The domain names and are both dropping tomorrow, Sunday September 18th, the same day Michael Vick is returning to Atlanta as the starting quarterback of the Eagles.
Both domain names were registered on the same day in 1999.
In 1999 Michael Vick finished 3rd in the Heisman Trophy voting and also won the Archie Griffin Award. was most recently registered to a Marcus Vick, the name of Michael Vick’s brother.
The administrative contact of is listed as “Paramount Branding”. was registered to a “Paramount Branding” until November 2010 when it change to privacy.
According to it looks like the domain name was the official site of the then Quarterback of the Falcons until around October 2007, when shows the site going dark.
Michael Vick Pleaded guilty to Federal Charges in August 2007 and reported to prison in November 2007.
The most recent screenshot on is from April 2011 where is was being forwarded to ESPN’s Sports Nation, prior to that as of December 2010, the domain was once again the official site of the now Eagles QB.
Just a few weeks ago on August 29th, Vick signed a 6-year, $100 million contact with almost $40 million in guaranteed money, compared to the $35 per domain at most it would have cost Michael Vick to renew.
Both domain names expired on the exact day a month earlier on July 29, 2011 and they are pending delete with a drop date of tomorrow September 18th, the same day that Michael Vick will be returning to Atlanta for the 1st time as the starting Quaterback of the Eagles.
It looks like someone in the inner Michael Vick circle fumbled the ball.
The current Official site of Michael Vick is now listed as but when you go that site it says
Of course now that the domain are expired and will be deleted from the central registry tomorrow they will be available for anyone to re-register on a 1st come basis.
Both domains already have backorders at so someone is going to pick these up maybe after an auction and wait to see if the UDRP hits.
Aaaah…. the ole’ Cyber Fumblerooski….bet there will be will be a plethora of domain drop “players” angling to grab for those fumbles on the Web gridiron…I’m gonna take a “pass” on it (pun intended)
Just more publicity for someone who loves to see Dogs tearing up each other —-
Bandit is next in lin3-a snack meal.
Best case scenario is that a dog lover gets it and uses it in a sincere, non-profit, freee-speechy kinda way. I cannot believe there isn’t some deep-pocketed interest group out there willing to go yard on this name for no reason other than using it to really break one off in Vick’s ass.
Hate that ghetto idiot.
– A Big-time Dog Lover
Speaking of celebs – wonder if Larry Flynnt is going to put up a Palin-Rice website with the news that just broke?
You HATE a GHETTO IDIOT but loves an animal that only loves you because you feed it.
People over animals Morgan, kill the babies, save the whales type of guy I assume.
You’re an idiot, Josh. What you just said there was moronic prattle.
Full disclosure: I am a “kill the dumbasses” kind of guy, though.
No one in professional football is worth that amount of money, especially a lying, dog killing, tax evading jack off like vick. I suppose its to pay for all his legal problems..I sure hope if you go against the GREEN BAY PACKERS that A-ROD takes his stupid butt for a real ride and show him what a real QB is like!!!!
Ok – Since I live 10 minutes from philly and that is my team I am going to see if the local media can reachout to him about this. It may be a long shot but I need to take one for my team – Go Eagles!!
a new Microsoft TM “charme”
post edit: charm NOT charme
This one goes to Steve from Philly…isn’t that the name of a sandwich? Get real, your team isn’t going anywhere this year..along with dog killer vicks team. Come to the tundra and play some real football in January.
I here you Kris – to be honest I am 100% hockey fan. You know that this will be a UDRP filing in the end anyway.
@Morgan, I may be an idiot if an idiot is one who values human life over animals. If your dog shit on your carpet would you verbally attack it with slurs, lock it up, never forgive it then wish it dead or worse?
You feel it fine to use the term ghetto as a put down to describe someone, boarderline racist imo, perhaps you should do a little research on the term especially when using it as a put down.
I actually feel quite good being called an idiot by you, shows I struck a nerve and am nothing like you.
And for the record, I in no way feel what he did was ok, it was horrible but he paid a price, asked for forgiveness and moved on….clearly you have issues with him, maybe because he is “ghetto” did you say?
Would like to see this domain pointed to an animal advocacy/humane treatment site just to reinforce the message to care for dogs. Every little bit counts. It would be the best possible use for the domain.
Good thing the Eagles vs Falcons game is a late game tomorrow (Sunday Night feature game) …. so Mr. Vick can get his backorders lined up properly at all the major drop catchers….if he ends up winnng the post drop auctions…I guess he will be deemed the Vicktor ! .. which drops today is also quite a TM/squat hot potato
but it sounds more like a typo of FoxSupports that do not exists
No, you’re an idiot because you’re torturing logic.
I propose that someone get the domain to use it as a hit site against a person who committed horrific acts against animals, you drift off into a bizarre, prattling polemic about the value of human life, whales, etc. It was like what one would expect from the shit-stinking bum who lives on a park bench and hollers at the pigeons.
As far as my use of the word ‘ghetto’ being racist, it shouldn’t be construed as ‘borderline racist’. It was ‘directly’ racist, although my feelings would be quite similar to anyone of any race who did that to dogs. Living in Chicago and seeing the stark reality of the matter on a daily basis- including the unusual things that particular ‘culture’ is apt to do- howling the word ‘racist’ does not compel me to shuck and jive.
So, you’re still an idiot. If that makes you feel good, so be it.
I just googled your name and now its all clear to me.
Snapnames just cancelled auctions for and about 45 mins before auction end.
My guess is this article made it to Michael Vick’s people who “convinced” Snapnames to cancel.
Sorry fellas – They must have received my message
Unless your name is also Mike Vick or Michael Vick and your planning on using the domains for a site not football related with no Adsense and completely void of any monetization its going to be a loser in a UDRP
Snap was smart to end the auction and give it up
However it still doesn’t explain how someone in charge of a $100 Million brand let the domains expire for a $70 max renewal
This is a lie has not expired and I have been a member since 2009, there are over 7000 members and you have to be approved to join the site. So if you are not a Vick fan you will not be posting trash on that site. You may pretend to be a fan but if you have any deragatory remarks you are banned from the site. I love the site.
@juliamalibu – if you notice I was one that is on your side for Vick but you can see that does not resolve to a site, just a landing page.
I am here to inform anyone who believes that has shut down or will be shutting down. I have been a moderator of the site from the beginning, I am also very close to the creator of the site. Currently the site has over 7,000 members, in addition there is request for new membership daily. So to all the haters, please don’t get to excited about the rumor the site has or will expire., is an entirely different sites one not having anything to do with the other.
Oh yes and btw has never been registered under or to Paramoung Branding, the author of this article really needs to get his fact straight and stop wishing and hoping.
What about mikevick dot org? Registered in Aug 2011.
What about
What about Mike.Vick the new gtld?
What about…
It’s impossible to cover every base. And that’s the type of addressing system ICANN and all its followers support.
Confusion/disputes = business opportunity for certain people.
It doesn’t make things any easier for users.
I am a member of MikeVick site I am white, my parents and grandparents told me the sickness of the 50’s and 60’sm. I know about the way whites would turn their dodgs in broad daylight. I asked my parents why they hated these people so much and why they were so cruel to them. The answer shocked me. There will always have to slaves or our world would will seek to exist. My daughter die 1 year after he said it. I talk to priest and counselores about that. I was told Salvery is not of good plan. I made this statement as Nun, God is not pleased with you hateful unforgiving people, The things some of these rasist have done to other humans and because they did not get nor their ancestors, does not make them immune to what God has instore for them. It is time for all the hateful people who can’t get over dogs dying, but have murdered 1000s of millions for no reason but the color of their skin. You raped and abused their children, their women as if you had the right. You made black mothers nurse your kid while you sold them. You are sill hanging youth. So continue to talk about a few dogs that God has already forgiven this man for.
I don’t think it has anythig to do with dogs, because the shelters are full of dog that no one wants. They burned 10.000 a dogs a week because no one wants them. Where is the outcry for that. None. This was never about Mike Vick and dogs. This was about destroying a man who had too much power, too much money. and too many white kids following him. Michael
Vick is going to be what God wants him to be and no devil in hell will stop him and that includes the devils on this site. Praise God!!