Mike Mann’s Book Make Millions & Make Change has made Apple’s iTunes top 20 list for a free book under the Top Business and Personal Finance Free Books Category as of time of publication.
Actually the book is sitting as number 19 on iTunes under this category
Congrats to Mike.
because everybody want make lots of million$$$
Now I have to go get a nook
Downloaded anyway so I’m ready.
Congrats Mike M.
I read it about a Year ago and anyone which writes a book has my respect, no matter if I personally like the person or not.
And NO.
I have never had the opportunity to meet Mike M. yet.
@ MB
It cracks me up to see your 3D thread still blasting away with comments. Pretty close to reaching 5 K. Unbelievable!
Credit where its due – must be no mean feat to get top twenty!
Big congratulations to Mike Mann. He is a leader and a visionary. He is the hardest working guy in the domain business. I’ve noticed alot of disparraging comments being directed his way and can only conclude that anyone who would berate him can only be jealous of his success. He has one of the very best portfolios out there. Just last month he sold more than 300K in domain names. I mean the proof is in the pudding guys who can question that. I think its great that guys like Berkens are constantly paying tribute to Manns achievements because if there were more Mike Manns in the domain world the domain world would be a better place and finally get the recognition the industry observes. So its great that Berkens puts a lot of emphasis on publicizing the work of Mann who is as smart as a whip, as honest as the day is long, as hard working as they come and wow charitable to boot. How can anyone question his success? How can anyone question his motives? How can anyone question the quality of his portfolio. Imagine, Berkens suggests he is forgoing 100s of thousands a year in parking revenue because he doesnt park his names. I agree. If he were to monetize his portfolio he would make HUGE returns. Imagine the kind of money this man could generate if he parked all his names. I was personally confused as to why he would not park them given that the more money he makes the more he could give to his charities so I did a little digging and boy was I ever suprized. Mike, as Berkens suggested is most certainly leaving alot of cash on the table. If he were to monetize all of his names he would be raking in the dough! So why doesn’t he. I suppose Mann would say that he has a different business model, one based on sales. There may be other reasons I am not sure. The way I see it many of his names should be cash cows and should generate alot of revenue from ppc. Take these names, all owned by Mann:
GOOGLEkiller.com (Mike watchout, these kill themed names are not great, remember killfacebook.com?)
and many many more but I think you get the idea. The guy is a true visionary, a true genius. You probably dont really need to buy his book because the quality of his domain names is an indication of how he is making his money. Do as he does and you can be a hero too. You can be at the top of the domain name food chain. Yep, its so so obvious so as to be painfull; anyone who speaks negatively is a troll, a loser, jealous. Blatantly obvious to anyone wit any sense at all, Mike Mann is the real deal, a true here.
Mike Mann said…”go ahead, bet against me”. Mike I would love to bet against you, I only wish there was a way!
I’ve read the book twice and can tell you the book didn’t end up on the list by mistake…A good read for those serious about succeeding in their respective businesses…
Great accomplishment Mike!!
Yes, one hell of an accomplishment – well done!
Congrats on reaching #19 for > iTunes > Books > Free > Business and Finance
#11 this morning 3-8-12