is out with an article today about a House subcommittee approving a bill that would require President Obama to give Congress some time to review any Internet transition. The bill today was a compromise of a previous bill that would have included a GAO report. ICANN president Fadi Chehade said the group would likely be able to give the government a transition proposal by the end of the year. He recently told Reuters he believes the whole process could be finished before the 2016 elections.
From the article:
A House subcommittee approved a bill Wednesday that would require the Obama administration to give Congress 30 days to review any final plan before handing off oversight of the back end of the Internet.
A bipartisan compromise in the Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Communications and Technology was reached after Democrats objected to a earlier version that barred the transition until the Government Accountability Office weighted in on the pros and cons of the final plan.
Republicans have sought other ways to try and delay the transition. The party successfully added a provision into the FY 2015 appropriations bill that barred the NTIA from spending any funds on the transition this year.
The House inserted a similar measure into the FY 2016 Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill, though it is unlikely to become law. President Obama issued a veto threat against the spending bill for a number of reasons, including the funding block of the transition.
The transition is expected to bleed into next year, meaning the Commerce Department will have to temporarily extend its contract with ICANN in the interim.
Read the full article on
I found this recent article about the matter and what’s a stake to be particularly excellent:
“As White House Abandons Internet, Bipartisan Consensus to Intervene Develops”
http : // humanevents . com /2015/06/02/as-white-house-abandons-internet-bipartisan-consensus-to-intervene-develops/
It may be politically incorrect as well, but I would also add that not only should .gov and .mil be secured permanently for US oversight and control, but also .com. Let’s face reality – so much of US commerce and business is built upon it that it is often even considered the de facto US domain despite the existence of .US, which people still barely know even exists by comparison.
This one also did a particularly excellent job of presenting what’s at stake, especially for those who might not even be familiar with the issue at all yet:
“Dangerous Transfer […]”
http : // aclj . org /united-nations/dangerous-transfer-the-presidents-icann-internet-problem
Pool-pah is translated both as “shit storm” and “wrath of God”. take your pick.
How brilliant. You definitely remind me of “Chance Gardener” from that excellent Peter Sellers film “Being There.”
“pool-pah”…”A foundation of Bokononism is that the religion, including its texts, is formed entirely of lies; however, one who believes and adheres to these lies will have peace of mind, and perhaps live a good life.” (Wikipedia)
You have hit the nail on the head exactly, Rathead – that by smiling and believing things will simply work out and be fine with the internet handover, people will have the false peace of mind necessary to actually bring it about.
I knew some luminaries posted here, but I did not know TheDomains had contributors who could get quite this deep.