UDRP row gets LivingSocal.com preference correct -
Socal may be a typo of social.com, but it also means something.
I frequently write about when UDRP panels make the wrong decision, and sometimes that’s the case even when they find for the respondent. Some domainers give me grief for it, but I call it how I see it.
Last night Michael Berkens wrote about the decision for LivingSocal.com, which LivingSocial.com said was a typo, and how he thought the decision in favor of the respondent would get trademark holders ... read more ...
Tag Archives: livingsocial.com
Thu 13th September 2012
Fri 8th July 2011
LivingSocial Gets Irish -
Daily deals site gets LivingSocial.ie domain name.
LivingSocial has a new home on the web in Ireland: LivingSocial.ie. .Ie is the country code domain name for Ireland.
Last month the daily deals site filed for arbitration to get the domain name. Until now it has been offering deals in Ireland on its main LivingSocial.com web address.
The case has been terminated and the owner transferred the domain name to LivingSocial’s parent company, Hungry Machine, Inc.
Groupon ... read more ...