Monthly Archives: March 2008

Mon 3rd March 2008
Written by DomainNameWire in EN and tagged
Senate Anti-Phishing Bill (or Reverse Cybersquatting in Disguise) - What you can do about a bill that will hurt your domain assets. Over the past week a lot has been written about the Senate’s so-called anti-phishing bill. On February 25, 2008 U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe introduced S. 2661, the “Anti-Phishing Consumer Protection Act of 2008” (APCPA). The bill is also cosponsored by Senators Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Ted Stevens (R-AK). This isn’t a bill to stop phishing. It’s a bill to give people another avenue to take ... read more ...
Sun 2nd March 2008
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
How Do You Feed a Fish?? - A few weeks ago, I was in Hawaii with my wife and we ate in a restaurant surrounded by a huge Koi fish pond. There were 15 tables around the water and we were all throwing food in to the water to feed the fish. Here is what I noticed, 14 of the tables just dropped the food down into the water’s edge. The vast majority of the fish collected right at the edge and fought each other for the food. We did it differently. We threw food out as far as we could, away from the edge, to feed the fish that ... read more ...
Sat 1st March 2008
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged Sales - Here are some sales at last few days    $6,100    $3,500    $3,200    $2,600    $2,600    $2,300    $2,300    $2,300    $2,111    $1,300     $1,001 Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Fortune Mag Asks: Is Google Running out of Gas?? - In a very interesting article published by Fortune Magazine’s Techland Blog, the Article notes that Google’s annual growth rate has declined from 56.5% to 28.2%, and in the past three months Google Market Cap has decreased 85 Billion Dollars, as the stock has gone from over $700 a share to $450. The article cites the report from earlier this week, showing that there was no increase on Google click ad volume in January and also looked at problems Google  is having selling other than pay per click ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Baidu Sued for Music CopyrightInfringement - As reported by the Associated Press,, has been sued by the Music Copyright Society of China a  music industry group (the Group”), over alleged copyright violations. According to the Group, provided “music listening, broadcasting and downloading services in various forms on its Web site without approval, and through unfettered piracy, earning huge advertising revenue on its huge number of hits.” Baidu is China’s most popular search engine, with 60.1 percent of the sector’s ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Google VP Sell Shares - According to reports, The vice president, secretary and general counsel of Google Inc., David C. Drummond,  reported he sold 19,672 shares on this past Tuesday for between $455.51 to $457.41 a share. Google+Michael Berkens ... read more ...
Written by The Domains in EN and tagged
Elliot’s Auction to Raise Money for a ICA - Elliot announced on his blog  the he is auctioning off the domain and giving 100% of the proceeds to the ICA.  The auction closes Wednesday. It is a no reserve auction. Elliots whole posts reads: I am auctioning on my blog with ALL funds going to the ICA. Highest bid submitted to my blog by this coming Wednesday, March 5th at 3pm EST will get the name. Bidding will start at $1.00 and there will be $10 increments. Buyer will send payment to me and ... read more ...