Rightside, the spin off of Demand Media which begins formal trading on August 1, started to trade on Friday on a pre-issue basis on the symbol NAMEV.
Although shares are lightly traded the price is $14.30 which is up from an opening of $14 a share.
Interestingly the market cap of Rightside as its trading under NAMEV is $260 Million.
Demand Media, Inc. is trading today at $5.12 a share with a total market cap including Rightside of $465 Million.
Meaning that if the valuations hold, Rightside has about 60% of Demand Media, Inc market cap or value.
Under the spin off shareholders of Demand who were record shareholders as of last Friday will receive 1 share of stock in Rightside for every 5 shares it owns in Demand.
Rightside will include the domain name registrar, registry and backend provider business for registries including Donuts
So Paul Stahura found his way back
Have not follow this but which company is the legal owner of there domain assets? Will the domain portfolio stay with Demand or with Rightside?
Which domain assets do you speak?