Domain Holdings issued its domain sales report for the second quarter of 2014 reporting almost $10,000,000 USD in sales and a average sale throwing out the 5 highest and lowest sales, the average sales price was $29,019
However if those top 5 domain sales and the bottom 5 sales were included the average price would have been a mind boggling 98,372.00
Some of the main highlights from Q2 were:
- $9,935,618 in Total Q2 Sales
- $764,278 Average Weekly Sales
- 79.21% of ALL Sales End Users
- 28% Increase in New Relationships
- 22% Increase in Numeric Domain Sales
Domain Holdings said that Brandable and 2 Word .com domains continue to dominate sales with 30% of the sales falling into these two categories.
These domain types are the most requested by companies increasingly over shadowing exact match and one word .com domains.
Numeric domains enjoyed a healthy 23.3% of all unit sales but removing one large transaction the average sale was $7,440,
far below the average brandable or 2 word domain name sales.
Domain Holdings said they handled transactions for great brands like PolicyMic, Wickr, Mark Cuban Investments, Liberty Tax and many more with 79.21% of all sales to end users (compared to 76.25% in Q1)
Domain Holdings rolled out custom portfolio management for large owners of premium domains offering custom landing pages, a dedicated broker, portfolio valuation services, portfolio auction management and more. While this is currently an invite only offering we are open to discussing the program with any premium portfolio owner who is interested in increasing overall sales. View some of custom for sale landing pages by visiting, or
View the full Q2 report below or download the PDF version here.
It would be nice if DomainHoldings also report more of these individual figures? Would someone from the sales contact us?
We always publish specific sales when we can but unfortunately most transactions are private!
Have gathered only 52 of these public sales so far. It would be great to see them in one place and make DomainHoldings stand out. I shall pitch you via FB John. Please check in the PM. sale was widely reported