RickLatona.com will be holding a live domain name auction on Tuesday October 19th from the TRAFFIC show in Miami.
The Auction will start at 4pm EST and remote bidding, which is already open for pre-bidding, will be available on Proxibid.
We have gone through the 200+ domains in the live auction and found these to be the most interesting domains:
Shock.com $100K+ (really nice one word .com. Nice Web 2.0 domain)
DUL.com 7,001 – 20,000 (Nice 3 letter .com)
TalentAgencies.com 7,001 – 20,000 (lots of these in the US)
GG.net 7,001 – 20,000 (2 letter repeater on a .net)
Flowers.mobi 400 – 1,500 (Sold For $200K now up for grabs at No Reserve)
BalHarbour.com 20,001 – 100,000 (a very wealthy community in South Florida with one of premier high end malls in the US)
Urologists.com 20,001 – 100,000 (nice medical domain)
Taxidermist.com 7,001 – 20,000 (its a business, bang on domain for a good price)
FruitBaskets.com+.net.org 100,000+ (Category Killer)
FloridaStoneCrabs.com 1,501 – 7,000 (season just started 3 days ago, Joe’s Stone Crab has been serving these to packed houses for 70+ years)
Domainers.co 400 – 1,500 (nice .co domain)
ChargingStations.com 7,001 – 20,000
ConcealedGunPermit.com 400 – 1,500 (big topic, bang on)
BZK.com 1,501 – 7,000 (fairly priced 3 letter .com)
UnderConstruction.com 7,001 – 20,000 (You get immediate brand recognition from the well know phrase)
SEM.com (I have seen the price range on this at over $100K+ but its listed on proxibid at $7K- $20K, huge topic)
OxygenTanks.com $7K-$20K (bang on domain for a product)
GroupBuying.com 100,000+ (doesn’t get much hotter than this topic)
WeddingCoordinator.com 1,501 – 7,000 (its a profession and a job)
Internet.co 20,001 – 100,000 (one of the prime .Co domains)
Gambling.co 20,001 – 100,000 (another price .Co domain)
Lights.org 7,001 – 20,000 (bang on .org)
Require.com 7,001 – 20,000 (nice one word .com)
MadridJobs.com 400 – 1,500 (Jobs sites are hot in a recession)
Faster.com 20,001 – 100,000 (nice one word .com)
CD.com 100,000+ (This domain sold for $275K a couple of years ago and when interest rates start to rise, this will be hot)
Xmas.org 1,501 – 7,000 (speaks for it’s self)
LasVegas.co 20,001 – 100,000 (one of the top travel destinations in the world)
CelebrityWeddings.com 1,501 – 7,000 (pictures from these sell to the tabloids for tons of money, huge pop culture domain)
Videos.org 20,001 – 100,000 (great one word .Org)
Deport.com 7,001 – 20,000 (immigration law, political term, nice one word .com)
JewishDeli.com 7,001 – 20,000 (Nothing like a Hot Pastrami on Rye)
Athlete.com 100,000+ (great generic term for anything from Shoes, to gear, to training to sports results)
Pizza.co 20,001 – 100,000 (one of the best possible .co domains)
KingBeds.com 400-1,500 (big product domains and bedding domains are super Hot, BedLinens.com just sold for $45K)
AsthmaDrugs.com $7,001-20,000 (A Huge medical domain)
DiscountShops.com $1,501 – 7,000 (nice shopping domain especially in a recession)
Limbaugh.com $1,501 – 7,000 (rushlimbaugh.com gets over 600,000 visitors a month according to Compete)
Store.Co $20K-$100K (Another great .Co)
will be interesting to see at what price the .co domains are going for. Since Google considers .co as a domain for global websites for sure it´s up there with .com.
As a Spanish speaker I find the spanish language .co absolutely fabulous at this reserve price, domains like:
Alquiler.co (rent), Cine.co (cinema), Credito.co (credit/loan), Coches.co (cars),
Computador.co (computer), Hipoteca.co (mortgage), Oro.co (gold), Pelicula.co (movie),
Pisos.co (apartments), Prestamo (loan), Seguro.co (insurance), Terreno (ground, land)
These are some of the very best Spanish keywords, highly commercial
FruitBaskets.com, Urologists.com, TalentAgencies.com are my favorites.
Shock.Com and TalentAgencies.Com are both a steal at that price.
BalHarbour.Com offers some possibilities, although I think people in the Surfside and Bal Harbour communities would take serious offense to someone making reference to the Bal Harbour Shops as a “mall”.

Link to auction is broken.
I think FruitBaskets.com would be a ‘good political Website …
anyone care to suggest some Washington personalities to feature?
Very interesting list – Im happy to see some .co domains in there. I am going to keep an eye on them and see what they sell for. My favorties are shock, internet, and CD.
If you can make it happen with a “.co” site then you can make it happen with a hand-registered site. Plus you keep your $20K-$100K.
FruitBaskets.com – As an Affiliate site alone could make a fortune.
I predict pizza.co as H bid!
Nice conversation piece…
Nope. I have to disagree with you there. If there is a solid 1-2 word premium generic up for grabs in a cctld, I want to have it because of the extensive google Ad network for the terms. Essentailly I want “internet” instead of “my internet” for that reason. I would much rather have internet.co than myinternet.nl, for example. .co premium GENERIC terms are in the range of 6-10% of .com or at the high end, basically whatever someone is willing to pay for them. Thus, store.co, internet.co and pizza.co are banger. Flowers.mobi is nice also but I think the reserve is deceptive and it may get $20000.
wow. There are some great deals here. Nice to see after so many over-priced auctions this year.
I hope this one blows the doors off.
I am not sure you can tell whether shock.com is a steal or not since reserve is 100000+, the plus being the operative term. If reserve was 100000, I’d agree with you.
I agree that this is one of the better lists I’ve seen this year because the prices seem to be more realizable.
I am missing the spanish domains in your list.
My favourites are:
Credito.co, Coches.co and Alquilier.co
I like that spanish domains: prestamo.co
computador.co oro.co pisos.co pelicula.co
seguro.co terreno.co hipoteca.co
Sorry, you can don`t know what it does mean:
Computador.co (computer), Hipoteca.co (mortgage), Oro.co (gold), Pelicula.co (movie),
Pisos.co (apartments), Prestamo (loan), Seguro.co (insurance), Terreno (ground, land)
My favorite is CD.com, but like others mentioned when it says $100,000+ what does that really mean? Great domain for either musical cd’s or bank cd’s. I’d personally use it as a musical CD site.
CD.com …… CD’s as investments, CD as music, CD as crossdresser, etc….
The traffic in that domain will have splinter groups. Not my favorite type of domain.
your right, I overlooked that little + sign. At 100K, Shock.Com still looks good, but that + sign could push it to the $$$ Netherworld.
“At 100K, Shock.Com still looks good, ”
Huh?, who is going to pay 100k for that? Overpriced 5 fold in my view.
also Internet.co and Pizza.co may be sold well … CD.com is too old to be used in a real site … when we will see on auction domains related with the (soon made) Google Movie ???
Is it true the most valuable domain IMO got overlooked? Whoopeee!!!
“Shock” is such as commonly used word that $100000 is really a bargain. Essentially, in the English Language and culture, Shock is now used more than Surprise. So $100000+ does not come as a Shock for me.
“Shock” is such as commonly used word that $100000 is really a bargain. Essentially, in the English Language and culture, Shock is now used more than Surprise.”
Em, you will be in for a “shock” later today then when it doesn’t sell. People will not pay 6 figures just because a word is commonly used in speech, this is a name with no commercial focus, it is a branding type name only. If a successful site is going to be developed on this the domain is going to be a very small part of that success equation .
cd.com it’s a rehash of many many auctions past.
IMO that has burned the name in addition Cd’s will be the “8 tracks/cassettes” of the future
You think nobody would pay $100000 for happy.com? Of course they would. It also is an abstract term. It’s the ideas behind the word that are important and the fact that the word “shock” gets around a lot and that it has popularity – this is one of its biggest selling points. Of course there are many components to choosing an excellent domain name and one of those is recognizability. And yes, shock is recognizable, I would say…LOL
How many ideas can you come up with for “shock”? I can think of at least 100. Shock.com would be perfect for Howard Stern, a science site, a horror movie site and on and on. If you can’t see the worth in that dude, you’re in the wrong business. People pay big money for big ideas and this domain is a very good platform for someone who wants to brand themselves.
To say it has no commercial focus speaks to a lack of creative imagination. Ever heard of a Shock Absorber? Perfect generic name for a necessary car part. How about an educational site on Electricty? Man its so easy with this kind of generic word to build on it.
If you don’t like the word personally, that’s your thing. Objectively speaking, and many agree with me, its a banger.
Whether it sells or not is not my business. The chances of selling this name at this auction are remote (probably won’t attract the right enduser at this venue). But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth $100000. There IS a right enduser for this type of name.
I agree. CD.com has little worth in terms of “Compact Disc”. Maybe it would be better as an adult domain – a homonym site for “seedy”?!….LOL Amazing what change of syllabic accent can do!
SEM.com will sell for the highest price imho
best domain there
and to be controversial i actually think flowers.mobi will be next highest sale or thereabouts. not saying deserves too, but will
i think the .co’s will bomb, as they deserve too
overpriced crap
MadridJobs.com “Jobs sites are hot in a recession”
true, and especially in Spain where the economy crisis has hit hard
Flowers.mobi is at $3,200 in Pre-Bid. (Long way from $200K purchase price) Hopefully it will run up in the live auction.
Taking offers on ROSES.mobi.
I have to agree with snoopy – shock.com is way overpriced IMO. This is a purely brandable domain and without the proper content it has little value. Howard Stern would never buy this domain name as he has already branded himself as Howard Stern.
If shock.com is a bargain at 100k+ then does that make myshock.com @ $2,530 the steal of a lifetime? just imagine what you could do with an extra $97,470 – marketing for one and build an awesome site to boot. personally, i see a domain like this having value to a yahoo or something where they have the capital to build out, otherwise to a domainer this is nowhere near a bargain.
Also, forgot to mention – just registered BalHarbour.biz – I’m going to see if I can get a site up before the owner of BalHarbour.com, chances are I will with far better rankings and the total cost of $6.17 + my time invested.
Flowers.mobi SOLD for $6,500 USD at Live Auction.
I was the highest bidder for flowers.mobi at $6,500…did i get a good price???
Better than paying $200k…LOL
Dont know what the hell i’m going to do with it…
Probably plant a seed…and wait 5 years until flowers bloom…LOL
Anunt, I was the 2nd high bidder, you outbid me in the end..
I didn’t want to put much money in .mobi, I prefer .com right now.
There are no market for .mobi names now but I think you got a great deal.
You hold on this one for few years and see what will happen or wait for end user.
Good luck
“There’s a WHITE ELEPHANT in the room.”
(somebody had to say it…)
i agree with amr
i was third lighest bidder lol
you will cashout with a lot of profit in future
amazed sem.com didn’t sell
incredible name
Well, I am eating my words regarding Shock.com today, sold for $200,000.
Kicks ass!
Myshock.com is maybe worth $7000 at most. The “my” kills the strength of the generic. When you want to make a word or letter synonymous with an industry or brand (see; O.co for Overstock), I think its best to keep things as generic as possible. It would be much easier and memorable to make “shock” synonymous with “shock absorber”.
Yeah incredible name but they wanted 1,700,000 for SEM.com, as a starter. That’s one of the reasons it didn’t sell.
I think you got a good deal with flowers.mobi. Reading about the history of the $200000 paid for it seemed like more of an extravagant macho-buy, no offense to Rick. But you have to give credit to him for putting money where his mouth is. Had the second bidder for that name won it, it never would have been put on the auction block because it would have had a tangible use in one of the biggest flower companies around.
Kudos to you….a 100-200% ROI is not out of the question.
It seems like the live auction was VERY successfull:
49 out of 219 domains got sold, means 22%! This is a fantastic ratio.
Usually in live auctions at domain conferences only 5-10% domains get sold. For example at DOMAINfest Prague only 19 out of over 200 domain got sold in live auction (i.e. 9%).
Normally in the extended auctions more domains sell as live and they reach higher prices, so I am excited to see the results of the upcoming extended TRAFFIC Miami auction.
I would temper that excitement. If you look at which names sold and for how much, the statistic of 22% is pretty misleading. Most of the best names were passed on. The ones that did get sold were mostly in the 400-1000 range with a few exceptions. In most cases there was only one bidder on a domain which makes for not a very interesting auction, IMO.
Auctions over! I was impressed with some of the results. I also did write a small post about them if anyone cares to look.
Shock.com and BVI.com revealed as fake bidding,
“Let’s start this post with the part that everyone will want to talk about. We are adding Shock.com and BVI.com to the extended auction. The reason is that we have been unable to make contact with the bidder and we want to make sure the names have maximum exposure in case the bidder was fraudulent. It’s possible they’ll surface but all evidence points to that not happening.”