Amazon wins: .Shop and .通販 not confusingly identical after all - Duh.
Are the top level domain names .shop and .通販 likely to confuse a reasonable internet user?
Certainly not visually. Nor aurally.
They also don’t mean the same thing. According to fluent Japanese speakers, 通販 used to be the term for catalog/mail order shopping, and later encompassed online shopping.
Yet panelist Robert Nau found them too similar in a string confusion objection filed by Commercial Connect against, applicant for the Japanese string.
It was perhaps the most ... read more ...
Tag Archives: string confusion
Tue 25th August 2015
Thu 22nd August 2013
More trouble: apparently .Sport and .Sports are also confusingly similar -
Panelist sides with SportAccord in objection against .sports.
International Centre for Dispute Resolution has posted an updated list of string confusion objections, and there’s more trouble.
SportAccord, an applicant for the .sport domain, has successfully objected to Donuts’ application for .Sports.
SportAccord argued that “a significant degree of confusion would occur between any TLD string that is understood to be the plural of another TLD string.”
Panelist ... read more ...