The domain name sold on for $17,100.
The auction had 3 bidders over $10K.
In some other auctions: sold for $3,008 sold for $4,509, and all had bids over $4K each but did not hit reserve and therefore did not sell
They really need to tell you if the domain is an expired domain auction or a reserved price auction and allow you to filter based on this when you do advanced search.
Nice sale. What is “window film”?
I don’t see how someone could pay $17K for that domain – amazing.
I thought went cheap (1993 registration)
and went very cheap.
Window film is film you apply to windows for tinting/decorative purposes. A bit overpriced but definitely a very nice name.
I picked up some Namejet goodies this past week also: $59 (previously owned by NameView/Kevin Ham) $384
I know Estibot is not always reflective of a domain name’s worth in terms of resale, but is appraised for $221K. The price paid seems reasonable in light of that, but we’ll have to wait and see what the buyer’s plan is for the name.
so… Microsoft hasn’t bought the word “window” as Apple has just made with “280”
Queen ” Stone cold crazy “
Has anyone observed expired auctions with a NameJet reserve?
Seems like that would be improper since it’s not their property.
Seriously, how are you guys mystified by this?
This is precisely the sort of bang-on name that defines a lucrative product/service.
Window film is not just “car tinting”. It’s an entire industry; home window tinting, decorative window films and probably the biggest one, security and anti-impact window films. Granted, 17k is a lot from a reseller standpoint, but it’s entirely possible that someone had it presold to an end-user before it closed, or that an end-user was actively bidding (or, that they have a strong read on the industry wanting that name)
But yeah… Maybe they *should* have been bidding harder on instead. (sw)
– A guy who has paid for window film.
Look at the ads! film
Adjectives are: decorative window film, stained glass, privacy, static cling, frosted – it is a huge industry . . .
I have only seem NJ reserves on owned rather than on Dropped domains, have you seen anything different?
The issue is when I hear window film I think… what’s that window tint, is that what they mean.
In fact most top results and discriptions revert back to TINT.
Kind of like owning the crappy version of something, imo.
Joe, what do you guys do for a living?
We sale and install window film.
Window what, you mean tint?
Ya..ya its tint.
No, not tint. Film.
There is tinting film, but there are decorative films, privacy films that don’t involve tinting, etc… but the huge one is security/impact film, which is what I’ve paid for before (and has nothing to do with tinting)
LOL. Oops. Left in that link from an earlier discussion about people buying shitty domains.
For the record, those *are not* mine.
I realize that LM but according to what I see the searcher is actually looking for tint most times.
I can only imagine the market for window security film and decrotive treatment is very small in comparison.
You rather own tint, don’t deny it LOL
Good sale price. But I ‘ve never heard of before. How did they do that?
You rather own tint, don’t deny it LOL
As a reseller, yes, but they are definitely two different names.
Tint is the most popular type of window film, but window film is still window film and if I were in the business of selling window film products above and beyond just tint, I’d probably rather have
I’ve never paid for window tinting, but I have paid for impact resistant window film. There’s a strong market there. That’s what this name addresses.
did you know at which price mexi.CO has been sold?
Again this sale shows why generic product service domains are worth money right now people are selling there generic dot coms for less than a big screen tv you could buy a decent used car for $17000 why is it that no one can see the value in domains maybe it is because icann brings out new tlds all the time to keep everyone waiting for the next big flop, once you realize that generic prodserv .com’s are rare and undervalued all you have to do is look at the cost of anything 5000 dollar couch 30,000 dollar speed boat ect, how is it one of the best forms of memorable marketing (generic descriptive domains) are valued at less than a gucci handbag and millions of those exist(mostly fake) right now i would not sell a prod serv dot com for anything less than $8000
Well said.
A lot of people would have passed on but I am betting that the buyer has already thought this one through and has a plan that will make the investment look like pennies spent.
Jeff is correct. Our company has worked in the window film industry for almost 30 years. That domain is the “crown jewel”.
I ‘m pretty sure the buyer is now known as
and spending more than the cost of the domain per month to buy the top slot on Google for window film
Look at their ad compared to the others and you can immediately see how this domain will be applied to their advantage
They are franchising and have ads on trucks and on TV as you can see here:
See what we think doesn’t mean shit.
check out the newsroom very impressive and headquartered around the corner from me
The buyer is Howard above your post,
Congrats on a great buy