’être fait bannir de Somalie, la plateforme a du trouver refuge au Royaume de Tonga, et donc au beau milieu de l’océan Pacifique. Enfin pas elle, plutôt son nom de domaine et toute l’histoire est expliquée en détails dans cet article. Oui, et le truc c’est que le registar en charge du TLD .so a voulu aller encore un peu plus loin, sans doute pour brosser les ayant-droits dans le sens du ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
ICANN to launch land grab in cyberspace - Are you aware of the new generic Top Level Domains launch by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)? It has been claimed that this launch will revolutionise and change the face of the internet. This note explains what all the fuss is about. Many new generic Top level Domains are about to enter cyberspace. To explain this, we must first explain what a top-level domain (TLD) is. Every domain name ends with a TLD. It is the two or more letters that come after ... read more ...
Wed 4th March 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Don’t be caught off guard when the .bank top-level domain launches in June! - The .bank top-level-domain (TLD) is scheduled to open to the general public on June 1, 2015. As previously reported in the December 2014 issue of this newsletter, only verified members of the banking community will be able to register .bank domain names, such charter verification to be accomplished through applicants’ local and/or national regulators. In addition, .bank registrants will be required to adhere to several additional requirements, which can be found at http://goo.gl/K64qjG (See, Nos. ... read more ...
Tue 3rd March 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
The DNS Still Isn’t a Directory - Back in the mid 1990s, before ICANN was invented, a lot of people assumed that the way you would find stuff on the Internet would be through the Domain Name System. It wasn't a ridiculous idea at the time. The most popular way to look for stuff was through manually managed directories like Yahoo's, but they couldn't keep up with the rapidly growing World Wide Web. Search engines had been around since 1994, but they were either underpowered and missed a lot of stuff, or else produced a blizzard ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
ICANN shuts two new Generic Top-Level Domain (g-TLD) after vulnerability risks -

Q1: What is a inlet of this issue?

A1: An emanate was reported that could potentially impact users of a New gTLD Applicant and GDD (Global Domains Division) portals. Under certain circumstances, an real portal user could potentially perspective information of, or associated to, other users. Access to, and information in, these portals is singular to New gTLD Program field and New gTLD registry operators.

Via: techworm.net

Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
PORN Comes To The Internet - PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla., March 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --ICM Registry, the registry operator for the .XXX top-level domain (TLD) announces today .PORN and .ADULT are now available for the next thirty days to trademark holders who are registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). Domain Names are available on a first come, first serve basis to those with validated marks in the TMCH. During this period the cost of registrations will be standard registration fees, and there will be no additional ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in PT and tagged
Google dá 25 milhões de dólares pelo domínio de topo .app - A Google adquiriu, por 25 milhões de dólares (cerca de 22 milhões de euros), os direitos do domínio de topo (Top-Level Domain) .app, noticia o site Business Insider.Em 2012, a empresa de Mountain View candidatou-se a novos TLD, incluindo .docs, .android, .free, .fyi, .foo, e .app. A Google não revelou os planos para o novo domínio, mas especula-se que poderá servir para promover aplicações para dispositivos móveis.Via Geeky-Gadgets, Business Insider. ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in FR and tagged
Des entreprises locales dans la course - L'Airbus du Touraine : à bord d'un château volant gros planTels des remorqueurs, les tracteurs de TLD, l'équipementier aéroportuaire installé à Sorigny, tirent les avions A400M pour les rentrer dans leurs hangars gigantesques. Un tracteur peut tirer une masse maximale de 180 t ! Mecachrome, installé à Amboise, fabrique les cases ... read more ...
Mon 2nd March 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Google wins $25 million-worth .app Top Level Domain Name - Google Inc., is now the official owner of the .app Top Level Domain (TLD). The search giant company headquartered in Mountain View, California — Google Inc. — bought the .app Top Level Domain (TLD) for a whopping $25 million. Google’s massive acquisition of the .app domain name is the most that any company has ever paid for a domain name. The domains are auctioned off by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) as new names are created. The current round of ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Radix Assumes Full Ownership of .online - TORONTO, March 2, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Radix, one of the leading registries in the new gTLD space, has reached an agreement with auction partners Tucows (Nasdaq:TCX) (TSX:TC) and Namecheap to assume full ownership and operation of the .online TLD. Radix has already launched some of the most recognizable new gTLDs with .website, .host, .press and .space. With .online, they now own the first truly generic, truly global, viable alternative to .com. "Online" is the most commonly used word to ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
5 Top Themen des Tages: Ebay ändert Gebührenstruktur, Google kauft .app … - Was heute wichtig war: Ebay hat neben dem Rückgabeprozess auch die Gebührenstruktur überarbeitet. Gewerbliche Händler sind davon direkt betroffen. Außerdem: Die TLD .app gehört Google, Otto hat sein Logo verändert, Payback setzt auf digitalen POS und Ebay zahlt in Amerika Entschädigung an Händler. (Bildquelle Abend-News: Anna Demjanenko via Shutterstock) Ebay: Änderung der Gebührenstruktur Mit der Trennung von Paypal muss sich Ebay neu ausrichten. Um ein tragfähiges Geschäftsmodell ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Google bids $25 million for .app top level domain - At a recent auction held by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for top-level domains (TLDs), tech major Google bid a whopping $25 million to but rights to .app TLD. The amount bid by Google marks the highest purchase price to be paid till now for a TLD in an ICANN auction. Google's bid for the .app TLD was three-fold higher than the previous record-holder --- Dot Tech LLC's $6.8 million bid in September 2014, for rights ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
Konsolidierung im TLD-Markt: .reise geht an US-Gigant Donuts - (Bild: Screenshot) Die Marktkonsolidierung hat begonnen. Mit .reise wurde nun die erste schon gestartete neue Internetendung versteigert. Sie geht an Donuts, den ehemaligen Konkurrenten und mit Abstand größten Player des TLD-Geschäfts. Die Branchen-Endung .reise wird den Besitzer wechseln. Der ehemalige deutsche Betreiber hat sie am Freitag versteigern lassen, als erste schon in Betrieb befindliche ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
Top-Level-Domain: Google ersteigert .app für 25 Mio. Dollar - Der Run auf die neuen Top-Level-Domains ist groß. Viele zahlungskräftige Unternehmen versuchen derzeit, eines der neuen, begehrten „Objekte“ zu ergattern. In einer Auktion konnte sich der Suchmaschinenriese Google nun gegen seine Kontrahenten durchsetzen und die Domain mit der Endung .app für eine Rekordsumme ersteigern. (Bildquelle URL: Gajus via Shutterstock) Sage und schreibe 25 Millionen US-Dollar legt Google auf den Tisch, um sich mit diesem Geld die Top-Level-Domain .app zu ergattern. ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in EN and tagged
Google Pays $25 Million for .App Top-Level Web Domain - What’s $25 million to Google (GOOG)? Apparently it’s not too much to pay to buy a top-level web domain, which the search conglomerate just did to snap up the exclusive rights to the .app appellation in an ICANN auction. Google bested 12 competitors, mostly notably Amazon (AMZN), for .app. Technically speaking, Google’s Charleston Road domain registry won the rights to the top-level .app domain for $25,001,000. ... read more ...
Sun 1st March 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in CZ and tagged
Google utratil 25 milionů dolarů za doménu .app - Společnost ICANN oznámila, že je Google oficiálním majitelem domény .app. V dnešní době se jedná o poměrně zajímavou, i když nelze říct zvláštní, investici. Google poté, co ponakupoval několik menších společností, se vydal na nákup domén. Domény jsou dnes ceněnou komoditou, protože každý web se chce odlišit od jiných stránek a zároveň by svou doménou rád vyjadřoval, jaký je jeho obsah. Google by například tuto doménu mohl použít pro svůj obchod ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
.app gehört jetzt Google - Google hat den bisher höchsten Preis für eine Top-Level-Domain (TLD) ausgegeben, der jemals bezahlt wurde. Nun gehört die TDL .app also zu Google. “Wir sind sehr .app-y”, lässt sich ein Google-Sprecher von Business Insider UK zitieren. Der Internetkonzern überbot damit unter anderem Amazon. Drei Bieter waren bereit, mindestens 19,4 Millionen Dollar für die Domain zu bezahlen. Zwei Bieter waren noch in der letzten Runde im Rennen, die bei 24,3 Millionen Dollar ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in TR and tagged
Google .app 25 Milyon $ Domain Hakları Alıyor! - Google‘ın şimdiye kadar satın alınan en pahalı .app’ı ortaya çıktı.  Üst düzey web etki alanı için özel haklar satın almak adına büyük bir 25.000.000 $ ödediğini açıkladı. 2012 ICANN dünya alan adları kontrol örgüt içinde, genel TLD seçim ve en yüksek teklif kapalı ihalesi olarak biten etki alanı için çeşitli ekler sayısını genişletmeye karar verdi. Google, .doc, .android, .free, .fyi .foo ve bir kaç isim dahil beklediğiniz gibi bu üst düzey alan ... read more ...
Sat 28th February 2015
Written by DomainHack.er in PT and tagged
Google compra domínio .app por 25 milhões - O Google pagou 25 milhões de dólares (22 milhões de euros) pelos direitos exclusivos do domínio de topo (TLD ou Top-Level Domain) .app, naquele que foi o valor mais elevado alguma vez pago por uma empresa num leilão do Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), organismo que regula os domínios de Internet. O Google decidiu candidatar-se a novos TLDs em 2012, quatro anos antes de o ICANN ter decidido aumentar ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in IT and tagged
Google compra l’estensione ".app" - Mountain View sarebbe divenuto proprietario dell'estensione generica di primo livello ".app", un nuovo TLD (Top Level Domain) la cui acquisizione sarebbe costata ben 25 milioni di dollari alle casse del gruppo; più propriamente quest'ultimo avrebbe fatto propria la gestione di tale suffisso, motivo per il quale chiunque la voglia utilizzare dovrà passare per Big G. Google aveva fatto capire da tempo di essere fortemente interessata al controllo su ".app", la sua richiesta in proposito risalirebbe ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
Für 25 Millionen Dollar: Google kauft Top-Level-Domain .app - Für 25 Millionen US-Dollar hat Google die Rechte an der Top-Level-Domain .app erworben. Nach .MEME, .EAT und vielen weiteren hat sich Google die Rechte an einer weiteren Top-Level-Domain gesichert. Ganze 25 Millionen US-Dollar (ungefähr 22,3 Millionen Euro) hat man dafür auf den Tisch gelegt, zukünftig Domains mit der Endung .app anbieten zu können. Entwickler sollen sich in Kürze eigene .app-Domains registrieren können. Über Google Registry wird aktuell nur eine Registrierung von .soy, ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
Neue TLDs: Google sichert sich .app, .gmbh geht in die USA - (Bild: dpa, Ole Spata/Archiv) Ganze 25 Millionen US-Dollar zahlt Google für .app. Das ist der bisher höchste Betrag, der bei einer Versteigerung einer neuen Top Level Domain gezahlt wurde. Auch .gmbh, eine andere Endung, um die sich Google beworben hatte, wurde am Freitag versteigert. Über eines waren sich auf der Branchen-Konferenz Domainpulse fast alle einig: der Verkauf von Domains unter den neuen Internetendungen bleibt weit unter ... read more ...
Written by DomainHack.er in DE and tagged
Treibende Kraft für neuen Schlepper von Stiebel Getriebebau - Treibende Kraft für neuen Schlepper von Stiebel Getriebebau Getriebe Spezialisten von Stiebel entwickeln Verteilergetriebe für modernen Flugzeug-Schlepper Umweltschonend, lärmreduzierend und kraftvoll – über diese besonderen Eigenschaften verfügen die aktuell am Frankfurter Flughafen getesteten “Taxibots”. Dabei ziehen die neuartigen Schlepper Flugzeuge des Typs 737, die vollbeladen mehr als 60 Tonnen wiegen, vom Gate bis zur Startbahn. Im zukünftigen Einsatz ist der Taxibot ... read more ...