Tag Archives: auctions

Mon 18th June 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
SnapNames.com Featured Auction Closing Tommorow Jun 19th, Only Has Two Domains With Bids - The SnapNames.com Featured Auction for June is closing Tomorrow June 19th at 3:15pm EST and as time of publication there are only two domain names with bids. MobileHomeInvesting.com has a bid of $1,051, but has not hit the reserve price which is somewhere in the range of $1,001-$2,500, while NYtheatreguide.com has a high bid of $500 and has hit reserve. Good luck to all sellers and bidders. You can see the auction by clicking here. Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
ePan.com Sells for $15K on NameJet & BigMall.com Goes For Over $8K - A few nice sales this last week at NameJet.com with ePan.com leading the way at over $15K and BigMall.com selling for over $8K. Here are the sales we tracked for the week: There were several three letter .com that drew bids into the mid $x,xxx range but none of them cleared reserve. Not sure what the owner was looking for but random three letter.com without any meaning are only going to get a mid 4 figure bid at on a liquidation platform. Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Thu 7th June 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Moniker/SnapNames.com Release Final Catalog For Premium International & ccTLD Auction - Moniker® and SnapNames®, both KeyDrive S. A. companies, just  published the final catalog and opened bidding for their Premium International ccTLD Auction  which closes on July 19, 2012, at 3:15 p.m. EST. To view the auction catalog click here “Given the consistent growth of domain registrations and internet adoption globally in developed and emerging regions of the world, the names selected for this auction catalog possess both e-commerce and international appeal,” said Craig Snyder, CEO ... read more ...
Mon 4th June 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Namejet.com Opens Up Affiliate Program - Namejet.com affiliate program which has been in Beta testing for the past month is now opened. The program pays 10% of the Gross selling price of the domain on NameJet.com to the affiliate which sent the customer to Namejet.com. The affiliate program places a cookie on the customer’s browser and gives the affiliate credit for 90 Days out on New Customer Referrals, meaning a someone who was not a customer of Namejet.com before the referral, and 1 Day on Existing Customer Referral, someone who was ... read more ...
Thu 31st May 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
NameJet.com Throws Its Hat Into The Ring For Landrush & Sunrise Auctions For New gTLD’s - According to a press release just out NameJet.com announced that offering Land Rush and Sunrise auction services for new gTLD registries to settle contested domain name applications. “The unprecedented release of so many top level domains means that domain Registries will need a trusted, reliable partner to handle the various auction-related opportunities that the ICANN process will allow,” said Matt Overman, general manager of NameJet. “As a joint venture between Web.com and Demand Media–who ... read more ...
Wed 30th May 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo .Me Registry Auction Ends Tomorrow & 135 Domains Out Of 200 Have Bids - The .Me registry owned domain name auction being held on Sedo.com ends tomorrow May 31st, starting at noon EST subject to Sedo normal auction closing terms. At the time of publication 135 domain names out of the 200 listed for sale by the registry have bids. However out of the 135 domain names with bids only 48 have meet reserve which is generally $499. Again as time of publication these are the only domain names have bids of $500 or more:   Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Thu 17th May 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
With 3 Hours To Go In The SnapNames Showcase Auction Mama.com Has $155K Bid; MovingCompany.com $150K - The SnapNames.com/Moniker Spring Showcase Auction ends at 3:15pm today and as of publication there are 18 domain names that have bids including: Mama.com $155,000 MovingCompany.com $150,000 Sly.com $50,000 None of those domain names have hit reserve. There are 10 domains that have hit reserve and will sell. We wish all the Seller and Bidders the best of luck   Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Thu 10th May 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Tasting.com Sells For $20K On NameJet.com - The domain name Tasting.com sold for $20,100 today on NameJet.com There were 216 bidders in the auction with 5 willing to pay $10K or more for the domain. The winning bidder Id was: wonderwgq The domain name committed.com which was a free drop domain sold on Namejet.com for $8,966 A few other auctions from NameJet.com: PersonalinjuryLawFirm.com sold for $7,550 CherryhillNJ.com $3,988 CivilUnions.com sold for $3,400 buddhists.com Sold for $3,304 Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Thu 26th April 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Sedo Announces Next .Me Registry Auction; We Have All 200 Domains To Be Auctioned - Sedo just  announced the next .Me branded auction of registry owned  premium .ME domain names. The auction begins on May 26, 2012 and runs until May 31, 2012. In all there are 200 .Me domain names included in the auction As in the previously couple of .Me Sedo auctions, the list is light on call to action or verb domains and has a lot of keywords and Geographic domains. Here is the full list Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Thu 19th April 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Zuke.com Sells For $40K On NameJet.com? Yup Zuke.com - The domain name Zuke.com just sold on NameJet.com for $40,188. Yup Zuke.com The auction had 203 people, with 5 willing to pay over $20K and 13 willing to pay over $1,000. The winner at the end of the day went to the bidder Id: wonderwgq Now as for the name why would so many people be chasing down Zuke? I have no answer. Zukes.com is a popular brand of dog treat but there is a trademark. Looks like Zuke is the name of a band, it could be a sir name or family name and many companies have “Zuke” ... read more ...
Tue 10th April 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
AB.Org Sells For $12K Heading Our Catching Up With NameJet List - The domain name AB.org sold yesterday on NameJet.com for $11,822 There were 223 people in the auction but only 8 that were willing to bid $5K or more. 9455.com sold for $3,334 Heavylift.com sold for $3,300 Choirs.com sold for $2,845 CashBackCards.com $2,700 impms.com sold for $2,101 hummels.com $1,950 Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Thu 29th March 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Watch Out For The Namejet.com Bulk Bidding Page As Its Now Filling In The Next Highest Bid Automatically - When I’m checking out Namejet.com to see what domain auctions are currently opened for bidding, I usually use the bulk bidding page. I’m not sure when it changed, but I wanted to alert everyone to the fact that the bulk bidding page has changed, so when you pull up all the domains at auction using the bulk bidding tool, the page auto fills the next highest bid amount in each domain auction. If you intend to only bid on one or two names on your bulk page, you’re going to have to remove all the ... read more ...
Sat 24th March 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Social.Org Sells For $228K - Social.org just sold on NameJet.com for $228,600 Social.com sold last year for $2.6 Million Dollars making it the highest priced domain sale of 2011. This sale on NameJet.com represents a little under 10% of the .com sales price which seems just about right. There were 21 bidders willing to pay $10K or more for the domain, 13 willing to pay $20K or more, 5 willing to pay $50K or more – and then the bidding came down to 3 bidders who were into the six figures. A total of 415 bidders signed up for ... read more ...
Tue 13th March 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Better.com Hits $50K on Flippa.com - The domain name Better.com is on sale on Flippa.com As of publication the high bid has reached $50,000 but has not hit reserve. So far there are 30 bids in the auction which ends in 26+ days. As a disclaimer we are not the owner of the domain, nor do we represent or have any financial interest in the domain or the outcome of the auction. Its certainly as nice name. I remember that the domain name Best.com sold into the six figure within the last couple of years I think around $400K When it comes ... read more ...
Wed 8th February 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
A Pure Drop Domain Formerly Owned By Verisign, ePhoto.com Sells On SnapNames.com For $16K - The domain name ePhoto.com just sold on SnapNames.com for $16,000. The high bidder’s ID was Maxbid. In all there were 174 bidders in the auction with 7 bidding $5K or more. The domain name ePhoto.com was a pure drop domain, meaning it didn’t drop to a certain service, and could have been caught by anyone. According to DomainTools appears to have been last owned by Verisign and registered at melbourneit.com. Whether Verisign actually owned the domain or took possession of it years ago on an earlier ... read more ...
Fri 3rd February 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Domainfest Global Domain Name Auction Nets $717,000 - The live domain name auction from Domainfest Global just ended resulting in $717,450 in sales. QR.com led the way selling for $325,000. Empire.com sold for $135,000 and another two letter .com QE.com sold for $85,00 Marriages.com sold before the auction started for $36,000 Catfood.com sold for $62,000 after selling just a little more than 2 years ago at the TRAFFIC auction in Las Vegas in January 2010 for $41K, a 50% return. Here are all the domain names that sold:   Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Fri 27th January 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Quick Poll: Which Domain Priced $100K Or More Will Sell At Domainfest.com - The live Domainfest Global domain name auction will be held on February 2nd at noon EST. Online bidding will be available on SnapNames.com As we usually do we are opening up the poll to see which of the domains with a reserve of $100K or more you think will sell. In all there are 21 domain names priced $100K or higher. We will give you three picks but you must make them all at the same time before hitting submit on the poll on the right. For bragging rights you can also make your picks in the comments. You ... read more ...
Mon 16th January 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.Pro Special Godaddy Auction Ends Tuesday & Over 100 Domains Have Bids - Tomorrow the .Pro auction of registry owned domain names closes on Godaddy.com. The auction closes at 9PM PST on Tuesday January 17th I would bet this is the 1st time most of you are even hearing about the auction which hasn’t received a whole lot of promotion However out of the 160 or so domains in the auction over 100 have a least one bid. App.Pro is leading the way so far with 75 bids and a high bid of around $1,800 as of publication. Included in the auction are some one letter .Pro domains ... read more ...
Thu 5th January 2012
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Pre-Bidding For DomainFest Auction Is Underway: Marriages.com; Host.com; Juice.com; Security.com & More - Online pre-bidding for the live domain name auction that will be held as part of the DomainFest conference just opened today. The auction will be held on February 2 starting at 4:30 pm Pacific Time. “Featured” domain names include: Work.com QR.com Security.com Host.com Emails.com Promo.com QE.com Unplugged.com Planners.com Juice.com Eve.com Eco.org Platinum.com Empire.com Marriages.com CivilUnion.com Here are the domain names you can currently bid on and the reserve ranges for each. Obviously ... read more ...
Mon 26th December 2011
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
RightHaven.com Domain Name Auction Starts On SnapNames.com - The court ordered auction of the domain name RightHaven.com started today on Snapnames.com As many of you are aware, RightHaven.com isn’t just a ordinary domain name. The story has been followed very closely by VegasInc.com which reported that  Righthaven LLC, filed 275  lawsuits for copyright infringement seeking not only damages but the forfeiture of the domain name of the infringing site to them, RightHaven. In one case they filed however, the defendant, was awarded costs of $63,720 against ... read more ...
Sat 24th December 2011
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
BustaRhymes.com Sells For $1,300 on NameJet.com: Now What? - The auction for the domain name BustaRhymes.com ended today on NameJet.com with a winning bid of $1,300. As we told you the other day the domain name BustaRhymes.com dropped when his management company apparently  failed to renew the domain registration In all there were  47 bidders and 8 willing to pay $100 or more, and 5 of those we willing to pay $500 or more. So now that the domain name has sold, will the famous rapper file a UDRP on the domain? According to compete.com the domain gets traffic ... read more ...
Mon 19th December 2011
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
.Me Announces Another Auction Of Registry Owned .Me Domains On Sedo - SEDO and the .ME Registry have announced they have partnered for domain name auction of registry owned .Me domain names. The auction begins Feb. 2, 2012. There are 179 .Me domain names in the auction and here they are:   Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Fri 18th November 2011
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
MoneyTalk.com Sells For $15,000 On Another Busy Day On NameJet.com - The domain name MoneyTalk.com just sold for $15,000 on Namejet.com There were 5 bidders on MoneyTalk.com willing to pay $10K or more. Here are some other sales from NameJet.com today:   Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Wed 16th November 2011
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
CE.com Gets A $1 Million Dollar Bid As Moniker’s End of Year Auction Closes Tomorrow - Moniker.com “End of Year” auction closes tomorrow at 3:15pm EST on SnapNames.com and the domain name CE.com has $1,000,000 bid. The domains reserve range is listed as between $1M-$5M and the $1M bid hasn’t hit the reserve. Another two letter.com domain name, QX.com, has a bid of $80,000.  The reserve range of that domain is stated at $50K-$100K and the $80K bid has not hit the reserve. The most active domain name so far is paternitytest.com which has 4 bidders and has met reserve with a current ... read more ...
Sun 13th November 2011
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
The Seller Of OrangeJuice.com On NameJet.com Is Back With SkiBoats.com & The Deadline Is Tonight - Back in May of this year the domain name OrangeJuice.com sold on NameJet.com for $44,800. The same domain holder that sold that domain, now has the domain name SkiBoats.com for sale on NameJet.com The backorder deadline for SkiBoats.com is 11pm EST tonight. As of publication there are 230 back orders for the domain, that will allow someone to bid in the auction The high bid is currently $1,400 but that is pretty irrelevant  at this point. Is the domain SkiBoats.com worth more than OrangeJuice.com? Best ... read more ...