Tag Archives: .ceo

Thu 24th July 2014
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Interesting .CEO comments started by Paul Kedrosky - Last night venture capitalist Paul Kedrosky discovered .CEO and tweeted his thoughts on it to his 275,000 followers: Conversation obviously followed. One person noted: Kedrosky responded “Exactly.” Another comment: To which Kedrosky responded “And that exact thought had already crossed my mind.” There are some other colorful comments. Not every commenter was a detractor of .CEO. One person kinda liked it. In addition to the insurmountable silliness of ... read more ...
Mon 16th June 2014
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.CEO selling goes from stupid to… - New TLD not doing so well? It doesn’t suck, it’s just “limited release”. By all measures, PeopleBrowsr’s two top level domain name launches have been flops. .CEO has 1,244 domains in the zone file. .Best has 434. This isn’t a huge surprise to me. .CEO launched with some silly and sexist videos. Its marketing wasn’t well executed. That, and it’s a stupid idea for a top level domain name. Registrars haven’t exactly rushed to carry either .CEO or .best, ... read more ...
Fri 2nd May 2014
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
.CEO: How not to marketplace your new tip turn domain name - .CEO marketing is not well executed. I’ve written before that .ceo as a standalone domain name doesn’t make sense to me. I see some potential for a network for CEOs, and the company behind .ceo has plenty of experience with social networking. But that wouldn’t be about a domain, it would be about a network. dotCEO sent out an update on its first 30 days yesterday. It doesn’t look good and has me scratching my head even more. It seems .ceo is dropping the ball ... read more ...
Thu 1st May 2014
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Dot.CEO Puts Out Some Stats – $170,000 in Retail Revenue – 1023 Registrations - The people behind Dot.Ceo put out some stats to show how things are going so far. They claim $170,000 in retail revenue.         Hot dotCEO Domains Sold ... read more ...
Wed 16th April 2014
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
A new TLD only canceled the landrush citing “little engagement” - .Best says registrars suggested little benefit to holding a landrush. The applicant for the .best top level domain name has canceled the landrush phase of its new top level domain name launch. The company says that “registrars have given us feedback that there has been very little engagement with the TLD Landrush Phase”. Indeed, with the typical new TLD launching with fewer than 10,000 initial registrations, delaying a launch for a month or two to pick up some ... read more ...