
Here's the The Lowdown
from DN Journal,
updated daily
fill you in on the latest buzz going around the domain name industry.
The Lowdown is
compiled by DN Journal Editor & Publisher Ron
Jackson. |

Week for New gTLDs: .SRL Entered GA Today - Two
More Coming Wednesday Followed By .CLUB's 1-2
Letter Auctions Thursday
of the new gTLDs
coming out each week are getting
released on Wednesdays, but one came
early this week with InterNetX
opening General Availability for
their .SRL extension today. A
lot of Americans may be unfamiliar
with that term but it is very
familiar to business operators in Italy,
Spain, Mexico, Panama, South
America and other regions, as it
in an abbreviation designating the
private status of a business,
similar to LLC in the
U.S. Over 4 million
companies worldwide are organized as
an SRL.

domains are now available at more
than 30 registrars from around the
world, including Aruba.it,
and 1&1.
.SRL is just the second new gTLD
launched by InterNetX, following
.LTDA (a designation popular
in Latin American that also
describes a business's organization
status) that went live last
December. InterNetX CEO Thomas
Mörz said, "We’re very
excited to introduce now .SRL,
continuing the process we started a
few months back with .LTDA. We
believe this is a great opportunity
for companies looking to establish a
trustworthy and secure online
appearance, to whom we can offer a
home on the web that suits their

it does almost every week, Wednesday
will bring more new gTLDs
into General Availability
this week. Rightside
will be opening the doors at
.studio and .live.
Writing for the Rightside
Blog, Ashley
Schwellenbach noted,
"Both new domain
extensions have an
undeniable artistic flair;
.live is perfect
for live music and theater
events while .studio is a
space for artists to
showcase their work and
skills." Ashley added
that both terms are
applicable to many other
enterprises and pursuits as
on the new gTLD front, .CLUB
is opening an auction
of C.CLUB and 24 two-character
.CLUB domains on China's
EachNic platform Thursday
(October 29), with the final
lots due to close on November
5. The auction platform
be available
in both Chinese and English
and .CLUB will be offering a
Concierge Service to assist
Western buyers.
Auction bidding starts at $5,000
for the majority of
two-character domains.
Multiple lots will be
closing daily from November
1 through November 5.
Each auction will end
promptly at 10:30 pm U.S.
Eastern time (7:30 pm
Pacific) on the designated
end date for the lot. |
October 26, 2015)
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